man i'm never going to stop laughing over johnknight's whole spiel
Someone actually sent me a photo link to some of his posts for my dramatic reading bet. I might actually do it just for the ****s and giggles.
Shameless plug:
I bet that there will be TWO character reveals at E3 (Lucas not counted). If two characters are not announced between 6/14 to 6/16, then I'll read the worst story out of the ones voted for. Get your votes in before then. <- Vote here
Shameless plug aside, prior to E3 2013, I decided to make a list of five characters I wanted in Smash Bros. (I'm simple I know.)
1. Megaman
2. Palutena
3. Chrom
4. Shulk
5. Mewtwo
If anyone knows me from GameFAQs, I adamantly supported all five of these characters. Especially Palutena and Shulk. I initially despised Rosalina because I thought if she got in Palutena wouldn't. Shulk had a lot of detractors, and I was one of the few Shulk supporters there. In the end, I got 4.5/5 of my characters (I count Robin as he's a FE Awakening character, and I got one of them.)
Hypest trailer for me would have to be Shulk's trailer. I didn't watch it until later that day, but watching it I was hyping out. The fight between Shulk, Marth, and Link is amazingly done, and seeing Shulk fight both of them at once just shows how skilled of a fighter he truly is, and it's easily the most intense fight in any of the trailers.
Robin's trailer was cool too, but I got caught up in the hype of #MonadoMonday, so I got trolled hard. I remember being slightly mad because I was expecting Shulk so much. And with Gematsu disproven, Shulk's chances were looking as bad as ever. After Takamaru was revealed as an AT, I started to lose hope that Shulk would get in.
But he did, and I beat Classic 9.0 on Wii U with him.
in one try.