A lot of people like it, so you might too. It has way faster gameplay, so the combat is a lot more enjoyable. That said, I'll say that it personally feels more frenetic than its camera allows for. And some classes end up feeling kind of limited when using a controller. I'm sure a large part of it is me just being terrible, but eh...
The big thing I'd say though is that if you're going into it looking for more PSO, you'll want to temper your expectations.
1. The item system is much less compelling, and item
upgrades are over-complicated, grindy/expensive, and just plain obnoxious.
2. The game uses an individual mission system rather than continuous exploration with landmarks like the original PSO.
3. The tone of the game is much more over-the-top. As it's usually described, it's much more 'anime'. And while I think it's unfair to generalize anime like that, you probably get what that means. Hell. Episode 4 is a reverse-isekai featuring 3 bath-house scenes, and Episode 5 is closer to a
normal isekai, etc.
As an addendum to 3, like I mentioned earlier, PSO2 is the crossover king. It crosses over with literally anything it can, so you can run a mission with Hatsune Miku, while dressed in a 7-11 uniform with Godzilla floating over your shoulder as you wield the Master Sword and someone stands to the side doing the "Akari~n" emote from Yuru Yuri.