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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Today in "things that might be related to Smash but probably aren't:"

Lloyd Irving's original VA is doing something interesting. Christina Vee Fortnite-level tease, or Adam Howden "Shulk is coming to Smash guys"-level tease?

You decide!
I was wondering when we'd be bringing this up in this thread.

Early days, but I'd be surprised if this was in a similar fashion to Howden teasing Shulk in Smash 4. Given that Chris seems to have a lot of roles, it could be just as possible it could be something other than Smash Bros. (Also today I learned he's Teen Titans Robin's VA. Now all we need is Batman lol)

In honesty, I wouldn't be too mad about Lloyd's inclusion. I remember he was a popular request during Smash 4's speculation scene and still has a fair bit of steam going for him to make it to playable. I wouldn't mind his inclusion, but I'd be a little bummed if he's the final character in the Fighters Pass, since I'm expecting it to be Hayabusa or Doomguy. Even if he's the final act for the fighters pass, I shouldn't be too disappointed since we know there will be more fighters now after the conclusion of Fighter Pass 1.
(Reminder to self to get around to Tales of Symphonia soon...)


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I thought they had to replace Viridi's voice actor because they were part of a union? Also, isn't the only reason that Cloud doesn't have an English voice because the only one allowed to voice Cloud in English is in a union? Maybe I was misinformed but I remember that being the case.
Steve Burton is legally bound to be credited as Cloud when voicing him (or used to, I think Remake has a different voice actor). That's why he can't lend his talent in Smash and go uncredited like Antony Del Rio does with Pit and Dark Pit.

Union voice actors can still voice characters in Smash, but understandably, most do not. Hence Viridi and Palutena having different voice actresses.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Early days, but I'd be surprised if this was in a similar fashion to Howden teasing Shulk in Smash 4. Given that Chris seems to have a lot of roles, it could be just as possible it could be something other than Smash Bros. (Also today I learned he's Teen Titans Robin's VA. Now all we need is Batman lol)
Roger Craig Smith voices Batman.


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2018
Steve Burton is legally bound to be credited as Cloud when voicing him. That's why he can't lend his talent in Smash and go uncredited like Antony Del Rio does with Pit and Dark Pit.

Union voice actors can still voice characters in Smash, but understandably, most do not. Hence Viridi and Palutena having different voice actresses.
That's what I figured. So I guess that gives Lloyd a chance huh? Not my first pick for Bandai Namco but I can't say it's a bad one.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
Got bored again, made a couple more for my more-of-a-long-shot character (slightly censored her too in a similar way as was done with Corrin & Bayonetta)
2B from NieR Automata
(Click to Enlarge)
As a Bonus, I also made some possible costume possibilities (no alts though since both Kainé's Costume & having A2 are both too skimpy..and A2 wouldn't fit 2B's possible taunts/victory poses). Each have a reference in them though.
2B Colours.png

1) Default 2B
2) 2B's '2P' colour scheme from Soul Calibur VI
3) Colour's Based on 2B's 'Revealing Outfit' (aka: Kainé's Outfit)
4) Popola/Devola's colour scheme
5) Red Girls' colour scheme
6) Anemone's colour scheme
7) Commander White's colour scheme (yes, she's blonde)
8) Pascal/Machine Lifeform colour scheme


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Like, you can argue that the Disney aspect is the main draw like NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , but Kingdom Hearts can (arguably) stand well on its own without it.
Yeah, thanks for bringing this up again. I think my last point was far misconstrued by opposing view points unintentionally. I wasn't necessarily saying that Disney is the only thing KH has going for it but it is a big part and is what makes it sell as well as it does. Does it have its dedicated fans that are in it for that specific story? Yeah, absolutely, but I think a lot of casual gamers look at Kingdom Hearts and immediately latch onto the idea of being able to explore multiple Disney Worlds.

I for one, especially on the first title, got into it strictly because it was announced as a crossover of Final Fantasy and Disney, while it honestly wasn't really, and the idea of roaming around these Disney Worlds and seeing Cloud interact with Hades was a big deal to me as an old school FF fan. I think it's grown into it's own strictly Disney shoes fairly confidently, even if I'm not the biggest fan of KHIII.

It's just a shame that it's impossible for the Disney extended cast to be present in Smash even if Sora really does make it in.
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Aug 3, 2018
What a work of art. I call this one: The lengths a Smash fan will go to "disconfirm" a character. It's a bit of a lengthy title I know, but I feel like it truly captures the essence of this work.

Being serious, let's attack this argument.

Like Square Enix did nothing for the Kingdom Hearts series? Kingdom Hearts started out as Disney x Final Fantasy, which certainly drew people in and made them stay. There's a reason a large criticism of KH3 is a lack of Final Fantasy characters.

What else does Sora have besides a game? It's not like he's in any cartoons or movies or anything. Just the Kingdom Hearts games and some cameos/guest appearances in Final Fantasy games.

How about you compare the response to Ash winning the League to Sword and Shield news and tell me which got people more excited. Or how the games continually try to get closer to the anime. Or how the trading card game literally helped Pokémon blow up and become the mass franchise it is today. At this point, the mainline Pokémon games are a sideshow compared to the franchise as a whole.

You mean like the Epic Mickey series? I mean yeah, those games did well, but nowhere near as well as Kingdom Hearts has. You can compare the overall sales and longevity and it clearly shows.

Kingdom Hearts has more than enough original content to carry itself at this point. Like, you can argue that the Disney aspect is the main draw like NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , but Kingdom Hearts can (arguably) stand well on its own without it. Have you even played the series? Because I get the feeling that based on your argument you have not.

No better way to argue a point than with the classic words "I think." They pretty much prove you're arguing an opinion based on an opinion, and there's no fact at all in this argument.

>Disney icon
I'm sorry, but even as one of Sora's biggest supporters I wouldn't dare call him a Disney icon. Mickey Mouse, Iron Man, and Elsa are Disney icons. Sora is lucky to show up as a silhouette on a D23 Gold Print behind those characters. There's a reason Disney acknowledging Kingdom Hearts makes news when it happens: because they never do. Kingdom Hearts is at most a high B tier franchise for Disney compared to their other series.

Has he been mentioned with Goku and Iron Man? No. Therefore, he is not in the same box as them. He's not even anywhere near the box they're in. Since Kingdom Hearts is a video game. Not a cartoon, not a movie, not a book. A video game.
Seriously, i get that you want to defend Sora and you actually make good points as usual but there's no need to be disrespectful.

It is clear that you didn't even try to convince or inform TheAJJohnson here, you were just trying to humiliate them for what was clearly a simple, inoffensive opinion.

This kind of smug 'argument deconstruction' is just toxic imo especially when they're totally uncalled for.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2019
How about you compare the response to Ash winning the League to Sword and Shield news and tell me which got people more excited. Or how the games continually try to get closer to the anime. Or how the trading card game literally helped Pokémon blow up and become the mass franchise it is today. At this point, the mainline Pokémon games are a sideshow compared to the franchise as a whole.
Saying that people responded to Ash finally winning the league ignores the fact that an awful lot of the attention is coming from people who haven't watched the anime in 20 years (myself included). People are salty about Sword and Shield precisely because they care so much and want these games to be BoTW/Odyssey levels of good.

Pokemon is a well oiled machine and merchandise is obviously king, but saying the games are a "sideshow" when they're literally where all the new material that goes into the cards, anime, merch and everything else originates from is a reach. Pokemon games are still absolute monsters that consistently rank in the best selling games each time a new one is released. They're literally the fulcrum point from which all new content is disseminated.

As for the Kingdom Hearts debate, I'm not touching that with a barge pole. This entire "debate" is just tiresome at this point.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Steve Burton is legally bound to be credited as Cloud when voicing him (or used to, I think Remake has a different voice actor). That's why he can't lend his talent in Smash and go uncredited like Antony Del Rio does with Pit and Dark Pit.

Union voice actors can still voice characters in Smash, but understandably, most do not. Hence Viridi and Palutena having different voice actresses.
I believe Viridi's usual VA was merely too busy to get on Smash Ultimate, similar to how multiple Sonic VAs were absent for Team Sonic Racing but busy as hell with Gears of War and stuff


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
It's just a shame that it's impossible for the Disney extended cast to be present in Smash even if Sora really does make it in.
Honestly, we don't know that yet.
While, yes, Sakurai did say only video game characters will appear in Super Smash Bros, he never said ONLY video game content was allowed in Smash. What I mean is that while not directly stated, it could be assumed he was referring to playable fighters are all video game characters only. Something small like Spirits or Assists for Final Smashes/Taunts could be a different thing entirely and allowed as long as they are related to a Video Game Fighter that got in.

While I'm going to go with game content only (aside from something minute like the Hidden Mickey Keychain on the Kingdom Key), I do think there is an ever so slight possibility that the Kingdom Hearts incarnations of Donald & Goofy could appear as Spirits or in Sora's Final Smash. Honestly, that would be down to what Sakurai wants.
I believe Viridi's usual VA was merely too busy to get on Smash Ultimate, similar to how multiple Sonic VAs were absent for Team Sonic Racing but busy as hell with Gears of War and stuff
When Union VAs appear in Non-Union Projects, they usually go with False Names or just go Uncredited to avoid issues..except for when they are big enough names that they can't really be threatened by a Union.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Honestly, we don't know that yet.
While, yes, Sakurai did say only video game characters will appear in Super Smash Bros, he never said ONLY video game content was allowed in Smash. What I mean is that while not directly stated, it could be assumed he was referring to playable fighters are all video game characters only. Something small like Spirits or Assists for Final Smashes/Taunts could be a different thing entirely and allowed as long as they are related to a Video Game Fighter that got in.

While I'm going to go with game content only (aside from something minute like the Hidden Mickey Keychain on the Kingdom Key), I do think there is an ever so slight possibility that the Kingdom Hearts incarnations of Donald & Goofy could appear as Spirits or in Sora's Final Smash. Honestly, that would be down to what Sakurai wants.

When Union VAs appear in Non-Union Projects, they usually go with False Names or just go Uncredited to avoid issues..except for when they are big enough names that they can't really be threatened by a Union.
That doesn't really change schedule conflicts but ok


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Either way, if Scott's project really is for Smash, stuff's gonna go up in flames (not literally, of course).


Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2017
Switch FC
Man I really hope Rayman gets in or maybe Zero But Rayman is a spirit and Zero is an assist trophy so... :(


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Got bored again, made a couple more for my more-of-a-long-shot character (slightly censored her too in a similar way as was done with Corrin & Bayonetta)
2B from NieR Automata
View attachment 238925
(Click to Enlarge)
As a Bonus, I also made some possible costume possibilities (no alts though since both Kainé's Costume & having A2 are both too skimpy..and A2 wouldn't fit 2B's possible taunts/victory poses). Each have a reference in them though.
View attachment 238926
1) Default 2B
2) 2B's '2P' colour scheme from Soul Calibur VI
3) Colour's Based on 2B's 'Revealing Outfit' (aka: Kainé's Outfit)
4) Popola/Devola's colour scheme
5) Red Girls' colour scheme
6) Anemone's colour scheme
7) Commander White's colour scheme (yes, she's blonde)
8) Pascal/Machine Lifeform colour scheme
This is great, amiga! Feel free to post it in the support thread, if you already haven't.

Also, I wouldn't really consider 2B a long shot; she has a heck of a lot going for her.
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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
This is great, amiga! Feel free to post it in the support thread, if you already haven't.

Also, I wouldn't really consider 2B a long shot; she has a heck of a lot going for her.
I only consider her a long shot due to the following
- Slightly sensual design (could be censored though)
- Other requested Square-Enix characters..plus just getting Hero
- Appearing in Soul Calibur VI could hamper her chances a little..but also maybe not..
I will, no problem.


Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2017
Switch FC
Oh and one character I know will definitely not ever make it in but would be crazy would be Trapper from Dead by Daylight but thats is never going to happen not in any timeline ever


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
I only consider her a long shot due to the following
- Slightly sensual design (could be censored though)
- Other requested Square-Enix characters..plus just getting Hero
- Appearing in Soul Calibur VI could hamper her chances a little..but also maybe not..
I will, no problem.
I don't think her design is a problem since (like you mentioned) there are workarounds.

In all fairness, it's possible they'll double-dip on at least one of these companies. Though I can see how this can hurt her chances.

Guest starring in another recent fighting game isn't a negative; Terry is also in Fighting Ex Layer. Moreover, Bandai Namco helped develop Smash 4 and Ultimate. That (and PlatinumGames, the developers of Nier Automata) might actually help her chances since all parties involved are not only cool with Nintendo, but also all have playable reps in Smash. (It probably helps that Sakurai is a huge Nier/Drakengard fan, too)

My point is, all things considered, 2B is fairly feasible, IMO. ;) And thanks!


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2019
So, speaking of Sora, which version of him do you think we'd get?

I personally lean towards KH3 Sora. I feel like Disney would want to use that version for the sake of advertising KH3. KH2 Sora would be an alt (since KH3 Sora has a KH2 Sora costume via Second Form).

KH3 Sora also has the largest moveset potential, possessing most all of Sora's attacks (minus some magic types from mainline KH and most commands from DDD) and more. If he got a form change mechanic that'd be real cool.
I would go with KH3 Sora as well for pretty much the same reasons. Formchange seems like a must have mechanic since 2nd Form encompasses just about every fan favorite ability Sora has ever had.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I don't think her design is a problem since (like you mentioned) there are workarounds.

In all fairness, it's possible they'll double-dip on at least one of these companies. Though I can see how this can hurt her chances.

Guest starring in another recent fighting game isn't a negative; Terry is also in Fighting Ex Layer. Moreover, Bandai Namco helped develop Smash 4 and Ultimate. That (and PlatinumGames, the developers of Nier Automata) might actually help her chances since all parties involved are not only cool with Nintendo, but also all have playable reps in Smash. (It probably helps that Sakurai is a huge Nier/Drakengard fan, too)

My point is, all things considered, 2B is fairly feasible, IMO. ;) And thanks!
I mean, Smash put voids underneath skirts and 2B has a teeny tiny miniskirt


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I mean, Smash put voids underneath skirts and 2B has a teeny tiny miniskirt
Just give her shorts like Palutena has, I don't think anyone would mind it.

(It probably helps that Sakurai is a huge Nier/Drakengard fan, too)
I thought the character choices were on Nintendo. Though, it still means Sakurai won't turn her down.

Deleted member

Today in "things that might be related to Smash but probably aren't:"

[twitter post]

Lloyd Irving's original VA is doing something interesting. Christina Vee Fortnite-level tease, or Adam Howden "Shulk is coming to Smash guys"-level tease?

You decide!
I don't recall there being any english VAs saying stuff like this regarding DLC, but that could easily be because there's a lack of english VAs for all the characters involved considering Joker was already revealed before Xander Morbus could say anything, Hero was voiced by 4 Japanese VAs, and Banjo & Kazooie's voicelines were reused from the games. I'm not so sure about Terry though since he does sound like he'll have broken english. I'm only going to assume the project Scott's working on will be for something non-video game related like another DC animated movie or a starring role for a new animated movie because they sound more likely than Lloyd being the last character added to the Fighter Pass.

Deleted member

Today in "things that might be related to Smash but probably aren't:"

Lloyd Irving's original VA is doing something interesting. Christina Vee Fortnite-level tease, or Adam Howden "Shulk is coming to Smash guys"-level tease?

You decide!
I imagine another Vee situation,would't look into it.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Why is Lloyd the popular Tales pick? I thought Yuri was the most popular protag.
Lloyd was on Gamecube and is the most Nintendo pick
Just give her shorts like Palutena has, I don't think anyone would mind it.

I thought the character choices were on Nintendo. Though, it still means Sakurai won't turn her down.
That's my point, the design would need a change


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I think that Lloyd Irving, or any Tales rep, is unlikely for this Fighter Pass. He would be the 3rd character from a JRPG, which would fly in the face of Nintendo's comments that the Fighter Pass would appeal to many different groups of people.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I think that Lloyd Irving, or any Tales rep, is unlikely for this Fighter Pass. He would be the 3rd character from a JRPG, which would fly in the face of Nintendo's comments that the Fighter Pass would appeal to many different groups of people.
I mean, Nintendo also said the Fighter Pass would reach new audiences and we still got :ultbanjokazooie:


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I'm glad that my want of Style Savvy is known enough to get me two @'s in here, though it really is thanks to KatKit I gave the series a shot in the first place and ever since then she's become my most-wanted first party by a mile. I don't know how you can possibly have a bad day while listening to Ring Dong Dang and imagining a model mixing it up with other Nintendo icons.

As for whether the games are good, they really are excellent - I'm a big fan of Fashion Forward. A bit of Animal Crossing, a bit of a business sim, a beautiful and relaxing aesthetic, and overall a surprisingly deep and addictive experience with a lot to do! I'm really hoping we get a new Switch Style Savvy game because the series needs more love in the US for sure. The original actually topped the sales charts for best new first party IP in Japan for a long time!

Got bored again, made a couple more for my more-of-a-long-shot character (slightly censored her too in a similar way as was done with Corrin & Bayonetta)
2B from NieR Automata
View attachment 238925
(Click to Enlarge)
As a Bonus, I also made some possible costume possibilities (no alts though since both Kainé's Costume & having A2 are both too skimpy..and A2 wouldn't fit 2B's possible taunts/victory poses). Each have a reference in them though.
View attachment 238926
1) Default 2B
2) 2B's '2P' colour scheme from Soul Calibur VI
3) Colour's Based on 2B's 'Revealing Outfit' (aka: Kainé's Outfit)
4) Popola/Devola's colour scheme
5) Red Girls' colour scheme
6) Anemone's colour scheme
7) Commander White's colour scheme (yes, she's blonde)
8) Pascal/Machine Lifeform colour scheme
I love this! The 2P and Kainé alts are awesome. I bet the Emil spirit battle would have Kapp'n spawn a lot. I love the music selection, but I would hope A Beautiful Song is in, though props on adding Weight of the World because I know I'm not the only person who thought of it immediately when finishing classic mode.

2B is basically where Joker was for me in that I'll never expect her and she'll always be a pipe dream but considering NieR Automata is the best game I've ever played, it's only natural to want her in Smash.
I mean, Nintendo also said the Fighter Pass would reach new audiences and we still got :ultbanjokazooie:
Banjo-Kazooie appeals to gamers who left for other consoles after the N64 era, a way to entice them to return to the Switch and show them that they haven't left their roots. It's also worth noting that Tales, DQ, and Persona all appeal to vastly different audiences despite all ostensibly being JRPGs.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Well I do anyway. Video games that are based on a non-video game property are part of that property, not an original video game.

A character created for a Dragon Ball video game is a Dragon Ball character not a video game character.

Is Kingdom Hearts a video game? Or is it based on Disney cartoons/movies? I don't know. That's up to Nintendo.
Your logic is "Kingdom Hearts has Disney Stuff therefore Sora is not a video game character."

Is Kingdom Hearts a video game? Yes it is. This isn't an adaptation of a franchise/universe that existed in other media, like the Dragon Ball games you mentioned. There are no "Kingdom Hearts" TV shows or comics, Kingdom Hearts as a property exists as a video game. Sora as the main character of the Kingdom Hearts franchise is a character made specifically for the Kingdom Hearts IP, the same IP that only exists as a video game. He wasn't part of any other franchise prior to Kingdom Hearts unlike the likes of say Donald Duck or Cloud who appeared in other media prior to Kingdom Hearts.

Sora as a character would represent the Kingdom Hearts video games, not various Disney properties.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
While I don't think Lloyd will be the last Fighters Pass character, I think he's pretty damn likely for future DLC. Sakurai said he'd be the best choice to represent Tales of, his game has the strongest association with Nintendo due to GameCube exclusivity, and Symphonia is the best-selling game in the series. He seems like the most likely Bamco character at this point, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him in.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Got bored again, made a couple more for my more-of-a-long-shot character (slightly censored her too in a similar way as was done with Corrin & Bayonetta)
2B from NieR Automata

(Click to Enlarge)
As a Bonus, I also made some possible costume possibilities (no alts though since both Kainé's Costume & having A2 are both too skimpy..and A2 wouldn't fit 2B's possible taunts/victory poses). Each have a reference in them though.

1) Default 2B
2) 2B's '2P' colour scheme from Soul Calibur VI
3) Colour's Based on 2B's 'Revealing Outfit' (aka: Kainé's Outfit)
4) Popola/Devola's colour scheme
5) Red Girls' colour scheme
6) Anemone's colour scheme
7) Commander White's colour scheme (yes, she's blonde)
8) Pascal/Machine Lifeform colour scheme
(Removed images for mobile convenience)

Wow, these look great! 2B with Nier music in Smash would be insane for me - I know the chances are low in terms of too many new compositions, but remixes of Pascal's theme and Birth of a Wish would also be really welcome.

I don't really think it would happen, but having the Adam fight be against Joker in his student outfit (glasses + the two types of counter) would be amazing. He's DLC though, and they don't normally use DLC characters for Spirit battles aside from their own boards...


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Actually... didn't Riot make their own Brawl mod with league champions a few years ago?
Yes, yes they did.

At this point it's basically "Does Sakurai like MOBAs as a genre, and if so which way does he lean?" Unanswerable at this point (We don't know if Riot's Fighting game or Dota Underlords is getting to the Switch for instance, although I do believe both could appear next year or 2021), but I won't count out the question.

From what I understand Lloyd is more widely recognizable.
IIRC Symphonia was a major talking point during the late GCN era. Vesperia (and later titles) made its own splash, sure, but I never got the impression that Vesperia stepped out of Symphonia's shadow completely.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Today in "things that might be related to Smash but probably aren't:"

Lloyd Irving's original VA is doing something interesting. Christina Vee Fortnite-level tease, or Adam Howden "Shulk is coming to Smash guys"-level tease?

You decide!
It’s either Teen Titans related or it’s another big project. Pretty much anything that isn’t Smash seems likely to me.

What I’m trying to say is, don’t get your hopes up for Smash.

Playstation Guy 1000

Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2019
Today in "things that might be related to Smash but probably aren't:"

Lloyd Irving's original VA is doing something interesting. Christina Vee Fortnite-level tease, or Adam Howden "Shulk is coming to Smash guys"-level tease?

You decide!
or it also could even be a new tales game.
Got bored again, made a couple more for my more-of-a-long-shot character (slightly censored her too in a similar way as was done with Corrin & Bayonetta)
2B from NieR Automata
View attachment 238925
(Click to Enlarge)
As a Bonus, I also made some possible costume possibilities (no alts though since both Kainé's Costume & having A2 are both too skimpy..and A2 wouldn't fit 2B's possible taunts/victory poses). Each have a reference in them though.
View attachment 238926
1) Default 2B
2) 2B's '2P' colour scheme from Soul Calibur VI
3) Colour's Based on 2B's 'Revealing Outfit' (aka: Kainé's Outfit)
4) Popola/Devola's colour scheme
5) Red Girls' colour scheme
6) Anemone's colour scheme
7) Commander White's colour scheme (yes, she's blonde)
8) Pascal/Machine Lifeform colour scheme
Nice character fan pack.
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