Since we're talking about Echoes, How do you guys feel about the Implementation of Echoes? do you think it was wasted potential? Should we have gotten more?
A great concept that hasn't reached its full potential. Now I have what I consider realistic expectations when it comes to Echoes: What you expect is a cloned character with not that many differences, however, even little differences can drastically change a character's strategy. But unfortunately not all Echoes are created equal.

is a straight up semi-clone with many unique animations, so not much to say here.

is an example of what I said previously, the sole difference between her and her parent character is different values in their blades, and that's already a complete game changer.

follows the above strategy, but even moreso by having a different recovery than its parent character.

is lower than them on the spectrum, but at least the way his neutral and side Bs work justify him taking a different slot.

puzzles me... She way too many unique animations, even when attacking, that I don't understand why they didn't gave her anything more unique that wasn't different effects. I am not expecting her to be a fully unique character and I'm fine with that, but with the effort that went into making many of her animations distinct, I don't get why they didn't at least give her attacks some different values.

is straight up wasted potential. The only difference he has with Simon only matters when fighting Olimar and Link, that's it. Even if they just made their Holy Water more like in their respective games would be good enough, but nope.

is the above but worse, no gameplay difference at all.
I don't dislike any Echo, I'd rather have all of them in rather than none, especially Dark Samus and Chrom, but I think that they could go way further with what they already have.