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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
do you want to smash next weekend sheridan?
i think im coming back to santa cruz on friday [the 10th] afternoon and leaving sometime sunday night to come back to san jose. friday night is booked but saturday afternoon seems like a great time to smash.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA

This Is From
Parappa the Rapper 2
Stage 3
"HEY Grab That Remote Control"

This is
Ken the survivor/Parappa the Smasher

AKA My dumb random rant part(4 i think idk....balls....)

You wanna be big?
You wanna grow big.

DBR Revolution all the time, people changing the world with shines.
With smash and anger, johns, whatever.
I find that ridiculous, if not meticulous.
I do my best to guard the edges premisis.

What's your name? What's your name fool?
My names Ken. My name Ken fool.

What's that sound? Who that be? Huh?
That a tipper. Im Sephiroth. SON!

Where you come from? Where you come from?
I come from Gabon. I come from Gabon.

You think you're big? You think you're big kid?
I think I'm big. I think I'm big kid.

Is your desire to last on survivor again?
It's my desire to last on survivor again.

You came to the right place, I'll make you win.
I came to the right place, you'll make me win.
Now! :snake:

What's this? What's this? What's this? Fox D-air is a twist?
Somebody do something, call M2K and make it quick.
I'm sorry. I lied.
Just wanted. To Shine
Everybody through this and have all of them fools go blind.

Press the button, Press the button! Right now! Right now!
Press the button, Press the button! Right now! Right now!

Better make it quick! Dont get spiked down!
Better make it quick! Dont get spiked down!

Get me out of this and now push the button!
Get you out of this and now push the button!

Come on! ur on survivor all of a sudden!
Come on! im on survivor all of a sudden!

What's going on? man Your marth, you couldve F-aired!
What's going on? man Im marth, I couldve F-aired!

F-M-F! F.M.F. Please handle me with care!
F-M-F! F.M.F Please handle me with care!
NOW!! :snake:

EDIT: this thread was on the 2nd page, it needed bumpage, lol :)

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
MetaknightDH: afteraction

so did this dood every go to a tourny?
did anyone meet him?
did he REALLY think hydro was a girl and thats where that whole suck my pee thing came from? ROFL


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Hi guys, so I have good news and bad news.

Good news: I just qualified for my Master's Degree in Physics. Boy I'm so smart etc.

Bad News: I may not be able to stay at UCSC for my Ph.D., which would necessitate departure from The Deep. Basically, there are 5 exams you have to pass to qualify for the program. It used to be that in reality you just had to pass 4 if the one you didn't wasn't close to your field (which is what I did on the exams). However in the last 2-3 years, physics, and especially particle physics, has gotten really impacted and competitive. Add to that the current state's financial status and how it's affected the UC's, and now it's rare that 4 exams is 'OK' anymore, so I'm in the process of making the case for myself to the grad committee and faculty. I have no idea what's gonna happen, but I'm gonna find out Monday or Tuesday probably.

Anyway yeah, I figured I might as well post it here because I really don't want to have to tell this story a million times if it ends up not going my way cause it's kind of embarrassing. If the appeal fails I will probably apply to other schools ASAP, might even leave CA.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
hyuga, give me some recommended philosophical / psychological / other studies i might not like but the books are so good and accessible that everyone should read them anyway reading.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
If you don't get into the program at UCSC, how long would you be staying in the Deep for? What are your other prospects for places to get your PhD at?

I really hope this works out for you, but sadly that is not how real life always works.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
Hi Boback, how's work?
its pretty boring.. im still on the look out for another job closer to home.. cause that **** is just temp for some quick cash.

good **** on your test, sorry to hear about the unfortunate dumb **** =( ill be playing wow again once the xpac hits, its just pointless right now =( ill get on every now and then though


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Brian, I'd probably be around SC for about another month, since I have to give 30 days on my apartment. Luckily this place doesn't force you to sign a year lease, which is really ****.

As for where else I would go, if I decide I want to stay in CA, UCLA, UCSD, and UC Irvine are all pretty good. I mean obviously like Stanford, Berk, Caltech are preferable, but I doubt I have a real shot at those. For outside CA, my first choice (that I have a decent shot at, so no Princeton, etc) would probably be University of Washington. I was never 100% set on getting a Ph.D, so if a good enough job opportunity comes along I may go with that, as long as it's in science.

hyuga, give me some recommended philosophical / psychological / other studies i might not like but the books are so good and accessible that everyone should read them anyway reading.
About a month ago I finished reading a book called "The Ancestor's Tale" by Richard Dawkins, and it's definitely one of my favorites. The premise is that it's like a backwards journey in humans' evolutionary history, and each "step" along the way, there's a lesson or story about biology or evolution or DNA or what have you, but they are all really pertinent and not esoteric. The wiki entry on the book actually explains it all pretty well:

I also really liked this one called "The Emperor's New Mind" by Roger Penrose (who worked with Stephen Hawking for a while). The premise is to try to gain insight about how the brain and consciousness work, and to explain Penrose's idea that the brain can't be modelled by any kind of digital computer (as opposed to a quantum computer), AKA that the brain is "not just a computer." The first 2/3 or so of the book is about various topics in science (AI, chaos, quantum theory, math, etc) and how they might connect to understanding of the mind, and the last 1/3 is actually talking about brains and psych experiments and directly applying stuff from earlier in the book. The science parts are challenging, for sure, but you don't have to get them 100% to read or understand at the end what he has to say about the mind. You can almost just start at each chapter, read until it doesn't make sense, then skip to the next one, on until he starts talking about brains without losing too much as far as the main idea of the book is concerned. Which is good, because I really doubt anyone without formal education in math or science will have the patience unless you have mad tech skill. Sounds daunting, but the stuff on the brain I found insanely interesting, it's ALMOST worth it JUST for that. I also think it does a good job of explaining some of the weirder things about quantum junk.

And you can't go wrong with A Brief History of Time. It's a tad bit dated but it's a great explanation of why we think the universe is the way it is, and what experiments led us to these theories. It's a very natural way to explain modern theories with the historical buildup to them, so you get like a science and history lesson in one.

And lastly, I know this sounds like something that would come from every pseudo-intellectual in the world, but Socrates is awesome. I mean yeah a good amount of the time he's talking about "is this art" or some crap like that, so you have to sift through it to find the more interesting dialogues, but I like him mostly for the way he conducts his arguments. I think probably the best example is "Euthyphro." Some guy claims to know what "piety" is, and Socrates just asks him questions about his beliefs to show him how ******** and full of contradictions they are, Socrates himself never says anything about what he thinks "piety" is. It's hard to overstate how much I respect the power of Socratic Method. And also I mean, about Socrates being awesome, this is a guy who when he was found guilty of 'corrupting the youth of Athens,' and asked what he thought his punishment should be, his suggestion was that he should be given free meals and wages for the rest of his life.

Whatever you do though, do not go out and get books by like the classic philosophers like Kant, etc. I've tried to read stuff like "Critique of Pure Reason" but it's just turgid and practically unreadable really, and I stop like 10% of the way in. If you really want to know what they have to say, just look it up on wiki.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
Sheridan I personally think you have a pretty good chance to get into Berk. I think people overestimate the difficulty of getting into Berkeley. I mean if I somehow got accepted outta high school, I'm sure you can transfer it.

Though I don't know how competitive it is to go undergrad at berk for physics, so I might just be talking outta my ***.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2006
the real black sheep
so here's what's happened to me just in the two weeks or so I've been up in norcal

summer: I try to get the socal smash scene together some

zhu moves down to socal, I move up to norcal

fall: socal steps up its melee scene with riptide's house tournament, crazy often smashfests and keeping melee alive 2

HUGO starts playing MELEE AGAIN

and now, sheridan leaves?

I couldn't handle that ****, man
you got this sheridan


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
**** replicate that hella sucks hopefully a quakfest or something comes up to where you can get into the NorCal melee scene


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I think people overestimate the difficulty of getting into Berkeley.
uhhh no...

UC Berkeley is one of the most selective universities in the United States, and is the most selective among campuses in the University of California system.


For its fall 2007 term, Berkeley admitted 10,200 freshmen from an applicant pool of 44,120 (23%) and also admitted 3,252 transfers from an applicant pool of 11,043 (29%).[3]


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
iunno, honestly it didn't ever feel that selective.

it just could be b/c i know so many people from my area who got in, or are already going to berkeley.
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