Let me eat dinner, but.... here's a quick summary (because I love you guys):
People sometimes accuse Sakurai of making his favorite characters strong, but that's not the case. Thinks Pit and Palutena are weak.
Says if he had worked on the Mario, Fire Emblem or Pokemon series...would people accuse him of making those characters stronger?
He could make everyone play around the same ability as Mario, but that would be boring
Has a team of people who look at results, chatter on the Internet to help with balancing (the team isn't that big).
There are many kinds of versus. Some moves are better suited for 1v1, while others are better in 2v2,etc. The picture of Dedede's hammer is an example of this (as a move that's better suited for non 1v1 play).
This makes balancing difficult.
He's aiming for intermediate players to have the most amount of fun.
Tried making Smash as a fun party game.
Says Smash isn't like other 2D fighters
BUT, he was really impressed with the Chokaigi.
He really enjoyed Chokaigi from the bottom of his heart.
And closes saying there are many kinds of people involved with Smash.