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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2018
Tallon IV
Re: Bandana Waddle Dee: Do not care about him at all. I get the push but if I had to pick another Kirby character it'd be Marx.

Re: Nier: I think it'd be cool, but does Nier have any Nintendo releases to speak of? That's always a factor even if it's spinoffs.
Speaking of Nier, Automata has been on my steam page for a year or two and I still haven't gotten around to playing it. My laptop is mediocre and I hear it's a bad (but patchable) port.


Sep 26, 2013
Re: Bandana Waddle Dee: Do not care about him at all. I get the push but if I had to pick another Kirby character it'd be Marx.

Re: Nier: I think it'd be cool, but does Nier have any Nintendo releases to speak of? That's always a factor even if it's spinoffs.
Speaking of Nier, Automata has been on my steam page for a year or two and I still haven't gotten around to playing it. My laptop is mediocre and I hear it's a bad (but patchable) port.
Nier doesn't have a Nintendo presence

But Sakurai's pretty well versed in the Nier and Drakengrad series



Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
It definitely goes both ways, though.
Not every Kirby fan is a Bandana Dee fan, in fact I would think that Kirby fans would be the most vocal about their distaste towards Bandana Dee since they're the first to know of other characters like Magolor, Adeleine, Susie, and even Dark Matter.

I don't even want Bandana Dee to be in the Fighter's Pass at this point.
Just save those slots for the same five characters that are always brought up in speculation, so then people can re-kiss Sakurai's ass before he leaves for his well-needed vacation.

If Bandana Dee got in, people would be too busy spreading unneeded discourse over such a harmless addition to the roster.
I'd love Adelaine or Susie, but I do like Bandana Dee and he's pretty iconic as an ally now, we've already played with him, so it would translate easily to smash.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2018
Dream Land
I'd love Adelaine or Susie, but I do like Bandana Dee and he's pretty iconic as an ally now, we've already played with him, so it would translate easily to smash.
Yeah, and that's not even to say that you should be discouraged about your own personal wants as well.
In a more favorable timeline, we would've had plenty of Kirby characters in the game by now.

It's just a little unfortunate that there has to be a fight over who the next Kirby character should be because of how long the series has gone without a new rep.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
It's just a little unfortunate that there has to be a fight over who the next Kirby character should be because of how long the series has gone without a new rep.
With Kirby Fighters 2 HAL got a chance to at least allow us to play as some Kirby characters in a fighting game, but they decided to only add 3 of them (excluding Kirby, Metaknight and Dedede who are already in Smash). Unless they plan to release more characters later as dlc (very unlikely IMO), I think it was a big missed opportunity.

Since apparently Kirby in smash can't get any newcomer aside of the main trio, at least let me play as anyone in that spin-off.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Yeah, and that's not even to say that you should be discouraged about your own personal wants as well.
In a more favorable timeline, we would've had plenty of Kirby characters in the game by now.

It's just a little unfortunate that there has to be a fight over who the next Kirby character should be because of how long the series has gone without a new rep.
Honestly, I think adding two in the next game would be 100% justified. It's a decently large series, and it has a ton of really fun ideas for playable characters. Personally, I'd add Bandana Waddle Dee because of his importance to the series, and because while he's probably the most basic of the characters you could add, it's like ARMS where even the basic characters would be weird in the context of Super Smash Bros. He'd likely have the highest ration of body size to disjoint size.

Then I'd go nuts with one of the Dream Friends. Magolor seems to be getting pushed lately, so he'd be a good candidate. You'd be able to summon enemies, fire lasers and use Super Abilities on command. Or you could do with a fan favorite and go Marx. Jester balls, shadow sneaks, flight, shoop de woop lasers oh my! So many cool things that could happen there.

Honestly, I think Kirby could probably get away with having like, 8-10 fighters despite being a more b-list series due to how varied these characters are, and how cool each of their abilities are. Like what other series would yield a playable character that can summon a black hole on command?


OK besides Marvel Vs. Capcom. Dormamu isn't even eligable anyway, as funny as power of the power would be in Super Smash Bros.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2018
Dream Land
With Kirby Fighters 2 HAL got a chance to at least allow us to play as some Kirby characters in a fighting game, but they decided to only add 3 of them (excluding Kirby, Metaknight and Dedede who are already in Smash). Unless they plan to release more characters later as dlc (very unlikely IMO), I think it was a big missed opportunity.

Since apparently Kirby in smash can't get any newcomer aside of the main trio, at least let me play as anyone in that spin-off.
Honestly, if Kirby Fighters was a full-scale, seasonal, $60 worth series with continuously added characters like the Dream Friends, I think that Kirby fans would've personally excused themselves from the collective conundrum that is "Smash Speculation".

I certainly agree that the lack of Dream Friends in KF2 was a missed opportunity to at least make more Kirby fans happy, since Smash hasn't done that in a while.
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but I'm glad they didn't call him Bandee if this was the case. I really dislike the kiddy names certain characters have like Buggzy (though this one mostly bugs me because I could have sworn his name was originally Sid Cada, which was amusing to me).
There's a user on this site with that name and a Bugzzy profile, that's likely the connection. Also, "bugs me"? Was that intentional?
Yup, that was it. I could have sworn I saw it on a sticker, but lo and behold, Bugzzy didn't have a sticker.
Yes, hi, hello. Late, but yes, it's me, the guy with the Buggzy avatar.

I picked my name for being a sort of "fly on the wall" due to my tendency to observe rather than post. Keeping with that, I have a tendency to keep my profile pics bug themed (I started as a bug catcher from Pokémon). Still, I've kept my Buggzy profile for ages, so... not changing that.

Still, though, simple names come part of Kirby's enemy design. A living plug named Plugg, a fire breathing enemy named Hot Head, a ninja named Moonja, a sleepy enemy known as Noddy, a trident-wealder known as Lanzer, etc. Most Kirby enemies tend to reflect the basic, somewhat silly nature of the majority of the series, so it works.

Honestly, if Kirby Fighters was a full-scale, seasonal, $60 worth series with continuously added characters like the Dream Friends, I think that Kirby fans would've personally excused themselves from the collective conundrum that is "Smash Speculation".

I certainly agree that the lack of Dream Friends in KF2 was a missed opportunity to at least make more Kirby fans happy, since Smash hasn't done that in a while.
A careful look the Kirby Fighters buying page shows that there is a warning for in-game purchases. So DLC may happen?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
To be perfectly honest, the fact that Rosalina got in 4 and not Toad is a big testament on how that game laser-focused on Wii and 3DS games for first party newcomers.

And this is coming from someone who likes Rosalina and had Galaxy as his favorite game for a good few years.
I kinda disagree as Smash has shown one thing when it comes to franchises with casts that stick. They always add the essentials before getting weird stuff. Case and point, Kirby and Zelda have their main trio and when Mario could have multiple unique characters they went for Peach and Bowser. Sakurai always said he felt Wario was next in line for Smash instead of Toad and if Toad really was as overdue as people say he is, then it begs the question why he was given less priority than a Plant and then we also need to ask why Sakurai decided on making Toad a mere move for Peach and now Daisy
Sure, I can understand that. But at that point, why not just say “Hayabusa would be a good pick for Smash”? It has an entirely different meaning from what constitutes as “deserving” which gives the statement itself a much more arbitrary concept of what “deserving” even is.

It’s kinda similar to my problem with the term “rep”. It hasn’t been used in a looooooong time, but the way it was used was kinda just like “give this series a rep because they should get a rep” which just seems like a pretty skin deep discussion point. Why should such a character get in? Why should I want them? What can they do? How might they be implemented? Those, to me, are the more interesting things to talk about.

But eh, could just be me.
Because we're all incredibly insecure about what we want not being popular and say it to justify ourselves because we need validation on our opinions, which also leads to people feeling threatened when a character they don't like be deemed more deserving as a lot of people make a connection that someone else being deserving means our favourite isn't deserving


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Kirby and Zelda are two series that could easily have had eight or more characters by now like Mario and FE. In an alternate timeline, I could easily see us with Impa, BWD, Skull Kid, Marx, Wolf Link and Midna, Magolor, a Champion, and Susie. Sadly, both franchises seem to be stuck behind the invisible wall of, "Welp, I added all of the franchise's main characters."

I'm sure this wall will be broken down eventually, because it's even more ridiculous to predict that we're never ever getting another Kirby or Zelda character. Still, it'd be nice if Sakurai broke it sooner than later, because until he does, I feel like it'll be hard to make a case for the latest and newest characters getting chosen when the many that came before them weren't.
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sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Animal Crossing or Pokemon, to be honest.

I think it's not unreasonable to even wait until AFTER the ad expires to expect news, but outside of more shadow dropped games like Kirb, Nintendo's finally running out of stuff to drop.
I'm definitely hopeful, but still being cautious. I think next week is sitting at a nice 50/50, with the following week after that being a golden opportunity in my eyes.

If it doesn't happen in the next two weeks, though? Then I'm definitely expecting something got delayed big time behind the scenes and the next Sakurai Presents is going to end with a pass end date delay.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
A careful look the Kirby Fighters buying page shows that there is a warning for in-game purchases. So DLC may happen?
I hope it will happen; if they put all the Dream Friends in the game I might consider getting it even if it requires to buy them separately (for now I'll just wait, also because maybe in future it will get a retail release and I prefer retail over digital).


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Still, though, simple names come part of Kirby's enemy design. A living plug named Plugg, a fire breathing enemy named Hot Head, a ninja named Moonja, a sleepy enemy known as Noddy, a trident-wealder known as Lanzer, etc. Most Kirby enemies tend to reflect the basic, somewhat silly nature of the majority of the series, so it works.
That is true, and thinking about it, I don't really have a problem with any of them. I guess I just liked your name better than Bugzzy. lol (Though I suppose it wouldn't make that much sense since he's a beetle, not a cicada.)

Deleted member

The Banjo-Kazooie gameplay video randomly popped up on my Youtube front page, seeing 'Mr Sakurai Presents' on the thumbnail scared the crap out of me and made me think the next fighter had been shadowdropped.
Damn,:ultbanjokazooie: with a multiplicity of 2 is coming to Smash?
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Just having two F/GO accounts is a mistake. Especially when your secondary one has much better luck than your main one.
Haha, true, but I started JP before NA was even announced, even though now NA is my main, and I just roll for characters I just cannot wait for in JP. I have to say my luck in NA rolling has been pretty decent. I wasn't even trying to get more then 1 Skadi, and got 5 of them while going for the CE's lol, and summer was quite good giving me 2 BB and 2 Jeanne, with at least 1 of the others.

COnversly, I saved so much in JP just for Ceanis, but never got her, instead got the twins, who I can't even max out since I am so behind in the story... at least I got Lewd Mermaid nun, one of my favorite characters in the series


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2018
Dream Land
A careful look the Kirby Fighters buying page shows that there is a warning for in-game purchases. So DLC may happen?
For now, I'm convinced that the "in-game purchases" refer to the purchase of NSO (which is required for Online Play).
Hopefully it does lead to something much more valuable and meaningful in the future, though.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Toad , In my opinion, Is perfect as a Mii Costume for Right now. They are a race of people, so being able to customize "Toads" and their outfits is honestly good enough, since Obviously Sakurai and the team see no need to add Toad at the moment

Also, what Kirby, Donkey Kong, and Star Fox have in common is that they are missing "a Fourth Component" to make the Series Roster, "Complete", With Bandana Dee, Dixie, and Krystal being the characters respectfully. Perhaps next game (or DLC), they could get their chances. I think in Bandana's case, Sakurai might not want him to be the character for some reason.

Deleted member

Honestly, I kind of wish we got timeskip Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude Mii Costume outfits.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Haha, true, but I started JP before NA was even announced, even though now NA is my main, and I just roll for characters I just cannot wait for in JP. I have to say my luck in NA rolling has been pretty decent. I wasn't even trying to get more then 1 Skadi, and got 5 of them while going for the CE's lol, and summer was quite good giving me 2 BB and 2 Jeanne, with at least 1 of the others.

bickering about Gacha luck aside

I may have gotten Skadi on both accounts, but the 18 rolls I did for Skadi on my main account were frickin' gut-wrenching, with only Four 4-Star Servants, only 1 of which was new. And I didn't get her on any of those rolls. I got her on my 5th Summon Ticket after those rolls. But good lord, it really shows why I hate CEs with a burning passion. I just did not feel good at all after getting Skadi.
Meanwhile, it was like four or five rolls for my secondary account to get Skadi, which was enough to get Saber Alter Rider from the 2nd Summer Banner when it came out. And it has had luck all-year round. Not counting GSSRs, whereas my main account's first SSR of the year was Skadi, my secondary account got MHX, Saber Artoria, Skadi, 2 Orions and Maid Alter. Not to mention that when the 2nd GSSR Banner came, my secondary account got both Amakusa Shirou AND Edmond Dantes whereas my main account got Medb, who was new, but I already had Quetzalcoatl for a Single Target Buster Rider.
So it was nothing short of a miracle when the Gacha took pity on my main account after what happened with Skadi as well as a 2nd Caster Nero instead of Nitocris by giving me Summer Jeanne on the first Summon Ticket. It was such a relieving feeling.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2019
The Cale-Zone
Switch FC
Honestly, if Kirby Fighters was a full-scale, seasonal, $60 worth series with continuously added characters like the Dream Friends, I think that Kirby fans would've personally excused themselves from the collective conundrum that is "Smash Speculation".

I certainly agree that the lack of Dream Friends in KF2 was a missed opportunity to at least make more Kirby fans happy, since Smash hasn't done that in a while.
Agreed, making fully fledged characters with interesting moveset and abilities only to use a fraction of them seems like such a huge waste.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
Man I haven't toughed this game in over a year... i just couldn't find time to fit it in while playing both Pokemon Masters, and both FGO NA and JP... how is the game now?
As a European I can't even play this game. Or is it because I live in Germany? Either way the game is not available where I live and I would really hate if this game gets a playable character in Smash.

Also about Bandana Dee:

I don't want to live in a world where Bandana Dee is playable but Dixie is not. Thats just me though.
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Sep 26, 2013
So, gonna make a prediction:

We're not going to get an announcement today for a presentation next week.

Meaning that next week's gonna devolve into a bloody war of people going nuts waiting for a trailer, and the longer the week goes without a drop, the more and more people are going to kill each other fighting over the 7-11 ad.
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