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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
I'll host something to relieve your boredom and give you a shot at beating the amazing MasterDaveNo1. :)
omfg. I'm sorry Keitaro but I just laughed my *** off at that. Dave is way too good. Inui if u do host something can you give me a few week's notice? I want to make sure I can make it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
the fact that nj dropped that much in activity between the 2 ranking periods kind of hurts. i suggest that after nj does one more round of power rankings and pa does one round, we combine the next for a top 15 nj/pa rankings. that is, assuming neither area really booms in activity until that list is made (like february?).


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
NJ only "dropped" in activity because teh_spamerer didn't attend anything due to not being at Rutgers, Rutgers weeklies not happening over the summer, and me not being able to host one specific tournament because of my grandfather's death. There's no need to combine our list with PA's.

Atomsk, PRiDE would be ranked decently even though he "quit" because he had more than enough activity already and beat NinjaLink.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
Hightstown, New Jersey (central Jersey)
I was just wondering...any smashers living in Central Jersey?
hey i live about 25min. from you

NJ only "dropped" in activity because teh_spamerer didn't attend anything due to not being at Rutgers, Rutgers weeklies not happening over the summer, and me not being able to host one specific tournament because of my grandfather's death. There's no need to combine our list with PA's.

Atomsk, PRiDE would be ranked decently even though he "quit" because he had more than enough activity already and beat NinjaLink.
does rutgers still have smashfests regularly? i live about 30min. from there so that would be cool for me


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
dude Ninja Link is really good but like when I was playing him a week ago at chibos we did MK vs Diddy like 10 times and he didn't beat me in any of them, i 2 stocked him like half the games too. This is making me start to believe that esticle was a fluke. He's obviously really good, but because of me beating him so many times the last time we played, and tourney results consistency, idk if beating him is as great of a factor (not to take anything away from pride, and I heard it was a 2-1 not a 2-0) for making a serious list jump for. Like, I know it's really good, but it's probably not as big of a deal as people once thought. He did beat atomsk at the last NJ tourney, but IMO atomsk was the only really challenging person there for him (and I heard the rules was u had to change characters every game or something and NL is really good for that cuz he uses a ton well), the only other two there were shadow and snakeee.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
idk if beating him is as great of a factor (not to take anything away from pride, and I heard it was a 2-1 not a 2-0) for making a serious list jump for. Like, I know it's really good, but it's probably not as big of a deal as people once thought. \
Ninjalink used Lucario R1 and R3, can't remember who he used R2 vs Pride and R3 was on NORFAIR.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
@ Inui: Since there has been barely any tournies in NJ it would make no sense to end the season in September. I think we'll just stick till November for now because NJ needs alot more tournies.

Dave did get better but that last tournament has nothing to do with the rankings if that wasn't completely obvious. If he really did get better he should be able to prove it at future normal tournaments.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
November is too long. Just do October. NJ will have tons of tournaments by then thanks to me and Rutgers.

That last tournament should at least count as much as a low tier tournament or something minor.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Ninjalink used Lucario R1 and R3, can't remember who he used R2 vs Pride and R3 was on NORFAIR.
I used Zelda(not lucario) first round, diddy second, lucario third. HE camped me. Big whoop. I lose to campers. Guess what guys? If u wanna beat NinjaLink, Camp him. Its an easy win.

Everyone seems to take everything serious. I used zelda first match cause i just wanted to use zelda. I had no idea pride was gonna camp me the entire time bein the last time i played him he didnt do that but it seems he went the 'play to win' route. Once again just like melee, Zelda cant fight campers. Zelda cannot chase a yoshi who pivot grabs. Its impossible. Dins fire is easily stopped by attacks so no point.

M2K. U played me till like 4 am. I did not want not use diddy at all cause i wanna play other chars. U wanna take friendlys seriously then go ahead. U think ppl wanna play an aggresive meta knight half asleep then have fun. Not johning but really. U said i was bragging about my win against u but yet wat ur sayin now is kinda the same thing.

As of now imma keep alot of info to myself and not post really anything now so have fun progressing the game. Im out.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
^^ nah dude, stick around.

And the nexxus tourny should count for something. Everyone plays a few really good characters, and no 1 was Really screwed by the rules. Yes they were gay but NOONE got a$$ ***** by it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
^^ nah dude, stick around.

And the nexxus tourny should count for something. Everyone plays a few really good characters, and no 1 was Really screwed by the rules. Yes they were gay but NOONE got a$$ ***** by it.
while some odd tourneys should count for something (like rage where atleast the actual sets were real), theres no way nexus can count for anything. you couldn't even play your freicken main throughout the whole set. that makes no sense to count towards actual skill.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Problems with Nexus:

You have to stand and look up at the screen to somewhat see what's going on.
The couches were garbage.
The host was ******** and unaccommodating.
Only a few people knew that stages could be banned.
The host was expecting us to give our counterpicks before the actual sets.
We weren't allowed to see the backets.
Pirate Ship was a legal stage (lol dave.)
We couldn't play our gahdam mains the whole set.
The host didn't even know his own rules about payouts.

Yeah we should definitely factor this awesome tournament in for rankings. Tbagz getting 5th place lolz.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Umm notice I said FOR SOMETHING. It def wasnt a standard tournament but the fact still remains that people had serious sets.
If low tier tournaments count for something, than this can have some standing. Did you lose to anyone you shouldnt have because of the rules?

If anyone has a set that went completely wrong because of the rules, then I understand. But from my knowledge,the rules were just gay and annoying. PLUS, alot of people just did the set regularly anyway.

Yes, i am partially defending it because I did well, and i don't feel as tho it was simply because of the rule.

Edit- and what to u mean lolz at tbagz getting 5th place? He didn't f with the bracket or anything. Regardless of him being seen as annoying, his placing wasnt due to the tourny rules. He loss to players better than him.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Umm notice I said FOR SOMETHING. It def wasnt a standard tournament but the fact still remains that people had serious sets.
If low tier tournaments count for something, than this can have some standing. Did you lose to anyone you shouldnt have because of the rules?
low tier tourneys don't and shouldnt count for anything towards rankings. unless in the very unlikely situation that both players in a set happened to have played their mains.

Yes, i am partially defending it because I did well, and i don't feel as tho it was simply because of the rule.
you're defending it for all the wrong reasons. explain how you did well even with the rule in place and that it should count something


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
Low tier tournaments never have and never will count for a ranking. This tournament sounds like it was horrible and shouldn't count. (Sorry eazy) Thats just one man's opinion though, I'm not a brawl rankings panelist. Hell I don't even play this game.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
No chibo you're right. I don't mean I'm defending it SIMPLY because I did well. What I'm trying to say is that, the results were not OFF because of the rules. I mean yehs says it shoudln't matter at all, but if he were to have beaten say Atomsk, I'm sure he would be arguing for the other side. I know that SOMEONE would say that I'm only defending it because I placed well. I'm answering that from the door saying, yes i did well and i would like it to count for something, but that is not where my logic flows from.

The rules were kinda gay, but it didnt take away from the competitive atmosphere. People were playing serious brawl sets.

Again, I'm not saying it should count like a regular tourny. I just know that if say someone brings up Iszumi doing well at that tourny. Someone will say waah waah the rules the rules. Him beating keitaro, which is a good win for him could be overlooked because of the rules. The rules don't change the details of the set, a set that could have went that same way without the rules. Get me?

Thats why I asked for anyone who was completely screwed by the rules to let me know. For the most part however, most good players can use more than 1 GAY *** character in brawl. Therefore, the rules didnt **** anyone, and no 1 was COMPLETELY counterpicked in any double blind situation anyway.

No one loss r1 because of the rules.
If u got gayed by ur opponents counterpick, u still had your own to bring the set back.
I could be wrong, but someone has to let me know.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
That tourney will definitely not count towards the rankings. Sets are automatically not serious the moment you aren't allowed to cp correctly.

Dave going Pirate Ship on everyone also made Blue and me get ***** and not be able to battle the people we probably should have.

People did some awesome **** but seriously I don't think I should have barely lost to NL last round. That only happened cause of the stupid counterpicking rules.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
O, n Jfox. I wasnt saying that I BELIEVE low tiers should count.

However, low tier in melee and low tier in brawl are 2 diff things.
We have more like No GOD TIER char tournies. SO its possible to have tourny sets, with tourny viable chars at these tournys.

Its like having Link vs ganon. Peach vs doc. Luigi vs falcon. None of those chars are FOX or MARTh, but they are decent. So if by chance there was a set at one of these FAWK god tier tournies that was, KWariovs Dk...It would count as far as the rankings. The rules didnt F with the competitive nature of the set.

Anyway my words about low tiers were just to form a logical flow. If this would count then so should this.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
That tourney will definitely not count towards the rankings. Sets are automatically not serious the moment you aren't allowed to cp correctly.

Dave going Pirate Ship on everyone also made Blue and me get ***** and not be able to battle the people we probably should have.

People did some awesome **** but seriously I don't think I should have barely lost to NL last round. That only happened cause of the stupid counterpicking rules.

Your set with dave

The matches you loss, you were using characters you frequently use in tournament.
Pirateship being legal has never been grounds for a whole set to be overlooked.
We can also assume that you would want to use snake vs metaknight correct?

So with this understood.
You loss snake vs mk on a neutral/could def happen in tourny.
you won diddy vs kirby, so the character changing rules did not screw you over.
You loss toon vs falco on pirateship with your main.

Inui said he beat dave on pirateship with TONS of characters. Spam beat him in a mm with peach. Yehs beat him there. Ninjalink beat him there with Ike.

Im only bringing this up because it proves that Dave taking someone to pirateship, regardless of how gay the fight can be, is not an autoloss.

With that said, the set could have easily went that same way at another tournament that pirate ship was allowed. MAYBE with the fact that you went diddy and he went kirby would have been different, but YOU WON.

I'm just debating so I hope no 1 is going to respond being an a$$ to me, I'm honestly trying to make a point. I would love Valid arguements on how NOTHING at this tournament should count at all.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Ugh its one thing when Spam makes people look ********.

But other Brawl debates or whatever is so long, and boring to look at >_>.

More entertaining material plz.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Do u not have cable?
have no dvds?
Have no hoes to text on the late night?
Nothing to study for?
No amazing food to eat to keep you occupied?
No video games to play?
No homework to do?
Nothing great on youtube there for ya?

If not, I apologize for the boring material


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Nexus was garbage, and I wouldn't defend it had I beaten Atomsk. I could have beaten shadow if I didn't have to save up snake. The rules were dumb and the venue sucked a$$. Erik you yourself said this was a horrible tourney after learning we could've banned stages. The host couldn't get it through his head that he was clueless and pissed off most people there.

It was a bullshit tourney, and it shouldn't count for how good a player is at this game.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
If two players have nearly identical placements and who-beat-who scores, and one did a lot better at something like Nexus or a Rage Studios type of event, they'd be ranked higher.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
^^ Thank you.

Chris- your reasoning is HORRIBLE. the venue, the host, the couches? None of those are reasons to COMPLETELY DISREGARD EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENED AT THE TOURNY.

If you and I had a set.

r1- my falco vs your snake- lets say you win.
r2- my toonlink vs your wolf- lets say you win

Does it not count?

lets say it was
r1- my marth vs your snake- you win
r2-my falco vs your fox- i win
r3-my meta vs your wolf- I lose

How would this set not count chris? The rules did not ruin anything. THAT is what you base ignoring a set off of. Not the freakin air freshner choice, or lack of refreshments. Regardless of whether I felt the tourny atmoshphere and rules were garbage, it doesnt make every event that took place irrelevant.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Inui said he beat dave on pirateship with TONS of characters. Spam beat him in a mm with peach. Yehs beat him there. Ninjalink beat him there with Ike.
Yes got 2 stocked here and I watched NinjaLink lose with Falco after claiming it was easy. What are you talking about.

Nexus will not count as a tie breaker. We don't need bull**** matches counting as tie breakers cause just about all the time placements get resolved without them due to natural facts and not teams results or bs tourney results

This tourney was obviously went to by everyone for the money, I'm really surprised anyone thought them beating whoever would be something to gloat when they couldn't use their mains and stages that were supposed to be banned weren't.

Just wow.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
^^ Thank you.

Chris- your reasoning is HORRIBLE. the venue, the host, the couches? None of those are reasons to COMPLETELY DISREGARD EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENED AT THE TOURNY.

If you and I had a set.

r1- my falco vs your snake- lets say you win.
r2- my toonlink vs your wolf- lets say you win

Does it not count?
No because Yes was not allowed to choose what the **** he wanted. He was forced to change character when he may have stayed Snake. So what if he was going to change, not everyone at this tournament would want to so we can't just go into someone's mind and assume this and that just cause you play them all the time.

Do you think Blue would have switched from Sonic or Pride from Yoshi?? **** no.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Yes I understand what you are saying. Obviously, thats why I said it shouldnt just be counted as a regular tournament. However, EVERYTHING that happened at the tournament was not a complete F*cked up set.

There were plenty of main vs main matches, on neutral stages. There were plenty of main vs main matches on neutrals from counterpicks. There were plenty of matches that would have went the exact same way in tourny.

THOSE should be looked at, atleast on SOME sort of level. EVERYTHING should not be ignored, THAT is my point. Please, dont just be narrowminded and ignore what I'm saying. Im being very respectful and taking the time to prove what Im sayin.

Show me the flaw in my logic. Which is that, although the rules were bs. They did not F up EVERY single set and EVERy single match. THEREFORE, somethings can be viewed..... i don't see what is so wrong with that honestly.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
The reason this tourney sucked as far as rules go is if I used my snake R1. I will auto lose to any metaknight that knows how to tornado and downsmash. Not too fair imo. We only went to that tourney cuz WSS was cancelled (not blaming lucas because we know what happened obviously). Otherwise we would have gone to a real venue with real rules.
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