With stages, I'd much, much rather have new ones over the old ones. I don't really care that much for returning stages, you could have just 10 returning stages and I'd be happy with that.
Some factors for this reasoning:
1. Ultimate really didn't introduce that many new stages, but it did bring back most of the old ones. Which is cool, but I'd want the next game to focus on new material instead of trying to hold on to all these stages forever. It'll make the game more distinct from Ultimate anyhow.
2. Only around half of Ultimate's stages are actually fun to play on. For every Fountain of Dreams, Spirit Train, or Gamer; ...there's a Hanenbow, 75m, or Paper Mario. It's quantity over quality.
3. There are so many iconic or interesting locations that haven't been made into stages yet and I'd love to see make it. The potential is defintiely there but it feels like it's rarely capitalized upon, and if half of the stages next game are returning I'd roll my eyes.
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I would much rather have a stage list of 30 carefully-curated, lovingly crafted, visually distinct,
fun stages than the bloated over 100 stages we have now where over half of Mario's stages are slightly different grassy fields.
Do I think all of the previous stages could be kept? Sure, Ultimate did the heavy lifting of giving them a glow up. It's certainly possible.
Do I
want all of the previous stages to be kept?...
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