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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


May 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
i am getting there at maybe 9:30-10:00am if i get a teammate. if i don't, maybe 1:00pm
I would suggest getting there earlier than 1:00 p.m. even if you aren't going to play Teams.

From 8:00 a.m. to pretty much 11:00 a.m., you have friendlies. That's 3 hours of practice.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2004
San Jose, California
mcc, its like going to an international airport, the ealier you get there, the safer you are

omFFgg goOD NEDws i CAN gO xDDxDxDx Lo!Lp!OPL! uhmmm hmmm what a busy weekend/week hmm..


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
what's it like at an international airport? i don't get it. will it be dangerous? wha??
i cant tell if this is sarcastic <_<

but when you go to an airport, you want to get there early so you have time to go through all the customs/searching and ****. if your plane leaves at 9:30, you wanna get there between 6:30-7:30.

Same with NCT2, get there before your plane takes off.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2006
i cant tell if this is sarcastic <_<

but when you go to an airport, you want to get there early so you have time to go through all the customs/searching and ****. if your plane leaves at 9:30, you wanna get there between 6:30-7:30.

Same with NCT2, get there before your plane takes off.
lol i wasn't sarcastic

so 30 min early isn't early enough?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
yay i actually go to meet people.

nct2 was cool, you guys are awesome <3
put me on the list xD! j/k

lunin i owe you $2 lol

omg i need to get revenge on frotaz and petooo.... >:|
freakin ganons LOL

yen: you have leet item throw skills :D!
mike666: gj on ****** me in teams, i suck at teams cuz i can't use ice climbers haha.

and yea other stuff. good to see yall. i might not go to blue or more ncb's and stuff because i'm gonna get my report card and i'll be in trouble for stuff lol. so yeah come down to tge some time, hopefully i'm not grounded when the next tge comes around.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
yeah i think im going to not go to any biweekly either this comming saturday or the one after. after that i'll be there again in full force!
i wont go if its this saturday (i need a break after that long period of smash ahah)
maybe next saturday.
most likely two saturdays from now.

im just excited to get better, i got some good play in and feel like im still getting better.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
You Probably Can Tell After IP Tracking Me.
The biggest most unorganized disappointing event i've ever been to


Could've advanced from my pool, but no, TOP 2 BECAUSE of the time schedule. This thing should've been a two day event, but instead, "You" rushed things to save your own *** and only good people got to get out.

20$ to get kicked out early? i feel like i don't even wana go to the next one. I probably won't make a difference from what i'm saying, but i know that the 2nd one will be JUST AS UNORGANIZED and ******** probably. More people = MORE TIME NEEDED and therefore that means a CUT DOWN on advancements again and some stupid cutoff time.

The rules were even unorganized, many people didn't even know the rules themselves:

"Stage to ban?" *And other questions* when there already WERE NO RULES except RANDOM ONLY

Wtf, i only found out after Kizzo randomly sat by and i had to ask him some questions.

I paid 20$ for complaints, i seriously would've stayed home to MS. Yeah "you should've done that then" instead, the tournament shouldn't even have been CREATED because of the knowing that it'll be closed early and stuff wtf, it..it was just all unorganized. No comments.

i just laugh that i wasted my money on this one. Ken and Forward and others had to rush at the end because of some staff members of the building were going to kick them out, threatening to shut down the tv's and stuff. Lack of time..no comments. if this thing was really well organized, Ken and everyone around wouldn't have to feel even the slightest pressure from the staff, actually, the staff wouldn't even be there if this thing was organized.

I'm just saying, i know others felt that this tourney was crap, not just me. It's not a lot for me to expect, but i'm going to say ORGANIZE THE NEXT ONE A LOT BETTER AND MAKE SURE ALL THE TIMES ARE 100% FOR-REAL/ACCURATE because this was a disappointment for many.



Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2006

Could've advanced from my pool, but no, TOP 2 BECAUSE of the time schedule. This thing should've been a two day event, but instead, "You" rushed things to save your own *** and only good people got to get out.

20$ to get kicked out early? i feel like i don't even wana go to the next one. I probably won't make a difference from what i'm saying, but i know that the 2nd one will be JUST AS UNORGANIZED and ******** probably. More people = MORE TIME NEEDED and therefore that means a CUT DOWN on advancements again and some stupid cutoff time.

The rules were even unorganized, many people didn't even know the rules themselves:

"Stage to ban?" *And other questions*

Wtf, i only found out after Kizzo randomly sat by and i had to ask him some questions.

I paid 20$ for complaints, i seriously would've stayed home to MS. Yeah "you should've done that then" instead, the tournament shouldn't even have been CREATED because of the knowing that it'll be closed early and stuff wtf, it..it was just all unorganized. No comments.

i just laugh that i wasted my money on this one. Ken and Forward and others had to rush at the end because of some staff members of the building were going to kick them out, threatening to shut down the tv's and stuff. Lack of time..no comments. if this thing was really well organized, Ken and everyone around wouldn't have to feel even the slightest pressure from the staff, actually, the staff wouldn't even be there if this thing was organized.

I'm just saying, i know others felt that this tourney was crap, not just me. It's not a lot for me to expect, but i'm going to say ORGANIZE THE NEXT ONE A LOT BETTER AND MAKE SURE ALL THE TIMES ARE 100% FOR-REAL/ACCURATE because this was a disappointment for many.




open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
Myko, I think you should post that also in the NCT2 results thread, so more people, especially out of staters will see it. I totally feel the same way as you. I would have been 4th or 3rd seed in my pool.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2006
San Jose, CA
Myko, I think you should post that also in the NCT2 results thread, so more people, especially out of staters will see it. I totally feel the same way as you. I would have been 4th or 3rd seed in my pool.
^yea, ditto to waht ender said.

oh yea, ender. ure the only person i didn't get to play in our pool cuz u left somewhere. so i wanna play u next biweekly or wahtever plz.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
So what's going to happen? Are we going to have a biweekly this weekend or next weekend or somethin? We'd appreciate it if you guys (Kizzo/Mike666) could get back to us plz, so we know to get ready or something xP. It helps cuz I know to either practice smash, or play MS...lol we all know I'm juss gon play MS as usual:chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
Melodies of my life
ProdigyRaMinh is starting his own new revelation with teh ICs. In the meantime, midterms and ridiculous amounts of work is to be done. And of course, MS.

Scratch MS, I'm gettin FF12 tomorrow. Yayuhz!
:( i used to play other games....till smash..hahahha even harvest moon isn't good enough anymore. LOL my cousins are always asking me "aren't u bored of smash brothers??"

Heck no! XDD


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Yeah, let's have a biweekly this week!

I've told a few people about this, and I'd like to have some sort of "ranking battle" for the sole purpose of getting a lot more matches in that can help with the power rankings. It'd basically be a 24 or 32 man format, where ultimately people play at least 9 matches with people around their relative rank. (People will go up and down the ranks based on how well they do. This doesn't mean they'll automatically shift in the power rankings but will have opportunities to play higher ranked people based on their performance.)

This is so we can have many meaningful matches per person at a biweekly instead of just one or two (or even less!) and people can prepare for it and get ready to show/prove their stuff.

But there are a few drawbacks...

1: It's not really a tourney so much, so it's not going to be for much money. I think most people (especially the people who don't think they can win) would be willing to pay five bucks for nine meaningful matches, and that money would most likely go to the players who would win the tourney anyway. I guess it's not that different from a tourney in that regard. Plus, someone ranked 32 can take first if they win all their matches. Unlikely but possible.

2: There is a person cap, so people below 24 or 32 won't get to play. But there will be friendlies and maybe a team tournament too. I haven't figured how long this will take.

3: If someone is NOT there, then we'll have way less information on that person's relative rank as opposed to everyone else around him. I say this is practically unavoidable because at any given tourney someone isn't going to be there, and we may as well get as much information as we can with the people we have. The power rankings aren't prefect anyway, and I like controversy.

I don't think we should do it this weekend, though I certainly wouldn't mind trying. It'd be good to give people advance notice so if they care about ranking they can prepare for the battle. Also, I haven't gathered everyone's opinion on it, so tell me what you think.

Oh, and have a bi this week. Thanks!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
Melodies of my life
Yeah, let's have a biweekly this week!

I've told a few people about this, and I'd like to have some sort of "ranking battle" for the sole purpose of getting a lot more matches in that can help with the power rankings. It'd basically be a 24 or 32 man format, where ultimately people play at least 9 matches with people around their relative rank. (People will go up and down the ranks based on how well they do. This doesn't mean they'll automatically shift in the power rankings but will have opportunities to play higher ranked people based on their performance.)

This is so we can have many meaningful matches per person at a biweekly instead of just one or two (or even less!) and people can prepare for it and get ready to show/prove their stuff.

But there are a few drawbacks...

1: It's not really a tourney so much, so it's not going to be for much money. I think most people (especially the people who don't think they can win) would be willing to pay five bucks for nine meaningful matches, and that money would most likely go to the players who would win the tourney anyway. I guess it's not that different from a tourney in that regard. Plus, someone ranked 32 can take first if they win all their matches. Unlikely but possible.

2: There is a person cap, so people below 24 or 32 won't get to play. But there will be friendlies and maybe a team tournament too. I haven't figured how long this will take.

3: If someone is NOT there, then we'll have way less information on that person's relative rank as opposed to everyone else around him. I say this is practically unavoidable because at any given tourney someone isn't going to be there, and we may as well get as much information as we can with the people we have. The power rankings aren't prefect anyway, and I like controversy.

I don't think we should do it this weekend, though I certainly wouldn't mind trying. It'd be good to give people advance notice so if they care about ranking they can prepare for the battle. Also, I haven't gathered everyone's opinion on it, so tell me what you think.

Oh, and have a bi this week. Thanks!
I second that! All in favor say aye!
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