Pack it in folks. We will never get CP7 because it's moving away from us at a rate even light cannot keep up with.
Hey wait, chances are that Sakurai's letter wound up somewhere in that case:
...Oh god, "You'll Never see it coming!" would be
too dark in this context. Both figuratively and literally.
Well, tbh, we have Dark Energy which is accelerating the expansion of the universe
faster than the speed of light. So... hm. Makes me wonder if it happened in another region of the universe, if we would be safe?
I wouldn't be resting on my laurels in case someone finds out how to scale up the reaction to a certain degree and produce Subspace Bombs out of the pure concentrated unholiness that is (Smash+Higgs Boson in its lowest possible vacuum energy). Especially if Tabuu (who I'm convinced is made out of Antimatter) figures out how to interact with that without self-destructing himself.
Maybe the reason it’s taking so long to release fighter 7 is that they’re working on a new mode that’ll release with the fighter? I know he said “this’ll probably be the last mode” but what else could be taking them this long if development has been going smoothly? Is the fighter this complicated? Is it a third party and the other company decided half way through development that they couldn’t use the character anymore? Has it been done and they’re waiting to announce it with some game or something? I hope this character is a good one
Could be combination of any of these honestly, but I wouldn't be surprised if its any of these:
A) The character's done, it's just the marketing team that's putting it on hold for now.
B) Slight delays here and there have accumulated.
C) They've needed to make further adjustments to online, as Sakurai promised in 8.1's patch notes.