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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
So... do you think adding the Mega Man costumes back now indicates Character 5 isn't from Capcom, or do you think it's arbitrary?
Yeah, it's seems pretty arbitrary. We didn't get the Monster Hunter costumes back, so the could very well save that for another Capcom character. None of the Mii Costumes from this wave had anything to do with Banjo or Microsoft, so they could very well throw out some random stuff there as well. My personal hope is that we at least get a Wesker Mii costume with a Resident Evil character, not only because that would be cool but so I can make an unholy Mii hybrid of Wesker and Sans.

Also, can I just say that this DLC lineup has been absolutely amazing so far? Not only are some of my favorite games of all time represented here (Persona, Undertale), but it introduced me to some really cool new characters as well. I don't think I would've gotten around to Dragon Quest if it weren't for Hero's inclusion, and I can safely say that it's becoming one of my new favorite RPG franchises after trying out some of the games. Terry also got me interested in trying out some of SNK's fighting games, which lead to me getting Samurai Shodown II for my Switch. Even if Nakoruru never came to fruition, I'm glad the SNK conversation got me interested in the character and I'd definitely advocate for her for future DLC or even Smash 6 if Sakurai wants to revisit SNK. For me, this Fighters Pass perfectly encapsulates the appeal of Smash. It's the perfect mix of characters I love as well as interesting new characters for me to learn about. It's pretty much a near-perfect encapsulation of gaming history, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for DLC. Never in my life did I think I'd get to play a game where Solid Snake and Joker fight each other in the Nintendogs living room while Megalovania plays, but I'm so glad I got to experience such a wonderful game.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
With more characters on the way after the pass, how do you all feel about Echoes? I've been saying for ages that we might get 16 DLC characters total (11 newcomers and 5 echoes total) by the end of this game's lifespan, and it seems somewhat feasible.

Here's a comment about Echoes I made regarding a potential Joker Echo:


The World of Light slots may be placeholders, but I doubt it. I think we're going to use all 16 slots. The next round of characters are probably going to be added differently. I think they're going to use that "Individual DLC" section that I mentioned way back when.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
In terms of Season 2 predictions, I'm not going to predict a Season 2 so much as I'm going to predict some fighters I think are likely. If we get a Fighters Pass 2 that's one thing, but for now I'm guessing anywhere from 2-5 additional fighters. Probably on the higher end of that.
  • Geno: The Smash community's favorite bandwagon character star puppet, Geno seems incredibly likely given Sakurai's personal interest in him and the fanbase having reached him. Whereas it seems other SE picks took precedence over him, with both FF and DQ already in Smash, his main competition is down to Sora. And even then, Sora is more of a Disney character than him, so the two could very well coexist. With little to no competition in the way and a vocal fanbase, Geno would be a good pick to appeal to Western core fans, similar to Banjo
  • Waluigi: This isn't a prediction so much as it is a guarantee. We will get Waluigi. The outrage and memery following his disconfirmation last year was so incredibly loud that it managed to reach the highest management at Nintendo, Sakurai included. Even people outside of the Smash and Nintendo communities know the plight of Waluigi and support his inclusion, which would make him an amazing pick from a marketing standpoint. Furthermore, the last time a character got such support was Mewtwo during Sm4sh speculation, and we all know how that went.
  • Sora: Call it bias, but I think he's finally coming home. Sora saw a large surge in popularity following Ultimate's announcement, and he's currently one of the most popular speculation picks, taking top spots in fan polls across the world. It is unknown if negotiations for Sora were attempted and failed in the past, but I believe Sora's popularity is cause enough for Sakurai to attempt to return to the negotiating table and try again. A single format DLC character would probably be better for Disney considering they wouldn't have to deal with any odd profit splits such as those in the Fighters Pass, and given the support that seems to exist on all sides (Sakurai, Square Enix, and Disney) I believe it's more than possible this time around.
  • Rex & Pyra: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was released at the absolute worst time. Too late/early for a Video Game Award, and far too late for Smash Ultimate. Given their large popularity, XC2's importance to the Switch, and Sakurai's love of XC2, I believe they'll have their chance to shine this time around.
  • Byleth/Edelgard: It's kinda suspicious that we still have yet to get any Three Houses Spirits to coincide with the game's release, especially considering Let's Go and Super Mario Party among others got Spirits. That alongside Three Houses being a major, popular release leads me to believe a Three Houses character is more than possible.
  • Akira Howard (Astral Chain): It's a major first party release for Nintendo, and the moveset writes itself really. This is moreso wishful thinking on my part though.
  • Namco or Capcom Third Party: They're the only two major companies involved in Smash (since Sm4sh) that are missing DLC. Capcom has a precedence of DLC in Smash, as did Sega and Square Enix (and look what they got), whereas Namco has had one character since Sm4sh added Pac-Man. Given both companies' large IP libraries, I wouldn't be surprised if we see both companies appear, whether it be as Fighter #5 or misc. DLC. I won't speculate on which characters from each company we'd see, but I'm personally vying for Lloyd Irving and Phoenix Wright myself.
  • Wild Card Third Party: This really depends on Fighter #5, but we could see someone from Bethesda, Ubisoft, Koei Tecmo, Blizzard, Valve, Activision, and the list goes on. I'm thinking DOOM guy, Rayman, Ezio, Ryu Hayabusa, Tracer, Gordon Freeman, Heavy, Crash, and I'm sure I'm missing some.
I think the Sans costume is the best we're getting for Indies, but other Indie Mii Costumes are likely I think.
hmm. I thought the blue background actually made sense for Terry since he's from SNK and the SNK logo is blue. I mean, Persona 5's theme overall was red so it made sense for Joker to have a red background. The DQXI logo has pink, and with the main Hero being Luminary, it made sense for it to be that color. Banjo-Kazooie's background was yellow most likely because of the puzzle piece. It's not like Color Theory relies on what the character is wearing does it?
Color theory relies on the colors corresponding with the character. Sure, DLC 5 will probably come with a different color background, but what's the point if it ultimately tells us nothing about who or what the character actually is?
The main proponent of Color theory was that you can predict the character based on color. Red for Joker, Purple for Luminary and Yellow/Orange for Banjo. The fact that Terry's is blue shows the color isn't 100% related to the character itself unless you want to really stretch and say it's his pants.
It does.

The SNK logo being blue as evidence for the Color Theory is also an incredible stretch.
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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
Sorry, religious Vergeben follower here. His word is the law.
I mean, this is pretty on par for Vergeben..like, for Dragon Ball FighterZ, he got most of the roster right but when it came to DLC, his picks were very, very hit or miss..this is literally no different.
Aside from a Square-Enix character, which, lets admit, was heavily guessed/leaked even before him, and it 'probably' being Erdrick (only partially correct), he's either said nothing or was wrong..like he didn't guess any of the DLC characters outside of Erdrick and we've been waiting on 'Minecraft Content' ever since the base game.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I think the last character of the Pass is Doom Slayer or Hayabusa. And I think they'll be shown at The Game Awards.

Or if they want to REALLY show their stuff show Fighter 5 in a November Direct and Fighter Pass 2's first character at TGA.

That'd blow everyone's lid.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
I mean, this is pretty on par for Vergeben..like, for Dragon Ball FighterZ, he got most of the roster right but when it came to DLC, his picks were very, very hit or miss..this is literally no different.
Aside from a Square-Enix character, which, lets admit, was heavily guessed/leaked even before him, and it 'probably' being Erdrick (only partially correct), he's either said nothing or was wrong..like he didn't guess any of the DLC characters outside of Erdrick and we've been waiting on 'Minecraft Content' ever since the base game.
The "Minecraft Content" claim came from a real bad source. I'm privy to some of the details, and can verify that the source was spewing BS. One of Verge's problems is that they don't always verify their information before going forward with it. They seem to have gotten better about it as of late though.
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Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
I mean, this is pretty on par for Vergeben..like, for Dragon Ball FighterZ, he got most of the roster right but when it came to DLC, his picks were very, very hit or miss..this is literally no different.
Aside from a Square-Enix character, which, lets admit, was heavily guessed/leaked even before him, and it 'probably' being Erdrick (only partially correct), he's either said nothing or was wrong..like he didn't guess any of the DLC characters outside of Erdrick and we've been waiting on 'Minecraft Content' ever since the base game.
He's still one of the few points of reference for this DLC in general.
Not to mention, what's he been wrong? The Minecraft stuff and the issue on who was the first DLC. Other than that, he still called a good chunk of the roster: 7 characters right vs 2 details wrong. There's still a good chunk on his favour for him to be taken into account.

And in other ideas, I realized that Sakurai's stream mentions "more games crossing over" when talking about the extra DLC characters. I know it may be a stretch, but this smells like another batch of third-party characters to me.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
The "Minecraft Content" claim came from a real bad source. I'm privy to some of the details, and can verify that the source was spewing BS. One of Verge's problems is that they don't always verify their information before going forward with it. They seem to have gotten better about it as of late though.
Yeah, I could see that.
I always believed that he had some legit info, but that everything he said should be taken with a grain of salt since he's also often incorrect.
He's like Schrödinger's Leaker...he's both correct and false at the same time until its all announced and we discover what was actually the case.


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
Enjoying all that sweet Minecraft content are ya?
Can't take a joke, eh?

No matter. I'm enjoying Ridley, Simon, Isabelle, Incineroar, Hero, and I will surely love Terry once he comes out. Were you able to guess the entire roster?

EDIT: Yup, it's there: https://youtu.be/DPh3HM6ofWU?t=1458
Adding more characters into the game means that more game worlds will be added to the series.
Don't know how you guys interpret "game worlds", but this sounds like he's talking about IPs, and most likely, more third-party franchises.
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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
He's still one of the few points of reference for this DLC in general.
Not to mention, what's he been wrong? The Minecraft stuff and the issue on who was the first DLC. Other than that, he still called a good chunk of the roster: 7 characters right vs 2 details wrong. There's still a good chunk on his favour for him to be taken into account.

And in other ideas, I realized that Sakurai's stream mentions "more games crossing over" when talking about the extra DLC characters. I know it may be a stretch, but this smells like another batch of third-party characters to me.
He's gotten a lot more than just that wrong..
He's still never guessed Piranha Plant, Joker, gave a definitive answer on which Hero (he claimed Erdrick was the one later..so he gets half a point from me)..

I'm not saying he's a fake, I'm just saying that, like DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon said, he doesn't fact check his sources and is thus often given bad info or no info at all..so, in essence, listen but don't religious believe him. Its just like the Gematsu Leaks, real info but not all of it is true/trustworthy/accurate.

He also likely didn't know anything about more DLC coming after this pack and I don't think it was decided on so long ago, so thats irrelevant in regards to his leaks.
Can't take a joke, eh?

No matter. I'm enjoying Ridley, Simon, Isabelle, Incineroar, Hero, and I will surely love Terry once he comes out. Were you able to guess the entire roster?
Vergeben didn't leak the entire roster..just a lot of it..
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Not knowing a character is not a mark against a leaker unless they claim they're giving you the entire roster.

Deleted member

It does.

The SNK logo being blue as evidence for the Color Theory is also an incredible stretch.
But is it though? In the trailer, they had characters appear who weren't in Fatal Fury at all like Nakoruru. They basically ran down through all the most well known and popular characters until we eventually get to Terry as if it's reminding us who the mascot of SNK is, so I don't really see how this is stretching it.

Though I will say Mai not making an appearance in the trailer despite being considered SNK's Chun-Li does make me wonder a bit.


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
He's gotten a lot more than just that wrong..
He's still never guessed Piranha Plant, Joker, gave a definitive answer on which Hero (he claimed Erdrick was the one later..so he gets half a point from me)..

I'm not saying he's a fake, I'm just saying that, like DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon said, he doesn't fact check his sources and is thus often given bad info or no info at all..so, in essence, listen but don't religious believe him. Its just like the Gematsu Leaks, real info but not all of it is true/trustworthy/accurate.

He also likely didn't know anything about more DLC coming after this pack and I don't think it was decided on so long ago, so thats irrelevant in regards to his leaks.

Vergeben didn't leak the entire roster..just a lot of it..
Not saying he's perfect, just that he has been right about stuff and that I consider him trustworthy.

I've been following the guy ever since Max mentioned his "leaks" on MvCI (which don't sound so far fetched now that FChamp showed that the game was meant to have 61 characters, but that's beneath the point), so you can imagine how many times I saw him claiming something that never happened.

Also, the "religious" comment was meant to be a joke. Don't know what sounded so serious about it.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
Not saying he's perfect, just that he has been right about stuff and that I consider him trustworthy.

I've been following the guy ever since Max mentioned his "leaks" on MvCI (which don't sound so far fetched now that FChamp showed that the game was meant to have 61 characters, but that's beneath the point), so you can imagine how many times I saw him claiming something that never happened.

Also, the "religious" comment was meant to be a joke. Don't know what sounded so serious about it.
I know, thats why I said just to not take everything as fact..it was mostly because I seen his leaks as the second coming of Gematsu where people will continually shoot down anything said if it contradicts what Vergeben said (I saw many saying that the first DLC would absolutely 100% be a Square-Enix rep and were jerks if anyone said it could be someone else..and then we got Joker).

Just being on the internet and people often being overly serious about things like that lol sorry. Sarcasm/Jokes are hard to do online..especially when we have some rather..impassioned..fans.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
But is it though? In the trailer, they had characters appear who weren't in Fatal Fury at all like Nakoruru. They basically ran down through all the most well known and popular characters until we eventually get to Terry as if it's reminding us who the mascot of SNK is, so I don't really see how this is stretching it.

Though I will say Mai not making an appearance in the trailer despite being considered SNK's Chun-Li does make me wonder a bit.
I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand what you're saying.

Are you saying that Terry is representative of the whole of SNK, hence his color being Blue (since SNK's logo is Blue)? If so, then why would the other characters in Color theory be representative of design colors for their games compared to Terry, whose color is representative of the entire company of SNK?

You have to acknowledge that this is a major hole in Color Theory, which was already riddled with more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
But is it though? In the trailer, they had characters appear who weren't in Fatal Fury at all like Nakoruru. They basically ran down through all the most well known and popular characters until we eventually get to Terry as if it's reminding us who the mascot of SNK is, so I don't really see how this is stretching it.

Though I will say Mai not making an appearance in the trailer despite being considered SNK's Chun-Li does make me wonder a bit.
It's stretching it because it doesn't help us at all regarding color theory and at best is an extremely indirect reference.

Say, the next character is "orange" or "pink." Now that we've effectively ruled out that it doesn't have to correspond with a character's actual design, how does it narrow down any of our potential options?
At that point, it becomes a game of trying to justify characters' associations with colors rather than something as simple as "this color is part of their color scheme, ergo they can potentially be in because that color hasn't been represented yet."

It'd be like all those people trying to jam their character pick into why they fit the "brave" codename...
except dumber because now there's not even a set color to choose from, leading to a huge amount of meaningless possibilities, which spans every fictional game character.

And as far as I'm concerned, a theory is supposed to narrow down options, not increase them.
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Deleted member

I was having a blast with all the reaction vids and you guys are still here doing Balagtasan.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
It'd be like all those people trying to jam their character pick into why they fit the "brave" codename.


I was having a blast with all the reaction vids and you guys are still here doing Balagtasan.
>Using the word Balagtasan to describe repetitive Smashboards debates.

You. I like you.
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Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I've come to give my thoughts on Terry Bogard's inclusion:
He's OK. I can think of many better 3rd party series to get a smash character, but Fatal Fury and King of Fighters are important and significant enough to Nintendo and Video games generally. He isn't a great choice, but I would definitely say he's not a bad one.

Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
I just want Crash Bandicoot or Doom Slayer to be playable.
Please, Daddy Sakurai.
Also, Gen 8 Pokémon might as well be confirmed at this point.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I dunno if it was discussed here but Terry crouches before using Burn Knuckle in the 5 seconds we actually saw him. This matters as the input for the move requires you crouch first. His up b better be wild as Rising Tackle is a charge input lmao
Oh boy can't wait to fastfall to my death trying to charge the input for rising tackle.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
I didn't mind Terry getting in as DLC. Still waiting for Poochy and Bandana Dee to get in as future DLC Fighters. One thing I loved about Terry's trailer is that the SNK characters failed to get the Smash invitation.
But hey I'm happy
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Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
I know, thats why I said just to not take everything as fact..it was mostly because I seen his leaks as the second coming of Gematsu where people will continually shoot down anything said if it contradicts what Vergeben said (I saw many saying that the first DLC would absolutely 100% be a Square-Enix rep and were jerks if anyone said it could be someone else..and then we got Joker).

Just being on the internet and people often being overly serious about things like that lol sorry. Sarcasm/Jokes are hard to do online..especially when we have some rather..impassioned..fans.
It's alright. I read "nihilistic theory" and thought "let's crack a joke", but I guess it's just natural for stuff like this to happen, so no hard feelings.

Also, gonna throw my cents and tell my predictions:

If the seventh DLC character turns out to be another unique third-party:
*Dante/Leon S. Kennedy

If the seventh character breaks some conceptions people may have about the current DLC (say, it's a Nintendo character, or someone who already appears as a Spirit or an Assist Trophy):


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
It's alright. I read "nihilistic theory" and thought "let's crack a joke", but I guess it's just natural for stuff like this to happen, so no hard feelings.

Also, gonna throw my cents and tell my predictions:

If the seventh DLC character turns out to be another unique third-party:
*Dante/Leon S. Kennedy

If the seventh character breaks some conceptions people may have about the current DLC (say, it's a Nintendo character, or someone who already appears as a Spirit or an Assist Trophy):
Not bad pics at all. Some are characters I love, some are characters I am indifferent to, and one is someone I absolutely do not want, but all good picks honestly.

I'm working on new gifs for my signature of my DLC Hopes, so I'll show mine later on.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
It's alright. I read "nihilistic theory" and thought "let's crack a joke"
You think Nihilist Theory is a joke bro? Well it ain't. It's one of the only true leaks in Smash Bros. speculation, aside from Box Theory.

For all you new users here, let me indoctrinate you:
tehponycorn said:
Nihilist theory is essentially the anti-theory. It posits that every theory circulating around the Smash Bros. fandom is false as they all rely on circumstantial evidence and don't have any convincing arguments for their truth.
Get used to it because I'll probably be bringing it up a lot, especially since it seems like we're nearing a second era of Theory Wars.
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Deleted member

I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand what you're saying.

Are you saying that Terry is representative of the whole of SNK, hence his color being Blue (since SNK's logo is Blue)? If so, then why would the other characters in Color theory be representative of design colors for their games compared to Terry, whose color is representative of the entire company of SNK?

You have to acknowledge that this is a major hole in Color Theory, which was already riddled with more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.
It's stretching it because it doesn't help us at all regarding color theory and at best is an extremely indirect reference.

Say, the next character is "orange" or "pink." Now that we've effectively ruled out that it doesn't have to correspond with a character's actual design, how does it narrow down any of our potential options?
At that point, it becomes a game of trying to justify characters' associations with colors rather than something as simple as "this color is part of their color scheme, ergo they can potentially be in because that color hasn't been represented yet."

It'd be like all those people trying to jam their character pick into why they fit the "brave" codename...
except dumber because now there's not even a set color to choose from, leading to a huge amount of meaningless possibilities, which spans every fictional game character.

And as far as I'm concerned, a theory is supposed to narrow down options, not increase them.
Ok. These are actual arguments that I can't disprove. I know I sound like I'm championing for Color Theory to be right, but I was trying to give my take on how the blue background fits with Terry. His background color probably doesn't hold any real meaning to it, so I'll stop trying to think about it too much.

Fair point to say theories only lowers options though. It does kill the fun with speculation if you only have a few options that fit the bill. Edit: okay I might have actually misread the theory part. Ignore what I said on that
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Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Crazy direct, but good stuff. In regards to DLC, in my opinion, it's pretty obvious that the theme is "Smash Bros. x [Insert series]" and as a result, the fifth will most definitely be 3rd party and will be the main character of whatever franchise is chosen.

However, for these "extra" characters that Sakurai mentioned, it's not unreasonable to assume that at least 1 or 2 will be first party. Especially since we have Piranha Plant as reference for a DLC fighter who comes with no stage or music and still has a price point.

I don't really have any guesses for the fifth DLC character, though Ryu Hayabusa does make sense as a protagonist from a storied franchise from a big company that has influence in both the east and west. Jill Valentine would make sense too since I could see her being interpreted as the "face" of RE, even over Chris. Even if RE4 was the most popular, Leon wouldn't be the rep. **** Doomguy don't @ me.

As for potentials for the extra fighters, I think Rex & Pyra have a small chance, which would make me very happy. However, after all these Mii costumes, which are clearly intended to be substitutes (i.e. Sans and Goemon), a part of me is saying that Sakurai sees the Rex Mii costume and thinks "We have the Mii costume, Rex is all set." Would be ironic if trying to appease the Xenoblade fans actually sealed Rex's fate lol.

I think Shantae's chances go up as well. Not gonna lie, Shantae has gotten the short end of the indie stick so far, especially with how successful her series has been. The latest game coming out has an opening by Studio TRIGGER. Like, jeez, at least give her a costume or something. On that same note, I don't think Quote from Cave Story will get in since he is already in that puzzle fighter game and Blade Strangers. I think Geno's chances are better since he could be interpreted as the "face" of SMRPG. Have to see about Squeenix I guess. I think Waluigi is still dead and buried. Sora might be difficult depending on the DLC spirit board. Have to get permission from Disney for that stuff too which may or may not be a problem. I also don't think we'll be getting any echo fighters.

I think the takeaway is that the DLC fighters will most likely be main characters or characters that can represent a franchise. I'd also like to think we can expect at least one female character. If we seriously got like 10 DLC characters and they were all guys except for Kazooie (who's half a character), I'd be legit pissed.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
Okay, finished my gifs, so here are my updated, now much more open possibility-wise DLC Wishlists..I have lists for both Unique Fighters and Echo Fighters.

Sora (Kingdom Hearts) [Disney]
Kingdom Hearts has a massive fanbase and is likely the the biggest name in regards to Action RPG series. Sora, himself, has a lot of moveset potential as well with many moves, attacks, and spells that could be pulled from the 5 games in which he was the main character (6 is Coded is counted). He's also a very, very popular request for Super Smash Bros.

2B (NieR Automata) [Square-Enix]
Considering how popular NieR Automata and 2B are, I feel like she'd be a good fit for Smash..though her under skirt & top may need to be subtly altered akin to Bayonetta or fCorrin. Based on her flashy attacks and abilities in NieR Automata, I think she'd be an interesting and fun fighter.

Byleth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) [Nintendo/Intelligent Systems]
Byleth may not be as popular a choice as Edelgard, but I believe they would be more interesting moveset-wise and would better represent Three Houses as they are not only the main character but the only real option that isn't tied to one of the houses but to them all instead. With the Sword of the Creator being quite unique in its Chainwhip-style blade, the moveset would definitely be different from anyone else's.

Rex & Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) [Nintendo/Monolithsoft]
I truly believe that Rex & Pyra have a very good chance of appearing as DLC now that it wasn't all decided early on. I mean, Rex was the only one commented on as being 'too late' to appear. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was also a surprise success for Nintendo & MonolithSoft and the pair have a lot of possible attacks they could use and a unique gimmick.

Zero (Mega Man Zero) [Capcom]
With the Mega Man X incarnation of Zero already being an Assist Trophy, I feel like the door is still open for the Mega Man Zero incarnation (which I'm biased towards as my fav. Mega Man series). However, with that comes a more unique moveset considering that MMZ Zero has a variety of weapons to use for specials and regular attacks consisting of the Z-Saber, the Z-Buster, the Shield Boomerang (think Capt. America), the Triple Rod (like a lance), the Chain Rod (like a chain-whip..kinda like Byleth's blade), the Recoil Rod (like tanfas), and the Zero Knuckle (a grab that can steal abilities..but here it could just be referenced in Zero's grab).
As a bonus, the Mega Man Zero incarnation of Zero is, of course, the main character rather then a side character/secondary main character as he is in the Mega Man X series.


Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong) [Nintendo]
Based on Diddy Kong. Dixie Kong would complete the trio that is DK, Diddy, and herself. Similarly to Chrom, she could have a few unique moves to compliment her unique abilities in Donkey Kong Country 2/3/Tropical Freeze.

Octoling (Splatoon) [Nintendo]
Based on Inkling. Pretty self-explanatory, just swap out some of the weapons for equivalent ones similarly to Dark Pit and change the stats for each one.

Medusa (Kid Icarus) [Nintendo]
Based on Palutena. Mirror her handedness and change some of the effects and a few animations/attacks and Medusa would fit nicely as a Palutena Echo.

Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog) [Sega]
Based on Sonic..both conceptually and canonically. Make the movement faster, but more slippery, attacks could be slower but hit harder..that juxtaposition in and of itself could be fairly unique.

Hilda (The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) [Nintendo]
Based on Zelda. Completely biased here..but I love Princess Hilda. She could be like Zelda but to incorporate her 'opposite world' nature, her elements could be opposite, such as her version of Din's Fire being Ice Element. Her Phantom equivalent could also be an enemy forming behind her and attacking her to represent her kingdom having a poor opinion of her (kinda like the Zombies from Jill Valentine in Marvel vs Capcom 2 or Frank West in his Versus Series appearances in an 'enemy' assist). Granted, Impa as a Sheik Echo would probably be a better choice.. >.>

I'd love to hear some opinions on my picks..as long as its, well, you know, not rude lol
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Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
Doom Slayer probably has the most going for him at this point.
No spirits. Major gaming icon (popularized the FPS genre). Adds variety to the pass being a gunner. Bethesda is a big Switch supporter, and they have not denied having a character in Smash.
Though I think the special thing for Nintendo fans was alluding to Doom 64, it could also hint toward Doom Slayer in Smash.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
I'm honestly content with the roster after getting Hero, so hoping for another dream come true would feel a bit greedy... But after hearing that we're getting more characters after the Fighters Pass, I can't help but wish for one more miracle. It's a long shot, and it'll probably never happen, but I'm hoping I get to see the day that "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Ys" becomes a thing.

I'll be silently pulling for my boy Adol Christin.


Just let a dude dream, okay?

Deleted member

Okay before I get to sleep I would like a fair and unbiased opinion on this: How are we feeling about Geno's chances now that there's additional DLC? Spirits may no longer matter, Sakurai proved with Banjo that he's still listening to Fan Requests and the Mii Costume is missing. I find that rather suspicious but maybe some of you don't.

So what do you think of Geno's chances now? I myself think they're the highest they've been since base roster but I may be wrong.

Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
Okay before I get to sleep I would like a fair and unbiased opinion on this: How are we feeling about Geno's chances now that there's additional DLC? Spirits may no longer matter, Sakurai proved with Banjo that he's still listening to Fan Requests and the Mii Costume is missing. I find that rather suspicious but maybe some of you don't.

So what do you think of Geno's chances now? I myself think they're the highest they've been since base roster but I may be wrong.
Pretty good, but not for the 5th Fighter's Pass character.
I feel like anything post Fighter's Pass is fair game. Spirits, Mii Costumes, and even Assist Trophies.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Okay before I get to sleep I would like a fair and unbiased opinion on this: How are we feeling about Geno's chances now that there's additional DLC? Spirits may no longer matter, Sakurai proved with Banjo that he's still listening to Fan Requests and the Mii Costume is missing. I find that rather suspicious but maybe some of you don't.

So what do you think of Geno's chances now? I myself think they're the highest they've been since base roster but I may be wrong.
As someone who thinks that pretty much everyone has a decent shot when it comes to DLC beyond the Fighters Pass, yes, that also applies to Geno.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2019
Okay, so new worlds says to me that if we get First Party stuff it won't be from franchises that are currently in Smash. So maybe we get something like Astral Chain, but I doubt it. Can't think of any other IPs that Nintendo have launched recently that don't already have content in Smash Ultimate. Obviously the lack of Fire Emblem Three Houses promotional spirits and the chance of characters getting upgraded could always happen, but I'm going to say Nintendo are leaning towards more third party for this second pass (although I'm not sure if it'll end up being 5 more characters).

Okay so let's go through companies that could be it, I am going to assume that no company will double up, but obvious that's just my interpretation:

New Fighter in the Base Game
- Konami

New Echo Fighter in the Base Game
- Capcom

New Fighter in the Fighters Pass
- Atlus/Sega
- Square Enix
- Microsoft

Potential Companies Going Forward
- Capcom (only got an echo in the base game, and has the deepest bench of IP to pull from for all third parties in Smash)
- Namco Bandai (only have Pac-Man, and Llyod & Heihachi still haven't had their Mii costumes revealed. Plus who doesn't want to see Ryu vs. Terry vs. Heihachi?)
- Koei Tecmo (We know their tight with Nintendo, and whilst the 4chan rumour was debunked, we still have an alleged insider saying that they're in)
- Bethesda (Doom Slayer has been on peoples minds all pass, and whilst I doubt he's character 5, I can definitely imagine support behind him, and Bethesda pushing the Switch has hard as they have, have led to more in depth conversations).
- Activision (Everyone knows Crash, but I also do think Tracer has a higher chance now as well, just depends if Nintendo want to negotiate with one of the biggest western video game companies in the world...)
- Ubisoft (perennial dark horse, their mascot character is in the game as a spirit, but they still have other franchises to pull from like Assassin's Creeds or even the Rabbids).
- Level-5 (smaller than some of the other companies mentioned, but Professor Layton is certainly no slouch when it comes to speculation)

Any other companies I might have forgotten that have a chance, or are we still sticking to our core 7 (plus any companies that might have already been in the pass)?
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Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2018
Yeah, ''new worlds'' means probably no Skull Kid, no Toad, no Dixie... I'm kinda disappointed, especially since Banjo & Kazooie are the only fighter so far that I'm familiar with. But that's good news for most people.
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