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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I never got my absolute most wanteds, but I seem to remember all my reactions were "Oh hey, these guys look pretty cool." I was a pretty casual gamer at the time and SSBU was what got me into a lot of different game series, so there wasn't that much variation in my reactions truth be told

Super Devon

Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2017
Crystal, MN
Switch FC
Oh we're talking about initial DLC reactions

:ultpiranha:: LMAO!

:ultjoker:: screaming genuinely shocked

:ulthero: : Oh it's the Luminary! I know Dragon Quest so that's pretty cool!

:ultbanjokazooie: : Oh wow, I didn't think it would happen but I'm happy for those who wanted him!

:ult_terry:: Terry! Nice! I only played like one KOF game prior to this so this is interesting to see!

:ultbyleth:: Byleth! Sweet! I watched my bro play Fire Emblem Three Houses so I certainly wasn't dissapointed.

:ultminmin : Min Min! cool, I played a lot of ARMS during the Switch's first year, so this is nice to see.

:ultsteve: : This was insane to me, I didn't think it would've ever happened, but it's really cool to see Minecraft in the game.

:ultsephiroth:: I predicted this Sephiroth to be the very first Challenger Pack for Fighters Pass 1, but seeing him now was great, and we were getting more content.

:ultpyra: :ultmythra: : I never played Xenobalde, but I have a friend of mine who does and when these two were revealed, I couldn't help but be happy for my friend, they looked cool nonethelss and this got me to play XB2.

:ultkazuya:: A Tekken character was my #1 most wanted for Smash Ultimate, and I was so, SO happy when Kazuya made it in, both Tekken and Smash were a big part of my childhood so this meant a lot to me.

:ultsora:: Yes!! Sora was my third most wanted, and I was very satisified with his inclusion. I was a bit emotional during his reveal as well.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2024
Since we're apparently all reminiscing about our reactions to Ultimate's newcomers...

:ultinkling:: This was probably the single most obvious newcomer candidate in Smash history, so much so that I genuinely forgot to even process the fact that they were a newcomer. After the initial hype of a new Smash game being announced for Switch sunk in, and I realized Inklings were going to join the roster, I'm pretty sure my reaction was just a casual "okay, cool". I remember looking at moveset concepts to get a grasp of how they'd play, but the actual result came out so much different (and better!)

:ultdaisy:: She was my most wanted character for years, so this reveal was pretty emotional for me. I wanted Daisy to be playable in Smash ever since I played Brawl at the ripe age of five. Seeing her in the game had me ecstatic and I didn't even care that she was a clone. I was a bit shocked, when they did the whole "here's a new echo fighter", because I didn't expect it to be Daisy at all... online haters had me convinced she'd never get anywhere near Smash.

:ultridley:: Pretty much everyone expected this due to Vergeben, but it was still surreal to watch. Ridley in Smash, looking... natural? Not overtuned, not gigantic, just fitting in with the rest of the cast. I remember loving his design and moveset because it encapsulated how vicious he was in Brawl's boss fights (that was my only experience with the character before SSBU). The Meta Ridley alt was a really nice cherry on top.

:ultsimon:: I'd never played Castlevania before but I had heard of the name Simon Belmont. He was also included in the Vergeben leaks. Speaking of leaks, the music leak on the site kinda ruined Simon's reveal, but...

:ultrichter:: He made up for that! I'm sure everyone was as surprised as I was. I didn't even know this guy, but he looked much cuter than Simon so I naturally liked him more instantly.

:ultchrom:: I really didn't care much because everyone expected him due to the Ike alt missing. I was a bit weirded out that he turned out to be a Roy echo but it all made sense afterwards.

:ultdarksamus:: Another obvious one. Not much to say, I just liked how creepy and alien she looked compared to normal Samus. It really showcased how much a simple animation change can do for an echo, even if the moveset is the same.

:ultkrool:: I remember him having lots of detractors, so this was super exciting. I loved the CGI animation and the Dedede fake-out scene was hilarious at the time. I remember thinking his redesign thankfully looked so much better than the fan mockups. His moveset looked very fun and unique, so I was unusually excited for this character I had no prior attachment to.

:ultisabelle:: This trailer just dragged on wayyy too long man... we all already knew it was Smash anyway, and Isabelle was a super obvious inclusion. I was glad she was a semiclone and not an echo, because her exclusive stuff looked much more fun than what Villager has.

:ultken:: Really obvious echo, and also leaked before. I just said something along the lines of "okay, and?" to myself and moved on. It was interesting that he had more unique stuff than the average echo though.

:ultincineroar:: I've said it before on the boards that I don't like Pokémon, so Incineroar being a very prominent character in Smash speculation was lame to me. After the box leak, it was all but confirmed that Vergeben was right... I wasn't mad, just indifferent and very disinterested. But when Incineroar showed up on that ring... the way it's animated is just so fun, and the moveset made me accept it instantly, despite being a character I don't really care for.

:ultpiranha:: I thought this was an item or assist at first, then it dodged and F-Smashed Mario and I was like "what..?" Even after the splash screen, I couldn't believe that they really made a Piranha Plant playable in Smash and a DLC character too at that. Bewilderment turned to excitement as I saw the super fun animations Sakurai and co came up with, the creative ways in which the enemy's history was used. Really appreciated it as a Mario fan.

:ultjoker:: Didn't know who he was but my brother who's a pretty big Persona 5 fan was excited and acted like Joker was a big deal so I went along with it. I actually didn't even watch the initial Game Awards teaser... he just didn't interest me. The formal reveal the following April was alright. I was glad Sakurai didn't oversaturate his moveset with Personas and stuff. Cool visual flair. I remember that really dumb "controversy" about Joker's moves being recycled from other characters lol.

:ulthero:: Link being beat up in the trailer made me believe, for a brief moment, that this could he a LOZ character. However, Hero was cool too. I didn't recognize the Luminary but once the music started playing it all made sense. The other Heroes being alts was super cool and the menu was just a crazy addition at the time. The whole Internet was curious as to how it would work. I went crazy when they said it'd be RNG.

:ultbanjokazooie:: Nice reveal, pretty cool to harken back to the K. Rool trailer. Admittedly I never really cared about Banjo and his moveset seemed meh but the animations were priceless. I was super happy about the 20- and 30-something year olds that had finally gotten their childhood character though.

:ult_terry:: ..Who? Didn't help that he was revealed the day one of my favorite artists dropped an album and film. I was too invested in that to care about whoever Terry Bogard was.

:ultbyleth:: This trailer was lame. I absolutely adore Three Houses and wanted some representation from it in Smash but the way the reveal was set up turned me off so bad. I was also concerned with how the Internet would react (which was, in retrospect, very justified). I stuck around till the end though and it actually was worth it because Byleth's moveset seemed so cool. This was also the first DLC reveal I could gush about with my brothers because we all loved Three Houses, so that was fun.

:ultminmin: The wait for this one was horrible. I remember the dumbest theories were made during this time (like an ARMS all-in-one package with costumes like Hero ??? seriously) so I was very relieved when it turned out to be just Min Min. The visual style of the trailer was too pretty and the ramen-eating Kirby and CF are still some of the funniest Smash trailer screencaps. I remember thinking "watch how Smash fans will make it a fan rule that every newcomer batch has to introduce a character with more range than the last" because Ike beat Marth, Shulk beat Ike, Corrin beat Shulk, Simon beat Corrin, and now Min Min had just insane range lol.

:ultsteve:: Expected. It was so funny to see them in Smash though. Still is. Didn't really care though. This was another one I was pretty indifferent towards.

:ultsephiroth:: One of the most unexpected characters ever. To me at least. The trailer was also amazing. His moveset and presence just felt awesome and threatening. I hadn't even played any FF but this was my favorite FP2 character by far.

:ultpyra::ultmythra:: Seemed kinda likely after Min Min, but seeing them in Smash was trippy. They just didn't look like they belonged, I can't explain it. I was really excited for another female character though (two in one!) and also the moveset seemed super fun. I remember thinking "three whole games later, maybe they finally pulled off Zelda/Sheik"

:ultkazuya:: Didn't care. I remember a Tekken character was requested since Sakurai mentioned Heihachi in the SSB4 days, so I was glad for the fans. The trailer was funny.

:ultsora:: I was working super late, so I missed this one. I told my brothers to set up the laptop for me so that I wouldn't get spoiled. I didn't really care about Sora's reveal. Had bigger things to worry about. He did feel like a fitting end and I really liked that they referenced the very first teaser but Sora himself just didn't really rile me up.
I like some of Melanie Martinez's music too lol.

Hmm after reading all these reactions it seems :ultsephiroth: was the most hype if not the most positively received addition to the roster overall!
He definitely had the coolest trailer, and I think him being a character who completely fell of the radar in the Western fandom added to that.

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Okay fine ill do it Too!

:ultpiranha:: HATE! Why waste roster space on a MARIO Joke character atleast make it a generic enemy from another Franchise!

:ultjoker:: Who?

:ulthero: : I Made bad expiriences with Dragonquest but 1000% Deserved!

:ultbanjokazooie: : Cool i liked watching banjo lets plays!

:ult_terry:: Who?

:ultbyleth::Why Make the last character from Fire Emblem (i bought the pass after banjo i think) also the weapon thing is such a hairpull

:ultminmin : Deserved and also the most interesting and fitting Rep!

:ultsteve: :I technically voted on the ballot although by this time i wasnt really hyped for him! Still a Decent choice!

:ultsephiroth:: I think i was probably the most hyped for him cause i loved the original FF7 (i finnished it relativly recently) although i cringed at the dumb compilation wing!

:ultpyra: :ultmythra: : Why add two Xenoblade Characters? i mean i wouldve been fine with pyra but why mythra?

:ultkazuya:: Kazuya cool? Now wheres an actual tekken game on switch! (pls make it standart for games to release alongside characters please!)

:ultsora:: Well atleast hes from the two game i know! (KH 1 and Re chain of memories!)
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Super Devon

Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2017
Crystal, MN
Switch FC
:ultpiranha:: HATE! Why waste roster space on a MARIO Joke character atleast make it a generic enemy from another Franchise!
I think the whole mindset of "waste of a slot" is so silly, just because it's not something you wanted doesn't mean it's a "waste".

Sure, it's a joke character and all, but still...
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Just thought I’d refine my mock-up roster a bit. Not much to see here, I don’t want to clutter up the thread.



Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Guess I'll do my views and reactions too:

:ultpiranha: - Well, that was unexpected.

:ultjoker: - Had a feeling due to the popularity and success of Persona 5, Joker was eventually going to be in.

:ulthero: - I did expect some kind of Hero from the Dragon Quest series to be in.

:ultbanjokazooie: - Brought back the nostalgia I had when I last played Banjo-Kazooie on the Nintendo 64. Great choice.

:ult_terry: - Played King of Fighters before so I am quite familiar with Terry Bogard,I'm fine with him being the SNK rep.

:ultbyleth: - Personally would had preferred a different FE character instead.

:ultminmin - No surprise considering that Min Min is considered one of the popular characters within the ARMS franchise.

:ultsteve: - Never played a Minecraft game before, but yet again I could understand why Steve made it in (considering that Minecraft is a popular video game.)

:ultsephiroth: - Wasn't anticipating another character from the Final Fantasy VII franchise, but if there were someone else who would join, it would be Sephiroth.

:ultpyra::ultmythra: - Wasn't expecting both Pyra and Mythra to be in together ahead of Rex.

:ultkazuya:- Very familiar with the Tekken franchise. Even though I predicted Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima made sense considering he had been in almost every entry of Tekken.

:ultsora:- Very unexpected but in a great way as I did not see Sora being revealed as the final character for season 2.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
From what I remembered, I had positive reactions were for Byleth, Sephiroth, Aegis, and Sora, and I was mostly indifferent to the others.

I was hyped for Byleth as I had started 3H around that time, and I like Fire Emblem a lot. Also, Sora was another hype newcomer because of SSF2. I thought Sephiorth was cool as I’ve played a couple Final Fantasy games around that time, and I thought Aegis looked like a cool addition.

The other inclusion that I want to highlight was Kazuya as I fell for Vergeben’s pseudo leak at the time that Master Chief was CP 10, and I think it’s funny that I fell for that leak looking back.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
From what I recall of my reactions to the DLC characters:

:ultpiranha:: I didn't hate the choice, but I wasn't full-on "Plant Gang" either. I thought it was a fun, creative addition, though not one that I was particularly thrilled about.

:ultjoker:: I owned Persona 5 on PS3, but I hadn't played it yet when he was announced. As a result, his inclusion was a huge surprise, though I'm not sure how excited I was about him as a character. (since then, I've played Persona 3-5, P4Arena, P5Strikers, and a 3DS game, so needless to say, his inclusion led to me playing the series and becoming a fan)

:ulthero3:: my reaction to Hero was similar to my reaction to Simon and Richter - I recognized the historical importance of the series, though I hadn't really played much of it.

:ultbanjokazooie:: dream come true moment for me. I'd wanted Banjo and Kazooie in Smash since I was 9 or 10, so needless to say, I was incredibly excited. Even going back to watch the trailer or people's reactions to it puts a smile on my face.

:ult_terry:: OKAY! While my history with SNK was fairly recent (I had only gotten to play their games during the Wii or Wii U era; I got a Wii collection of the first five KOF games), Terry was my most realistic pick from the company (part of me wanted to see Rugal) and a really fun character, so I was glad to see him included.

:ultbyleth:: not great. The trailer likely didn't help matters (a good chunk of it felt like a slightly modified cutscene from FE Three Houses), and while I figured we might be getting a Three Houses character at some point (between the game's success and Sakurai being a fan of the franchise), I would have preferred any of the house leaders over Byleth. My reaction wasn't as negative as it was with Corrin, since I'd played and enjoyed Three Houses, but Byleth barely even felt like a character in Three Houses.

:ultminmin: all right. I'd played the free trial of ARMS and didn't enjoy it, but I know I would have preferred Min Min over Spring Man or Ribbon Girl, the faces of the franchise. (the guessing game that, from what I recall, lasted several months likely contributed to my lack of enthusiasm; there were only fifteen characters in ARMS, and only a few of them seemed like plausible options)

:ultsteve:: his inclusion was neat, and I'm glad that they put him in Smash. I played the early versions of Minecraft (before Endermen were in the game), but I never really got into it like some people, so a lot of the excitement likely went over my head.

:ultsephiroth:: amazing trailer and a complete surprise. The promise of more Final Fantasy content was a plus, and it likely helped that (unlike the time when Cloud was revealed) I had actually beaten Final Fantasy 7 and watched Advent Children by this point. My reaction was tempered somewhat by the implication that any other Square-Enix characters wouldn't be happening (there were a few that I was hoping for, whereas Sephiroth wasn't on my radar for Smash), but his reveal caught me off-guard and got me excited about what was to come.

:ultpyra::ultmythra:: I liked how their inclusion was handled, and I preferred them as a choice over Rex (something about Rex's design and voice acting irks me a bit), but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was a game that I couldn't really get into, and this is coming from someone who put over a hundred hours into Xenoblade Chronicles 1. I get why they were included (Xenoblade as a franchise seems to be a huge success), but from what I recall, my reaction was so-so.

:ultkazuya:: I really feel like they could have picked better music for the trailer. I'm not overly familiar with Tekken's music, but the initial song choice (while it's Kazuya's theme in one of the games) didn't exactly hype viewers up. While I preferred Heihachi, I could see the logic behind Kazuya's inclusion, and it was one of those cases where it felt long overdue, both for Tekken as a franchise and for a second Bandai-Namco character to be included. (my Tekken experience started with the Wii U with Tag Tournament 2 - I've played several other Tekken games since then, but I haven't gotten too deep into them)

:ultsora:: a fitting send-off to Smash Bros. Ultimate, and a character that I never thought would make it into Smash. I don't have the nostalgia for Kingdom Hearts that some people had, but I was happy to see him added and it gave me a reason to finish Kingdom Hearts 2. (I had finished KH1 and Chain of Memories, and started KH2, though this helped to motivate me)

It's unfortunate that my reactions to the first party picks were "so-so" at best and annoyed at worst. There are plenty of first party characters that I'd like to see in Smash (we're LONG overdue for a new Zelda character, for example), but none of the first party DLC choices wowed me.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2024
Shiren the Wanderer
I played some snk on PC as a kid like metal slugs a lot of time and fatal fury rarely but I was impressed.( I was bad at fatal fury). When I heard that ryu was in the game I was happy but after seeing TERRY BOGARD that was more cool for me because I like him and that was the first time I played fighting games.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
From what I remembered, I had positive reactions were for Byleth, Sephiroth, Aegis, and Sora, and I was mostly indifferent to the others.

I was hyped for Byleth as I had started 3H around that time, and I like Fire Emblem a lot. Also, Sora was another hype newcomer because of SSF2. I thought Sephiorth was cool as I’ve played a couple Final Fantasy games around that time, and I thought Aegis looked like a cool addition.

The other inclusion that I want to highlight was Kazuya as I fell for Vergeben’s pseudo leak at the time that Master Chief was CP 10, and I think it’s funny that I fell for that leak looking back.
Yeah, I remember a lot of people fell for that leak back then. I think that killed everybody's trust in him after that.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
"I will never be a memory."

God! I seriously get choked up rewatching it. Japanese storytelling often brings the energy of "oh you thought that was badass just wait until you see THIS" like entire animes are just episodes of one-upping the previous big bad with "unbeatable" power that then gets wrecked by the the next unbeatable power lol. I love it. I'm gonna watch it again actually.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
i had an interesting idea for topic while waiting to go to sleep: we all know the infamous to many swords logic but it did lead me to wonder are there any kind of weapons you'd like to see a fighter based on?

perhaps like me you're a fan of staff fighters and would like some like Kilik from SC. I know a few of you would say bombs and cite Bomberman. and probably at least one die hard Bean the Dynamite fan. and of course plenty of us want to see a certain spear wieldier in Bandana Dee. so if you have any ideas do share, perhaps you want more hammer users or see someone whose is completely axe or lance.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2023
i had an interesting idea for topic while waiting to go to sleep: we all know the infamous to many swords logic but it did lead me to wonder are there any kind of weapons you'd like to see a fighter based on?

perhaps like me you're a fan of staff fighters and would like some like Kilik from SC. I know a few of you would say bombs and cite Bomberman. and probably at least one die hard Bean the Dynamite fan. and of course plenty of us want to see a certain spear wieldier in Bandana Dee. so if you have any ideas do share, perhaps you want more hammer users or see someone whose is completely axe or lance.
Giant Ring Blade?
That woman that fights with a giant ring in soul calibur, dont remember what her name was unfortunately, but i remember seeing her in a soul calibur speedrun and thinking that weapon was really weird and she could make a interesting fighter lol.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Now, Roy :ultroy: , on the other hand, should go back to his Melee design.
4/Ultimate Roy feels like he's catering exclusively to people who only know him as Fire Sword Guy From Smash. The design was made up for Smash, and so is the idea that he holds his sword in a reverse grip. I'm surprised they changed his forward smash to be based on one of his attack animations from Binding Blade, given that since he's not a reverse gripper in that game, guess what?


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
i had an interesting idea for topic while waiting to go to sleep: we all know the infamous to many swords logic but it did lead me to wonder are there any kind of weapons you'd like to see a fighter based on?

perhaps like me you're a fan of staff fighters and would like some like Kilik from SC. I know a few of you would say bombs and cite Bomberman. and probably at least one die hard Bean the Dynamite fan. and of course plenty of us want to see a certain spear wieldier in Bandana Dee. so if you have any ideas do share, perhaps you want more hammer users or see someone whose is completely axe or lance.
My favorite weapon in media has always been a scythe. The main character I’d love to see with this is Magus from Chrono Trigger but there are a few other fun options. Zasalamel from Soul Calibur and Orochi/Orochi X from Warriors Orochi would be great too.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Giant Ring Blade?
That woman that fights with a giant ring in soul calibur, dont remember what her name was unfortunately, but i remember seeing her in a soul calibur speedrun and thinking that weapon was really weird and she could make a interesting fighter lol.
I believe her name is Tira. Been a while so I may be spelling it wrong

My favorite weapon in media has always been a scythe. The main character I’d love to see with this is Magus from Chrono Trigger but there are a few other fun options. Zasalamel from Soul Calibur and Orochi/Orochi X from Warriors Orochi would be great too.
Technically that’s a gardening tool not a weapon :4pacman:


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
i had an interesting idea for topic while waiting to go to sleep: we all know the infamous to many swords logic but it did lead me to wonder are there any kind of weapons you'd like to see a fighter based on?

perhaps like me you're a fan of staff fighters and would like some like Kilik from SC. I know a few of you would say bombs and cite Bomberman. and probably at least one die hard Bean the Dynamite fan. and of course plenty of us want to see a certain spear wieldier in Bandana Dee. so if you have any ideas do share, perhaps you want more hammer users or see someone whose is completely axe or lance.
Hammer: We have Ice Climbers and King Dedede, but I feel like Amy Rose or Tinkaton would fit in

Other than that, one thing I've always wanted to see is a character that exclusively uses a shield, with no sword or other weapon to back them up.


Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
i had an interesting idea for topic while waiting to go to sleep: we all know the infamous to many swords logic but it did lead me to wonder are there any kind of weapons you'd like to see a fighter based on?

perhaps like me you're a fan of staff fighters and would like some like Kilik from SC. I know a few of you would say bombs and cite Bomberman. and probably at least one die hard Bean the Dynamite fan. and of course plenty of us want to see a certain spear wieldier in Bandana Dee. so if you have any ideas do share, perhaps you want more hammer users or see someone whose is completely axe or lance.
Spear: We've already discussed Bandana Dee, but I'd also love to see characters like Kain or Cid Highwind or Kimahri Ronso (Final Fantasy), Zhao Yun and Yukimura Sanada (Dynasty/Samurai Warriors), as I've mentioned earlier.

Halberd: We also need more halberd-wielding characters in Smash, such as Lu Bu (Dynasty Warriors).

Oh, and Tridents and Naginatas.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Hammer: We have Ice Climbers and King Dedede, but I feel like Amy Rose or Tinkaton would fit in

Other than that, one thing I've always wanted to see is a character that exclusively uses a shield, with no sword or other weapon to back them up.
hmm as far as shields only go I can only think of goofy’s KH incarnation

Spear: We've already discussed Bandana Dee, but I'd also love to see characters like Kain or Cid Highwind (Final Fantasy), Zhao Yun and Yukimura Sanada (Dynasty/Samurai Warriors), as I've mentioned earlier.

Halberd: We also need more halberd-wielding characters in Smash, such as Lu Bu (Dynasty Warriors).

Oh, and Tridents and Naginatas.
good picks
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