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Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl General Thread - All Star Brawl 2 Available Today!


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Do anyone consider Ladybug to be the WORST choice for a guest character on NASB2?
i feel like ladybug would get in if they really want to put her there, unfortunately nick doesn't own the airing rights anymore nor do they have the actual rights to miraculous.

Also i would prefer not see anyone bad mouth tak, please
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Quick Gaming (QG)

Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2018
I don’t really like Tak in any capacity tbh. Even kid me felt like he was kinda forced into the Nicktoons squad. I’m sure he’d make for a solid fighter but when it comes to actually obtaining him and caring for his inclusion, I simply don’t find either realistic


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm 100% for being respectful of other cultures, but I would rather hear people of the cultures they're supposedly misrepresenting say it offends them, rather than people get offended on their behalf.

I've also always personally thought that Tak was more of a play on Aztec culture based on what I remember of the show and games. I don't personally have any horse in this race - from what I remember the game series was always kind of mid and the show was unfunny .

I'm just rambling, but it feels to me like being offended on behalf of someone else is kinda... I dunno, patronizing? Dehumanizing? I mean, did we learn nothing with Speedy Gonzalez?
"Why is Tak problematic?"
Explains why Tak is problematic, citing the use of tropes that many notable anti-defamation leagues and Native Rights groups find offensive
"Wow stop getting offended on behalf of others' cultures."

Brilliant conversation that was definitely had in good faith. Wonderful job.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
"Why is Tak problematic?"
Explains why Tak is problematic, citing the use of tropes that many notable anti-defamation leagues and Native Rights groups find offensive
"Wow stop getting offended on behalf of others' cultures."

Brilliant conversation that was definitely had in good faith. Wonderful job.
I didn't say that you were wrong, all I said is it's just as dehumanizing to speak on behalf of another culture. You're trying to start an argument over nothing.

If you want to make a point, next time, maybe cite these sources you're talking about instead of just saying them.

In addition, you're straw manning me to try and make me seem like an asshole, when I openly said I 100% agree that we shouldn't use problematic portrayals.

There are plenty of marginalized cultures who have basically said "shut up and stop being offended on my behalf." Failing to do so is equally disrespectful.
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Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Cool to see this thread being active again, the first game has is flaw but I'm still cautiously optimistic for a sequel considering that each Kart racers games got better with each game.

Do anyone consider Ladybug to be the WORST choice for a guest character on NASB2?
Hey I love Ladybug, I genuinely think it's one of the best modern cartoons.

Speaking of modern cartoons, I wonder if we'll get a very recent show on the roster. The first game most recent shows was Loud house, but since the first game had to cover the basics of Nicktoons it didn't have much room for more recent shows. Perhaps we'll get a Glitch techs rep or maybe even a Monster high rep or Big Nate since those are new Nick shows, although those are licenced shows so unsure if they have a shot.

Quick Gaming (QG)

Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2018
I didn't say that you were wrong, all I said is it's just as dehumanizing to speak on behalf of another culture. You're trying to start an argument over nothing.

If you want to make a point, next time, maybe cite these sources you're talking about instead of just saying them.

In addition, you're straw manning me to try and make me seem like an asshole, when I openly said I 100% agree that we shouldn't use problematic portrayals.

There are plenty of marginalized cultures who have basically said "shut up and stop being offended on my behalf." Failing to do so is equally disrespectful.
No one claimed you said they were wrong, they definitely didn’t try starting any sort of argument and no one is strawmanning you. Sometimes it’s ok to just accept the L and move on instead of playing the victim (which no one is a victim here fyi)

Deleted member

In terms of modern cartoons I was thinking someone from Star Trek Prodigy would be neat but they just canned it so

PK-remling Fire

Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2018
The Warp
Do anyone consider Ladybug to be the WORST choice for a guest character on NASB2?
I'm OOTL and have never seen the show, is there a reason why Ladybug/her show is disliked? I figure there are a lot worse choices than a superhero

... though I'd still pick El Tigre over her any day
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Smash Cadet
Apr 4, 2015
Not sure if this has been talked about and it's honestly probably fake, but hey, it's fun to discuss, right? 🤷‍♂️

So earlier this month, there was a 4chan "leak" that talked about the gameplay and roster. Here's the link here.

This is what the poster said:

the game will have 15 new characters
the game has been worked on since about late 2022
the game will have a single player mode similar to the adventure mode in super smash bros melee, it'll have cutscenes that are basically just slideshows with voiceovers
crossplay and voice acting will be in day 1
all the voice actors will be returning except for some of the child actors
arcade mode will have bosses at the end now (like for the spongebob characters they'll have to fight the alaskan bull worm)
most of the alternate costumes from the first game are getting replaced with better ones
each character gets a "splat attack" (basically just a final smash)
a new tv item works like assist trophies. you have to throw it and break it open to free the characters, all i know is that doodlebob and arnold are assist characters
nick worked things out with nelvana so fop content is in the game (including playable timmy)
the game will probably get announced in late july and will probably be released in mid to late 2024

Mr. Krabs
Patchy the Pirate
Lynn Loud
Timmy Turner
Crimson Chin
Jimmy Neutron
Kitty Katswell

Like I said, these "leaks" are a dime a dozen, but I just wanted to post it just in case.

...also Movie Sonic would be hype ngl.
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Deleted member

Not sure if this has been talked about and it's honestly probably fake, but hey, it's fun to discuss, right? 🤷‍♂️

So earlier this month, there was a 4chan "leak" that talked about the gameplay and roster. Here's the link here.

This is what the poster said:

the game will have 15 new characters
the game has been worked on since about late 2022
the game will have a single player mode similar to the adventure mode in super smash bros melee, it'll have cutscenes that are basically just slideshows with voiceovers
crossplay and voice acting will be in day 1
all the voice actors will be returning except for some of the child actors
arcade mode will have bosses at the end now (like for the spongebob characters they'll have to fight the alaskan bull worm)
most of the alternate costumes from the first game are getting replaced with better ones
each character gets a "splat attack" (basically just a final smash)
a new tv item works like assist trophies. you have to throw it and break it open to free the characters, all i know is that doodlebob and arnold are assist characters
nick worked things out with nelvana so fop content is in the game (including playable timmy)
the game will probably get announced in late july and will probably be released in mid to late 2024

Mr. Krabs
Patchy the Pirate
Lynn Loud
Timmy Turner
Crimson Chin
Jimmy Neutron
Kitty Katswell

Like I said, these "leaks" are a dime a dozen, but I just wanted to post it just in case.

...also Movie Sonic would be hype ngl.
I posted it earlier. There's some fun ideas for modes and the likes but two sonic reps would be overkill. Defo fake. I don't think Jimmy' Vlad and Don are that hard to guess. Ones one of the most requested characters, one is a pretty big omission and vlad isn't as big as those two but he still comes up fairly often
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Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
I think the most likely choice would be like, Middlemost Post. And a cloud that can sorta shape himself in different ways make Parker a good candidate imo
That show had concluded and unfortunately nick didn't wanna renew it because they felt like they didn't had a reason to do so, it's sad cause i do like the show, i just wish it would be relevant enough to get in.

But atleast it ended on the main network so that's good.

I'm OOTL and have never seen the show, is there a reason why Ladybug/her show is disliked? I figure there are a lot worse choices than a superhero

... though I'd still pick El Tigre over her any day
People were disliking it for the recent stuff from seasons 4-5 and were dropping the show when the ending was "leaked"

I'm not gonna get into what happen in miraculous or what the leak was(heck, i don't even know what it is) since it would just ruin the experience for you.

if I.M. Meen and Dr. Rabbit had a baby.
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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I have a feeling that character reveals will probably be handled the opposite way from NASB 1 - all the big obvious picks like Jimmy, Squiddy, Raph, Donnie, e.t.c. in the reveal trailer, then slowly drip feed the Tigres and Vlads afterwards.
Are we 100% sure about El Tigre? Wouldn't NDAs come into play, or does Nick not care as much as Nintendo does? Would be an interesting thing to factor into speculation.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Are we 100% sure about El Tigre? Wouldn't NDAs come into play, or does Nick not care as much as Nintendo does? Would be an interesting thing to factor into speculation.
Genuinely I don't think Viacom cares enough to make an NDA for this lmao.

Deleted member

I don't think that Instagram thing means he's coming. But I do think he's coming


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
I have a feeling that character reveals will probably be handled the opposite way from NASB 1 - all the big obvious picks like Jimmy, Squiddy, Raph, Donnie, e.t.c. in the reveal trailer, then slowly drip feed the Tigres and Vlads afterwards.
Personally, I hope they spread it out a bit more. Show us some wild picks at the beginning to set the tone and let us know it's not just going to be "predictable main characters", but don't show them all off at once. Leave some room for surprises.

And don't fake us out with assist characters like they did with GIR.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Do you guys think every character will get a stage like in the first game?

If so, what stages are you expecting?

Vlad's could be his castle, though I feel like that wouldn't be a super interesting location for a stage.
Jimmy's will most likely be his lab, though I could see a case being made for Retroland or the Candy Bar. Personally I think the Lab has the most potential for fun Easter eggs.
Raph's stage... I'm not really sure, they've covered most of the iconic turtles locations already. Maybe Dimension X's Penitentiary?
Squidward's might just be the Krusty Krab or Conch Street, though I personally hope it's Tentacle Acres because I love that episode.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Do you guys think every character will get a stage like in the first game?

If so, what stages are you expecting?

Vlad's could be his castle, though I feel like that wouldn't be a super interesting location for a stage.
Jimmy's will most likely be his lab, though I could see a case being made for Retroland or the Candy Bar. Personally I think the Lab has the most potential for fun Easter eggs.
Raph's stage... I'm not really sure, they've covered most of the iconic turtles locations already. Maybe Dimension X's Penitentiary?
Squidward's might just be the Krusty Krab or Conch Street, though I personally hope it's Tentacle Acres because I love that episode.
I don't think that Raph is getting his own stage. I actually believe that the already existing Sewer Slam stage is a shared home stage for all the turtles.
Dec 17, 2020
I think people might be overestimating this project's scope. Not a chance they bring back the "new stage per character" idea. Shredder's stage already dropped this theory and Raph + Don are realistically going to reuse the 3 other stages TMNT already has.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208
Yeah, the fact that Shredder came with Slime Time shows that they're not as beholden to a character coming with a stage from their home series if there's already a lot of characters from there.

I do think we'll get a few more new ones though, of course. Obviously any new franchise will probably get a corresponding stage, and I can see Squidward and Jimmy getting their own (Jimmy because the current Jimmy Neutron stage is more so just a Hugh stage, and Squidward mostly because of SpongeBob being, well, SpongeBob).

I also definitely think we'll get at least one or two more competitively oriented stages.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Well, I meant more in the fact do you think we'll have an equal number of stages to fighters like in the first game. Shredder didn't come with a new Turtles stage, but he did come with a stage.

So like if we get 12 newcomers, are we getting 12 new stages or is that too over ambitious of an expectation
Dec 17, 2020
I'd be fine with them not spending their resources on too many stages. They have a foundation, I'd love for them to take advantage of it and prioritize making every pre-Garfield character less of a mess in terms of moveset kits.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Well, I meant more in the fact do you think we'll have an equal number of stages to fighters like in the first game. Shredder didn't come with a new Turtles stage, but he did come with a stage.

So like if we get 12 newcomers, are we getting 12 new stages or is that too over ambitious of an expectation
well I’d say it’s possible if not probable


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
So like if we get 12 newcomers, are we getting 12 new stages or is that too over ambitious of an expectation
Not really. Although I don't expect a new TMNT stage if we're getting the remaining Turtles, but some franchises like SpongeBob and Rugrats could go either way.

I'd actually bet on us getting a second Garfield stage before a character, just so it has something set in an actual location from the franchise.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Not really. Although I don't expect a new TMNT stage if we're getting the remaining Turtles, but some franchises like SpongeBob and Rugrats could go either way.

I'd actually bet on us getting a second Garfield stage before a character, just so it has something set in an actual location from the franchise.
Same for Jimmy Neutron, as Duck, Duck, Pie references Hugh specifically as a character and nothing else.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'd be fine with them not spending their resources on too many stages. They have a foundation, I'd love for them to take advantage of it and prioritize making every pre-Garfield character less of a mess in terms of moveset kits.
In fairness, while I think a good amount of the launch roster lack cohesive kits, to the point where you can play them and just know that they were a pre-Garfield character in terms of both animations and moveset quality, there are still a fair few that hold up well in my eyes.

Namely SpongeBob, Helga, Nigel, CatDog, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April, and Reptar. But then on the other hand you have the likes of Sandy and Patrick, who are...yeah.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Namely SpongeBob, Helga, Nigel, CatDog, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April, and Reptar.
I'd say Korra and Toph definitely joined them after patches. But I know Aang is also a character that gets complaints about his movest, but I dunno if he'd really get touched up.

Him predominantly airbending isn't that inaccurate to the show, and I think the devs' intents on having him be a rushdown character would be better appreciated if less of the cast was rushdown-focused.
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