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NO KOAST v2 Results/Shoutouts - FULL RESULTS UP!


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI
Maybe 32 is a little harsh, but for the championships? You gotta think about the fact that we are making Brawl history here. Are we ever going to have the epic days of FC, death pools, insane top 32 brackets, etc? From the looks of it, no.

Maybe 48 would have been good middleground methinks. It's not that I'm insensitive to people who wouldn't have made it out of pools otherwise and stuff, but pools were ****ing huge. You have to have a balance between your pools setup and how many people are in bracket.

But bleh whatever it was fun and I got to meet and play a lot of new people. Shoutoutsssss

Lee - I love you. You are the coolest guy from the South I've ever met. We gotta go to more raves.
Dphat - You and your ******* doubles strategy! I will defeat you next time we meet in doubles >:D
Hylian - We totally gotta team again. Good shiz man you stepped it up. Thanks for hanging with me all those times when I went to go smoke lol. We talked a bit about team strategy at least, and I think it helped.
Domo - Again, I really appreciated what you did mang. Heal that hand up and start shaking that rust off! I look forward to seeing you again, we gotta party mad hard like at Kahoka lmfao.
Razor - I think I may pay you a visit one day good sir :3
Arty - Thanks for the "advice" I asked you about before I played Bassem lol. Smart decision.
D. Disciple - Mah boi! Maybe next time I travel out I can hitch a ride with you or something, definitely would be more pleasant traveling with someone I know.
Ripple - Start playing better, and stop getting so frustrated. Come on mang I remember the old Ripple.
Future - Good seeing ya again. Don't be discouraged about the ganon thing. Next time I come down I'll teach you how to become the next pro with IC's. Not even gan- er MK will stop you. ^_^
Legan - You my boy, you know that. I had a great time in St. Louis, wish you could've stayed for Denny's. I hope you feel better about your drama stuff :[ I'll be paying a visit again sometime. Jagerbombs, Jagerbombs, Jagerbombs. Oh yeah and NO WINNING FIRST GAME OFFA ME IN A SET NO MO. Oh and get ***** playing Chrono Chross til 7am.
AltF4 - Think about those things I told you about Diddy. Just get consistent at doing certain stuff and you will get better very quickly with each tourney. You already knew about like all the stuff I was talking about anyways, so just apply!
Radium88 - Don't be so hard on yourself all the time, you're better then that! Just get a little bit of confidence eh? Thanks for the ride and housing, I had a great time in St. Louis. Oh, and I like the coat, I may just keep it. >:]


Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Legan - You my boy, you know that. I had a great time in St. Louis, wish you could've stayed for Denny's. I hope you feel better about your drama stuff :[ I'll be paying a visit again sometime. Jagerbombs, Jagerbombs, Jagerbombs. Oh yeah and NO WINNING FIRST GAME OFFA ME IN A SET NO MO. Oh and get ***** playing Chrono Chross til 7am.
Im pretty sure we all know Legan would have jv 7 stocked you if you didn't get FD second round


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
1: Lee Martin (Lucario/MK/ZSS) - Man, watching you play against Lain's IC's and DeDeDe as Lucario was just nuts... some of the most **** **** I have ever seen. You're too good man.

2: Lain (ICs/DDD) - lol thanks for letting me "celebrate" with you and Hylian hahaha. Always a fun time whenever I see you man, you're one of the most entertaining people at tournaments :p

3: Ultimate Razer (Snake) - I haven't been 3 stocked in ages, lol. I seriously have never played a Snake that plays how you do... I was so confused that first game, lol. I kind figured it out the second match though, almost had that win-- ****ed grenade on the BF platform... I didn't want to grab it, I wanted to air dodge! Good games in pools though dude :)

4: Bassem (Wario) - omfg after losing to your team twice at Oh Snap 5 I was sooooo pissed when the first team I played was "bassem combos", luckily it wasn't your team though... but we lost anyway, lol. The Bassem name continues to haunt me and Legan, lmfao.

5: Dphat (MK/Wario) - Dude I <3 you, you crack me up. You make every tournament a more enjoyable event. Keep being l33t and stuff, dude.

5: Ratman (Snake) - Why are you so good? You're younger than Future and he's only like 7 years old... so you must be 5. Yes, you are 5 years old. lol jk man, good job :)

7: Hylian (ICs) - Nice to finally meet you! Your G&W is really good... don't listen to Future, he's just biased towards IC's :p

7: Affinity (MK) - That's a sexy Wii you have there, sir! :D Nice job with the tournament venue, it was **** and so was the projector. If you get a little help with the TO stuff next time it will be the most **** tourney ever.

9: Holms (Falco) - wtf you don't play falco. stop it. go back to ZSS and Kirby so I don't look so bad. :p Why didn't we friendly? :(

9: Domo (MK) - We didn't get to talk much this tourney but I noticed that you can still **** with 1.5 hands lol. good ****

9: Kirk (Ike) - Your Ike is seriously **** man-- you took out Cook AND Legan, wtf? Stop ****** STL single handedly. I can't believe you beat Cook on japes either, he's crazy good on that stage.

13: KosMos - Great work with MK, but I like your peach better haha :p

13: UTDZac - I couldn't believe that Future had never seen Duelist before-- he won't stop talking about it now... WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!!!?!? lol

13: Clel - We didn't get to play :( oh well, maybe next time. I heard your MK and Marth have gotten better!

13: ASC - Wow, 13th is really impressive... except for that part where you lost to an Ike lol. wtf why do I do so much worse than you OOS?

17: Razor - **** it! We missed another chance at the Razor challenge! wtf, we suck.

17: Zeton - That match in your pools with you and Future was too good. Stay sexy, Zeton, ride them trains to first place!

17: Joker - You stole my Samus crown! **** you!!!! lol <3 Samus dittos, I will get you next time. Thanks a SUPER BUNCH for doing so many friendlies with me and giving me MK and Snake practice, I freaking need it >_< You'll place better next time too, you had a tough run in your first bracket match this tourney.

17: Fino - GG's in teams, 2 close matches but no luck for me and Legan to take you and MJG out. Also, now that Cook is the best Fino in the Midwest, what does that make you? lol jk :p

17: Legan - 17th with Link? Whatever nerd.

25: The Real Inferno - How the **** do you still not remember my name? lmfao

25: Nicole - Wow, nice job on 25th, Nicole. Pretty **** performance. You're really good, I keep telling you that, maybe now you'll believe me :p

25: Mr. Doom - Crazy match vs Joker, your Ike is too good, also, I want you to read me bedtime stories with your Morgan Freeman-esque voice.

33: Future - How can one person be simultaneously SO GOOD and SO FAIL?!?!? lol, get ***** by Ganon less, David :p

33: YoshQ - Really nice Luigi dude. Good pools matches.

33: 4rce - If you throw a banana at me IRL again, I think I'll have to SHDL you IRL... somehow...

33: Blank - Stick to Kirby, you boob! He's too good!

49: Karmacide - Why the hell was the top down on your minicooper? lol, IT'S WINTER NOW!!! Twin Snakes was looking sexy, that team is so crazy... but FK and Chuck knew how to handle you and Ratman, I was surprised.

49: Jlo - Yeah, I got really unlucky with some stuff in pools and then I also just choked a lot on the last stock... so I had a lot of 0-2's that should have been 1-1's or 2-0's... all close matches. I heard your Peach is getting better because someone told me you had a really hard pool but you still made it out, so good work man.

49: KY - You quitting makes me sad :(

49: Trent - I didn't get to play you this tourney but your Sonic was beast at Gigabrawl, keep it up!

49: Steeler - lol I can't believe you beat Future's ICs with Squirtle, so hilarious... so awesome, hahaha. Also remember, you don't have to call me by my full Gamer Tag every time you say my name, lol. Just say "Metal" or "Will" hahaha.

Stealth Raptor - FAT PIKACHU SPACE SHUTTLE HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It's always nice to see you-- looks like you got hosed in pools just like me :( too bad. Your pika is definitely awesome-sauce man so don't sweat it.

Captain Love - Thanks for checking out my website and being the audience for my Samus dittos with joker! I wish I could have gotten some friendlies with your Marth, maybe next time.

Great tournament, I'll have to not suck next time... >_<

To anyone I forgot, sorry!


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Captain Love - Thanks for checking out my website and being the audience for my Samus dittos with joker! I wish I could have gotten some friendlies with your Marth, maybe next time.
No prob man. Keep up the good work on that site. Come to Des Moines in Nov! Then we could play then and bring yo camera.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
I don't think that having a smaller bracket really addresses the problem. The main reason why tournaments take a while is that matches aren't played efficiently, either because the players are slow about doing their matches or because the TOs are slow about telling people when they are supposed to play. This could be fixed if TOs were more strict about making people play their matches quickly, but the burden shouldn't necessarily be on them. The players themselves need to take more responsibility for finding out who they are supposed to play and then getting those matches out of the way as soon as possible, as well as getting the results submitted right away. Of course, getting brackets made quickly also helps a lot, because there is usually a lot of dead time at that point, but that is a tricky subject, as it's hard to create a bracket that people won't ***** about.

Tl;dr version: Players need to take more responsibility for getting their matches done quickly before they complain about a tournament taking too long.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
I agree with ASC in that matches weren't played efficiently. There were people who would run off and watch matches (I being one of them) but then wouldn't come back for a while. Players definitely needed to take more initiative rather than relying on the TOs or the pool leaders to tell them what to do. (Which I will definitely do next time). Also, the number of people in the pools wasn't that even. Some had 12 while others had 8. I think if they were all evenly distributed it may have been quicker.

Other than the time, this was an awesome-first-big-out-of-state tournament. It was definitely worth driving 6-7 hours to. Can't wait for another one!

1: Lee Martin (Lucario/MK/ZSS): Zomg, your Lucario was sexxy. I hope to see you play again at another tournament. Congrats.
2: Lain (ICs/DDD): I will bair you to oblivion if you keep my coat. I lent you my coat because you were looking all cold and hobo-ish and this is how you are going to repay me? That's some bull****. Also, thanks for playing with me and the advices and the pep talk.
7: Affinity (MK): Good job with the tournament besides the minor complications! It was great seeing you again and I hope we actually get to play some matches together next time. I don't think we even got a hit on each other before we got interrupted.
13: ASC: Good **** Andrew! Way to put STL up there. Thanks for the shoutout! I definitely got to play people and hopefully I get out of pools next time.
17: Razor: Nice meeting you Razor. I hope to play you in some friendlies next we meet. I was too scurred to ask. Don't know why? Intimidated? Anyways, might be going to Iowa for Joker's monthly.
17: Joker: Thanks for cutting in line. :D Didn't really get to talk to you but it was cool to finally put a face on who ***** all of Iowa and then some. Hope to play some friendlies if I happen to go to I-Oh-Wah.
17: Legan: That's my ****ing roommate! Good job d00d! Seriously though, stop going Link all the time. I want to see top 10 next tourney we go to.
25: Bwett: Good job Mr. Pools leader. I think our pools went smoothly. Hope to play your Diddy again and hope I don't suck against it.
25: The Real Inferno: Good job on the tournament and thanks again for housing us last minute. I didn't get to play friendlies with you this time, maybe next time we could so I could show you how much I've improved since Kirksville.
25: Nicole: Gooooooooood **** girlie! (Lawl) I'm really glad that you did well, especially with that double X problem a few of us face. (JK on it being a problem) Way to represent Columbia/STL AND being a girl. All y'all under 25th placing, YOU GOT BEAT BY A GIRL! Suck on that. <3 (Hope I do well next time so I don't have to live vicariously through you :D)
33: Future: I see you all time. Also, I keep picking up your effing trinkets. Goddamit Future.
33: Ripple: It was nice seeing you again here and thanks a bunch for the DK friendlies :D
33: Cross: Thanks for all the friendlies and popping my MM cherry. :p Also, play as sheik next time and no more "not really sandbagging" efforts.
-Legan: Thanks for getting my dollar back.
33: Blank: Heard you were a Kirby player. I hope to see you again so I can ogle at your skill.
49: Blarg: Nice job fellow pool player.

Other people in my pool: It was nice meeting you all and if you were in the brackets, sorry for forgetting your name. I don't do well remembering those, only faces.

Y1NK: Seriously, join singles next time (Need more gender variety). Even if you don't come out of pools it would be a good experience.

Metalmusicman: Saw some matches and sorry about the "random" stage selection. It was unfortunate. Also, thanks for almost killing us by stopping in the middle of the intersection. :D

My mind is warping trying to remember all those that I friendlied so sorry I didn't list your names down but thanks for playing with me! Hope to see you next tournament.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
lets just agree inferno ****ed up everything with this tournament and that affinity was too much of a pushover to stop his reign of terror.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
waiting halfway into the tourney to fix a seeding problem is the dumbest thing ever

64 man bracket failed as well

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Nappy it was nowhere near halfway through the bracket, you mean halfway through your set with Ratman lawlz.

Reason why, was he was getting bothered, then when Lain tried to tell him what was going to happen, he flipped **** on him and told him to either play his bracket or get DQ'd. Then realized what happen and made the switch.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
If you couldn't tell from the first post. No, I am not. It isn't productive to just say something is bad. Things should be explained


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
Y1NK: Seriously, join singles next time (Need more gender variety). Even if you don't come out of pools it would be a good experience.
Man, I knew I should've entered singles. Lots of people told me I would've made it out of my pool easily. I only had to really worry about Ripple, but I did give a good fight.

I can't believe how many people I played though that have no idea what to do against a Ness. People walked into my PKThunders all day.

Gotta say the best part of this whole thing was when Lain and I were doing friendlies at Inferno's house. Those were hilarious. That or the match between myself and ChaosTheoryX and I almost staged spiked him then sucked up his PKT. That was mean.


Nicole - I love you. I need to play with you more because those were some fun matches girl

NaPPy - NICE Snake. I didn't talk to you much but you seemed pretty cool

Legan - Dude you make me really appreciate Link. Good job, it was nice meeting you

Lain - You're a crazy guy, pretty cool though. Don't play Ness dude, it didn't work out for you haha.

Joker - I'll see you tomorrow hopefully for some Brawl, your Snake is still awesome

Aqua - Cool job playing Fox, was good to see another girl there : )

Razor - I'm afraid of your MetaKnight. I think I shouldn't play so aggressively against it either haha.


Inferno - Thanks for letting me stay at your place. Sorry I'm so loud : P

For anyone I missed...sorry D:

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Nappy sucks at explaining things.

I should do shout outs.

Inferno - Thanks for hosting the tourney, and I'm glad to show you that I'm not a scrub, even if my name makes it sound like one.

Fino - Thanks for the housing, had fun matches.

Affinity - Thanks for letting us crash at your place after the tourney, you should put up some of those vids, mainly the pokemon ones and when I went Yoshi, who can get pass that wall of kicks?

Lain - My dude! Good seeing you again, I was rooting for you dog, it might've been my advice against Lucario that threw you off, but you'll get him next time. At least you two split. Thanks for cheering me on against UTD Zac, wish I took that first game off of him though. If you're ever in the area lemme know and I'll totally let you ride with me to wherever tourney. Here's to hoping I get a better car.

Hylian - Thanks for GnW practice and thanks for the tips too, I feel bad that I didn't know that the puff from the uair refreshes his moves, I'll start to be a bit more gay and not let them do that to me in the future.

DPhat - Good *** planking! Also I would like a request that those team vids get sent to me via AIM or w/e so I can learn how to get that strat down on lock, so Nappy and I can take over MN doubles, then everywhere else when we go to more OoS tournies.

UTD Zac - Good games dude, I got wrecked, I also told my co-workers that I was going to get taken out by Texas smashers, and it happened.

Lee - Loving the lucario, the only thing I think you need to work on, is curving his ES a bit more, so you don't get a lot of landing lag or any at all. I think that's the only thing I can do better than you with Lucario. Good job ****** this tourney though. Good seeing you.

Arty - The MM was intense, extremely good matches. Pools was legit too, I thought I was the only one that didn't get 2-0'd. Oh well next time I will make sure to do that when we play again j/k, come to MIME!

Wafles - I enjoyed the Lucario vs MK, I was hoping to see your Falco though. Oh well maybe next time

Ripple - Good seeing you man, you're too funny. Loving the DK as usual you're making me want to play him more and more and realize that he's one of the few characters in the game that can kill Lucario at like 80% if he gets clapped.

Minnesota & Yoshq - Fun times at the tourney, good job all of you. Sorry I almost killed you guys on the way home, I'm not at trucker status with my driving yet.

To my car, The M, - You have defied my entire family having them think you weren't even going to make it to Kansas, but you showed them that you can make it there and make it back! Despite having over 206k of mileage in you, you drove like a champ and got there in only two full tanks. You are a beast, like the person that drives you. Unfortunately you won't be able to make those kind of drives again in the future, until I can get you under my name. Keep on living, you're one of the few reasons why MN smashers got so good at this game. >.>

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
To my car, The M, - You have defied my entire family having them think you weren't even going to make it to Kansas, but you showed them that you can make it there and make it back! Despite having over 206k of mileage in you, you drove like a champ and got there in only two full tanks. You are a beast, like the person that drives you. Unfortunately you won't be able to make those kind of drives again in the future, until I can get you under my name. Keep on living, you're one of the few reasons why MN smashers got so good at this game. >.>
most pro shoutout ever. srsly you have to be a pro to give a shoutout to your car

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
People must learn, they must learn!

oh yeah

Stealth Raptor - Fun teaming with you, I think I dropped the ball, and should've lived a lot longer and been a bit more helpful in teams.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Appleton, Wisconsin
lol Disciple, I really don't like falco vs lucario, but sure, next time I'll go falco on you, lol.

Oh, and here's what pools should've been.

8 pools of 6, 8 pools of 7, top 4 get out of each. 64 man bracket, perfect seeding. We had enough setups, and this would've been faster too.

Not that anything matters now, but for v3, please seed into a bracket with perfect numbers, there's always a way to make it work.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
My shoutout time!

Lee Martin - Watching your ZSS makes me want to go back to my ZSS. Too good.
Lain - I hope my coke helped you! I practically beat your MK, had I not suicided! NEXT TIME!
Affinity - Your house is too good
KOS-MOS - More Peach, less MK!
UTDZac - Get those videos up! I want to see my epic stitchface catch!
ASC - Thanks for the tips against Olimar. Hopefully I'll finally be able to beat one.
Breezy - Best Ganondorf I've ever seen.
Arty - CAUTION! Too bad our friendlies were rudely interrupted.
Nicole - Your Peach was a lot better than I expected. Had I known you were Ironboots, I would've known better! We never got to do our Peach dittos though!
Ripple - Get new shoes yet?
Teh Brettster - Sorry for screwing up so much in doubles. I really should've used that time to sleep instead.
Wafles - I secretly did the rain dance when you drove.
Xyless - Stop sucking once brackets happen.
Jlo - Wish we could've done Peach dittos!
Steeler - Hope you like your upgraded shoes!

I had lots of fun at the tournament, even though I was pretty exhausted. It was worth it.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006

Typ ex- Thanks for driving me there. You rawk =D
Fatty and deezy- Had a fun time riding with you guys haha
Inferno-Thanks for housing me and deezy and fatty and hosting this awesome tournament.
Sars-Thanks for the various advice you gave to me throughout the tourny
Kos-mos- Had an fun timing teaming with you. (High five on making top 3 teams =D)
Sluys- Cool meeting a new fellow wario. You me and fatty were the only wario reps I think. Fun dittos!
UTD and Razer- Good games in teams! You guys work quite nicely together.
Dphat-Good games. I didnt like the planking but do what it takes to win I guess. Close ditto!
LeeM-WE NEVER GOT TO HAVE OUR "SERIOUS SET". We shall next time.
MJG-Nice TL. GGs.
Domo- Thanks for the random tidbits of advice you gave and sorry we didnt get to play. Next time fo sho. Hopefully your hand will be better.
Zeton- Best offline fox I've played. Great games!
Affinity- GG's! You now know the secret of the legendary rising wario bike technique xD. Fun dittos too.
Lain- I KNOW I could have beaten you on norfair xD. I have that experience for next time. Good games. Your IC's and ddd are legit.
Hylian- Darn your IC's!! I will figure out a way to beat them with wario someday! Good games.
Po pimpus- Thanks for giving me a ride to subway. I was sooo hungry haha. Nice job teaming with pablo and taking a game off me and chris xD TOO GOOD. And good job on beating tom's little game lol.
Joker- Nice snake! Fun time playing you at infernos house.
Thinkaman- Sweet jiggs! Interesting matches haha
Firestormzero-(I was trying to remember your name xD) Ya man, great games. Scary IC's!


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2006
Wichita, KS
Lain - I didnt get to play you :(, but we seriously gotta get some friendlies goin cuz i want to play da best IC player eva :p
Type Ex - we always seem to get interrupted whenever were in a middle of a match lol. but ur falco is good. imma get my falco matchup down from u :D
KosMos - I wanna play ur peach sometime, and u a scrub for using metaknight this whole tourney! haha jk jk xD
UTDZac - Imma beat ur G&W. u just wait. haha
UltimateRazor - lol i liked the very beginning of our match when i 0 - Deathed you. haha it was fun playin u, ur a really good snake, lets do some friendlies.
Hylian - So i finally got to meet ya. Our IC Dittos was awesome lol. best IC ditto ive ever had so far. (even tho there still gay) haha.
Thinkaman - First i **** ur jiggz, then u turn around and **** mine. lol ur jiggz is too good.
MJG - I watched you play and ur TL is bomb. Sry i forgot about the money match u asked me for. Next time we meet we will for sure money match! :D
Bassem - lol i kept killin myself during our pool matches, ugh, lol but best wario i have seen. GG's
Legan - Im glad i got to play ur marth and link before the tourney, u really got my up and goin for the tourney. :D most def GG's xD
Sluys - Those were some fun matches, One of these days maybe there will be a way for wario not to get pivot grabbed. :p haha.
Inferno - Awesome tourney, idc what anyone says i say u did your best and it went as good as possible. thx! :D
Fatty - After our matches at first NK i had to get my wario match up down. im glad i did cuz ur wario is really good. haha
Po Pimpus - I wanna play ur Luigi sometime, im so serious.
Arty - You went IC Ditto on me! i hate IC Ditto! lol but GG's anyways.
Kirk - I have got to play ur Ike sometime. I got to see how u and mr. doom compare :p
Breezy - Your Ganon is Unbelievable. You might of beat my IC's if our match didnt get interuppted. i give you props. haha
Ripple - After i heard you say that lain was probably ur only threat. i had to try, and im glad i did cuz ur DK is no match for my IC's! haha. lol but really GG's. first good DK i have ever played.
Future - yeah it was nice to meet you too! i was pretty tired too, but still our games were pretty fun just messin around going through the characters haha.
Silver - Your pit is good, im glad i broke the ice for you in playing IC's for the first time. pretty tough eh, dont get grabbed haha. GG's

Thats all i can remember, i better see all you guys at NKv3!


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
For awhile there, this thread was more full of drama than my only-girls private highschool. So think about that, GUYS.

Shoutouts, anyway.

Lee Martin - You're by far the most enjoyable smasher to watch, you **** everyone with mid tiers and don't give no ****s. Plus, our pools matches were fun. Sorry I didn't have a Dr. Pepper to sell to you for $3.

Lain – No shout out for me? Really? You make me sooooooooo sad.

Ratman - I practice against Marth and Snake all the time after losing to you at Gigabrawl, and I come here thinking, yeah! I'm gonna beat Ratman now. I get super excited that we get to have a rematch after all my practice. AND THEN I LOSE BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO ****IN GOOD. I'm going to beat you someday. Sorry I got mad afterwards if you heard it, also, good job getting 5th, I wish I would've seen you fight Ultimate Razer.

Holms - WTF. Main someone. Also, how the hell do you pick up Falco for like, a day, and get 9th? Too good, too good.

Kirk - You beat the best Olimar in the MW (who I practice with all the time) with IKE. And you don't even know who I am. Oh well. I'm giving you a shoutout anyway.

Clel - You're a very smart player, I assume you just didn't know the MK/Peach matchup. Also, I wish I hadn't wasted my first stock and played your Fox like I had been playing Zeton's. I couldn't come back...anyways, good **** beating Sethlon and of couse ME :psycho:

Andrew - Don't be frustrated with Olimar anymore, K? You got 13th with him. Best Olimar in the MW again?????????????

Razor - Good stuff in teams from what I saw. Didn't get to watch any of your singles matches though... Nice hanging out with you in pools though.

Zeton – Thanks for the friendlies, I’m still scared of Fox, he’s too fast. You’ll do better next tournament, and you’re still the best Fox in the country, IMO.

Joker – You made a lot of people sad by not getting first Joker. I hope there wasn’t anything distracting you :p Anyway, everyone has their off days, your Snake is still incredibly good.

Fino – Fun MM, I wish I would’ve had more money, but your $1 bought me a cheapass ice cream cone at DQ! Your Olimar is getting even better.


Inferno – Don’t get so jaded about the TO job. TO-ing can really suck, but you can’t get disillusioned by the haters. I got mad at you for something dumb, I realized it was dumb, apologized, and we’re cool again. When other people get mad at you for something dumb, even if they don’t apologize, you know whether it’s a dumb thing for them to be mad about or not. So if you know they’re just being *****es, just ignore what they’re saying. But all the dramatic fallout from this tournament on the boards is pretty ********, and I hope you’ll bounce back from it, especially since you were planning on doing that sweet circuit with the southwest…I’d be sad if that doesn’t happen anymore.

Type EX – Nice meeting you, I like playing your Falco much more than the campy ones!

Future – Get *****. I’ve got some sweet trinkets for you though.

Andy – Good teaming with you, I thought we did pretty well for having never teamed before! Thanks for the team tips also, sorry I didn’t play more matches with you and Joker and Yink, I was really hungry.

4rce – Sorry you had to play two Peaches in a row, that does suck with Diddy. And I understand getting pissed, I get upset with the game plenty myself. But do remember that you did beat the first Peach you played, so you know the matchup can be won.

Bojangles – BBBBBBOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW JANGLES! We didn’t even get to finish our first stock on our only friendly. But good seeing you again!

Xyless – Nice to meet another Peach, too bad we didn’t get any dittos in. You probably would’ve beaten me, I suck at Peach dittos >_<

Steeler – Sorry I was gay and timed you out on Brinstar, your Squirtle is too **** good, it’s a shame you can’t just use it. See you in STL for the balanced brawl tournament, hopefully? Maybe?
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