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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Regardless. Ksizzle said it was a side event with certain implications. Those implications are whats being argued right now imo.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
I have already stated what I have to say. If you want my answers to any questions, refer to the last 10 pages or so. The one you are asking about currently I addressed near the start. The differences that I see are considered johns, and are quite frankly, but they are my reasoning nonetheless. Inui didn't care vs me at puff's? I didn't care vs him game 4. He'll deny it, you'll believe him, ill still state my point, repeat*. No thx

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
then whats the point of having a season?
If this is the case, why not just go with avg skill over season?
y not?
I like. But its a deep subject.
Yea, I figured there was going to be a lot of questions lol, a lot of it is from specific things thats happened to PA in the past.

Before explaining point by point, we dont really count the usual "OOS" in PA. Compared to a state like NJ where all the competition and tourneys are fairly close to each other in north nj, PA is huge. Traveling to Pittsburgh alone can take 6 hours, and going from one active area (Philly) to another (Scranton) can take up to 3 hours, so it's not too common of a thing for us to always meet at tournaments. OOA (out of area) basically acts the same as OOS but its PA's own system of grouping areas for various rules used in this. Philadelphia (South East PA) is one area, Scranton (North PA) is another, and Reading (Central PA) is the third. Pittsburgh is also sort of like a long forgot brother as they are further than anyone else and are pretty much inactive every single rankings anyway. The areas are also sometimes known as ToS (Philly), ToE (Teched Out Enterprises, Scranton), and KC (Kings Court, Reading) since each of the three areas is basically ran by the respective crews.

-list should reflect current skill over avg skill in season

Came up last season when we know AndyG's peak skill is very good and had some nice achievements very early on, but by the end of the season became sort of inactive and lost a lot of his skill. He didn't really attend much towards the end to REALLY "prove" his current status however. Well, it's like he was still considered active for the season overall, and didn't have enough bad results to pull him down, but it's like saying we give slightly heavier weight to more recent results.

-shorter rankings period for more current information

Our last rankings period was like 4 months, and got really tough to rank since a lot of players drastically changed in skill over the time, another reason to implement the above guideline. We're trying to focus more now on periods being 2 months, 3 at the most. This really isn't too different from NJ, it's just that PA was lazy before and we gotta step it up lol.

-no eligibility requirements - discretion of panel

This solves people worrying about if they are deemed "active" or not, even if it feels like they obviously were. Some people have legit reasons for not attending some events at times yet they still have enough results at few tournaments to rank them, so panelists will determine on a person by person basis if they are elligible for ranking.

-no inner area MMs

There was so many problems of the same people who live right near each other just money matching each other over and over and over and over @_@ It really just became pointless. "I beat you like 4 times this season!" "Yea, in 4 MMs when I won the other 5!" We're just trying to prevent things like this. Tourney matches are what should prevail most, and tourney matches between same area people by all means matter, just not the MMs. We're trying to keep MMs being more of a special thing like other fighting game communities see them as, not just a common, well I guess I'll MM cause I'm bored situation. This is also without mentioning by people playing each other so many times (since they live close to each other), people naturally learn each other styles and sets can go either way not based on skill, but just by memorizing how that specific player plays.

-slight character johns for tourney only - no MM char johns

If you're a DDD, we can't blame ya if you run into like 3 olimars in a single tourney bracket and you lose 2 of em. it sucks. we all know the said person could have most likely made it much higher depending on the person, but just got ***** by horrible matchup after horrible matchup. we wont penalize the player as much for loosing to a terrible matchup. people dont have control over who they fight in bracket. on the other hand, most MMs are specific character v character, and can be determined ahead of time, so since you have full knowledge of the matchup you're about to play, and are able to decline the MM, no johns, u put urself in the situation.

-needs proof for MMs - have a panelist watch

There was A LOT of problems last season with doing the rankings with all the data presented to us, then literally weeks later people going wtf I MM'd these people! when we had no idea it happened, no one heard about it, or anything. There were even some more controversial problems concerning this, but it doesn't need to be explained here. I've also had ppl say they beat ___ in a money match, and I aim'ed that person saying LOL you lost to ____ !? They proceeded to say wtf no, a MM never took place. This is just to make sure everything is fine and dandy, no problems. We cant completely trust everyone (as much as I want to) when they are trying to improve their own ranking. With the ability to record matches, it shouldnt be hard to have proof. not to mention there is a PA panelist at just about every single tourney a PA member is at, its not hard to call em over for a sec to check it out.

-tourney to count you must spend at least $10 to be in singles

We previously had a tourneys count if they had x amount of people entered in singles rule, but the number was constantly debated on, and not to mention the possibility of a small tourney with extreme competition. So we scrapped that guideline and made this one instead. This counts if you spend $5 in venue fees and $5 in singles, or just $10 in singles. Generally the important or potential importance of a tourney can be determined by how much they charge. No one is going to expect much of a $5 no venue fee tourney, no ones really going to take it seriously lol. Bump it up to a big national with $20 singles, ****s goin down lol.

-matches: consistancy > top wins > worst losses

Simply determining whats the most important way to rank players. If player A normally beats people on a 3/10 skill level and happens to nab a win or two on 7 or 8 skill person, player B who consistently beats 5 or 6 skill players would be considered better, as it's their expected performance. Top wins are used if consistency between the two are very similar or too tough too tell, and the same for worst losses if top wins are too close.

-tie breaking: player v player > panelist opinion > doubles

In the rare case the above three things can not determine a player over another (it's happened), it goes to this. this is already extremely rare as it is, and ridiculously rare to reach to opinion or doubles. its there as a just in case so it doesnt need to be decided later.

-char in tourney does not matter. its up to the player to enter or not

no johns if you decide to enter a tourney as not your main. ranking is based on your performance in tourneys, and if thats how you deal with tourneys... this is currently being redebated for a mk ban tourney addendum. this was a problem originally when in a past season a player needed 3 tournies to be active, and xzax had only entered 3 tournies, one of which he went all pit so he claimed it didnt count, but if it didnt count, he wouldnt have been considered active for the season. i forget how it was dealt with at the time, but this is the new ruling on it.

-low tier tourneys do not count at all

low tier events are a completely different type of event with different mechanics and counterpicking seeing as over half of the cast is banned. anyone should have the ability to counterpick anyone in a tourney set. there have been plenty of instances where players have CPd a character they normally dont use to win a set (ROGUE KNIGHT!), so it's impossible to predict anything when a player isn't able to utilize the whole cast.

-The three areas are ToS, ToE, KC - for pitts, everything is OOA lol

definition of the 3 areas as described at the top of this post.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
We can all learn a lot from this man.
Indeed, I'm shweepies. Gnight.



O_0!!!! .....he wont do it again


COME ON!!!!!!!

O_0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok just deal with it. You don't want to sound like a ****.

COME ON!!!!! x10

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:STFU TREVOR!!:mad::mad::mad:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I have to stop responding to Chibo.

He's been reporting my posts like a big baby over and over.

He's going to get my 6 permanent infractions at this rate.

I am going to address him in person about this. :)

Chibo, stop messing with me. I'm serious.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
You are posting insults instead of debating half the time. Try reading what he says Inui and giving a decent response instead of going "everyone hates you, fool, get out of our state please"

lol, I like what Kai said to Eazy. Basically I have my own opinion, so does Kai, I've stated it, and I doubt my opinion will change.

As of right now, Ksizzle and I do not agree to allow low tiers. Eazy and Inui, agree to have singles and low tiers and serious friendlies to count.

Sorry, take out the serious friendlies part, you guys will probably want that in for the next rankings after I lose a friendly set to Izumi :p

So I'm just waiting on what Pierce thinks of this. That is all.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You are posting insults instead of debating half the time. Try reading what he says Inui and giving a decent response instead of going "everyone hates you, fool, get out of our state please"
So? Who cares? What I said still stands.

He's a grown man. He doesn't need to cry to mommy because someone said a mean thing to him. He's being a baby.

I will be addressing him in person about this. Strongly. This is getting ridiculous.

lol, I like what Kai said to Eazy. Basically I have my own opinion, so does Kai, I've stated it, and I doubt my opinion will change.

As of right now, Ksizzle and I do not agree to allow low tiers. Eazy and Inui, agree to have singles and low tiers and serious friendlies to count.

Sorry, take out the serious friendlies part, you guys will probably want that in for the next rankings after I lose a friendly set to Izumi :p

So I'm just waiting on what Pierce thinks of this. That is all.
You're wrong. You're less intelligent than me. You're the ridiculous one.



Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Keitaro I'm not goin to Rutgers today, just fyi.

Edit: wow lucas, way to be an a$$hole over a fvckin videogame. Don't belittle someone's intelligence over a game that you probably should let go of once you decide to grow up in a year or so.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
btw i havent slept yet nor read this whole argument lmao

um and you says eazy and inui are one side and keit and me on another...well....eazys not a panelist iirc. the panelists are kai, ksizzle, inui, keitaro, pierce.

kai ksizzle and keitaro = the KKK agree that low tiers shouldnt count....majority ftw?


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
You're wrong. You're less intelligent than me. You're the ridiculous one.

lol, stupid :laugh:

lol, yeah Eazy isn't a panelist anymore, lmao!! GTFO EAZY LMAO :laugh:

But seriously, based off facts that ksizzle just brought up, this would have to be decided upon between Inui, Keitaro, Kai, ksizzle, and Pierce. We won't even need Pierce's opinion to decide on depending on Kai's answer.

Edit: Inui, Pierce, and the KKK :D


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Edit: wow lucas, way to be an a$$hole over a fvckin videogame. Don't belittle someone's intelligence over a game that you probably should let go of once you decide to grow up in a year or so.
I state the truth. All the time. No matter how harsh it is.

btw i havent slept yet nor read this whole argument lmao

um and you says eazy and inui are one side and keit and me on another...well....eazys not a panelist iirc. the panelists are kai, ksizzle, inui, keitaro, pierce.

kai ksizzle and keitaro = the KKK agree that low tiers shouldnt count....majority ftw?
Eazy is a panelist again. Kai doesn't want to be a panelist. Ask him yourself. Kai was only a panelist because Eazy wasn't that active last season.

lol, stupid :laugh:

lol, yeah Eazy isn't a panelist anymore, lmao!! GTFO EAZY LMAO :laugh:

But seriously, based off facts that ksizzle just brought up, this would have to be decided upon between Inui, Keitaro, Kai, ksizzle, and Pierce. We won't even need Pierce's opinion to decide on depending on Kai's answer.

Edit: Inui, Pierce, and the KKK :D
Eazy is a panelist again. Kai doesn't want to be a panelist. Ask him yourself. Kai was only a panelist because Eazy wasn't that active last season.

Stop being stupid.

Eazy has destroyed anything your side could say. You are taking away from the accomplishments of people that beat Kai, Vex, PRiDE, Blue, etc.'s mains in a competition for money. That is terrible. It's stupid.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Eazy is a panelist again. Kai doesn't want to be a panelist. Ask him yourself. Kai was only a panelist because Eazy wasn't that active last season.

Stop being stupid.

Eazy has destroyed anything your side could say. You are taking away from the accomplishments of people that beat Kai, Vex, PRiDE, Blue, etc.'s mains in a competition for money. That is terrible. It's stupid.
You can't just make up stuff, all the panelists should decide on this. I keep telling you you're not god and you won't believe me. We vote for everything all the time, it's never your single decision so if Kai doesn't want to be a panelist anymore than so be it, especially after these ******** arguements I wouldn't be surprised.

But if Eazy declared to be a panelist again then we'd all have to agree.

You can't just speak for other people like that Inui.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I have to stop responding to Chibo.

He's been reporting my posts like a big baby over and over.

He's going to get my 6 permanent infractions at this rate.

I am going to address him in person about this. :)

Chibo, stop messing with me. I'm serious.
dude, iv barely even been reporting your posts as you make it out to be. this is a public forum, something anyone can see, not just me.

and keit is right, its cause your so ignorant and mean on the boards, take it as a lesson. atleast when i discuss in the nj thread (which i certainly have a right to do so), i generally provide solid insight and contribute to the conversation unlike what you and others did recently in the dso thread. you wouldnt be infracted so much if you werent such an ***. you can only blame that on yourself, not me. the safest way to not get infracted, is to be a pleasure to people on the boards. no one wants to go on here and be bickered by you or have to read 20 pages after one night of stupid arguing where ever other reply from you is belittling others/pompus remarks instead of actually debating.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008




Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
Haha wow, this is the funniest thing I ever read, I even momentarily stopped masturbating to post this. Inui, whatever you are saying is clearly not debating, because you throw out the words "I am debating" doesn't mean anything. I could teach my dog to do the Chudat pose but that doesn't mean he is suddenly chudat, even after repeating the pose several times when asked are you Chudat? .

Remember our aim convo yesterday?

Starcock: I believe the Sun is very hot, it does melt things after all.

Inui: "Insert gif to destract people from upcoming stupidity" you are a brainless frog with no eyes and a beard, argueing with you makes me laugh because you're pathetic. One day, nomes will rule the earth, infact, I decided to let nomes count for the rankings ". Me and Eazy have formed an unbreakable partnership, we are the best debaters in the land, even though months ago when we were arguing I called him the dumbest man on the planet and said he can't debate to shave his own assss crack. He said the same to me but we agree now and it greatly benefits me so I will call him the best debater here.

Keitaro and Eazy, so this is what you gents do when not engaging in sexual activities with women? That is ok, just think about how pointless this debate is and leave it be before it cuts deeper in your sex lives.

Keitaro's and Eazy"s Girl: Hey, wanna **** right now near lobsters?
Keitaro and Eazy: Hold up, Inui posted. One sec, arguing with Keitaro.
See what I mean? Quit it.

Oh and this Chibo abuse, you are lucky I don't call george washington to deal with that. Don't think for a second that the man won't come back from the grave with a cherry soda to slap you with.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Keitaro, have you read the last 10 pages of this thread? Inui had been debating this over and over and over. His posts are much longer than mine on average. His points for the most part get ignored, and he is then forced to repeat himself. You all know if I disagree with Inui I say it, as I have earlier in this debate. But claiming that all he is doing is being mean is an indicator that you are not fully reading his posts and logically disagreeing with his arguements. Do I somehow become wrong when I call you an idiot after I say the sky is blue?

Simple concepts are being ignored and debated due to technicality. Beating vex's bowser in tournament is not a tourny accomplishment because it was low tier? You do realize that accomplishments are based off of beating a player that the panel sees as good while using one of their mains right?

If I beat m2k while he went squirtle, adhd while he went peach, Inui when he went fox, Atomsk when he went gaw, and pierce when he went kirby, am I top 3 in NJ? No, these characters are not tied to the image we have of these players. Only beating certain characters of theirs is seen as impressive. Regardless of a technicality on a circumstance, good players are being beaten while using the characters that they are known for. You people need to stop concentrating on the person that lost and concentrate on the PERSON THAT WON. YOU ARE PUNISHING THEM. Put yourselves in that position. You go through the low tiers bracket and beat pride, vex, rhyme, kai, and blue but none of these wins can be marked as tournament accomplishments? Look at what this does for the winner and stop concentrating on some imaginary fate that you feel impends the loser.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Keitaro, have you read the last 10 pages of this thread? Inui had been debating this over and over and over. His posts are much longer than mine on average. His points for the most part get ignored, and he is then forced to repeat himself. You all know if I disagree with Inui I say it, as I have earlier in this debate. But claiming that all he is doing is being mean is an indicator that you are not fully reading his posts and logically disagreeing with his arguements. Do I somehow become wrong when I call you an idiot after I say the sky is blue?

Simple concepts are being ignored and debated due to technicality. Beating vex's bowser in tournament is not a tourny accomplishment because it was low tier? You do realize that accomplishments are based off of beating a player that the panel sees as good while using one of their mains right?

If I beat m2k while he went squirtle, adhd while he went peach, Inui when he went fox, Atomsk when he went gaw, and pierce when he went kirby, am I top 3 in NJ? No, these characters are not tied to the image we have of these players. Only beating certain characters of theirs is seen as impressive. Regardless of a technicality on a circumstance, good players are being beaten while using the characters that they are known for. You people need to stop concentrating on the person that lost and concentrate on the PERSON THAT WON. YOU ARE PUNISHING THEM. Put yourselves in that position. You go through the low tiers bracket and beat pride, vex, rhyme, kai, and blue but none of these wins can be marked as tournament accomplishments? Look at what this does for the winner and stop concentrating on some imaginary fate that you feel impends the loser.
Inui isn't the only one repeating himself. I already commented on every part of this post on the past few pages.

Keitaro- No, I don't want to be a panelist. I did tell Inui that yesterday. Although I feel I would do a fair job, I simply don't care enough and don't want people complaining to me when they feel they have been done an injustice. I mean, it's happening right now, I never want that to be my fault.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Inui isn't the only one repeating himself. I already commented on every part of this post on the past few pages.

Keitaro- No, I don't want to be a panelist. I did tell Inui that yesterday. Although I feel I would do a fair job, I simply don't care enough and don't want people complaining to me when they feel they have been done an injustice. I mean, it's happening right now, I never want that to be my fault.
Is beating your sonic in tournament a tournament accomplishment..yes or no?


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Wrong. Fortunately you don't make that decision, the community does, but it was nice to see your opinion anyway. If m2k randomly decided beating his mk meant nothing, I'm sure Ally would be fine with his accomplishment being thrown to the ground.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Wrong. Fortunately you don't make that decision, the community does, but it was nice to see your opinion anyway. If m2k randomly decided beating his mk meant nothing, I'm sure Ally would be fine with his accomplishment being thrown to the ground.
Then why did you ask?

So you're telling me that if my sonic losses to Lucario, Wario, Marth, Snake, Wolf, Olimar, Rob, G&W, and Luigi that this is an accomplishment currently?? Not imo it isn't. At this point I know enough not to use him when fighting these characters and instead have greater chances with Diddy and Fox. You can call it an accomplishment all you want though.

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Kai, its still you. You are a ranked player, and well ranked, if someone beats your sonic in tournament why down them? They beat you and they can feel however they want about beating you. Its an accomplishment since your a good player and people know who you are, why take that away from anyone?


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Then why did you ask?

So you're telling me that if my sonic losses to Lucario, Wario, Marth, Snake, Wolf, Olimar, Rob, G&W, and Luigi that this is an accomplishment currently?? Not imo it isn't. At this point I know enough not to use him when fighting these characters and instead have greater chances with Diddy and Fox. You can call it an accomplishment all you want though.
You've got to be kidding me. You think if you and I fight in tournament and I beat your sonic 2-0, the panel says hmmm nah Eazy, not a good win, it was vs a sonic?

Again, I told you that I'm all for some more character specific discussion as far as the rankings go. I've always felt that a win in a matchup where your character demolishes the other should not be as meaningful. However, that is not how it goes as of now.

Your sonic is so good vs marth also, much harder than your diddy from my last memories of fighting you.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Kai, its still you. You are a ranked player, and well ranked, if someone beats your sonic in tournament why down them? They beat you and they can feel however they want about beating you. Its an accomplishment since your a good player and people know who you are, why take that away from anyone?
It's not me, or either of us, at 100%. Thats why.

Kai do you like fruit loops? Yes or No?

Edit: LIke I said, you can call it an accomlishment all you want. I won't see it as one. However if you got that matchup by counterpicking me into it, I would see it as a win for sure. You used the tournament rules to advance over me. You obviously would have beaten my character, but more importantly me, having all the options availible


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Thing is Eazy, in normal singles, he has a choice to switch. Whether or not his Diddy is easy for you, it may be harder than his Sonic for other players. In low tiers, there is no choice of Diddy.

And I did not say Inui is posting absolute garbage. He made decent arguement earlier then stopped and started ****ting on people, that is a fact.

So asking if I read the last 10 pages is stupid when I clearly did and noticed when he stopped debating me and started his usual bs of: "No one wants you on the panel Keitaro, I don't care if you die, your not going to heaven, blah blah blah"


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
I conceide
You don't even understand why you conceide, go back and read the last 50 pages and form a coherent arguement that involves legends of the hidden temple and jamanji. Until you do this, the debate will continue no matter what you say.

PS. Thank you for correcting my froot loop error, no one would of known what I was talking about otherwise.
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