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No Waahs: The Return of the Troll Results and Shoutouts [Scarborough, Ontario]

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
<3 those looking out for me, but trust me that NO ONE in the brawl community is threatening lol. Swordgard put it best, no one is stupid enough to start a fight, and anyone who is, I can handle myself well enough.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
<3 those looking out for me, but trust me that NO ONE in the brawl community is threatening lol. Swordgard put it best, no one is stupid enough to start a fight, and anyone who is, I can handle myself well enough.

Well so your just being purposingly an *** until a TO kicks you out? Man, I don't get how anyone who isn't ill intentionned would like you >.>

Also, Culex and a lot of others are threatening, the thing is, I won't fight even if you hit me. Ain't scared of pain either. I know how to use the legal system, dunnow if your willing to go that far though, especially since you actually were giving people good reasons to hit you which would play against you in that case. You have your methods, I just go with other ones. Yours might however end up being a whole lot more painful for you in the end. A fight probably hurts a whole lot more than just taking 1 hit and leaving.

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
I'm not here to start fights, I'm here to troll, hence the name Troll and not Fighter, or Player so don't expect any skills from me either... However if someone is going to step up to me, I'm not going to back down, I don't care how big the guy, size helps but knowing what you farther. I won't throw the first punch, but if someone does I'll make sure I throw the last.

WOW, that makes me sound sooooo gay... anyways... Anyone ever go rock a piss in a stall, so there is clearly some travel distance, then go to like check a text or like blow their nose or something midstream, then lose control and get a mess on the wall? Just wondering.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I go to tournaments to play brawl. I play to win during the matches I play. Getting a friend to yell in someone's face when I play them, isn't playing to win, it's abusing factors external to the game. Likewise, I could abuse factors external to the game and punch someone in the face and unplug their controller and then beat them, and no johns amirite!?

Trolling and trashtalking are fine but it's up to the TO to maintain that competitors are able to compete under reasonable circumstances. Any physical contact, threats to a person or their property, getting into the field-of-view of a player, or unreasonably loud noise (ex. a loud scream that might indicate a problem more important than smash) are all reasons a TO should not hesitate to give someone a warning or throw them out. I'd certainly help a TO dispose of a troll who's causing complaints from ppl when they're trying to have legit matches.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
i guess people dont wanna have to put up with that **** and just wanna focus on their match and have funsies but trashtalk is just a part of competition, be the bigger man and ignore them,it takes a coward to walk away and a fool to start a fight

you know how much **** gets talked at sports games,you gotta ignore that stuff and just get the job done,look at kobe vs the raptors,someone started getting @ him from the crowd and he dropped what 20 points in the 4th quarter?...rise above that drama man.......what is clutch!?

trashtalking back is fun too ;]


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I don't control the troll, he's my friend not my accomplice and not my key to winning my matches. I never asked him to troll anyone I played against, he had personal beef with sauc3 because sauc3 was in his pools, and everyone in my pools played me without the troll so I hope you don't think just cause he's my friend doesn't mean he's there as my personal troll.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
What should we threaten you of as individuals anyways, I don't know if you know how our legal system works but you can get sued over punching someone. Only TOs can really do anything to stop it.
Actually the way our legal system works if both parties agree to fight then there are no legal repercussions possible as long as the force used is within reason (stop when someone gets knocked out, don't use lethal weapons, etc.)... I was just studying this a couple months ago.

Just throwin that out there.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
<3 those looking out for me, but trust me that NO ONE in the brawl community is threatening lol. Swordgard put it best, no one is stupid enough to start a fight, and anyone who is, I can handle myself well enough.
Culex WILL mess people up lol, guys got a heart of gold, but mess with any of his friends and oh geez, I would hate to be the person pissing that dude off

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
Haha I remember making you crack in the finals ally, flipped out on me and still won that ****, looking forward to it!


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
hopes culex and iliad reads this,

troll isn't worth your time, all in all he didn't do anything illegal to the TO's standard, so forget about it. And to all the people saying just ignore the troll and he'll go away, Good call naming a tourney after him, as I know its a sure-fire way to show him we don't care. Way to set a shining example.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Or what? I'd like to meet anyone willing to stand up to me in person. Because honestly Iliad, you were at the tourney and well aware of what was going on and didn't say **** to me, then you get home, hop on your computer and voila E-tough guy. Big surprise there.
I wouldn't mess with Culex. This is coming from a street-hardened kid like myself.

Culex WILL mess people up lol, guys got a heart of gold, but mess with any of his friends and oh geez, I would hate to be the person pissing that dude off
Basically this.

Or? Honestly I've yet to find anyone I'm scared of especially in the brawl community, I guess I'm just looking to learn a lesson. ;)
Good luck, and by good luck, I really mean "good luck you're going to need it."


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Actually the way our legal system works if both parties agree to fight then there are no legal repercussions possible as long as the force used is within reason (stop when someone gets knocked out, don't use lethal weapons, etc.)... I was just studying this a couple months ago.

Just throwin that out there.

Which is kinda why I said I won't be throwing any punches back and that the troll doesn't seem to know how it works.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
You guys have fed the troll an entire buffet, now he won't stop for quite some time.

Pretty entertaining, nonetheless, but still moderately detrimental to our scene.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
hopes culex and iliad reads this,

troll isn't worth your time, all in all he didn't do anything illegal to the TO's standard, so forget about it. And to all the people saying just ignore the troll and he'll go away, Good call naming a tourney after him, as I know its a sure-fire way to show him we don't care. Way to set a shining example.

Hmmm, Well to be honest, Trash talking is part of the game, any game but to an extent, I've played football for too long lol. I'm very chills as everyone knows, even more chills with you If I respect you, If I get trolled hard, I'll ask at first to stop. IF it happens again, GI knows bout my ball smack, which I will gladly do infront of him. If trolling gets personal or some ****, I'll ask you to shut the f*ck up before I make you shut the f*ck up. Anyway It would not be my fault If a scrap happend, for I warned you way before we ever do meet. If I get trolled by anyone whos 18 or below. I probably won't fight, maybe just push you around or something.

Also the thing is with trash talking, It's all good fun, howles, annoying too but anyone can take more of a joke or trolling it If it's someone you know, I.E Nickcam, Mikey, GI: With Nickcam I'll just epic wall tech to takedown, Mikey I'm not sure lol, and with Gi, I'll ball smack my way to victory, Or just trash talk back haha.

If It's someone you don't know, obviously your going to wanna scrap.
I've been trolled on smashboards a long time ago, I replied back, we possibly coulda scrapped. Of COURSE I woulda won I HOPE YOU FIND THIS THREAD AND READ THAT homie :laugh: :bee: ;) (Me being a troll now).At first we were going to, but this person Is mad chills.

I hope to make it out to tournaments, but work is being retarted. Probably end up dropping off the PR lawls! LBT2 eh, Well I'll get to finnaly brawl you Ally to the manliest ditto of all.

LOL Oh yea, Deanerz usually comes along to tournaments too. Dudes a joker but won't take much ****. I've asked him already IF he wants to box, I wonder who'd win, He's tank too.

There are few people, that I think would be fun if we fought, like Marik ;). Your chillaxin, but could probably f*ck people up.
We should go and box sometime.

I've always wanted to fight listening to this song. Great work out music by the way.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Hmmm, Well to be honest, Trash talking is part of the game, any game but to an extent, I've played football for too long lol. I'm very chills as everyone knows, even more chills with you If I respect you, If I get trolled hard, I'll ask at first to stop. IF it happens again, GI knows bout my ball smack, which I will gladly do infront of him. If trolling gets personal or some ****, I'll ask you to shut the f*ck up before I make you shut the f*ck up. Anyway It would not be my fault If a scrap happend, for I warned you way before we ever do meet. If I get trolled by anyone whos 18 or below. I probably won't fight, maybe just push you around or something.

Also the thing is with trash talking, It's all good fun, howles, annoying too but anyone can take more of a joke or trolling it If it's someone you know, I.E Nickcam, Mikey, GI: With Nickcam I'll just epic wall tech to takedown, Mikey I'm not sure lol, and with Gi, I'll ball smack my way to victory, Or just trash talk back haha.

If It's someone you don't know, obviously your going to wanna scrap.
I've been trolled on smashboards a long time ago, I replied back, we possibly coulda scrapped. Of COURSE I woulda won I HOPE YOU FIND THIS THREAD AND READ THAT homie :laugh: :bee: ;) (Me being a troll now).At first we were going to, but this person Is mad chills.

I hope to make it out to tournaments, but work is being retarted. Probably end up dropping off the PR lawls! LBT2 eh, Well I'll get to finnaly brawl you Ally to the manliest ditto of all.

LOL Oh yea, Deanerz usually comes along to tournaments too. Dudes a joker but won't take much ****. I've asked him already IF he wants to box, I wonder who'd win, He's tank too.

There are few people, that I think would be fun if we fought, like Marik ;). Your chillaxin, but could probably f*ck people up.
We should go and box sometime.

I've always wanted to fight listening to this song. Great work out music by the way.

**** that music is intense lol.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
@ Culex - Yo lom, i got your back, I will literally step on anyone who comes at me, you don't need to have my back. But if troll starts beef with hamilton crew, i will stamp hamilton crew into his forehead.

- Tasty aka Deanerz


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Just troll him while he's playing. I've seen people make a couple snarky comments to him. The li'l guy will get annoyed even for small comments.

If he's a b*tch to you, be a b*tch to him. If he pulls that "Make the first move cause I won't" then just keep up in his face. If he's not gonna retaliate... why stop. Just get all up in a trolls grill until they b*tch off, shut up, or put up man.

A troll is like the new guy in prison that comes in acting all tough but sooner or later, he gets a c*ck in his *ss for his negligence and becomes a b*tch. More often than not, that's what they are looking for anyway but still.

Trolls are just li'l b*tches, so treat them as such ^-^


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
For the crew battle at LBT2 there will be massive trash talking from sauga guaranteed


Hopefully people keep it strictly competitive and inside the game though. No need to take personal offense and try to scrap and ****.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Everyone should stop focusing on the negative, and focus on the positives of this tournament.

Positives like.... It was fun as ****, and peeps did shoutouts. We're at 16 pages now, how many of those are about the troll? More than enough for him to be successful, and definitely enough to start making this thread stupid.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Everyone should stop focusing on the negative, and focus on the positives of this tournament.

Positives like.... It was fun as ****, and peeps did shoutouts. We're at 16 pages now, how many of those are about the troll? More than enough for him to be successful, and definitely enough to start making this thread stupid.

6 pages at 40posts/page : )


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'm gonna celebrate the ending of Troll discussion with this:

and I'll do shout-outs once I don't feel lazy, soon maybe


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
@ Culex - Yo lom, i got your back, I will literally step on anyone who comes at me, you don't need to have my back. But if troll starts beef with hamilton crew, i will stamp hamilton crew into his forehead.

- Tasty aka Deanerz
Oh **** you've activated Hamiltons trap card, ggs.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
This is going overboard, no need to get physical, troll implied weeks before the tourney that he'd be trolling, yall should've been prepared for it.

I'm not commenting on this thread anymore, I still plan on treating everyone like an equal.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
This is going overboard, no need to get physical, troll implied weeks before the tourney that he'd be trolling, yall should've been prepared for it.

I'm not commenting on this thread anymore, I still plan on treating everyone like an equal.
So if Hamilton implies that they are going to be physicals weeks in advance if he trolls I guess its just as fine.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Infzy please upload tinman vs hype. Screw all the other matches that set is too godlike.

Also fighting over a ****ing nintendo game is mad gay. Stop that **** please its pretty embarassing. Get over it, he didnt like physically do anything wrong to sauc3 and he didnt say anything that would warrant this kind of attention.

Side note; Can't wait to see tinman's godlike di!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
On the topic of violence and crews. . . Ray Kalm.

Pay Buenob the $20 for the MM. . . Soon. Don't ****ing accept a MM if you can't pay for a loss, that's a ***** move. If you don't pay up *I'm* gonna have an issue with that. If it really was just some crazy mixup, pay the man, apologize, and ****ing don't do this **** again.

Seriously, just because you outplaced him in brackets you think it's a free win or you don't have to pay him or something? That's mad disrespectful yo. That's such a ***** move, and you haven't even had the courtesy to give him a shout out, or apology, or explanation, or anything here. WTF.

Apologize and pay the man pronto and we're cool. Otherwise, we have an issue of the "you owe him" variety. I'm usually pretty chill about ****, but not when someone is disrespecting a friend like you did to Ben.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
On the topic of violence and crews. . . Ray Kalm.

Pay Buenob the $20 for the MM. . . Soon. Don't ****ing accept a MM if you can't pay for a loss, that's a ***** move. If you don't pay up *I'm* gonna have an issue with that. If it really was just some crazy mixup, pay the man, apologize, and ****ing don't do this **** again.

Seriously, just because you outplaced him in brackets you think it's a free win or you don't have to pay him or something? That's mad disrespectful yo. That's such a ***** move, and you haven't even had the courtesy to give him a shout out, or apology, or explanation, or anything here. WTF.

Apologize and pay the man pronto and we're cool. Otherwise, we have an issue of the "you owe him" variety. I'm usually pretty chill about ****, but not when someone is disrespecting a friend like you did to Ben.

Money on the table for MMs, thats how you do it.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol wtf? lol, i assumed i was being that disrespectful, only being more tactful about it lol

also, to be fair, i did 3 mms (and lost) without money on the table, but I went and got money... 'sall about the lolz in the end... someone has my back? lol


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Ya nvm, the situation was explained to me by gi. You guys made ur posts very misleading buenob and PND. The situation is completely different then what u said.... Infzy Upload tinman vs hype.
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