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Nice Point Mafia Day 6 (5/8 to Lynch, Deadline: Saturday the 19th at Midnight)


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I was trawling through the thread for information relating to you. Let me take a look again, but I will say my first impression is still Nick-town, Mentos-scum. I don't really think Hilt is scum, I just didn't really like what he said about me. I don't want to talk about that though.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Hey Cello, can you tell me why you think Mentos is scum? Because I don't really see it. My top scum reads at the moment are TPK, OS and Xonar (who's dropped a good bit due to his claim and a reasonable defense post)

Deleted member

To be fair, Xonar's defense against Mentosman8 was reasonable and OK overall, so I pity him, but my vote will remain for the matter.

Rockin said:
Your second idea...basically talks about what other people is doing right now, I believe/have been doing LOL.
Can you please elaborate on how this is LOL-worthy? I think we can gain two things out of this:

1. If the person getting lynched is a townie, we can look at their suspects. Yes a townie lynch sucks, but we don't want to go empty-handed on it either. Looking at a lynched townie's suspects, we can gather more information about them and possibly bring up a decent case against them. Scum could very well be on a townie bandwagon.

2. This can help organize out thoughts on who we think is suspicious. Can easily be used to jog players memory on who they think is scummy. If they don't think a player is worthy of suspicion, I can remove them from the list. The list is interchangeble.

Now I want to respond to Cello Marl's #551. I'll specify parts that I don't like:

Cello Marl said:
1) Jokingly rolefishing: This point is now moot because of Xonar's claim. He can't be looking for Bulma if he is Bulma.
This is wrong. Just because a person has claimed doesn't mean they can't role fish for other roles. If I were to claim my role, that doesn't mean I can't choose to ask if you're happy with your roles too.

Cello Marl said:
3) Specific point of "Early wish isn't useful": Xonar agreed with me about reviving a dead townie being the only viable wish. The faster we start making wishes, the more wishes we make, meaning the more townies we have. That's if we can make multiple wishes by regathering the Balls. In either case, if Xonar's plan worked the way I think he envisioned it, it would out all the scum if they refused to hand their Balls over get a wish, so we'd have prevented them from making a wish at all if it's a one time deal. Regardless of the result of what he wanted to do, this was what he thought he was doing.
Me and Mentosman8 had to stress this a few times before. Even if we wish for bringing back dead townies, that doesn't mean they can't be scum when revived. Every wish apprently comes with risks so we have to be careful with wishing.

Also, Mentosman8 does have a point about trying to get as many wishes as possible. This is why I suggested holding off wishing as much as possible, maybe even to the point of not doing it at all. If scums get their hands on it, it could potentially destroy townie's hope of winning this Mafia. As you pointed out, wishing is not a condition for townies to win, it's just something that could help or harm/destroy townies.

Cello Marl said:
5) Everything about "fluff = scum": Mentos is fond of making associations between alignment and actions, rather than specifically how a player acts as a certain alignment. I don't believe that a person will always follow a specific action set based solely on his alignment, no. But, I do believe that his or her actions will be heavily influenced by role, partners, recent experiences and personality. Does Xonar normally act this way? Why should we believe that additional posts that "have no content (something that's subjective anyway)" make Xonar scummy?
The reason why excessive fluffs are scummy is because they don't contribute to the discussion. Now every post do have intentions, but they aren't always something that townies can work on. Take my big massive post about characters and their potential roles. A few people got onto me for this (Mentosman8, Rockin, Junglefever, and Overswarm), because it was completely useless. Plus, it's dangerous to speculate about characters this early.

Also, I haven't seen Xonar played this badly before. I played The Muppets Mafia with him and he was at least decent in Day 1 (Got lynched in Day 2, thought). Until his reasonable defense, Xonar was doing absolutely terrible in this game.

Cello Marl said:
8) Supports self-hammering because Bulma can find the lost Balls: He's Bulma, he knew that for sure.
Never support self-hammering. I did that in Smash Bros. Mafia and I got a LOT of negative reactions, especially from Meta-Kirby. On top of that, when trying to get into this game, I talked to Ronike on AIM and he threaten to black list me if I self-hammer in this game. Self-hammering is "a quitstyle" and benefits no one. All it shows is that you're uncommited to ending the day appropriately.

Cello Marl said:
Something else to keep in mind. Xonar was really looking forward to Ryker playing in this, but he isn't. Consider how that may affect his actions.
A player who could not be in this game should not affect the quality of another player in this game. The players of Smash Bros. Mafia don't reunite in every Mafia game we play, and I have not experience a drop in quality of my gameplay.

I didn't respond entirely because it wasn't necessary and Cello Marl does make some good points in that thread.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Metaing me is impossible as this point, every single game I entered since Werewolves I've had a different mentality.

So, SSBF, you admit that Cello makes good points defending me but refrains from unvoting? You also think that my defense was adequate but, again, refrain from unvoting me?
What are your opinions on others?

Deleted member

Metaing me is impossible as this point, every single game I entered since Werewolves I've had a different mentality.
In that case, stop being inconsistent with your game play. When it comes to relatively new players, it's okay to change your game play until you find one that's you'll build off a good foundation in, which can help you become a good player.

However, if you're relatively experience, then purposely changing the way you play in each and every Mafia game isn't going to help you in the long run. The problem with changing your game play in every Mafia game is that you are deniding yourself an oppertunity to build off from that.

Xonar said:
So, SSBF, you admit that Cello makes good points defending me but refrains from unvoting? You also think that my defense was adequate but, again, refrain from unvoting me?
Sadly, the negatives overwhelms the positive in your game play here as of now. After playing absolutely terribly until your reasonable defense post, I am still really convinced you're scum. Why should I remove my vote even thought you made one good post? You're going to need a lot more of the quality posts if you expect me to take you off my radar.

Xonar said:
What are your opinions on others?
Do you want my opinion on everyone or just people I think are scummy? I'll try to get my opinion on people with scummy reads on me by today or tomorrow regardless.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I can't help it, I discovered new perspectives on mafia after every game and believe that I'm improving rapidly after a long slum called lazyness.

Give your opinion on 1 other player, in depth. I don't care who, choose wisely.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Xonar isn't as scummy to me anymore, but still scummy nonetheless. But i feel there are much better targets to go after like OS and TPK.

TPK and OS, who are scum and why?

Deleted member

@Xonar: I'm choosing three. Overswarm said there was at the most five non-townies in the game. Aside from you, these are my other lynch candidates.

1. Junglefever (Whatever his new name is, I can't figure it out): I'd like to bring this into attention that Junglefever not only is fixing to hit prod zone, but has contributed barely anything. I find it hypocritical that he accused me of not contributing to the game, while he has done barely anything himself. The only post that has any real contents in it is #367. Until Junglefever actually starts to be productive in the game, he'll have an fairly scummy read from me.
Junglefever said:
I missed a boatload of information that I will address when I have the time, but today is not the day.
Was May 5th, 6th, and 7th busy days? If not, you have no excuse for not posting for the last three days.

2. Cello Marl: Most of his posts consisted of him talking about how to handle Dragonballs instead of scum hunting. I really did not like his idea of holding the Dragonball when we get all seven of them. It is dangerous because if he were to get lynched/nightkilled and fliped town, scum could potentially gather all seven of them and make an very gamebreaking wish that will hurt the town. Now I find that scummy. Another thing I don't like about him is his idea that the only viable wish is reviving townies. As explained before, what if the dead townie revived turns scum? Mentosman8 already had to give an example of how this isn't a perfect wish. I'm suspecting that all wishes comes with potential consequences, from townies, independents, or scums. His early roleclaim was totally unecessary and it doesn't help his image (He claimed Hated Bulletproof Lover, which I call BS on). Not to mention I disapprove of a mass-searching. I believe that doing mass-searching could potentially cause the death of multiple townies, if we were to do that. And don't forget he's doing a bit of buddying on Xonar (Saying he has a town read). I have an scummy read on him and the only reason why he doesn't get a vote on me is because Xonar's play was originally absolutely horrible.

3. The Paprika Killer: He started out okay, but has gone downhill since then. He is guilty of a obvious contradiction where he said it was a horrible idea and found Cello Marl very scummy because of it. Later, he severely contradicts himself by saying that he didn't find Cello Marl scummy, just didn't like the idea, which is also skimming. He also performed not one, but at least two OMGUS replies to Nicholas1024. First he FoS him then place a vote on him, which were both uncalled for. Ever since his argument with Nicholas1024, he hasn't really posted many great posts in the game, basically meaning he's active lurking. I have an pretty scummy read on him.

This is how I list my suspects:
4. Junglefever
3. The Paprika Killer
2. Cello Marl
1. Xonar

Now let's assume that Xonar gets lynched on Day 1. Depending on alignment, these people I will go after in Day 2 the most:

Xonar Flips Scum/Independents:
Cello Marl or The Paprika Killer

Xonar Flips Town:

@Everyone: Two questions
1. Depending on Xonar's flip (If he gets lynched on Day 1), who do you plan on persuding next?

2. Who are your suspects? List at least one, but I strongly recommend at least two. No more then five, thought. Please go into detail
Super Smash Bros. Fan: Xonar, The Paprika Killer, Cello_Marl, Junglefever
Clownbot: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Xonar
Meta_Kirby: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Cello_Marl, Overswarm, Xonar
Mentosman8: Xonar, Overswarm
Rockin: Nicholas1024, Xonar
Nicholas1024: The Paprika Killer, Xonar, Overswarm
Sold2: Xonar
SwordsRbroken: Hilt, Super Smash Bros. Fan, The Paprika Killer, Overswarm, Junglefever*
Cello_Marl: Overswarm
Overswarm: Cello_Marl, Xonar
Junglefever: ???
Kataefi: Nicholas1024
The Paprika Killer: Nicholas1024, Xonar, Super Smash Bros. Fan
Xonar: Overswarm
Hilt: Xonar, The Paprika Killer, Cello_Marl

If there's anyone you like to add or remove, please tell me and I will alter the list in my next content-filled post.

*: Needs Confirmation.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
@Everyone: Two questions

1. Depending on Xonar's flip (If he gets lynched on Day 1), who do you plan on persuding next?
Why does answering this benefit Town? If Xonar gets lynched then we'll know who we want to go after. If he doesn't we'll have wasted time dealing with hypothetical situations.

2. Who are your suspects? List at least one, but I strongly recommend at least two. No more then five, thought. Please go into detail
Still a bit suspicious of you. I'm not liking Jungle for lack of contribution. When I look back, Swords seems really parroty.

Mentos pretty much said what i was going to say. I don't get why everyone is trying to figure out the flavor of the game, as in who is what. Like jungle's picture, it's like throwing a dart and trying to hit a bullseye blindfolded.
Wow, Mentos writes a legit case on you, and, while parts of it I don't agree with... all you have to say are snappy comebacks, you calling him an idiot/moron, and one liners? Vote: Xonar
Rockin, so far, i'm liking Mentos' case against Xonar. His defense basically said, "YOUR ARGUMENT SUCKS! :mad:"
I agree with nic. Xonar has really done a bad job of defending, and he is now trying to get out of his hole by claiming.
First of all, Xonar, welcome to the game:). Still not sure you're not scum, but you actually provided a reasonable response, so I'm taking you off L-1 so there's at least time to think about it for sure.
Xonar isn't as scummy to me anymore, but still scummy nonetheless. But i feel there are much better targets to go after like OS and TPK.

Deleted member

Why does answering this benefit Town? If Xonar gets lynched then we'll know who we want to go after. If he doesn't we'll have wasted time dealing with hypothetical situations.
Xonar is currently the most popular lynch candidate and thus the most likely. Another reason is that a scum/independent flip from him will strength suspicion of people who had connection with him. If we have a townie flip, we can look at his suspects and try to see if he could give us decent leads leading us to beileve they could be scums. Like I said, we need to carve up the maximum amount of information possible.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Thing is, he hasn't been lynched yet. I don't care if he's at L-1, there's no use paying attention to who we might look at in a situation that not only hasn't occurred yet but may not even occur toDay. Until we get an actual flip it's as useless as asking the same question with the subject of it being the least suspicious person in the game.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Thing is, sold, that first vote was because you pretty much dislike everyone, afterwards you lifted with mentos' case to keep it there, aka a safe place to put your vote. Now that Mentos case is moot, with even mentos, the maker of the case, admitting that it's not that powerful anymore, how are you still having your vote here?
I'm amazed at how many little remarks you can make with no reason or explanation behind them. Half the things you say can be passed off as a joke if you feel you're in trouble. I don't agree with you on any of the three people you suggest to be scum... what else?
Been refuted. Last part is just... okay.

To me it looks like you're buddying Cello, who's made it clear that people who oppose him are scum, and people that agree are good. And the reason you trust Cello... is that you meta'd town on him lol. I've watched most of the games Cello has played on this site, the game he played on AIB, and I've played countless AIM games with him. Going off of my own meta alone, I'd honestly say he's scum (Newbie 3 is a wonderful example of Cello using a reckless scum strategy.)
If you think Cello is so scummy, why isn't your vote there yet?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Considering Nick and Mentos, I don't think there is a Nick and Mentos.

Nick started hating on Xonar when he (Nick) started thinking that I was baiting people by suggesting a mass search, and actually shifts his own opinions on TPK briefly based on Xonar's opinion on TPK. Also, if Nick were scum with Mentos, I think he would have asked for a claim along with his hammer threat rather than just saying he'd hammer. Just asking for a defense rather than a claim wouldn't garner any information for scum if their target successfully convinced some townies. His "claim alone" comment sounds like it's legitimately a "once bitten, twice shy" sentiment, and I don't think he bothered to check to see how it would affect his opinions. I urge him to do so before asking for Xonar to continue defending himself.

About Mentos, he supported "train if you are strong, search if you are weak", which ultimately just has the effect of giving every scum Night Kill a nice bonus (kill strong PR or get a Ball). Then, after attacking OS for a good portion of the game, he suddenly unvotes him after an short exchange, then goes after Xonar for wanting to lynch OS. Further, he still shows enthusiasm toward lynching OS even now, so he can claim credit for helping to lynch scum. Also, when he attacked Xonar, he dug hard for his role, and I sincerely doubt that after being called out on the L-2 or L-3 bit that he wouldn't be paying attention to what his vote would put Xonar at, doubly so after being in Tree Stump playing with Cello-Rules. He even notes that Ronike missed his previous unvote.

"The recruiter idea isn't just there because of HP mafia, although it fit the movement best which is why I used it." The movement? This sounds like you were trying to come up with reasons to try to not gather the Balls, or rather, to not use them to revive townies. Most people actually have a reason when they oppose something rather than try to come up with it after the fact.

SSBF, you need to really reconsider what you think it means to play this game.

SSBF said:
In that case, stop being inconsistent with your game play. When it comes to relatively new players, it's okay to change your game play until you find one that's you'll build off a good foundation in, which can help you become a good player.
You literally tell him to not grow as a player, to remain stagnant and unchanging. Take a person that has played Smash for years, and one time takes 1st place in a local 24-ish person tournament (that would be me, when Shadow Phoenix was considered the person to beat [everyone who needs to get that reference will]). Say this person learns what DI is for the first time at such a tournament, or DACUSing (it was both). Would you suggest that that person intentionally not incorporate DIing into his gameplay, just because he's comfortably situated in what he does? The same thing applies not just to Smash, or Mafia, but to real life. People must learn; people must grow.

SSBF said:
Sadly, the negatives overwhelms the positive in your game play here as of now. After playing absolutely terribly until your reasonable defense post, I am still really convinced you're scum. Why should I remove my vote even thought you made one good post? You're going to need a lot more of the quality posts if you expect me to take you off my radar.
Think about what you're saying; as far as we can tell, you're satisfied with his response. Your own words were "[a] reasonable defense post". Is there any point that has not been addressed that still bothers you? How has he played "absolutely terribly"? You really need to stop quantifying individual actions and interpret them as a cohesive whole.

SSBF said:
A player who could not be in this game should not affect the quality of another player in this game. The players of Smash Bros. Mafia don't reunite in every Mafia game we play, and I have not experience a drop in quality of my gameplay.
That's because quality can't drop lower than zero. You're still missing the point. Xonar expected Ryker to play in this game, as an "in-thread hydra", not every game. How do you feel if someone you are friendly with drops something you planned at the last second? If someone tries to claim a person posted early "fluff" (such as talking about "in-thread hydras"), don't you think such a thing may be a factor that you'd want to consider? You need to consider all possible aspects of how and why a person does what they do.

Something else. Whatever Mentos's alignment is in Tree Stump; that has no bearing here. I know you're thinking about it. Just. Don't.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
So you're saying there is no Nick and Mentos?
There are relations between every player in this game, if not, it's suspicious, to say the least.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Still a bit suspicious of you. I'm not liking Jungle for lack of contribution. When I look back, Swords seems really parroty.
And you haven't been? You have really failed to take a stance on anything. Who do you find scummy and why? I already said i didn't like jungle for lack of contribution. That was before SSBF said it as well.

unvote Vote: Junglefever


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
unvote Vote: SwordsRbroken

I haven't had a chance to do much but skim (will get to Xonar's monster post later), but I'd like to hear more from you swords. You seem to be playing a careful game, so you're either good town or scary mafia.


What do you think of SSBF?

What do you think of me?

What do you think of Cello?

If you could know the alignment of one person in this game, who would it be and why?

Deleted member

You literally tell him to not grow as a player, to remain stagnant and unchanging. Take a person that has played Smash for years, and one time takes 1st place in a local 24-ish person tournament (that would be me, when Shadow Phoenix was considered the person to beat [everyone who needs to get that reference will]). Say this person learns what DI is for the first time at such a tournament, or DACUSing (it was both). Would you suggest that that person intentionally not incorporate DIing into his gameplay, just because he's comfortably situated in what he does? The same thing applies not just to Smash, or Mafia, but to real life. People must learn; people must grow.

Okay, so you got me there.

Think about what you're saying; as far as we can tell, you're satisfied with his response. Your own words were "[a] reasonable defense post". Is there any point that has not been addressed that still bothers you? How has he played "absolutely terribly"? You really need to stop quantifying individual actions and interpret them as a cohesive whole.

To be honest, there isn't anything that I need Xonar to address for now.

But why should I have to explain why he was playing absolutely terribly? He nearly got quick lynched, scratch that, replaced/mod-killed for his action. But since you asked, let's review:

1. Xonar wanted me to replace just because he thought I was being annoying. I really do call BS on that because it's basically him whining about how I was playing. If he wanted me gone, why didn't he push a case on me or at least a vote? That's the proper way of getting rid of a player.

2. Constantly insulting other players. First, he insulted intelligent levels (Which Meta-Kirby picked up on). Then he went after to make Mentosman8 look bad by originally epicly failing in responding to him. And finally, he got annoyed at me and asked Ronike to replace me, when I clearly have followed all the rules.

3. He posted a lot of fluff. He complained about me not contributing to the game when I have clearly contributed a lot more then Xonar did. Most of his posts was totally useless and we got nothing out of it.

4. Suggesting an idea that is explictly against the rules and dangerous. Xonar suggested that people w/o Dragonballs should post the command to trade with another person, therefore, we'll know who has the Dragonballs and who doesn't. This is explicity against the rules and if we were to go with Xonar's plan (If he continued to persude it), we would have run the risk of getting mod-killed. We may not get in trouble once, but consequences will happen if we were to continue to do it.

Not only that, even if Ronike approved of the idea, that would be dangerous to town. Scums would know who has the Dragoballs and they can pick townies off one by one. This makes killing for scums easy to do and we have to avoid that as much as possible.

5. Voting people without reasons. Remember his vote on Mentosman8? Well, he didn't bother to explain it. This was in the middle of a serious converstation too.

6. Guilty of skimming. Once, he said that Mentosman8 was defending Overswarm, when Mentosman8 not only had a vote on him, but also was persuding Overswarm as well.

Xonar nearly got replaced due to all this. How can you defend his actions?

Also take note on this. Quanity should not always be dismissed. Now granted, quality is over quanity, but that doesn't mean we have to put quantity out of the qustion. Take this for example. I get an offer to buy one Triple A Wii game. However, I get another offer to buy ten Double A Wii games. Both will be entertaining, but what should I get? One Triple A game or ten Double A games? I'd go with the latter since you'll get more out of it.

Xonar's big post might have been OK, but he's going to need more if he expects to convince me if he is not deserving of a lynch.

You're still missing the point. Xonar expected Ryker to play in this game, as an "in-thread hydra", not every game. How do you feel if someone you are friendly with drops something you planned at the last second? If someone tries to claim a person posted early "fluff" (such as talking about "in-thread hydras"), don't you think such a thing may be a factor that you'd want to consider? You need to consider all possible aspects of how and why a person does what they do.

That is not a good comparison. Xonar and Ryker might be friends, but they're friends on the Internet. They live in different countries and Ryker might be busy now. There is no reason why this should affect how well Xonar plays.

Being dumped at the last second by your friends is in real life, so it's understandable why it would suck for you. Also, didn't Ronike said no hydra's?

Something else. Whatever Mentos's alignment is in Tree Stump; that has no bearing here. I know you're thinking about it. Just. Don't.

I really don't see how Mentosman8's alignment in Tree Stump Mafia is going to affect his image here. If he's scum there, then I'm still getting a pro-town read from him here. I don't like how The Paprika Killer is playing here, but he had a strong pro-town image in Tree Stump Mafia before stumping himself.
Response above.

Deleted member

@Overswarm: I really don't like the vote on SwordsRbroken. He has at least a null read from me. What also makes it BS is because you said he might have been playing well. Then why did you vote from him? I would go with someone who has been acting truly scummy (AKA Xonar). Being inactive =/= deserving of a vote. Yes it's a major scum tell, but it shouldn't be the one deciding factor on if you deserve a vote.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I disagree. When lurking gets bad enough, it most definitely is enough to push a lynch for. See The_man, treestump mafia. (Yes Marshy, I know it's ongoing, but he already flipped.) I agree that Xonar had been playing terribly earlier though.

Do you realize that's the first time I've seen Swords and good town in the same sentence? I've got a feeling he's town though, mainly due to his interaction with Hilt. I know his case on Hilt was completely ******** (no offense Swords), but I'm pretty sure scum-Swords would have jumped onto an easy wagon rather than try to make one of his own.

I'm not asking for more defense from Xonar. I'm still not completely convinced he's town, but he's gone down on my scumlist. I'll look at him more come D2 or D3, but I don't think he's the play anymore today.

@Everyone else
I think it's time to see a flip, and I want to see TPK/Overswarm die. Let's go.

Vote: Overswarm

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Treestump is no excuse, Ryker also disappeared in TMNT and I just went inactive there too, turned out we got all the scum pegged d2 already or summit.

Deleted member

I disagree. When lurking gets bad enough, it most definitely is enough to push a lynch for. See The_man, treestump mafia. (Yes Marshy, I know it's ongoing, but he already flipped.) I agree that Xonar had been playing terribly earlier though.
I see your point there, but SwordsRbroken has not been lurking that much (At least he's posting daily). The biggest lurker in the game is Junglefever, who has contributed next to nothing. Couple with the fact that he was a hypocrite by saying I haven't contributed much and I can see why Junglefever can be a play ToDay.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Never support self-hammering. I did that in Smash Bros. Mafia and I got a LOT of negative reactions, especially from Meta-Kirby. On top of that, when trying to get into this game, I talked to Ronike on AIM and he threaten to black list me if I self-hammer in this game. Self-hammering is "a quitstyle" and benefits no one. All it shows is that you're uncommited to ending the day appropriately.
...except hwen the mod makes himself a rule that makes it a smart decision? If we can confirm that Xonar is Bulma and CAN find the balls and is town, it could be an idea worth using. Let him threaten you if he wants, his fault. :p

@Overswarm: I really don't like the vote on SwordsRbroken. He has at least a null read from me. What also makes it BS is because you said he might have been playing well. Then why did you vote from him? I would go with someone who has been acting truly scummy (AKA Xonar). Being inactive =/= deserving of a vote. Yes it's a major scum tell, but it shouldn't be the one deciding factor on if you deserve a vote.
Votes aren't for killing people unless tehy've already got several votes; I wanted to take a bit of pressure off of Xonar and I wanted to show Swords that I wanted a response.

@Everyone else
I think it's time to see a flip, and I want to see TPK/Overswarm die. Let's go.
I like how you vote for me and never ask any questions... just want me dead. I'm still not entirely sure where the wagon came from other than Cello having an anuerism because someone didn't agree with him, and you saying "me too" to anything Cello says.

What, exactly, is your motivation? We have several inactives/people that post nothing of value whatsoever that need to make some statements and you're pushing for my lynch, and have been doing so, way before the deadline.

Deleted member

...except hwen the mod makes himself a rule that makes it a smart decision? If we can confirm that Xonar is Bulma and CAN find the balls and is town, it could be an idea worth using. Let him threaten you if he wants, his fault. :p
One problem with that statement. Ronike will get furious if one of us were to self-hammer, no exception. Because of that, we have no choice but to elminate that as a option.

Also, the only way to confirm that he is Bulma, can find dragonballs, and is town is if we lynched him, he got mod-killed, or get night-killed.

Deleted member

I'd like to have people drop their thoughts on this.
Why is it relavent at all? I bet this could possibly apply to everyone else if you were to self-hammer as well. Self-hammer has pratically been established as an terrible town play and a quitstyle for scum play.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Thing with the statement is that it is, currently, good play for TOWN. Yet not for Scum, thus the blacklist.
Are you inferring that SSBF is lying, and is just trying to get people to not self-hammer?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I talked to Ronike on AIM and he threaten to black list me if I self-hammer in this game.
I think we can agree that self-hammering is the best course of action, for I can refind the balls.
Then why would Ronike blacklist someone for that? It's the right play for town.

I'd love SSBF to reply to this.

Deleted member


I think we can agree that self-hammering is the best course of action, for I can refind the balls.
Then why would Ronike blacklist someone for that? It's the right play for town.

I'd love SSBF to reply to this.
What's the point of discussing this? If you self-hammer, the Dragonballs will drop to the ground, therefore, if you're town and you self-hammer, scums can use the oppertunity to gather the Dragonballs you purposely droped unless townies make an mass-search to prevent scums from doing so. And that could get ugly as I said before.

Self-hammering shows poor sportmanship, it shouldn't even be a discussion that self-hammering is a bad idea.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
So you discourage self-hammering, even considering the possibility that there is a town aligned player who has a 100% chance to find a dragonball?

Deleted member

So you discourage self-hammering, even considering the possibility that there is a town aligned player who has a 100% chance to find a dragonball?
Absolutely, because if you are right and your claimed role self-hammered/lynched/night-killed, town would lose an oppertunity to gather at least one Dragonball each Night without chance of missing.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
How do you think I feel when he calls me stupid, OS? And you wondered why I had an aneurysm.

@Mod: Can we "Give Dragonballs to Void" i.e. throw them away?
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