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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Ace
May 21, 2019
I think you guys are clinging to this "new worlds" statement too much. He was just closing out his presentation (which was ad libbed afaik), and wanted to say that smash is going to add more characters from all over the place. Speculating based off of a single vague sentence seems hasty.
Theres only 35 (soon to be 36) worlds in Smash as fighters. It's hardly closing any doors to say "maybe the new third party trend will continue"

We could easily see first party characters, but I do think Nintendo and Sakurai are focusing on the new with the DLC. As much as I'd love to see Dixie Kong, I don't think saying third parties are more likely is cutting the ground from under speculations feet.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
The original rumor clearly implied that the female character was from a company new to Smash and uses a projectile.
Didn’t FP5 say “already appeared” though? With this new info maybe FP5 is female and also “already appeared”, interpret that as you will.

Perhaps FP5 also uses some form of projectile...?


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Random thing to note: the character select screen after the fighters pass is done will have 3 blank spots. So take that as you will.

I know these kinds of theories have been thrown around before, but that's just something I noticed.
Three seems like a reasonable amount of bonus characters, but the character select screen can change size with new additions. (a whole new row was added when all three types of Miis are created and all of the current DLC characters are downloaded)


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Random thing to note: the character select screen after the fighters pass is done will have 3 blank spots. So take that as you will.

I know these kinds of theories have been thrown around before, but that's just something I noticed.
While my slight ocd would want a perfect screen, no smash sonce the first has had a perfect screen i think


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Didn’t FP5 say “already appeared” though? With this new info maybe FP5 is female and also “already appeared”, interpret that as you will.

Perhaps FP5 also uses some form of projectile...?
They're just doing damage control after Terry got confirmed, which is never good for a rumor's credibility.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Didn’t FP5 say “already appeared” though? With this new info maybe FP5 is female and also “already appeared”, interpret that as you will.

Perhaps FP5 also uses some form of projectile...?
Shantae has appeared, is a girl, and has a projectile... i hope im not gettong too annoying to anyone with all my shantae want


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Theres only 35 (soon to be 36) worlds in Smash as fighters. It's hardly closing any doors to say "maybe the new third party trend will continue"

We could easily see first party characters, but I do think Nintendo and Sakurai are focusing on the new with the DLC. As much as I'd love to see Dixie Kong, I don't think saying third parties are more likely is cutting the ground from under speculations feet.
Sure, I just think it's not worth having debates over.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
They're just doing damage control after Terry got confirmed, which is never good for a rumor's credibility.
Isn’t Terry still in development? It’s possible Mr. H showed Milk FP5, who fits those conditions, early and Milk erroneously thought it was FP4. This is also possibly evidenced by Mr. H not knowing who Nakoruru is.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
They're just doing damage control after Terry got confirmed, which is never good for a rumor's credibility.
A lot of leakers do damage control, even verge has. Minecraft content, se content not th forst dlc. Its common. The deathnail for a leaker is if they never say anything after beong wrong


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2019
Guardia Castle
There was a problem fetching the tweet
So, now, it looks like that Milk-bosatu said that the female character would be the last fighter in the fighters pass.
So, Milk-bosatu is still not dead.
Yeah, I don't know about that, I'd say that "leak" is pretty much dead.
I'm only trusting Verge from now onwards.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
Isn’t Terry still in development? It’s possible Mr. H showed Milk FP5, who fits those conditions, early and Milk erroneously thought it was FP4. This is also possibly evidenced by Mr. H not knowing who Nakoruru is.
terry as a character should be nearly done actually. banjo was nearly done when hero was first shown to the public. if the last character is female as these leaks say speculation gets exponentially easier.
jill RE
Laura croft
Joanna Dark (rare's second most known character)
ironically all of these characters even fit the leak as to using a projectile.
last kasumi from Virtua Fighter who was (according to some older players) Sakurai's main back in his arcade days.
thats pretty much all of them i'd expect

Deleted member

Whenever we get more info on FP5 sometime in February will probably be when they'll most likely announce what's going to happen with the DLC from this point on, unless of course they decide to save it for E3 to do a big reveal there.

Also, is Fatal Fury the 2nd biggest franchise currently in the Fighter Pass behind Dragon Quest? I don't really know how huge the series is, but it feels like it's bigger than Banjo-Kazooie and Persona.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
terry as a character should be nearly done actually. banjo was nearly done when hero was first shown to the public. if the last character is female as these leaks say speculation gets exponentially easier.
jill RE
Laura croft
Joanna Dark (rare's second most known character)
ironically all of these characters even fit the leak as to using a projectile.
last kasumi from Virtua Fighter who was (according to some older players) Sakurai's main back in his arcade days.
thats pretty much all of them i'd expect
Uh.... what? There’s no Kasumi in Virtua Fighter. You thinking Kasumi from Dead or Alive?

Also, other females who use a projectile and “already appeared” are: KOS-MOS (if you interpret that statement as meaning an already present third party, in this case Bandai Namco) as KOS-MOS uses blasters and Gatling guns; 2B (Square Enix, see KOS-MOS) who uses a drone; and Elma (Nintendo, has a Spirit) who uses dual swords, dual guns, and a potential Skell Final Smash.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Also, is Fatal Fury the 2nd biggest franchise currently in the Fighter Pass behind Dragon Quest? I don't really know how huge the series is, but it feels like it's bigger than Banjo-Kazooie and Persona.
I think Persona is easily bigger than Fatal Fury. It has rhythm games, 3DS games, a Dynasty Warriors spin-off game is coming out in the near future... Way bigger.

Edit: Also several full-season anime and movies.
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Deleted member

You think Nihilist Theory is a joke bro? Well it ain't. It's one of the only true leaks in Smash Bros. speculation, aside from Box Theory.

For all you new users here, let me indoctrinate you:

"Nihilist theory is essentially the anti-theory. It posits that every theory circulating around the Smash Bros. fandom is false as they all rely on circumstantial evidence and don't have any convincing arguments for their truth. "

Get used to it because I'll probably be bringing it up a lot, especially since it seems like we're nearing a second era of Theory Wars.
Wait, you're telling me this is a theory and just isn't pure fact?


Smash Ace
May 21, 2019
Whenever we get more info on FP5 sometime in February will probably be when they'll most likely announce what's going to happen with the DLC from this point on, unless of course they decide to save it for E3 to do a big reveal there.

Also, is Fatal Fury the 2nd biggest franchise currently in the Fighter Pass behind Dragon Quest? I don't really know how huge the series is, but it feels like it's bigger than Banjo-Kazooie and Persona.
It's hard to gauge just how big Fatal Fury is, because a lot of the nostalgia comes from the arcade releases. But I'd wager that if we took all the lifetime sales (including to arcades) of Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, Samurai Shodown and Art of Fighting then it probably would be bigger than Persona and Banjo. Especially considering there's about 50+ games across those franchises.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I think you guys are largely misinterpreting the “new worlds” statement. Iirc it was actually “this might be the last time multiple game worlds collide” or something along those lines. Didn’t say anything about new game worlds, just game worlds in general.

So basically, Sakurai can include characters from existing “worlds” too.
I hope you're right, but I guess we won't know for sure until character #6(or #7 technically since PP gets ignored). For the time being I'll probably err on the side of caution.

I'm not sure what to think of Geno anymore. On the one hand he's super popular and Sakurai likes him, on the others Sans makes me think it could just be a Mii outfit again with a track or two.

If the latter hopefully they update it to give him his proper head. The Mii outfit was great but ruined by the Mii head again.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
how about the color theory

There was a problem fetching the tweet

i know a bit over kill since it could realy be any color but should mention it again anyway
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
how about the color theory

i know a bit over kill since it could realy be any color but should mention it again anyway
I mean if colour/rainbow theory is still in play, then might as well give a shoutout for my boy Layton too due to his orange shirt if Banjo and Terry's pants count.
I think orange is a pretty prominent colour in his series too if I recall so yeh...
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Blue has basically nothing to do woth Terry other then his pants. I doubt they picked blue other then it went well against his red cap and jacket.

So why pick orange for an orange crash, that would clash horribly.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2013
New Jersey
Arle has orange hair, but she's far more associated with the color blue anyway so I'm pretty sure Terry took her color.

Besides, I don't give a flying **** about who the next pass character could be, now that the chains of slots are gone.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Yo **** the color theory. It just has to be something aesthetically pleasing that fits the character. I did these in paint in 2 seconds, but you get the idea. Here's Jill for example:
REDSJill.png REDSJill.png

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I dunno why people say the Activision rep would be anyone but crash. Tracer for instance is not as well known as crash, isn’t established, has less Moveset potential. The list goes on. The more I see people say crash wouldn’t be the choice the more I think people are just saying that just to convince themselves he won’t be the activision rep
I mean, Banjo isn't nearly as wellknown as Master Chief or Minecraft Steve so.....


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Okay before I get to sleep I would like a fair and unbiased opinion on this: How are we feeling about Geno's chances now that there's additional DLC?

I mean, more characters technically improves everyone's chances.

New worlds could still mean we could get a KoF rep... maybe ;(
Nah man, now that Terry is in, the next SNK rep will totally be Nakoruru.

Since Terry's stage is the King of Fighters arena, I get the feeling that Nintendo is counting him as a King of Fighters representative as well
Actually, the term King of Fighters is actually the name of the tournament in the Fatal Fury series, and were the KoF games got the name.

Also just mopped up all the Banjo spirits. Little bit disappointed that the Gruntilda spirit isnt as involved as the legend spirits from the previous two fighters
I was actually relieved it wasn't another marathon battle like the last two.

So, now, it looks like that Milk-bosatu said that the female character would be the last fighter in the fighters pass.
So, Milk-bosatu is still not dead.
I mean...if you can just change what you say every time the thing you said ends up being wrong, then nothing is ever dead.

Joanna Dark (rare's second most known character)
Rare's second most known character is the Battletoads.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Any other companies I might have forgotten that have a chance, or are we still sticking to our core 7 (plus any companies that might have already been in the pass)?
I do have two wildcard companies. Note, wildcards. I bring them up because if they do have upcoming projects on the Switch, then they've suddenly entered the race:

Riot Games (Tencent): Yes, I've talked about them. A lot. But Tencent's collab with Nintendo doesn't stop at bringing the Switch to China. They actually got the okay from Nintendo to make a Pokemon game themselves. Also, Smash in China is an almost no-brainer at this point (I'd say Late March / Early April 2020 at the earliest). And with one Chinese favorite already in (Terry) I bet they want in too.* They only have one viable option though - Riot Games' League of Legends.

Riot recently announced an upcoming fighting game (I'd presume featuring LoL characters). But, even if the fighting game devs involved have experience with simple fighters, we have no idea how far along it is or if it will be on the Switch. If the fighting game does arrive, that could be a major "Watch out!" sign.

Valve: Valve has the opposite problem from Tencent - lots of viable choices, almost no presence or signs pointing to Nintendo. I stand by Gordon being the most likely Valve choice. If the Valve-Nintendo talks did happen as rumored then Sakurai and co. wanted him specifically. That said Gordon does need Valve to get something going on the Switch - an Orange Box port is the safest bet. For him, Heavy and Chell. I'm saying this considering how Valve is run nowadays.

One game could upend it all though: the Dota 2 spinoff Dota Underlords. The one with the next level crossplay. Underlords' head of development did also state this: while the PC and mobile versions take priority other options are a possibility. Once Underlords is out of beta and released (it's been in a rapid beta since late June). The Switch could fit this game really well.

I know, neither MOBAs have a real presence in Japan. But Sakurai is someone who looks far and wide. Wouldn't be surprised if he has heard of the genre - especially if he's met people from either company. If there's one "What the?" third party pick, a MOBA pick would be it.

*(Sidenote, Nquoid - Tencent's activities range from fair to really, really scummy. If Nintendo entrusts a Pokemon game with them I don't think they'll have much of a problem with Activision.)

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So... what happened to that theorized Boss Rush? Maybe they’ll wait till the pass is complete?

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
In the Banjo presentation, Sakurai said Home Run Contest would pretty much be the last mode added. I'm assuming no Boss Rush.
Last offline mode. Weren’t several Online modes datamined?

Still, RIP Boss Rush


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2019
Wow. Banjo and Kazooie are in mother****ing Smash Bros. I love their moveset; no gimmicks or anything complicated. It's like they slide right in with the rest of the 64 roster where they belong. Time to work on some combos.

Im so happy thy confirmed that more fighters are on the way. I do hope, however, that they drop some Nintendo characters (or 2nd party). Gimme my ****in Dixie Kong echo.

The Terry trailer didn't copy Incineroar's, so Ryu aint confirmed yet. Hm.....

I feel like any character is back on the table now that there's more than just this pass. Give me Crash and Master Chief, pls
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
This is what I have

Last character of wave 1 doomguy (as a matter of fact I can tell you why I think this both doom 64 and doom eternal come out November and you know what else comes in November and that’s terry so they could reveal the last character of wave 1 in November as well with terry analysis from Sakurai)

Ryu hayabusa
Crash bandicoot
Dante/Jill valentine/Leon/Phoenix Wright (capcom character)
Heihachi/Lloyd Irving
Frisk/papyrus/shantae (indie rep possible pretty much shot the moon thanks to the sans costume)
Steve (yes Vergeben May still be right about Minecraft content and im Sorry there’s no way Microsoft would resist making Steve next from Conker and master chief)

Edit: *faceplam* oh I’m such a fool I forgot cuphead with a wave two his chances are more monsterous than we think he’s now allowed in smash since he’s on th switch and this

The creator wants him in smash now with a wave 2 very very high chance

(Actually you know what about master chief http://www.nintendolife.com/news/20...ef_to_finish_the_fight_in_smash_bros_ultimate
They may actually want him in smash ultimate to finish the fight so make one weasly halo game on the switch/Nintendo system to get the master allowed as a candidate )

If first party can become after
Dixie kong
Gen 8 pokemon

If echos possible

Funky kong :ultdk:
Medusa :ultpalutena:
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Deleted member

Still, RIP Boss Rush
I mean, there is a boss rush at the end of WoL even if it only makes up about 1/3 of the entire last area. They probably didn't feel the need to make a mode dedicated to just that when they already packed so much into making WoL.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2019
*(Sidenote, Nquoid - Tencent's activities range from fair to really, really scummy. If Nintendo entrusts a Pokemon game with them I don't think they'll have much of a problem with Activision.)
Oh, I'm well aware. My only counter would be, one controls Nintendo's access to one of the biggest emerging games markets in the world, and the other has been a company that hasn't exactly done a lot to keep strong ties to Nintendo over the years. And as someone else has said, Activision and Blizzard operate pretty autonomously of one another, so we could see a rep from both halves (similar to Square & Enix)

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I mean, there is a boss rush at the end of WoL even if it only makes up about 1/3 of the entire last area. They probably didn't feel the need to make a mode dedicated to just that when they already packed so much into making WoL.
Speaking of WoL... I’m actually somewhat expecting a WoL expansion for the DLC characters past the pass

And/or as Hero’s trailer suggested, the ability to use the possession/fake fighter effects outside of WoL

Both? Both is good.
Apr 7, 2017
That's what I feel it means too. Like, I wouldn't be suprised if the DLC is mostly 3rd party (like 70-75%) and I do think that's how it will likely pan out, but I don't think Sakurai meant to say every DLC character from here on out will be third party. I think we will still see some first parties eventually (particularly Dixie Kong and Bandana Dee)

EDIT: It seems Sakurai's "new worlds" statement was a mistranslation. His real statement was much more vague

EDIT 2: I forgot about Rex. I'd really be more shocked if he didn't become one of the Post-Pass characters, especially given how sad Sakurai seemed when talking about his Mii Costume.
Here's the exact tweet, now that I'm not on mobile.


Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Wow. Banjo and Kazooie are in mother****ing Smash Bros. I love their moveset; no gimmicks or anything complicated. It's like they slide right in with the rest of the 64 roster where they belong. Time to work on some combos.

Im so happy thy confirmed that more fighters are on the way. I do hope, however, that they drop some Nintendo characters (or 2nd party). Gimme my ****in Dixie Kong echo.

The Terry trailer didn't copy Incineroar's, so Ryu aint confirmed yet. Hm.....

I feel like any character is back on the table now that there's more than just this pass. Give me Crash and Master Chief, pls
I'd call 'You only get to use side b 5 times per stock' a gimmick but that's me


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2014
I'm honestly content with the roster after getting Hero, so hoping for another dream come true would feel a bit greedy... But after hearing that we're getting more characters after the Fighters Pass, I can't help but wish for one more miracle. It's a long shot, and it'll probably never happen, but I'm hoping I get to see the day that "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Ys" becomes a thing.

I'll be silently pulling for my boy Adol Christin.

View attachment 236932
Just let a dude dream, okay?
YET another anime swordfighter? Sign me in.

Who wants to bet that Terry will come with spirits for; Kyo, Ryo, Joe, Andy, Geese, Nakoruru and Ioji? With Team USA as the Legend?

Also just mopped up all the Banjo spirits. Little bit disappointed that the Gruntilda spirit isnt as involved as the legend spirits from the previous two fighters
Wouldn't the Spirit Board be too strong? The other 3 spirit boards are well balanced with spirits of every level, but these characters:

Kyo, Iori and Geese would need to be Legend level spirits;
Ryo should be Ace level at least;
Nakoruru would 100% be Ace level;
Andy and Joe could be Advanced level.
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