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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2005
update: i haven't been to smashboards in ages, but i no longer live in jersey. if anyone updtes the melee player finder it would be worth it to take my name off



Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
um..... any smashers play street fighter hd remix for xbox360 if so hit me up my gamer tag is sneak18 and can you guys add that to the games that i play in the finder, thanks


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
lol i really hope i get a positive response from this

At swr 5 i lost a black jansport bookbag and there was a wii inside it with all cables and a wii remote. did anyone take it by mistake or whatever? sad face


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
I don't want a rank. Inui, if you want me ranked, then put me as honorary. I have no interest in being part of your bull****, and refuse to have my name plastered on a wall.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
I actually would like some innovation in the way the rankings are decided. I would like to eliminate the bias, and incorporate a more logical way of ranking people.

We need to decide whether
A) players not being at their best physically, mentally, practice wise etc is an ok excuse, and losses should not be heavily counted against them.

B) Along with A, what does beating one of these players under these less than perfect conditions mean for their opponents?

C) An understanding that accepting reasons for under performing for ANYONE means we must do it for EVERYONE. This will take ALOT more work, but may make a more accurate list. So Inui, you climbing a mountain may be valid, but when everyone starts saying they played field hockey the day before a tourny, and thats why they lost....you get my drift?

D) Are we going to be more receptive of WHAT HAPPENS during matchups? If smasher A beats spammer, and spam sd's 3 times in that set, are we going to allow that win to place random smasher over someone who doesnt have such a notable win? I would like to have this **** figured out NOW.

E)WHAT EXACTLY the list is supposed to mean. Is it a list about who places higher during the season? If so, then the NUMBER placing should be looked at VERY heavily. Is it about who has beaten more names during a season? If so, we need to increase our encyclopedia of notable names in NJ. There are PLENTY of wins that people get, that are ignored, because these opponents havent broken that seal of popularity yet.

I really feel as though smashers going even, barely losing, taking off matches should be something that is considered when making the rankings. Alot of things happen during the 3 matches of a set that contribute to the W-L handouts, and I think they should be noted a bit more. If someone takes you to the timer because it was match 3 of a very very even set, it should be noted, and you should get some points for that. When a match could have gone either way, both players should be commended for holding down their **** n geting to that position imo.

I would also like to add a section that gives praise to people who main low tier characters. Maybe a top 5 low tier users section, which would be very easy to do. This would provide incentive for people to stick to their guns, and continue to push the meta game of their characters.

We also should have representation from EVERY major crew in New Jersey.

Having most of the top players think of the NJ rankings as a joke is not cool.

I also would like more participation from NJ in general, it is indeed OUR ranking system. No offense to myself or my fellow panelist, but none of us have passed a test to become one. We just jumped up for the job and in no way have displayed superior qualities to do what we do. The list should be something that every, objectionable, knowledgeable smasher in NJ should be happy about. The panelist have the final say, but I myself have no problem with hearing suggestions and observations from ANY smasher in NJ. I respect everyones opinions because I realize any of you could be a panelist yourself.

I honestly think the list should be the top 15 players in NJ by general consensus, sealed and approved by the panelists.

DM, and anyone else who feels as though they are at the mercy of Inui, relax. I will be taking a much more active role in this discussion, and every decision will be made off of logic, CONSISTENT logic at that.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
unfortunately as bad as it is for players to lose sets when being sick or hurt from a mountain, theres no clear way to tell that. a player can simply put on an act when they loose. the player should be aware they are entering a tourney and that they're laying it all on the line. ppl can john and sometimes it can be understood, but a tourney match is a tourney match. if you TRULY feel that you were cheated out of a win from climbing too many mountains, then next time you see the person settle it out with a money match. if the person is too poor for it, then force them to play a serious set with rankings on the line lol.

on the side though, if you come to my tourney on friday eazy are u driving? i need someone with a car to transport my TVs from my apartment to the venue (its only a couple blocks). i mean worst comes to worst i carry em like i do every **** biweekly lol, but its really really tiring.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I agree with everything eazy's post said. My once concern is that it would take a VERY long time to consider all those variables when ranking the players..


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I think the rankings are fine just the way they are. Using Eazy's suggestions equals allowing johns incorparated with rankings and we don't need that.

Gonna mountain climb?? Don't enter.

Nervous?? Don't enter.

SD'ed?? Too bad.

We might as well rank DM 3rd and Pride 6th if we take away all their SD's. No wait, that's apart of his playing style.

I say leave it how it is.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
I would also like to add a section that gives praise to people who main low tier characters. Maybe a top 5 low tier users section, which would be very easy to do. This would provide incentive for people to stick to their guns, and continue to push the meta game of their characters.
While this is an exceptional idea, how is this going to be decided? The tier list made by the SBR isn't that accurate so what characters fall under the label of low tier would need to be decided. Also, there are people like me who don't main low tiers but have superior low tiers than the people who DO main them. Would they get a higher spot because they use them in tourney or would I because I'm better than them with a low tier?

We also should have representation from EVERY major crew in New Jersey.
This is ONLY acceptable if everyone is willing to see logic.

I also would like more participation from NJ in general, it is indeed OUR ranking system. No offense to myself or my fellow panelist, but none of us have passed a test to become one. We just jumped up for the job and in no way have displayed superior qualities to do what we do.
You may not have displayed superior qualities but that doesn't mean you don't have them. I don't see eye-to-eye with Inui on a lot of issues but him being a panelist is significantly more reassuring than say Palpi, Melo, or Izumi being a panelist.

The list should be something that every, objectionable, knowledgeable smasher in NJ should be happy about.
Pretty sure you mean objective ;)

I honestly think the list should be the top 15 players in NJ by general consensus, sealed and approved by the panelists.
Here's where I disagree. I do not trust any list to be accurate if it is decided by the general consensus of the masses of mongrels and courtesans that comprise the NJ smasher community.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006

You may not have displayed superior qualities but that doesn't mean you don't have them. I don't see eye-to-eye with Inui on a lot of issues but him being a panelist is significantly more reassuring than say Palpi, Melo, or Izumi being a panelist.

Here's where I disagree. I do not trust any list to be accurate if it is decided by the general consensus of the masses of mongrels and courtesans that comprise the NJ smasher community.
I consider both of these areas win


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
So like what are the major crews in NJ? and is chrome pirate gona pass me on the rankings cuz if so.....=( sike i dont care XD ily atomsk


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
I think the rankings are fine just the way they are. Using Eazy's suggestions equals allowing johns incorparated with rankings and we don't need that.

Gonna mountain climb?? Don't enter.

Nervous?? Don't enter.

SD'ed?? Too bad.

We might as well rank DM 3rd and Pride 6th if we take away all their SD's. No wait, that's apart of his playing style.

I say leave it how it is.
What were my suggestions? I never suggested anything regarding sd's so I would appreciate it if you read it correctly. I said we need to figure out those topics. Because people seem to believe that playing like crap wont effect them for the rankings, and its hard 2 say no, when one of the panelists seems to strongly be for "excuses". My position wasnt even thrown into my post if you read it correctly.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
You asked so and so questions and I gave my answer in the first paragraph. I read your post. That doesn't mean what I'm saying is in response. Did I quote you? No. I was just giving my opinion on the changing of rules for rankings to the public.

Everything else has nothing to do with your post. It's simply me stating stuff.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
You asked so and so questions and I gave my answer in the first paragraph. I read your post. That doesn't mean what I'm saying is in response. Did I quote you? No. I was just giving my opinion on the changing of rules for rankings to the public.

Everything else has nothing to do with your post. It's simply me stating stuff.
You dont have to quote me if you are gunna say my name in relation to allowing johns to be considered. My suggestions came in at the BOTTOM of my post. Everything at the top were things that I wanted to discuss. You say we dont allow johns do be counted right?

Well when Izumi beat d1, every panelist lowered the importance of that win, because d1 hadn't played brawl in like 2 months. That is accepting an outside source, that compromises play into the discussion of the NJ rankings. Inui ignored his losses because he climbed a mountain. Who knows what we will hear this time. I simply said we need to decide if ANYTHING is going to be taken into consideration or NOTHING.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
I think every smasher should get 1 (one) Get out of Jail free card to use as an excuse for losing to someone and they get off the hook something affecting their performance. No, Inui, you cannot section your card off into confetti pieces :laugh:


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I see what your saying, but Izumi's win was still taken into account.

I hated the fact that Izumi win was downgraded because supposively D1 hadn't played in 2 months. Unless we have cameras in his room daily, I don't think it's fair. Especially when D1 got first the next week at a tournament.

If it's things like mountain climbing, someone not playing in months, etc, I think they should all be ignored because we simply don't know if these so-called facts or true or if they even make a difference in one's Brawl playing skill.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Yea exactly.

My thing is this, Keitaro, you know that when we make the list it really comes down to who has this person beaten right?

If lets say player number square is a big name in NJ. But player number square loses to sally, jessy, and james, but no one expected those losses. player number square johns those losses off and everyone accepts them. Sally, Jesse, and James have beaten a big name in NJ, but when people beat them... does it mean as much as it would if player number square didn't john?

Like the system is highly based off of player reputation, and I feel as though the way we discard losses in a lot of cases, losses that would increase the reputation of players, makes it hard for some people to be seen as names.

I guess we will c when we discuss the rankings, but I want to be fair to everyone, not just the people currently ranked u know?


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Jesse and James are amazing...


also...just be more considerate of everything that happened at the tourney, and don't write off losses cuz the winner wasn't as popular as the loser?


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
cuz...it's more than that...but seriously who are you? do you go to tournies? gloucester county is 2 hours away from anything not philly...


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Chris if its more than that, then its ALOT of things.
Its all or nothing.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
Gloucester County, NJ
cuz...it's more than that...but seriously who are you? do you go to tournies? gloucester county is 2 hours away from anything not philly...
around 50 minutes from pinceton, i go to a friends place thats in lawrenceville and thats 50-60 minutes usually.

and im just a guy getting into the competitive game of melee. im pretty good friends with LoLmaster and he is teachin me how to play. goin to tourneys whenever i get the chance and he is drivin.

And i know the rankings are more than just tournaments. But that is probably the way to do it if you dont want any conflict, or holes in the system, its just a secure and solid way to rank people (done in most games). What Eazy brought up may just be the first of these issues.

Also how does the current system work exactly? (i dont know all the details)


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Brandon, it's not your choice to be ranked or not. If you're entering singles and doing well, you're obviously a valid tournament threat to everyone and worthy of being ranked. If you don't like it, don't enter singles. Sorry.

We're going to add Pierce7d as a panelist for the Zodiac Braves.

We're looking for a panelist for S.W.R. I'm thinking ksizzle because he's the best player in the crew and generally gets to play more players due to lasting longer in tournaments.

Eazy, we can discuss everything amongst ourselves when making the list.

After January 17th, we're making the list.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Actually, I can choose to not be listed, as proven by Wes in 2006.

I want nothing to do with you ***gots, judging your **** size by a smash ranking system.

Make the Rankings:

1. M2K
2. No one, Atomsk loses to Snake as d3, and Inui goes last hit with Robs. Spam is pretty good, but hates brawl and doesn't want to be listed.
3. **** off.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Actually, I can choose to not be listed, as proven by Wes in 2006.

I want nothing to do with you ***gots, judging your **** size by a smash ranking system.

Make the Rankings:

1. M2K
2. No one, Atomsk loses to Snake as d3, and Inui goes last hit with Robs. Spam is pretty good, but hates brawl and doesn't want to be listed.
3. **** off.

You make it sound like brawl rankings don't matter O_O.

How do I get to your location? I wanna go visit there.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You can't choose to not be ranked on this list. I don't care what other lists do. You've been entering singles a lot lately and you've been doing well. You're a valid tournament threat to people again and that can't be ignored.

If you don't like it, don't enter singles.

This isn't up for debate. Sorry.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Inui -.... what? Why would you forcibly make people become a part of the rankings?

Thats so... stupid. So if I don't want to be a part of rankings yet I want to enter tournaments what do I do?


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
Next time I come to NJ I'll defiantly come smash.

If I dont I'll go buy you guys some Cheeseburgers or something.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui -.... what? Why would you forcibly make people become a part of the rankings?

Thats so... stupid. So if I don't want to be a part of rankings yet I want to enter tournaments what do I do?
And how can you enter singles, do well, exist as a valid tournament threat to everyone, and not be ranked at all just because you don't feel like it?

Way back with the top 25 national rankings, a few players cried about being ranked when they didn't want to be. I remember Marcus, a top Sheik, just stopped entering singles altogether, which was the only way to get off the rankings. The panelists didn't ignore players being valid and big tournament threats just because they didn't want recognition.
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