My biggest hype moment was definitley the Mega Man reveal.
I never got into Nintendo announcing stuff, and usually just got a game when the GameStop employees said there was one coming out or when I stumbled across one on the internet, until the January 2013 Direct. I was looking up something for Wind Waker, when I saw an article with the title saying something about something called a Nintendo Direct, which had Wind Waker HD and Yoshi's Epic Yarn.
Then I decided to watch it.
Then I met Iwata.
Then I heard the promise of Smash Bros. 4 being at E3. Now, I already knew what E3 was, because the previous year I was looking up gaming stuff during that time of year and found stuff about E3, but I never watched it.
I watched the directs up until E3 2013 in anticipation, then the day came. I wasn't able to watch it live because of school, but it was the first thing I did when I got to my grandma's house (which is where I go after school until my dad picks me and my siblings up on his way home from work).
My brother and I watched it together, and it was great. We were in shock and were pleasently surprised by Villager, and when the CHALLENGER APPROACHING signal came along, I felt chills go down my spine. I remember the pure suspense of the moment. The time it took for all the characters to turn to the mountain felt like ages. Then the camera zoomed in on the mysterious figure at the mountain's peak. I couldn't tell for sure who it was.
Then he lit up. I knew who it was with that one little bloop. I promptly paused the video and started screaming in hype. Then I pressed play and watched the rest while giggling like a little girl.
Then I got salty when I heard about Wii Fit Trainer.
Then later in that summer, I wanted to make a wish roster using a neat little program I found on a site called SmashBoards. I usually made wish rosters using paper and a pencil, but I stopped once I found the program. I realized that there was a character I wanted that there wasn't an icon for (a swapping team of 3 Classic Final Fantasy Classes, and also Reggie) so I had to make an account to make a request.
I wasn't sure what to make my username, and didn't really care because I only planned on using that account to make my request, so I just based if off of this stupid picture I found on Google Images one time that has Bidoof fused with all the Legendaries.
And here I am now.