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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Sneak it's not about money....it's about...sending a message...These smashers deserve a better class of ****...and from now on...I'm gonna give it to 'em...


Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
Sneak it's not about money....it's about...sending a message...These smashers deserve a better class of ****...and from now on...I'm gonna give it to 'em...

Tell your smashers they play for me now.

"They won't play for a freak".

... Freak? How about we chop you up into little pieces and feed you to your boozers? Then we'll see just how loyal a hungry dragon-turtle-thingy really is.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
My set vs Vex was ********. I felt bad 3 stocking and 2 stocking him the first 2 matches and let it go to best of 7 and was just having fun then all ya'll showed up going "OMG!! KEITARO WTF?!!?" so then I had to just beat him.

Either way, Bowser is more like his joke character imo and since he's from a different region and I'm supposed to be better, what does it prove? If I lost it woulda just ****ted on my existence pretty much I guess.

You say other communities count mm's as more?? Well we are not those other communities, we are the smash community.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I've also done other mm's but there's no point in naming them cause they will lead me to the same spot anyway.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Why not vote on the issue instead of being despotic about it?

Keitaro you could do a poll thing for this thread right? Make one saying "who wants mm's to count for rankings?" If people want it to count then they can voice their opinion through voting.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
Gloucester County, NJ
You could create a system where people actually have ranked matches that dont necessarily have to be money matches. Then money matches dont have to be ranked and ranked matches dont have to be for money.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
You could create a system where people actually have ranked matches that dont necessarily have to be money matches. Then money matches dont have to be ranked and ranked matches dont have to be for money.
You mean a money-less tournament? Or a ladder? Either idea is stupid, and now I hate you more.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You say other communities count mm's as more?? Well we are not those other communities, we are the smash community.
Yeah, exactly. We're stupid.

@BlackWaltz: Were those all in this season and did they all involve mains?


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
lol seriously tho how are u just gonna add something extra to go by right at the end of the season.... if u do add mm's it shouldn't start until next season


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
have a minimun that counts because MMs under a doller even for the whole fight an opponenet aspect just shouldnt matter


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Yeah you guys should just start that next season or something. And it should only be MMs $5 and over, because you can't expect everyone to always give it their all for a dollar lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
They were all at the past tourney.
Also I beat Blue at TGW for $5. (Right?)

Uhhh.. do it next season, seriously.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Okay, we are doing it for the next season since over 50% agree.
Really now Keitaro? You talked to 50% of NJ smashers and this is what they said? Please post the results from Saturday's tournament and post what each player says about this idea.

Yeah you guys should just start that next season or something. And it should only be MMs $5 and over, because you can't expect everyone to always give it their all for a dollar lol.
**** that, Brawl isn't worth $5 MMs. :bee:


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Really now Keitaro? You talked to 50% of NJ smashers and this is what they said? Please post the results from Saturday's tournament and post what each player says about this idea.
I obviously was speaking of the last page of decisions about the topic. It is impossible to speak to 50% of all NJ smashers and you know that.

I guess I got a little hasty cause of this idea that I think is stupid. I agree that we should vote then so we shall.

Everyone please vote:

Money Matches included for the upcoming rankings?

Yes or No?

Edit: Btw, I think you have to be a mod to make a poll.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Either way, Bowser is more like his joke character imo and since he's from a different region and I'm supposed to be better, what does it prove? If I lost it woulda just ****ted on my existence pretty much I guess.
Yes, if you lose to Bowser with Falco in a MM ever in your life, your existence deserves to be ****ted on.

Also, everyone please vote:

Inui to be ranked 99999th in NJ in the next rankings?

Yes or No?


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
dm's online hatred is amazing xD

hey dm i hate you! <3

tec0's statement about inui's ranking is pretty accurate too.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
This isn't a democracy.
Nothing personal but seriously dude you can't say that lol. We ALL play the game; doing better than some people doesn't give someone complete authority on how rankings should be done.

Personally I vote for it to be done next season.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Other fighting communities treat us like jokes, and this is one of many reasons why.

Once again, it's not really a democracy. Atomsk and I both agree very strongly that they should count this season, and we're half of the panel. teh_spamerer is another top player and he seems to agree that they're valid, and *GASP*, he actually plays other fighting games too.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Since when have you cared what other people think ;)
I care about what Atomsk thinks because he's a top player, a panelist, and has knowledge of other fighting games. I care about what Kashif thinks because he's a top player and plays other fighting games. See the connection here? Playing other fighting games makes you less of a little bitch.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
true fact: the majority of the smash community = scrubs for various reasons. The most common ones believe one or more of the following: "waaah camping is gay, no one should do it", "waaah meta is gay, no one should play him and should use characters that take REAL skill like my main", "waah tourney***s take all the fun out of games"


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Notable Money Matches (Only $1 or more counts, and only tournament characters count):
-Pierce7d beat BlackWaltz
-Pierce7d beat Blue (2 times)
-Blue beat Pierce7d
-Blue beat Wes
-Atomsk beat Forte (3 times)
-Atomsk beat ChuDat
-Atomsk beat NEO
-Atomsk beat Seibrik
-Atomsk beat bschung
-teh_spamerer beat Atomsk (2 times)
-teh_spamerer beat Keitaro
-Keitaro beat Vex
-BlackWaltz beat Eazy (2 times)
-BlackWaltz beat Yes!
-BlackWaltz beat Vex
-Inui beat Blue (2 times)
-bschung beat Atomsk

Regardless of people crying over it, namely Keitaro and Eazy since they're the other half of the panel, Atomsk and I, being the other half, will consider them valid since they're serious sets.

Btw, I think we should add a 5th panelist, and choose from the Zodiac Braves. Pierce7d is their best player, so I'd pick him.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Why would I cry about it lol?

This IS a democracy as well. We as panelist should be taking into consideration what is considered largely based on what the community thinks. There was no certification process deeming any of us more capable than anyone else in the community, so don't get power hungry assuming you have more pull than you do in making huge decisions like that.

Regardless of whether your idea is valid or not, it doesnt change the fact that you are sheerly outnumbered in what you and what people want to happen. There is nothing wrong with your claim of mm's being noteworthy, but obviously if alot of the community is saying count them later, it tells you something about their mentalities towards mms before hand.

You can not honestly say every person tried their best in a mm, especially not knowing it would be counted against them. Blackwaltz loses mms and doesnt even care, ***** those same people in tourny.
I've mmd people just so I didn't have to leave a setup and cuz i had a few bucks in my pocket.

Again, if mms are to be taken seriously, people should be playing serious in them. You can't assume that this was the case in all mms before you made your statement so just be fair.

People are complaining because they know they have done mms and not taken them very seriously, which is their choice. Don't go behind their backs forcing them to pay for something they had no idea would effect them as far as their rankings.

Granted atomsk has some really nice mm wins vs players he doesnt see and was obviously very competitive with. It wouldnt be flawed to consider those wins when talking about his placing, but every mm doesnt have these qualifications. I do mms with keitaro n yehs all the time, does it always make us play seriously? No it doesnt. It should be up to the 2 players to decide whether the mm was noteworthy, not us. So if both players from the listed mms say yea it was very serious and worth counting, than fine no problem. But it is not within our panelistic(rofl) powers to assume we know the details of every 1$mm that occurs.

If we take them into consideration starting next season, people will make sure they take them seriously.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Why would I cry about it lol?
Then use your brain and realize that MMs count a lot. Other fighting game communities would quote the rest of your post and go "lol."

This IS a democracy as well. We as panelist should be taking into consideration what is considered largely based on what the community thinks. There was no certification process deeming any of us more capable than anyone else in the community, so don't get power hungry assuming you have more pull than you do in making huge decisions like that.
Atomsk and I are going to count them whether the rest of you do or don't.

Regardless of whether your idea is valid or not, it doesnt change the fact that you are sheerly outnumbered in what you and what people want to happen. There is nothing wrong with your claim of mm's being noteworthy, but obviously if alot of the community is saying count them later, it tells you something about their mentalities towards mms before hand.

You can not honestly say every person tried their best in a mm, especially not knowing it would be counted against them. Blackwaltz loses mms and doesnt even care, ***** those same people in tourny.
I've mmd people just so I didn't have to leave a setup and cuz i had a few bucks in my pocket.
Why would anyone bet money on a match, use their real characters, and then sandbag? That's stupid.

BlackWaltz's only MM loss was to someone he beat in a tournament set and outplaced multiple times, so it's not going to harm him at all. It merely gives Pierce7d a bit of consideration to be ranked in the first place.

Again, if mms are to be taken seriously, people should be playing serious in them. You can't assume that this was the case in all mms before you made your statement so just be fair.
Don't bet money on something you're not going to take seriously. That's not a hard concept to understand. In fact, it's extremely logical.

If an MM was a joke one, like with low tiers or something like that, it won't count.

People are complaining because they know they have done mms and not taken them very seriously, which is their choice. Don't go behind their backs forcing them to pay for something they had no idea would effect them as far as their rankings.
On the list I posted, who did a joke MM that wasn't a serious set at all?

Granted atomsk has some really nice mm wins vs players he doesnt see and was obviously very competitive with. It wouldnt be flawed to consider those wins when talking about his placing, but every mm doesnt have these qualifications. I do mms with keitaro n yehs all the time, does it always make us play seriously? No it doesnt. It should be up to the 2 players to decide whether the mm was noteworthy, not us. So if both players from the listed mms say yea it was very serious and worth counting, than fine no problem. But it is not within our panelistic(rofl) powers to assume we know the details of every 1$mm that occurs.
I agree with the first bolded sentence, but be wary of people claiming it wasn't serious just because they lost.

I don't agree with the second bolded sentence because I'm an elitist.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
I dont care if your an elitist get outa here with that. N wtf who cares what the street fighter community thinks of the smash community, get outa here with that. You owe more to the people in YOUR community than you do to anyone else so be serious. I said it was a good idea to count mms, no disagreeing there. Im disagreeing with you feeling you have the power to consider something that everyone is telling you not to.

Why are you in such a rush to count mms? You've been on the panel for how long? Did you just realize they were counted in other fighting games? If you already knew, why didnt u bring up this point and "force" your will into consideration before?

Again, if you and atomsk say omg they count right now but the community says no wait until after this season, my vote goes with whatever the community goes to. Keitaro can think what he wants. But if it comes down to half the panel and a majority of the community wanting these to be considered later you bet your a$$ off they wont be counted until later. The fact that you are pushing so hard for them to be counted seems a bit fishy imo, but we will see where the benefit comes in eventually.

You can surely post your own special lucas list, filled with your own thoughts and opions. However, when making the nj rankings list, we discuss and are fair. So take off your elitist pantie hoes, and sit down in some real people pj's please:)


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Also, your own judgement on what is important and what isnt important is irrelevant. I've had serious friendlies before, do you believe in those? Do they count? what if I say, whoever I friendly, we make a verbal agreement to play our best. Does that count for anything? Who says a dollar means more than someones word? Like just read what you say, and realize that umm your being unfair to what could potentially hurt people. Not saying that any above listed mm is hurting anyone. But u dont just leave the door open waiting for the squirrels to come in f*ck up ur kids. Shut the **** and wait until everyone has their baseball bats and are ready to swing.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
The fact that you are pushing so hard for them to be counted seems a bit fishy imo, but we will see where the benefit comes in eventually.
Yes, because me beating Blue twice really means a lot and will surely rank me higher. Also, I really want Atomsk above teh_spamerer so I'm pointing out some awesome MM wins he has.

...Or not.

You can say anything you want, but I will be bringing money matches into the discussion when we have it.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Lmao just go thru the process in your head inui. They don't count more than tourny results. So they would have to be brought up in a close call situation. a mm from june/july can be important in your mind, but if the community isnt buying it, and the other half of the panel isnt buying it, how does you considering it make any difference? I'm honestly asking. R u gunna highjack the njplayerfinder page and write the list you want?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
The ones I posted are almost all very recent.

I'm going to bring them up when we discuss the rankings, and I'm very sure Atomsk will too. That's all I said I'm going to do.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
I think everyone should chill and get their facts straight.

Actual NJ Brawl Power Rankings

1) Yes!
2) Everyone else

Now that that's over with, who wants to play me on Green Hill Zone?
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