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Niagara Thread


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2007
Gan gar, If you host it at the church hall your talking about, I'll be able to make it. But if it's at your house, I probably won't be able to. Try to get it at a public venue, or else I can't come.

I'll most likely be bringing someone else (Red) along with me if I do show up too.


Yeah, it would be great to do something over the holidays. Right now though, I'm a bit tied up -- I've got two tests coming up and a project due. All this work is really becoming a drag, but hey, if Mike can make it, I'll come this weekend.

Edit: What's this big tournament you're talking about Dzenan/Adnan?


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
lol I heard you stole tons of controllers from maxes smashfest but wont admit it. Not like anyone else knows....


LOL I heard that you run Marth and only F+Smash...Is that true? Cause that's kinda sad... But funny lol.
Hehe, well, I can't deny that. I'm trying to get out of that habit now and don't use it that much anymore. I'm only playing casually, and don't really know any advanced techniques yet, so I don't do too well against serious smashers. What about you, where'd you hear this? Have we met?

Check it out, they have a chicken as an avatar option, isn't that cool? Remember I told you guys my name meant chicken/female in Serbian?


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2007
St-Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Don't accuse me of theft. I didn't do anything. There was more than one person wearing a black shirt with blue jeans...It's too bad suspicion alone dosn't constitute a crime otherwise you'd be in luck. I'm not a thief.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
^ ICs are higher on the tier list than Link. They're in a pretty good spot, actually...

LOL I heard that you run Marth and only F+Smash...Is that true? Cause that's kinda sad... But funny lol.
That's just a stereotype everyone's given her based solely on the first time we all fought. I've played her quite a few times since then and I've noticed her getting a lot better. Not only does she main Peach now (Peach =/= Marth), but her playstyle is a lot more controlled and calculated now. She still plays very defensively, but hey, I play very defensively and I can kick all yall. :p

Niko Ill actually come this time, make it Sunday though for Kevin and Max
Thanks for t3h supportz, Miller. But seriously Niko, Sunday would be SO much better... *puppy eyes*

Check it out, they have a chicken as an avatar option, isn't that cool? Remember I told you guys my name meant chicken/female in Serbian?
Haha, as soon as I saw that I knew exactly what it meant. Made me laugh. :)

Ill prob come, much better than a Monday. (gotta see how my fox is)
Playing Fox now are we? Tip: Don't become another Kevin. ;)


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
^ ICs are higher on the tier list than Link. They're in a pretty good spot, actually...

That's just a stereotype everyone's given her based solely on the first time we all fought. I've played her quite a few times since then and I've noticed her getting a lot better. Not only does she main Peach now (Peach =/= Marth), but her playstyle is a lot more controlled and calculated now. She still plays very defensively, but hey, I play very defensively and I can kick all yall. :p
I'd say she actually has a better chance with marth then peach... to be honest with marth as long as you keep your spacing and crap you got a chance, but with peach you're so slow that you fly back to the stage in slow motion <__< "LULZ Tipper!?!"


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
^ ICs are higher on the tier list than Link. They're in a pretty good spot, actually...

That's just a stereotype everyone's given her based solely on the first time we all fought. I've played her quite a few times since then and I've noticed her getting a lot better. Not only does she main Peach now (Peach =/= Marth), but her playstyle is a lot more controlled and calculated now. She still plays very defensively, but hey, I play very defensively and I can kick all yall. :p
I agree, she's actually not a bad player. Just needs more technical skill


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2007
St-Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Ok I'm not exactly sure where these rankings of tiers are coming from but Ice Climbers are most certainly not higher on the tier list. They cannot be better characters than Link. Perhaps easier to pick up but they can't be better. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to see some factual evidence before you make claims of them being better than Link.

BTW. I've never personally played her so I won't judge or anything. It's just that obviously, if anyone picks up Marth and discover the power of the F+Smash they will use it. Especially if they are noobs. They will spam that move until they face someone who is good enough to counter and make them pay for it ten fold. I'm not saying she did it or still does do it (Well Miller did say she did it alot but...haha) but it's still just a question lol.

^ ICs are higher on the tier list than Link. They're in a pretty good spot, actually...

That's just a stereotype everyone's given her based solely on the first time we all fought. I've played her quite a few times since then and I've noticed her getting a lot better. Not only does she main Peach now (Peach =/= Marth), but her playstyle is a lot more controlled and calculated now. She still plays very defensively, but hey, I play very defensively and I can kick all yall. :p

Thanks for t3h supportz, Miller. But seriously Niko, Sunday would be SO much better... *puppy eyes*

Haha, as soon as I saw that I knew exactly what it meant. Made me laugh. :)

Playing Fox now are we? Tip: Don't become another Kevin. ;)


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
Ok I'm not exactly sure where these rankings of tiers are coming from but Ice Climbers are most certainly not higher on the tier list. They cannot be better characters than Link. Perhaps easier to pick up but they can't be better. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to see some factual evidence before you make claims of them being better than Link.
Top Tier:

High Tier:

Middle Tier:
Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
Doctor Mario

Low Tier:
Donkey Kong
Young Link

Bottom Tier:
Mr. Game and Watch

See? Trust me on this, ICs are better.

I'd say she actually has a better chance with marth then peach... to be honest with marth as long as you keep your spacing and crap you got a chance, but with peach you're so slow that you fly back to the stage in slow motion <__< "LULZ Tipper!?!"
Yeah, maybe Marth would be better, I was just saying that she primarily choses Peach now and that does not warrant her a "LAWLs Marht FSsmasherrr" title.

Oh, and Niko, what time Sunday?


Oh it's nothing big. Just another local tourney that will finance me for SFF3.
I see, I see, that sounds great. I'm guessing you're a pretty good player, right? Thanks a lot for answering my question!

BTW. I've never personally played her so I won't judge or anything. It's just that obviously, if anyone picks up Marth and discover the power of the F+Smash they will use it. Especially if they are noobs. They will spam that move until they face someone who is good enough to counter and make them pay for it ten fold. I'm not saying she did it or still does do it (Well Miller did say she did it alot but...haha) but it's still just a question lol.
Aha, that's where you heard it from. Yeah, the first time we played I was being pretty noobish, and he was really pissed at me. Don't worry about it though, I knew from the beginning that you didn't mean anything by it.

Hehe, still though, thanks a lot to Niko/Max/Dzenan for sticking up for me. LOL at Max's previous post.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Sunday 3pm

Sorry for the short abrupt posts but I have a busy...long day of waiting

25 minutes to downtown terminal
1h30m to toronto
30m to my ortho
30m back downtown TO
1h30m back to st.catharines
25 minutes home

this is without the inbetween time of visiting my father....Long day get


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
Ok I'm not exactly sure where these rankings of tiers are coming from but Ice Climbers are most certainly not higher on the tier list. They cannot be better characters than Link. Perhaps easier to pick up but they can't be better. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to see some factual evidence before you make claims of them being better than Link.

BTW. I've never personally played her so I won't judge or anything. It's just that obviously, if anyone picks up Marth and discover the power of the F+Smash they will use it. Especially if they are noobs. They will spam that move until they face someone who is good enough to counter and make them pay for it ten fold. I'm not saying she did it or still does do it (Well Miller did say she did it alot but...haha) but it's still just a question lol.
You know you're owned when....


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2007
St-Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Ok now your just being stupid. I was the one who asked to see the tier list. Can't own someone if they ask for information...Jeez. Noob. And think about it this way, the whole tier thing might not even exist. The tier list creates a cycle in which players choose only higher-tiered characters, and thus only those characters develop an advanced metagame, thereby reinforcing the overall tier list. And as metegames change, different characters are selected as high tier...therefore, the list can't ever be accurate, or right at all...Haha

btw il be there on sunday niko

You know you're owned when....


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
Ok I'm not exactly sure where these rankings of tiers are coming from but Ice Climbers are most certainly not higher on the tier list. They cannot be better characters than Link. Perhaps easier to pick up but they can't be better. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to see some factual evidence before you make claims of them being better than Link.
Just writing that link is better then ice climbers means that you know nothing of where a character stands, also seeing as you didn't show any information on your points makes you even worse. Also I see no where where you stated "show me the tier list" you weren't asking anything you just stated to correct you, stop acting like a little child and accept being wrong. Calling me a noob, when I'm clearly better (you may have not seen me play but being on the GTA power rankings is proof enough since GTA is better and that fact can't be denied.... infact I'm sure anyone from our high tier and anyone from top 10 can beat any of your players ) If you want I'll even prove it with a MM. By the way I play falcon.

P.S Tiers do exist in EVERY fighting game. The reason everyone plays them because they want to win, we can't deny it we all want to win. Also there is a tier list for which character wins mostly in tournaments making him have a better "metagame" and then theres by the characters priority, speed, etc... which would be sheik if i remember.


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2007
St-Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Yes I did ask for evidence. The evidence being the tier list. Quote: Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to see some factual evidence before you make claims of them being better than Link./quote. That's a request for additional information. And I don't remember questioning your skill but don't go running around acting like your better than everyone. And don't go acting as if I don't know what I'm talking about either. Your just looking for an arguement aren't you? I'm just asking for information to better realize my positioning against higher tier characters. Quit being a little *****.
If your looking for an arguement, your in the wrong place.

p.s friendly back and forth but if the Metagame constantly changes because of the usage of certain characters than there can be no finalized Tier list because it would constantly change the basis of the list. Based on factual criteria, as in speed or power, tier lists are definitely possible but to say that certain character are indeed better than others is, in my opinion, a very primitive and arbitrary notion.

Just writing that link is better then ice climbers means that you know nothing of where a character stands, also seeing as you didn't show any information on your points makes you even worse. Also I see no where where you stated "show me the tier list" you weren't asking anything you just stated to correct you, stop acting like a little child and accept being wrong. Calling me a noob, when I'm clearly better (you may have not seen me play but being on the GTA power rankings is proof enough since GTA is better and that fact can't be denied.... infact I'm sure anyone from our high tier and anyone from top 10 can beat any of your players ) If you want I'll even prove it with a MM. By the way I play falcon.

P.S Tiers do exist in EVERY fighting game. The reason everyone plays them because they want to win, we can't deny it we all want to win. Also there is a tier list for which character wins mostly in tournaments making him have a better "metagame" and then theres by the characters priority, speed, etc... which would be sheik if i remember.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
No I'm not looking for an argument, but you stating in your previous quote "noob" which pretty much means you're calling me a bad player. Anyways, like you probably do I'd also like to stop arguing for something that doesn't matter and stop spamming your thread. My apologies for the spam around here. Also hope you guys make it to our tournament in January.


Yes I did ask for evidence. The evidence being the tier list. Quote: Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to see some factual evidence before you make claims of them being better than Link./quote. That's a request for additional information. And I don't remember questioning your skill but don't go running around acting like your better than everyone. And don't go acting as if I don't know what I'm talking about either. Your just looking for an arguement aren't you? I'm just asking for information to better realize my positioning against higher tier characters. Quit being a little *****.
If your looking for an arguement, your in the wrong place.

p.s friendly back and forth but if the Metagame constantly changes because of the usage of certain characters than there can be no finalized Tier list because it would constantly change the basis of the list. Based on factual criteria, as in speed or power, tier lists are definitely possible but to say that certain character are indeed better than others is, in my opinion, a very primitive and arbitrary notion.
Hmm.. Say4ct has a very good point, you shouldn't be acting as if you're better than everyone


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2007
St-Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Alright. I was callin you a noob because of your reference of me getting owned. It dosen't necessarily mean your a bad player. And I'm not spamming my thread. I didn't make the topic or the thread. Either way, I'd like to go to your tournament if at all possible.

No I'm not looking for an argument, but you stating in your previous quote "noob" which pretty much means you're calling me a bad player. Anyways, like you probably do I'd also like to stop arguing for something that doesn't matter and stop spamming your thread. My apologies for the spam around here. Also hope you guys make it to our tournament in January.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
Alright guys, calm down. I don't want any of this arguing in my thread. Especially cross-region argument; I'd like to keep good relations with other communities. There are many other places to discuss the tier list on this board.

Also, D.B, noob is a general term that doesn't really mean much over here. We often throw it around sarcastically all the time (For example, Kevin calls me a noob despite the fact that I can beat him consistently, which is why he's at the receiving end of a lot of my jokes). We realize that you guys are leagues better than us, seeing as how I, one of the best players in the region (IMO), didn't even make it out of pools. The VERY best I could do against Bernard (the best player in TO?) is kill him twice, and that was a challenge. Yeah, I think I got my point across.

And say4, him saying you got owned was also a bit of a lighthearted poke, so don't make too big a deal out of it.

BTW, no practice tonight, Josh, I've got school stuff to attend to.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2007
As long as everything is now settled, any falcon mains out there in niagra?:p
I don't think so, but I used to main him.

And also Percon, maybe we could put something else in the first post instead of the details of the smashfest that already happened. Not sure what we could put in there right now though..maybe something about the practices at nikos and upcoming events in Niagara or something. Just an idea.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
Come to think of it... no, there aren't.

I main Falco/G&W (fo funz), Kevin mains Fox/sheik kinda, Niko mains Peach/Link, Josh mains Marth/Falco, Dejana mains Peach/Marth, Mike mains Jiggs/Sheik, Miller mains Ganon/Roy (lulz), say4 mains Link/Marth, juice mains ICs/Fox...

At the tourney there were more, but those were people I've only played once. Casey mains Luigi, Nate mains Falco, I forget who mains Doc (Faz?), but yeah, we've got some decent variety.

No Falcons, though. But hey... we've got more Link mains that one will ever need. Ever.
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