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No Waahs: The Return of the Troll Results and Shoutouts [Scarborough, Ontario]


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
serious problems here, cuz apparently I have completely misunderstood Mikey, and the rest of the brawl community. I wasn't aware that I was paying money to compete in a "who can hate everyone the most" tournament. I'd rather play melee where there's mad respect between the players, and a way more chills environment. Plus the game itself is way more fun, and we don't have to pretend its fun by inventing false rivalries between the players (in ontario anyways)
Most of the time I don't trashtalk like the troll does, thats just overkill...but theres really nothing we can do, hes just talking. I just make like random comments for anythign serious like bracket matches. It was just unfortunate that you had to play a match while the troll was near >_>

I clearly don't hate anyone at all, its just entertaining and adds excitement


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
lol ppl need to stop b1tching about trash talking when have you seen anything competitive with no trash talk to the people competing? all sports have a ****load of noise and trash talk towards the players it shouldnt affect your performance. also swordgard, its no ones fault that ics have a harder time chaingrabbing when people are trashtalking, realistically if you let someone bother you enough to **** up your chaingrabs then any other char u play you will also mess up, no johns

i dont think trashtalking should be banned, as long as no one is blocking your vision of the TV or doing anything physical to you it shouldnt be a problem. its not like troll is getting at you personally saying **** about outside of smash, then that would be a problem. funny how the sf4 community is generally older and they talk **** all the time, but then the smash community cries over it saying people need to grow up.

to anyone who really doesnt want the troll to be there trash talking, take avarices advice and just ignore him hes not gonna have fun bothering people who dont react the minute u react is when u give him a sense of accomplishment LOL


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
its not like troll is getting at you personally saying **** about outside of smash, then that would be a problem.
First off this is EXACTLY what he did, and usually I don't have a problem with people talking/cheering/booing. But troll was asking me personal questions saying **** like "look over this way", and "why are you looking this way", and he was staring straight at me, commenting on everytime I took a deep breath, or licked my lips, or wipped my hands dry. Which gets me to think why is he watching me so closely, its almost gay. And then I get hit, or drop a chain grab or lose an other opportunity. I have no problem with people doing it in the background, commenting on meaningless ****, but troll was sitting right next to me, and did not stop staring or talking. It was creepy and distracting in a different way that usual.

I guess he's just doing his job, but if that's legal then **** brawl. This has never happened to me in melee. Usually its just congrats on a combo or win.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
If they made a T-Shirt with that green troll thing on it and it said Troll supporter I'd be wearing one of them and I'm sure some of you would too :p
I'd wear one saying "Beware, a troll is approaching!" with an arrow pointing up to me for awesome points.

lol ppl need to stop b1tching about trash talking when have you seen anything competitive with no trash talk to the people competing? all sports have a ****load of noise and trash talk towards the players it shouldnt affect your performance. also swordgard, its no ones fault that ics have a harder time chaingrabbing when people are trashtalking, realistically if you let someone bother you enough to **** up your chaingrabs then any other char u play you will also mess up, no johns

i dont think trashtalking should be banned, as long as no one is blocking your vision of the TV or doing anything physical to you it shouldnt be a problem. its not like troll is getting at you personally saying **** about outside of smash, then that would be a problem. funny how the sf4 community is generally older and they talk **** all the time, but then the smash community cries over it saying people need to grow up.

to anyone who really doesnt want the troll to be there trash talking, take avarices advice and just ignore him hes not gonna have fun bothering people who dont react the minute u react is when u give him a sense of accomplishment LOL
This. It's a common psychological mentality, Mr. TD trolls because it's really, really easy apparently. The moment he doesn't get a rise out of someone, the fun ends. He'll probably tone it down, but since this is the Brawl community...

And Mikey, the Melee community is extremely calm and relaxed. Mr. TD wouldn't be as successful there, and they probably care less about what a Brawl player thinks.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
omg if you go to LBT2, then me you and nickcam trash talk sowrdgard all match long in an important match ill buy you lunch rofl

hey swordgard: cant stand the heat in competitive gaming, then too bad. trash talk is part of the game. Think people weren't trash talking Ally when he was playing m2k for the first time? Hes too calm for that crap, cant wait to trash talk you ; )

dawgs just learn to laugh at what the troll says, im not even gonna lie some of it is actually pretty funny


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
First off this is EXACTLY what he did, and usually I don't have a problem with people talking/cheering/booing. But troll was asking me personal questions saying **** like "look over this way", and "why are you looking this way", and he was staring straight at me, commenting on everytime I took a deep breath, or licked my lips, or wipped my hands dry. Which gets me to think why is he watching me so closely, its almost gay. And then I get hit, or drop a chain grab or lose an other opportunity. I have no problem with people doing it in the background, commenting on meaningless ****, but troll was sitting right next to me, and did not stop staring or talking. It was creepy and distracting in a different way that usual.

I guess he's just doing his job, but if that's legal then **** brawl. This has never happened to me in melee. Usually its just congrats on a combo or win.
I know how he is. Hes like having a converstation with you and its so disturbing. and I HATED the troll when he was LBT. But then we were talking about it at a casual and Carter was like, thats everywhere, you just have to get over it, and the best players don't hear that crap. So pretty soon I was just like yeah, I'm just being stupid hes doing what anyone could or should do in a competitive environment. Just get like earplugs or some crap lol. In melee yeah prob wouldn't happen though unless it was a high profile match, and even then really not that much trash talking. Meh troll doesn't really come out to much though...u could just avoid the tournies he goes to i guess

Cruxis right thought that crap is hilarious lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2008
Scarberia, ON
If trolling is that effective, bring an Ipod.

Personally, I would have blown the troll a kiss.

All in all, its not as bad as what mikehaze does when he gets grabbed by an ICs player.

If anyone started screeming in my ear, Id punch them. Words, not so much.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i agree with Sauc3 still... give players some personal space when playing... there's no reason anyone should allow the troll to do what he does... it's very easy to enforce, and even though this tourney is called "no WAH's-return of the troll" there should be some boundaries... extremely disrespectful to the player to just ignore his wishes straight up, it goes beyond good fun.. he paid the same amount of money as everyone else to be there

edit: i also am known to use earplugs, because I find myself easliy distracted by people talking around me... but you can still hear coming through it, and judging from how close troll was i don't think it would have made much difference... forcing a large room to stop talking because you can't concentrate, do-able, but kinda a **** move... getting one person to stfu, easy...

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
Wait, Sauc3, are you actually mad at me? I thought despite it all we were friends. <3

Honestly how much I troll also depends on who's playing. Sauc3 wouldn't let me play my next match on a setup because he wanted to eat, and then he ended up playing my buddy, so he had really crappy circumstances. Regardless of how much he ignored me, he was going to get it.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
First off this is EXACTLY what he did, and usually I don't have a problem with people talking/cheering/booing. But troll was asking me personal questions saying **** like "look over this way", and "why are you looking this way", and he was staring straight at me, commenting on everytime I took a deep breath, or licked my lips, or wipped my hands dry. Which gets me to think why is he watching me so closely, its almost gay. And then I get hit, or drop a chain grab or lose an other opportunity. I have no problem with people doing it in the background, commenting on meaningless ****, but troll was sitting right next to me, and did not stop staring or talking. It was creepy and distracting in a different way that usual.

I guess he's just doing his job, but if that's legal then **** brawl. This has never happened to me in melee. Usually its just congrats on a combo or win.
Way to exaggerate this way out of proportion, First of ALL he was right beside me, not you and I'm one of the Troll's good friends, so we when we play Brawl or anything competitive related, he gets to me pretty quickly too, try dealing with GAY jokes and male anatomy all day literally when you play Princesses during a game along with non-stop laughter.

It's a mentality thing that you haven't had the pleasure of developing, I have because I hear it all the time around him.

Also support during a game CAN also be a negative factor, due to over-confidence, I could be here complaining just as much as you saying I got too overconfident and screwed up 10,000 times during the match because I had a Troll supporter beside me saying, "O ya Nice Golf Club swing, you can't ever miss with those" probably resulting with me spamming my F-Smash more than I should ending with me getting punished.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario

no we aren't friends lol, and I wanted to advance the pool and if I had've left to eat we would have been the last one to finish, but did you notice we were the first? plus I won my matches so the general rule is winner keeps playing.


its impressive that you can manage to play with that ****, and why you're friends with him is beyond me, but the truth is he didn't say a single word to you during the match, did he? If you think it was a fair win then sure, bring him along to all your tourneys and have him mess up your opponent, you'll climb the respect ladder in no time.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol you're all kinda missing the point... sauc3 paid, he has the right to ask someone to stop talking excessively loudly in close proximity to him, regardless of who is doing what

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
I was trolling Akariss to, he is just used to it, and are you sure we aren't friends? I'm pretty sure we're friends Sauc3.

At LBT1 I made Akariss lose because he couldn't deal with it, but a year later he's actually placing. :O

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
I lol'd at Mikeys jokes the whole time

Mikey- "Is that the what is clutch controller", "it will be amazing when we experience the greatness/awesomeness that is tin man on PR"


I still dont know why people are being named tin boy, tin gramps, etc

Edit: LOL my post count, 666 :p


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
lol you're all kinda missing the point... sauc3 paid, he has the right to ask someone to stop talking excessively loudly in close proximity to him, regardless of who is doing what

This X10

Really, this is about being able to compete. Trash talking is fine if both players are ok with it, but one does not have to deal with this if he doesnt have to.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Hey guys, the troll is a really nice guy btw, don't know how many times it's been said but get earplugs if its a problem lol.

But I'm not going to follow the hate-on-troll bandwagon, I like him, hes cool.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
This thread is a joke, here are my 2 cents.

BRING EAR PLUGS OR AN IPOD LIKE HYPE, that is why he was able to beat tinman, like joe said.

And the troll, is a really cool guy, he was trolling me in my match vs akariss and I hadn't even noticed he was a troll... He was making typical mikey comments that make me laugh, and I enjoyed it, when people troll me during my matches I play better.

And when I talked to him outside of smash, right there and then my brain couldn't even comprehend how anyone could think he's a troll, the only reason I knew later in the day he was a troll is cause' iliad pointed it out, but.. Not even being biased or nothing, hes a cool guy, get to know him, and stop *****ing.

sauc3, don't be discouraged man, invest in an ipod or something, or ear plugs, don't let comments get to you.

This is not the point. Its not just deal with it. It is not supposed to happen in a competitive environment.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
This is not the point. Its not just deal with it. It is not supposed to happen in a competitive environment.
If you honestly don't think this doesn't happen in competitive environments, your completely oblivious and living in a happy land.

Watch 30 seconds into this match (a GRAND FINAL) with M2K in it and go and tell me that he didn't get trash talked out of his mind.


So does M2K get to tell everyone else to stfu just cause he payed?

I'd go as far to say there are worse trolls than the one we're dealing with.
That video made me lol pretty hard thou


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
If you honestly don't think this doesn't happen in competitive environments, your completely oblivious and living in a happy land.

Watch 30 seconds into this match (a GRAND FINAL) with M2K in it and go and tell me that he didn't get trash talked out of his mind.


So does M2K get to tell everyone else to stfu just cause he payed?

I'd go as far to say there are worse trolls than the one we're dealing with.
That video made me lol pretty hard thou

Learn to read, this SHOULD not happen in a competitive environment, not that it doesn't. I personally think trash talking should not be allowed if one player asks so that this kind of stuff does not happen. Otherwise we have no set boundaries and **** can happen. Why would anyone allow this kind of thing to happen? This is 100% uncompetitive, brings nothing positive to tournaments really.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Troll is really a nice guy when hes not trolling lol

Dear swordgard: if you actually went outside once in a while, like to a Canadiens game or something, you would hear nothing but hilarious trash talking all game long. HOWEVER it is clear by the pastiness of your skin, that you HAVE NOT been outside in a long friggin time, so no wonder you don't understand this competitive environment situation.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Troll is really a nice guy when hes not trolling lol

Dear swordgard: if you actually went outside once in a while, like to a Canadiens game or something, you would hear nothing but hilarious trash talking all game long. HOWEVER it is clear by the pastiness of your skin, that you HAVE NOT been outside in a long friggin time, so no wonder you don't understand this competitive environment situation.
mikey yu kill me lmaoo


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Troll is really a nice guy when hes not trolling lol

Dear swordgard: if you actually went outside once in a while, like to a Canadiens game or something, you would hear nothing but hilarious trash talking all game long. HOWEVER it is clear by the pastiness of your skin, that you HAVE NOT been outside in a long friggin time, so no wonder you don't understand this competitive environment situation.

Yes(to both, I really don't go outside too much these days its kinda cold unless you hadn't noticed >.>), but does that mean it should be allowed? Excessive trash talking should really not be allowed, especially if it comes to the point where the sole aim of the trash talker is to make one of the party play worst by making outrageous statements and so on. Otherwise, what prevents him from doing like mikehaze did to hylian? I can assure you, no headphones, nothing will prevent this sort of thing from distracting you.

Either way, since this is allowed in GTA, trust me I will go to each of your matches, call your moves out loud, coach your opponent to the best of my abilities in the hope that you lose. Seems only fair to me, you can send your troll after me though. As I stated before, I can't hear people talking when I'm playing, I just find it outrageous that such things are allowed.

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
OMG!!! I love a challenge, you coming to LBT2 Swordgard? And what's with your name anyways? Is that like when you and another guy cross swords or something?

And I'm nobody's Troll, I'm just the Troll.

PS. Read this

I may seem like a jerk to you, but it is merely because I do not abide by the rules of the social contract that people follow.

Compromise and self-censorship are never an option.

^ Swordgard's signature... lol the irony..


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
you can send your troll after me though. As I stated before, I can't hear people talking when I'm playing, I just find it outrageous that such things are allowed.
A word of advice swordgard: don't challenge the troll, it'll only end badly for you

EDIT: lol troll posted like 10 seconds before I did, see loves the challenge


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Sauc3, sorry to hear about your experience , if you like whatever game better... than thats cool. But just one bad experience, shouldnt let it stop you from playing in brawl tourneys.

Personally speaking, i think its fun, and increases the competitive experience. Both for the players and crowd. But if you really are taking it personally, id suggest you refuse to play your match until the nuisance stops, and inform the TO.

But turning it into a melee scene vs brawl, is just stupid. Theres room for improvement in both communities...


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
But if you really are taking it personally, id suggest you refuse to play your match until the nuisance stops, and inform the TO.
I did refuse to play until he left (and got yelled at by Akariss, calmly but still), and I did inform the TO, but GI shrugged his shoulders and walked away, neither of which accomplished anything. Thanks for the insight though, and like I said, hopefully pound will renew my love for the game. If not then pound will be my last brawl tourney.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I did refuse to play until he left (and got yelled at by Akariss), and I did inform the TO, but GI shrugged his shoulders and walked away, neither of which accomplished anything. Thanks for the insight though, and like I said, hopefully pound will renew my love for the game. If not then pound will be my last brawl tourney.
No I "yelled" at you because you paused the game in the middle of a fight, if your going to pause at least do it at a right time or inform me like 3 seconds before you do so and not out of RAGE. I can start complaining that you paused the game in the middle of one of the combos I was setting up with Peach just the same that you could get distracted for not being able to do a chain grab, so don't be a hypocrite.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
A word of advice swordgard: don't challenge the troll, it'll only end badly for you

EDIT: lol troll posted like 10 seconds before I did, see loves the challenge

Really? Because tbh to let him go on like this is nothing less than ******** when it obviously affects some players who should have played higher. As the troll might have seen, I don't compromise. I did not challenge him, I just said I would go and make sure mikey has to suffer the exact same treatment and worst, because hes a good player and I would rather have him lose to some scrub. Play to win I guess.

This is not supposed to happen, one should not have to deal with this. Heckling and trashtalking are different, and this is definitly too much.

As stupid as this might sound, sauce has a point about the melee community. I really do not like the community for the way they treat brawl sometimes(then again, brawl community is scrub on so many levels), but they are a whole lot more respectful towards each other usually.

Mr. TD

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2009
Under my bridge.
Swordgard you keep talking about not letting this go on, blah blah blah. Well then, what do you plan to do about it? And PS, you totally never answered if you are going to LBT2, I really want to see you there. :)


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
There were others in charge, sauc3, you should have went to them too. I assure you, if you REALLY have that big of an issue with it, accommodations could be made.

Really though, stop the melee vs brawl. So stupid. Saying something about which game is better is one thing, but to generalize the community is sheer ignorance. And in more ways than not, a personal attack to the brawlers...

Melee community has david, im pretty sure thats auto-win anyway. =D


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Swordgard you keep talking about not letting this go on, blah blah blah. Well then, what do you plan to do about it? And PS, you totally never answered if you are going to LBT2, I really want to see you there. :)

In theory I am going to lbt2(we never know, **** sometimes happens).

What do I plan to do about it? I don't even know who is hosting LBT so I can't really do much as the account created for this is actually called LBT. I don't know what I'm going to do about it other than just go annoy the hell out of mikey at his matches.

If I have time.

EDIT: BTW troll I said this should not happen, does not mean I have the power alone to stop it. Won't stop me from protesting and trying to convince other people though(regardless of how fruitless it will be due to how GTA is I guess).
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