I wanted to make sure I responded to your response to my post last night, because you took the time to write something out. If there’s something I miss here, please let me know. Forgive me for not quoting!
I see your point in terms of picks like Sephiroth or Min Min “putting picks back on the table“ in terms of speculation. Picks that previously may not have been given the time of day by many people may be more commonly discussed.
That said, in terms of actual implications, I’m not sure we can say it changes much until we see the characters themselves get in. That’s mainly what my point is with circumstances surrounding the business decisions here. Certainly, Sephiroth is a non-protagonist who was added as DLC. But there are potential extremely specific circumstances that led to him being a playable character, whereas he may not have been otherwise. Those same circumstances, being specific, wouldn’t make Sephiroth a great example that would lead to other character additions like him. That’s more what I was getting at.
If (and I will emphasize this, because I obviously don’t have hard evidence) Sephiroth got in because of those specific circumstances (and the fact that he’s among the most iconic gaming villains out there) I don’t think it helps another non-protagonist as much as it is implied to in the grand scheme of things. I agree with you that it will allow certain characters to be taken more seriously! I just don’t know that I agree that it will make an impact in the decision-making process, and that’s mainly because I think the timing of it all is more important.
Then again, and correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not entirely sure that that’s exactly what you’re saying either. The concept, in general, of saying who benefits from what behind closed doors is also difficult to prove aside from piecing things together. More specifically, it seems as though your point was closer to the fact that certain picks have a chance to be talked about overall, which I would agree with, and this comes on the heels of some characters simply being overlooked by the overall community.
Overall, I think my point comes close to this: There have been some instances where “rules” (ew) get broken, but that specific “rule” break doesn’t get repeated.
That honestly is where my skepticism is at. Sure, Min Min was a spirit upgrade and Sephiroth was a non-protagonist. But will that repeat? With 3 picks left, I’m kinda doubtful of it, though I could totally be wrong. Let’s be clear- one character could do both at the same time!
I hope I made that clear. We’re probably still in disagreement but that’s fine. I figured I’d give a response though.