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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
I think Vergeben's Credibility and Nintendo's Relationship with Koei Tecmo are more than enough to guarantee Hayabusa getting into this Pass. That and he feels like a DLC Character. He feels like a character who has enough of a following to be considered for DLC by Nintendo in the First Place, with Content to spare considering how well Koei Tecmo get along with Nintendo.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
SNK had their own line of consoles/hardware, for crying out loud.
Only the Neo-Geo MVS was successful, however.
We could get something smaller but important like Ninja Gaiden. We could get the American equivalent of Dragon Quest with Halo. We could get a small Japanese centric franchise like Ys. We could get another Japanese mega icon like Monster Hunter. We could even get a modern, western Indie hit like Hollow Knight. The sky is the limit. There’s tons of valid reasons for a loooot of characters.
I like how you say "the sky is the limit" but don't list any of those filthy first parties for """""realism""""".
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I like how you say "the sky is the limit" but don't list any of those filthy first parties for """""realism""""".
Unfortunately, even the sky has limits.

EDIT: While I don't think we've seen the last of our 1st party characters yet, there are only a handful of realistic choices at best, and most of them are Pokémon.
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Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Banjo doesn't have more legacy than Hayabusa. Quality or preferences aside, Ninja Gaiden legacy isn't only a thing from the 90s. The reboot games were important and praised hack n slash titles, specially the first one.

And I think it's pretty obvious Terry has a bigger legacy than Banjo. Bigger than Hayabusa? I don't know, I think that's harder to tell, but as Dinoman96 Dinoman96 said, SNK had their own consoles, not to say their games have influenced the fighting genre, and while Fatal Fury is inactive as a series since 1999, Terry still makes regular appearances through KoF and other crossover games to this day, not really different from Hayabusa, which his most recent roles have been cameos or being playable in games such as Dead or Alive.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
Yeah. Honestly, I think Hayabusa has more than enough to make him extremely likely even without Vergeben. Legacy, Importance, Nintendo Connection, Plenty of Content, Feeling like a Nintendo Pick. I think there's plenty of evidence, and the Leaks make this character all but confirmed considering how he is. And I have literally no connection to him whatsoever! Nothing. Absolutely none. Yet I can acknowledge that this character is the closest thing to a lock we have Third Party Wise.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
The thing with Terry is that you can't separate him from both Fatal Fury and King of Fighters, which were both fairly influential in fighting games, I'd say more so that Ryu was in his genre.

Habayusa does fighting game crossovers. Terry might as well be the poster boy for the series that basically invented fighting game crossovers.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2019
I didn’t say it did nor did anyone else. People were explaining why Ninja Gaiden is an important series & why it could potentially be selected to join Smash.

It seems like you just don’t want Hayabusa in, which is fine. But you should just say that instead of trying to downplay Ninja Gaiden.

Smash Ultimate’s DLC has been crazy. We’ve gotten the biggest game of all-time, a pop culture mega icon in Japan, a fan favorite series that hasn’t had a game in 12 years (😔), all the way down to a niche fighting game that just debuted 3 years ago.

We could get something smaller but important like Ninja Gaiden. We could get the American equivalent of Dragon Quest with Halo. We could get a small Japanese centric franchise like Ys. We could get another Japanese mega icon like Monster Hunter. We could even get a modern, western Indie hit like Hollow Knight. The sky is the limit. There’s tons of valid reasons for a loooot of characters.
Important in what? You haven't given any indication about what exactly NG has. Cutscenes?
I've already stated that Nintendo can choose NG for other reasons - but all of your "justification" don't point to anything substantial. Pointing out that NG as a relatively small, western-centric franchise that barely hit the highs of Megaman/Castlevania isn't wrong by any indication.
"We can get anything!" isn't mutually exclusive from pointing out flawed reasoning for NG.

It's not an 'odd niche' when it literally set the first stone on stories in video games, the entire NES Trilogy had multiple animated cutscenes throughout the main story showing what happened in between the levels, which no other game did at the time. Every time I hear someone say Ninja Gaiden influenced gaming as a medium, I've always seen that brought up by those people at least once. The fact that you asked about the cutscenes tells me you're unfamiliar with the franchise, so if you just don't like Hayabusa, that's fine

Considering Terry's a SNK rep, his legacy includes crossovers, 3v3 fighters, super moves and parrying, all of these being the most important additions to the genre after SF2 accidentally inventing combos, that's also incredibly strong legacy I'd say
You got to show me where exactly these comments about cutscenes come about, because i have searched around and there's nowhere that solidly shows that those.....animated cutscenes were an...iconic feature that influenced many other games. Whereas the term "metroidvania" is a no-brainer.


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Okay so. If I just write a paragraph, it'll just be a novel. So I'll be adding some quick notes with each character. The qualities I'll try to examine are...

General Popularity: Is the character popular to the general populace?

Core Popularity: Is the character popular in their franchise's fanbase?

Smash Popularity: Is the character a popular request in the Smash community?

Importance: Is the character or franchise important to the gaming industry or genre? Franchise importance will be assumed to be a given unless stated otherwise.

Mii Costume: The lack of Mii costumes will be a factor here.

Leak Talk: Are there valid leaks that support this character being included?

Okay, now with that out of the way, here are my top ten picks in no particular order.

Ryu Hayabusa - Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance / Leak Talk

I'll address it now. Ryu has a lot of leaks surrounding him. Add that to the fact that he's a popular character that helped define video games as a whole and I feel confident in his chances. The only issue he really had is that Ninja Gaiden (and Dead or Alive) aren't really giant series. That said, that may be in his favor. He's big enough to be on Nintendo's radar but not so big that he'd cost a mint to get like Steve. Tecmo is also very close with Nintendo so talks should be easy. Overall very likely. Good job Hayabusa.

Geno - Smash Popularity / Mii Costume

Dread it. Run from it. The puppet arrives just the same. Geno is unusual. He's not well known the the public or most Mario fans. You ask a Mario fan to name their top 10 favorite Mario characters and Geno probably won't appear very often. Really all he has is Smash popularity. Fortunately for him, he has a metric **** ton of it. It's his only real strength but it's doing him a lot of favors. He's kind of like a min-maxed character in that regard. The lack of his Mii costume also makes me think he might have been picked. Congrats Geno.

Lloyd Irving - Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance / Mii Costume

I'll admit. I'm biased here. Lloyd is one of my most wanted. I'd scream with joy if he were to be in. Thankfully I think he has a great shot. Tales is a longstanding and historic franchise and Lloyd is the most wanted character in the Smash fandom. Among Tales protagonists, Lloyd is also one of the most important. The Mii costume's absensd also makes me think he might have been picked. I really hope so, anyways.

Monster Hunter - General Popularity / Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance / Mii Costume

Imagine Dragon Quest and how utterly massive it is in Japan. Now imagine that, but add a butt ton of western popularity to it. I won't mince words. Like Inkling, Isabelle and Steve, Monster Hunter is not an if, Monster Hunter is a when. They will be included eventually. I think the franchise is major enough that it can overcome any awkwardness Rathalos already being in the game may add. Heck it may be plus. It's in a similar situation to ARMS if you think about it. And of course, their costume is missing. Could be a clue.

Crash Bandicoot - General Popularity / Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance

Crash! Ahhhhhhhhh! Savior of the Wumpa lands! Dodododoooo! Overall Crash is an icon and not just in gaming spheres. He's a character who has transcended his medium. If Nintendo wants a big character Crash is probably the biggest character they can get. Only iffy part is that Actvision might not play nice. They don't have a bad relationship with Nintendo but it isn't the best.

Rex and Pyra - Core Popularity / Smash Popularity

Oh here we go.... Rex and Pyra are popular characters and requests that would easily represent one of the Switch's main gems in their launch window. And just because I don't want to type Rex and Pyra the whole time, I'll just shorthand it to Rex. Rex is the kind of character Sakurai seems like he would pick and that interview does seem like Sakurai thinks Rex would be a great pick. If Nintendo wants a cheaper character that would satisfy their core fanbase and advertise a less successful franchise, Rex is probably their best bet.

Bandana Waddle Dee - Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance?

Here is a bit of an odd pick. Bandana Waddle Dee is a popular request for Smash. Very popular. Arguably the most popular first party character who isn't an assist trophy. He would be a great pick for the core fanbase and would be cheap to boot. Only issue is that he's got a fair bit against him. Sakurai's potential bias for his Kirby games and supporting cast status hurt his chances. Still I feel his marketability and his overall Popularity supercede that.

Zelda Character - General Popularity / Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance

Okay this one might require some explanation. There's a big trend with every batch of newcomers. We always get one character from a game that is "being played right now." We get a character who is released in a certain time frame as a nice easy way to advertise a current product. In FP1, it was Byleth. In base game, it was Incineroar. In Smash 4 DLC, it was Corrin. In Smash 4 base game it was... well a lot of the newcomers. Anyways I believe the time period to look out for is now to early to mid 2021. Age of Calamity and BotW2 are the games I think will fit in that time frame. I'm not really sure who they would pick, but my personal choice would be Impa.

Arle - Core Popularity / Smash Popularity / Importance

This may be a shock to you, but I think Arle is really likely. Puyo Puyo is a franchise like Fatal Fury. Not setting the world on fire, but its always there and one of the main pillars of its genre. Arle is really popular in Japan and I believe that Puyo Puyo is popular enough in the west to be a viable pick. Nintendo seems to care about the series at least. Shes my dark horse pick.

Nightmare - Core Popularity / Importance

Yeah. Here is my other dark horse pick. Heihachi might have been too hard to make in Smash, but I feel Namco's other 3D fighting series might be easier. Soul Calibur is a franchise that's popular, iconic and successful. While I think Lloyd is more likely, I do feel confident on another Namco character and Nightmare is a great pick for it. Only issue is that Nightmare, while popular isn't a huge Smash request anywhere. At least not that I see.
That's a great analysis and I overall agree, but I wanted to add 2 things:

-I personally don't think Nightmare have that much chance. Not only he have to compete with Guilty gear (and yes, we could technically get both but with Arms starting the pack I doubt we'll get half the pass that comes from fighting games (the again you could argue that Arms isn't really a fighting game)), but also he have to compete to other Namco characters that you didn't mention like Dark souls rep.

-This isn't really important but I don't get why a lot of users on this board see Arle as a "dark horde Pick". She's one of (if not the most) requested character in Japan with Monster hunter. Her franchise have a very big history, existing since 1991 (almost 30 years, a bit more if you count Madou monogatari). She have game every year or every 2 year, which is insane for a franchise that old. The franchise have around 28 million sales in 2017. After that the franchise got Puyo Puyo champions in 2018, and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is coming on december this year, so it Will probably hit 30 millions real soon.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
This is bias speaking. Banjo I can agree with, but Terry does have more legacy then Ryu. This board is over inflating Ryus impact on the gaming industry.
If anything, it seems you are downplaying Ninja Gaiden's impact because you don't seem to like the idea of Hayabusa in the game. It's fine if you don't want him (I didn't want Steve in the game, yet here we are), but to downplay Ninja Gaiden seems a bit unnecessary.

I mean, look at Fatal Fury. It hasn't had a true game in it's library since Garou: Mark of the Wolves and yet it still has a legacy within fighting games (we wouldn't have the foundation of what made Smash without Fatal Fury). Ninja Gaiden has made impact with cinematic stories on the NES, video game ninjas, platforming and the hack n slash genre with games like Ninja Gaiden Black and even Ninja Gaiden II. Modern games like Nioh do reference it a lot and Hayabusa is the face Koei Tecmo.

While Ninja Gaiden as a franchise isn't considered "relevant", neither is Banjo Kazooie or Fatal Fury yet here they both are.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Remember, ARMS wouldn't have been one if it didn't happen.
Sure, something seemingly unexpected could happen, but that does not at all mean that it is likely to happen.

Given the current information, my verdict still stands.

(the again you could argue that Arms isn't really a fighting game)
You really can't. It's an objectively false claim. However, you can't really argue that it's in any way similar to SoulCalibur or Guilty Gear. Heck, you couldn't even argue that Guilty Gear is at all similar to SoulCalibur.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Remember, ARMS wouldn't have been one if it didn't happen.

Again, how many of them were actually huge hits? Most SNK fans only care about the original Neo-Geo MVS.
Have I said "SNK consoles were super popular" or something?
Something not being a hit doesn't mean it isn't important in it's own way or that it had some form of legacy. I just mentioned that detail because it's an important and interesting part, which I partly brought up because some people still thinks SNK was a random company back in the 90s.

For example: if it wasn't for Smash I really really doubt most part of the youngers generations would be able to somehow recognize characters such as Fox or Captain Falcon, and I think anyone can agree that Star Fox and F-Zero were big games back then that carved his own legacy.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
For example: if it wasn't for Smash I really really doubt most part of the youngers generations would be able to somehow recognize characters such as Fox or Captain Falcon, and I think anyone can agree that Star Fox and F-Zero were big games back then that carved his own legacy.
I know of Star Fox's legacy since it seems to be its downfall, but I've never really seen people talk about F-Zero's legacy in regards to its impact on Nintendo/gaming as a whole. As far as I know, it's just a series of racing games that died out in the Gamecube era.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Given the current information, my verdict still stands
Still, ARMS getting in before 2/3 of the "only viable" first parties (3H got a rep, Astral Chain got spirited, Pokemon SS did too but it's in limbo for various reasons) is proof that Nintendo isn't solely interested in their characters that are less than a year old.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2019
Have I said "SNK consoles were super popular" or something?
Something not being a hit doesn't mean it isn't important in it's own way or that it had some form of legacy. I just mentioned that detail because it's an important and interesting part, which I partly brought up because some people still thinks SNK was a random company back in the 90s.

For example: if it wasn't for Smash I really really doubt most part of the youngers generations would be able to somehow recognize characters such as Fox or Captain Falcon, and I think anyone can agree that Star Fox and F-Zero were big games back then that carved his own legacy.
There's probably different degrees of "legacy" which can range from big freaking deals due to the sheer cultural influence of their games (DQ/Final fantasy/Street fighter) to smaller ones that may have influenced certain things here and there.
Anyway i find it interesting to note that people consider terry the "SNK" pick compared to his compatriots (which only represented their respective franchises) in pass 1, in which hey, he was included on the basis of 50 SNK games and a whole bunch of cameos outside of fatal fury.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
The number of likes I got would seem to disagree.
That is called an echo chamber. And it does not really prove your point. Less I go back to Nov and find all the Twitter hat ken memes.

If anything, it seems you are downplaying Ninja Gaiden's impact because you don't seem to like the idea of Hayabusa in the game. It's fine if you don't want him (I didn't want Steve in the game, yet here we are), but to downplay Ninja Gaiden seems a bit unnecessary.

I mean, look at Fatal Fury. It hasn't had a true game in it's library since Garou: Mark of the Wolves and yet it still has a legacy within fighting games (we wouldn't have the foundation of what made Smash without Fatal Fury). Ninja Gaiden has made impact with cinematic stories on the NES, video game ninjas, platforming and the hack n slash genre with games like Ninja Gaiden Black and even Ninja Gaiden II. Modern games like Nioh do reference it a lot and Hayabusa is the face Koei Tecmo.

While Ninja Gaiden as a franchise isn't considered "relevant", neither is Banjo Kazooie or Fatal Fury yet here they both are.
You know what else had impact. Maniac Mansion had revolutionized the adventure game genre. it did tons for that genre and the influence did spread throughout the industry. People want Guybrush Threapwood? I do. Dont at me.

I can go though out all of gaming history and find these pockets of games that were "influential". It does not change any charactes chances higher or lower and still does not change the fact that Ryu is a c-list Nintendo character that only is in the running because everyone else was already chosen. (and because he was 'leaked')
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Still, ARMS getting in before 2/3 of the "only viable" first parties (3H got a rep, Astral Chain got spirited, Pokemon SS did too but it's in limbo for various reasons) is proof that Nintendo isn't solely interested in their characters that are less than a year old.
No, but they are solely interested in IPs that they can raise up with a character, which means that the only likely picks are characters from series that have something going on if not now, then soon. Things like Pokémon with its anniversary, Kirby if its new game is huge, and coming out next year, Xenoblade Chronicles with its decently high profile titles, or...Pikmin 4 if that ends up being a big game...and not canceled.

Heck, we could even get blindsided by a Metroid character to coincide with a sequel to Metroid Fusion. There's no evidence to suggest that such a game is coming next year or soon after, but in that unlikely event it would make a ton of sense to give it a character to help get Metroid back into the public eye.

EDIT: While you can make a case for things like this, half of the franchises I've mentioned come with huge "but"s, and depend on completely unknown variables. Because of this, you can't really say any of them are at all likely.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
-This isn't really important but I don't get why a lot of users on this board see Arle as a "dark horde Pick". She's one of (if not the most) requested character in Japan with Monster hunter. Her franchise have a very big history, existing since 1991 (almost 30 years, a bit more if you count Madou monogatari). She have game every year or every 2 year, which is insane for a franchise that old. The franchise have around 28 million sales in 2017. After that the franchise got Puyo Puyo champions in 2018, and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is coming on december this year, so it Will probably hit 30 millions real soon.
I think with Arle its the sense that Smash DLC hasn't really gone for more Japan centric characters outside Hero (from a series that's had more mainline games localized with greater consistency than Puyo Puyo) and that puzzle game characters don't spring to mind as frequently for potential fighters (with Dr Mario pretty much in because he was an easy clone of Mario). That the series even has a main character has only become known to Western audiences in the past few years and there's probably a subset of fans (albeit small) who likely still instinctively think Mean Bean Machine or Kirby's Avalanche when they see the gameplay.

I don't think that affects her chances either way, but to some degree I think that's part of the mindset that explains why she's seen as a less likely choice.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2020
Hmm, very interesting. I actually didn't know some of this, lol. Perhaps I actually was underestimating Estelle's chances a bit. She definitely has things going for her, and you've helped me see that, so thanks.

I guess I should probably explain why I said Adol was the "clear choice".

Basically, Ys has made more Nintendo appearances than any other Falcom series (as far as I know), and Adol is the company's longest running character, the star of one of their flagship IPs, and is arguably their most "iconic" character. On top of that, Sakurai himself is apparently an Ys fan. I just thought that if Nintendo went for a Falcom character, Adol might've been the first choice that came up, and I don't think Falcom would have refused if Sakurai wanted to use him.

Also, I'm not sure if the popularity divide between Ys and Trails is as large as the one between SMT and Persona, but I see what you're saying.

To ask a question, if Shin Megami Tensei had one main protagonist that was there from the start of the franchise and still continued having new games to this day, do you think Joker still would've been chosen over him/her?

To ask another question, who would you say is the "face" of Falcom? Like Mario is for Nintendo, or Sonic for Sega. I feel like that'd be Adol, but maybe Sakurai or Falcom themselves would see it differently.

In any case, if Falcom were to get a rep and it turned out being Estelle (or Rean), I'd still pretty much be guaranteed some Ys music and maybe an Adol Mii Costume to go along with all the Trails/Falcom content. I imagine it'd be the same if Adol was chosen over Estelle (and Rean). In the end, we'd all pretty much win, so I don't think it's too much of a competition for who a Falcom rep should/would be.

View attachment 290437
Whether it'd be Adol, Estelle, Rean, or pretty much any other potential Falcom rep, they'd all be rad, and I hope we get to see at least one of them make it in someday.
Sakurai is actually quoted as saying that he bought Ys 1 & 2, so... I'd say it is safe to say he is definitely an Ys fan, lol. And if we're comparing Ys to Trails, then yeah, Ys has more games on Nintendo consoles. Even if we trace Trails back to it's Dragon Slayer roots, that is still most likely the case(although Trails is ultimately a separate entity from Dragon Slayer now).

I compared them to the SMT/Persona situation because, at least in the circles I'm in, only SMT was taken seriously in terms of potential representation(before Joker's inclusion, that is). Those who suggested Persona weren't taken seriously at all, even if some people would have preferred a Persona rep(and admittedly, I was one of those people who wanted a Persona rep, but thought only an SMT rep was even remotely possible). As for why, it's mainly because SMT had a bigger presence on Nintendo consoles, where as Persona was almost strictly on Playstation(even with spinoffs like Persona Q making their way to the 3DS). To answer your question regarding SMT having a central protagonist... it's hard to know if it would have mattered that much.

The "face" of Falcom is also hard to judge at this point. This problem stems from the fact that Falcom titles weren't really getting localized in the west for years, and the fact that Falcom seems to be okay with pushing any of their series front and center as long as they seem like they have the potential to do well. That said, I think most JRPG fans in the west would have at least heard of Adol, even if they never played an Ys game. At the very least, I had definitely heard of Ys/Adol way before I ever played either an Ys or Trails games.

However, you can also argue that Trails has helped a lot with putting Falcom on the western market. Keep in mind that Trails really only started getting localized around 2014 to 2015. I'd say 2011, but Sky FC didn't sell well enough on the PSP for some reason, and they almost dropped localization for the series all together because of it. Where as we got Sky FC(on Steam - they even re-did the localization for it if I recall correctly) in 2014, Sky SC/CS1 in 2015, CS2 in 2016, Sky 3rd in 2017, CS3 in 2019 and CS4 today. That is seven(six if you don't count Sky FC) games within 6 years, all of them very difficult to localize due to the sheer volume of text within each game, yet Falcom decided to go forward with it anyways.

Over the past five years, Trails basically went from an unknown series(at least in the west) to becoming popular within JRPG circles(even if it's still considered niche). And while it isn't exactly impressive by Smash standards, Trails recently reached over 5 million sales total. Also keep in mind that there are still three other Trails titles that haven't been officially localized yet(Zero, Ao, and Hajimari), so if/when they are localized, those will help boost that number even more. And the last time it was recorded, Ys apparently had around 4.8 million in 2017(but it is kind of unfair to use that number since that number is from 2017 - unfortunately I can't find an updated number for some reason). Of course, I don't think sales really matter THAT much, because something that was initially ignored by people can always end up selling really well later on once people become more aware of it(looking at you Among Us). But my point is that it's really not easy to say that Ys/Adol is definitively the "face" of Falcom. Both series are important to Falcom in their own way, as they are both essentially flagship series for the company at this point.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I like how you say "the sky is the limit" but don't list any of those filthy first parties for """""realism""""".
I like how you're still projecting opinions that don't exist onto others when people have constantly told you it's ****ing embarrassing and toxic.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Only the Neo-Geo MVS was successful, however.

I like how you say "the sky is the limit" but don't list any of those filthy first parties for """""realism""""".
How did you get that from my post? I mentioned Arms in my post. You probably don’t follow my posts actively, but I’ve said multiple times that I expect another Nintendo character. I’ve been supporting the idea of a BOTW era character too; particularly Mipha since I really like her & think she’d be fun.

Important in what? You haven't given any indication about what exactly NG has. Cutscenes?
I've already stated that Nintendo can choose NG for other reasons - but all of your "justification" don't point to anything substantial. Pointing out that NG as a relatively small, western-centric franchise that barely hit the highs of Megaman/Castlevania isn't wrong by any indication.
"We can get anything!" isn't mutually exclusive from pointing out flawed reasoning for NG.

You got to show me where exactly these comments about cutscenes come about, because i have searched around and there's nowhere that solidly shows that those.....animated cutscenes were an...iconic feature that influenced many other games. Whereas the term "metroidvania" is a no-brainer.
The Ninja Gaiden series used to be one of THE hard games before Dark Souls came along. It’s one of the most talked about NES era AND Xbox era games. You talk to people who grew up in those times and they’ve atleast heard of Ninja Gaiden. It’s not on the level of Dragon Quest or Minecraft but it’s still a pretty renown character. I don’t think people would be talking about Hayabusa for so long if his series didn’t leave some sort of impact.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
Ryu could certainly happen. He fits all the criteria that we have seen from previous DLC characters. But I take exception when people act like Ninja Gaiden is the biggest/only important series in the Koei Tecmo library. It is simply factually incorrect. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors is easily their largest franchise, Dead or Alive is almost certainly bigger than NG at this point, and Nioh is going to overtake it if NG stays dead.

There are a lot of reasons to think that Ryu might be a fighter: legacy, Nintendo connection, one of the iconic ninjas of gaming. But don't get it twisted and think that the series is the biggest in the KT catalogue because it assuredly is not.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
They seem to treat Ryu as their mascot though if you take into account Guest Appearances.

In any case, Sakurai might seem to like Ninjas anyway, So Sakurai might have a bias here as well, as long as another Ninja isn't suggested. of course Ryu could still get smoked from a Fighter slot, like how despite ubisoft being very close, they got smoked


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Ryu could certainly happen. He fits all the criteria that we have seen from previous DLC characters. But I take exception when people act like Ninja Gaiden is the biggest/only important series in the Koei Tecmo library. It is simply factually incorrect. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors is easily their largest franchise, Dead or Alive is almost certainly bigger than NG at this point, and Nioh is going to overtake it if NG stays dead.

There are a lot of reasons to think that Ryu might be a fighter: legacy, Nintendo connection, one of the iconic ninjas of gaming. But don't get it twisted and think that the series is the biggest in the KT catalogue because it assuredly is not.
I also want to add to this, Koei and Nintendo seem to have a good relationship but that does not mean they are guaranteed a character.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Bigger series ≠ smash priority

Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are way bigger franchises for Capcom than Mega Man and Street Fighter are, but it was the latter two that got the Smash treatment.

I'm KT's case, I'm confident it'll be Hayabusa or nothing, regardless if franchises like Dynasty Warriors are considered their bigger cash cows.
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Sakurai might like Ninjas. Look at Sheik, Look at Greninja, and also that he was considering Ninjara. Of course that could have been because of the Party Crash Bash because Ninjara got 2nd place in the Tournament

This wouldn't 99% affect the Character selection, though that 1% chance that Sakurai might be sub-consciously inclined to Go for another Ninja Character. Ryu has a Good shot anyway without this Bias Standpoint, but I just wanted to point it out

Of course Like I Said, Ryu can still get smoked from a Slot, despite Koei's good Relationship, Especially if Scorpion is Involved, as I doubt those 2 would be in the Same Pass and I could definitly see NOA Suggesting Mortal Kombat considering it was the top game in April and/or May of 2019
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