How can anyone make a prediction? Min-Min was from a series that everyone wondered why it wasn't in the base roster and the next was from an iconic PC game. There's no pattern; no real way to base any kind of prediction on, really. Even the first pass was all over the place when you think about it:
Joker- Awesome, but seemed out of left field (series is well regarded in Japan and Sakurai loved Persona 5 itself)
Hero- Iconic RPG series (near Legendary status in Japan)
Banjo- Heavy Fan Request (honestly felt like a Megaman & Castlevania addition; their best, and only in Banjo's case, games were on Nintendo)
Terry- Another completely out of left field choice; well known in Fighting community, but certainly not the most iconic series when one thinks 'Fighting Game'
Byleth- 1st Party addition from out of NOWHERE; the only thing one could say it was a shill pick for was because of the 'Ashen Wolves' DLC
Honestly, the only 'icon' pick in that first set was Hero, but mostly to Japan since its series is received only so-so in the West. The rest really had no pattern whatsoever.
So again, I ask, how can you really 'predict'? What separates you guys' lists from a 'Wishlist'? A prediction is made based on some sort of evidence or pattern and so far, as pointed out, there's been none outside of the game's normal parameters (Game Characters Only; New Franchises Only
with exception to Byleth).
If you guys are predicting, just to keep discussion interesting, don't just post a list and leave it at that. State
why you think said characters are making it in. What leads you to believe your prediction to be accurate? if you can't find any evidence past 'game series not represented yet by Fighter, Spirit, or Trophy' then that's not really evidence; that's where EVERY game originated character is at right now. You can get this guy in on that flimsy of evidence: