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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
bro tf you talking about Nintendo's been doing so much work.

see look that's Dunban over there

proof that Nintendo is working

smh my head
My god, how could I have been so blind? You're absolutely right. That's Dunban over there! I mean, that's literally Dunban, over there, working hard! Golly, I can be really blind and ignorant at times, thank you for your blessed clarity DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon !


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I know this is full blown fantasy territory, but it really would be nice if Nintendo did go out with a 35th Anniversary for Mario.

Even beyond a collection of the 3D Mario titles for a collection, putting the likes Mario All Stars & Mario RPG to SNES Online would be a great thing to wake up to. And then following it up with the announcement of GB/GBC/GBA games to the online service, complete with every Mario title on them to start (The Land games, SMB Deluxe, the Advance Series, and the spin-offs).

Its odd that wanting the richest company in Japan to add 20 year old games to its online service is expecting too much given their habits, but it is what it is.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I dont think we're getting a direct this week.

But I really want to be proven wrong....

And I want a million dollars....

And a bikini model girlfriend...


Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
We wanted to thank our fans for supporting Super Mario for the past 35 years. To celebrate the plumber's 35th anniversary in the gaming sphere, we are proud to announce New Super Mario Bros. Switch coming this holiday season! Pre-order now!
You joke but it could be pretty hype. Even at their worst the NSMB are very fun games.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
We wanted to thank our fans for supporting Super Mario for the past 35 years. To celebrate the plumber's 35th anniversary in the gaming sphere, we are proud to announce New Super Mario Bros. Switch coming this holiday season! Pre-order now!
That’s just New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe what are you talking about :troll:


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Honestly, I don't really care about the direct all that much. We get there when we get there. Whenever leakers give out a date, I disinterestedly mark my calendar hoping it'll be worthwhile; If they're right, then sweet. If not, that sucks, but I forget about it quickly. I've just grown detached until the directs come back and convince me to reattach myself.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I will only be hype for a NSMB game if they actually add online multiplayer and the game is big, not something I can complete in a couple hours.
I can't beat any if the NSBM in a couple hours...

Am I bad at video games? :4morton:

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
This has nothing to do with covid, it was slowly happening even before covid was a thing.
Directs are red ocean, they have a news menu on their console that they use to slap advertising in your face and call it "news"; you see it every time you turn on your console, or if you put it in stand by as well. They're slowly abandoning the Direct formula, that's it.
See what they did with Paper Mario and Pikmin, that's the future. The game gets announced, it will release in a month or so, in that month they will push it on TV and other media with advertising, and when the sales boost expires, they move to the next game. When Pikmin 3 will die off, a new "big" Nintendo game will be announced and released in a short time. The only exceptions will probably be the AAA titles, like Breath of the Wild 2 and (maybe) Metroid Prime 4, they may get some dedicated directs like Pokèmon, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing (and some others) did in the past. They will focus on one game at time and push it to death for a month or so; that's what they are doing since a while, they're just making it more evident now.

Smash is not the "game of the month" anymore, at this point I think that any Smash news can be shadowdropped at any time... again, I think it will be mid-september, I was convinced that the next character was going to be teased or released around september since when the ARMS character was not being revealed and it was clear that they were dragging the reveal on purpose. Covid is just a coincidence.

The second fighter pass is a 2021 thing, the characters revealed this year are just there to keep the fans interested. 2021 will get reveals with a similar pace as pass 1.

Another thing that I said time ago and that I still think it's very likely to happen, is that probably they will slowly connect the end of the DLC era of Ultimate, with the announcement of a new console and a new Smash game. This way the speculation cycle will never end and they can continue forever with their precious marketing based on hyping the characters. Nobody will ever feel like their favorite was left out, everyone will hope in the next reveal for another chance; deconfirmeds of Ultimate will be considered again, and fan favorites left out will be the next boxart newcomers (such as Waluigi).

Playstation Guy 1000

Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2019
The real kicker with this whole drought is that the big game, Nintendo's big holiday release, the game everybody's waiting for, is... straight ports of Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. No new content or anything, just straight ports of the same games that most people on here have played already. I'm fine with ports and all, and I get why they're done, but surely the richest company in Japan can afford to put out one (1) new game?
honesty a remake of the 3d games would at least be much more justified to be announced than that.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Honestly, at this point, i think the best thing is just wait and see what happens. if something happens friday or next week, great. if not, its not the end of the world and we kept our expectations in check.

Like I said, I really think any news insiders have is 50% right and 509% leak bait. Nintendo has been getting better and better at keeping a lid on their news.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Things actually get easier to fathom when it comes to gaming news when you accept certain things, in my honest opinion.

I could be wrong, but I get the feeling it’s figured out. 1st party announcements will mainly be through Twitter, which is consistent with Paper Mario, Min Min presentation announcement, and Pikmin 3 Switch. 3rd party content has been mostly relegated toPartner Directs, and Smash news specifically will be announced shortly prior to the release of the presented character.

When you realize that you’re not actually waiting for a Direct anymore, the anxiety of waiting for one at least decreases- there’s no reason to worry about when one will happen if there isn’t going to be one.

It sucks to come to the realization, because there always was something about a Direct revealing new stuff. But then again, Directs are just a compilation of commercials. It’s commercials folks get invested in, but that’s what it is.

At the very least, Volume 1 of Smash revealed a new character usually every 3 months (Joker to Hero/Banjo, to Terry), so September/October puts us in that range.

Posting here won’t make it come faster, so as I usually do, I would recommend getting some gaming in, or doing something you enjoy maybe. It’s only a matter of time.

Still kinda crazy there are FIVE CHARACTERS TO GO.

EDIT: If we get a Direct then I will be stoked! But I’m not quite sure that I’m buying into things.
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Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018

Deleted member

I dont think we're getting a direct this week.

But I really want to be proven wrong....

And I want a million dollars....

And a bikini model girlfriend...

We literally just had a direct shadowdropped, and unless Nintendos got a big pile of games cooking why would they just not make the mini a mini and not a parter showcase? At least that’s what I’m thinking.

Speaking of, iirc we’re literally only a few days away from the 1 year anniversary of the last major direct. Getting a main direct on the anniversary of having no main directs is looking more and more possible by the day... And I’m not entirely sure if that’s a good thing.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2015
Medford, Oregon
We wanted to thank our fans for supporting Super Mario for the past 35 years. To celebrate the plumber's 35th anniversary in the gaming sphere, we are proud to announce New Super Mario Bros. Switch coming this holiday season! Pre-order now!
That would sell more copies and more hardware then just about every dead franchise Nintendo has combine.

Deleted member

How did they top car manufacturers???
Nobody gonna be using a car when you have to stay inside: it’s just a waste of fuel. And you also are gonna want something to do while you have to stay inside yes? ergo that’s how it happened. Animal Crossing probably helped a ton considering how laid back that game is, and also considering the state of the world when it came out.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Nobody gonna be using a car when you have to stay inside: it’s just a waste of fuel. And you also are gonna want something to do while you have to stay inside yes? ergo that’s how it happened. Animal Crossing probably helped a ton considering how lait back that game is, and also considering the state of the world when it came out.
Animal Crossing helps people cope for not being able to go outside.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2015
Medford, Oregon
I know this an article that is months old article, but its interesting to think about right now.

We've already seen plenty of high profile delays just for games from just a month like Last of Us Part 2 to vague 2021 dates like Halo Infinite. I wouldn't be surprised if we have yet to see the worst that covid has done to the gaming industry. Game reveals are already a mess and I imagine not just Nintendo games, but plenty unannounced games were delay internally to 2022 or even 2023. So I would set expectations pretty low for the entire industry until there is a vaccine and everyone has been back in their offices for some time.

Deleted member

I know this an article that is months old article, but its interesting to think about right now.

We've already seen plenty of high profile delays just for games from just a month like Last of Us Part 2 to vague 2021 dates like Halo Infinite. I wouldn't be surprised if we have yet to see the worst that covid has done to the gaming industry. Game reveals are already a mess and I imagine not just Nintendo games, but plenty unannounced games were delay internally to 2022 or even 2023. So I would set expectations pretty low for the entire industry until there is a vaccine and everyone has been back in their offices for some time.
I’ve already been seeing this big time with the card game market: sets occasionally get delayed and people can’t actually get the cards so the starting
market price is insane(just look at the prices for Jumpstart and Rise of the Duelist for the most prominent examples)

It’s honestly more suprising to me that the video game market is geing hurt worse, what with digital downloads being very prelevenant and extra attachments being kept to a minimum(and even stuff like Ring Fit kinda needs the ring thing in order to actually function as a game which is fine on it’s own.) With card games you would figure they would have to do some insane stuff to survive but the worst that really happened was a few key sets got delayed for a few months and the secondary market kinda struggled for a bit, and still is somewhat(why is Chronotooth still $30?!)

Granted making a “video game” is much more effort and requires more thought and coordination than simply slapping some art and some fancy dancy words onto a template and calling it a day... but speaking of...

Really the biggest thing is that working from home is way harder to do than irl. It’s not a very fun time when you have to wait for people to respond to communication attempts and also coordinate entire teams at the same time. It’s woefully inefficient, which is the key thing here. Once this all ends eventually( or goes down to acceptable levels, because corona is likely here to stay, like it or not) the main issue will be at least mostly mitigated. The bigger issue of course... is the lost time from corona, but that’s a whole nother topic entirely.
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Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
If Nintendo isn't doing Directs for their games anymore, they should have told us. All they've said is a vague "If something comes along that's better, we might use that". I'd be surprised if Nintendo actually thinks these shadowdrops are better, especially with all the backlash they've been getting for not putting out a proper Direct. I think covid has simply hit them hard, though in fairness to those who complain about the lack of a Direct, Nintendo at first said that game production hadn't been hurt much. They may not know that Nintendo has since swallowed their pride and admitted that covid has posed a problem.

And that's probably why we've seen indies and partners. They've all got plenty of games to roll out, while Nintendo doesn't because Nintendo's games are bigger projects. The exception here is Atlus, but they've had SMTV in the works for the longest time, and remastering Nocturne probably isn't as difficult as making an entire Zelda.

I am hopeful that we will someday return to Nintendo Directs. I would love for our return to be in a couple days, but at the very least, we'll probably see them again once things calm down more.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Even though today I was rather disappointed, I'm going to try and remain optimistic. We never know how things may turn out, so even if things may point to more negative outcomes, at least I can fool myself into staying positive.

I'll be waiting for any kind of 1st party Nintendo news... just waiting...

and i'll keep waiting nintendo...



Smash Champion
Feb 12, 2015
Pepperoni Secret
Switch FC
Jesus, and here I thought they'd have at least one surprise per Partner Direct. Couldn't they get some NMH3 gameplay footage for the end there?

On the bright side, SMTV has been the most exciting Nintendo-related announcement in several months.
Nocturne Remastered and SMTV have been the only exciting game announcements for me this entire year. I hope we get solid release dates before the year ends, because man, I’d love a day to look forward to.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2018
I know this an article that is months old article, but its interesting to think about right now.

We've already seen plenty of high profile delays just for games from just a month like Last of Us Part 2 to vague 2021 dates like Halo Infinite. I wouldn't be surprised if we have yet to see the worst that covid has done to the gaming industry. Game reveals are already a mess and I imagine not just Nintendo games, but plenty unannounced games were delay internally to 2022 or even 2023. So I would set expectations pretty low for the entire industry until there is a vaccine and everyone has been back in their offices for some time.
I would definitely listen to that smart man...

After all he did allow a certain bear and bird duo join Smash.

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Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Maybe is just me but if the next character is revealed in his own presentation, just like Byleth and Min Min, I'm starting to think that FP7 could be first party.
As I said maybe I'm being weird about this, but I have a hard time seeing a third party character, specially if it's a popular or a big one, being revealed outside of a General Direct. Or a Mini, I guess.

I mean not everyone who watches Directs is interested in Smash, that's obvious, and everyone who will check a Smash Direct are at least interested in the content. But announcing Smash characters is still a big part of Directs, and third party characters can and will draw attention from fans of said character, even if they're not into Smash.

Probably not the best reasoning but I don't know, if the next fighter is revealed the very same day as the presentation, he/she being first party feels likely for me.

Also I guess Arle is now FP7 because of Puyo Puyo 2.

According to the direct thread on Era, C. Tsubasa insists something is happening on Friday and hasn’t shown up to retract that after today’s mini
At best I'm expecting a Direct or maybe a Sakurai's Presents announcement for next week. Min Min's presentation was announced in a Friday, remember.

Let's see what Thursday brings, I guess. I can see a General soon, but not 2 days after a Partner Showcase.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Maybe is just me but if the next character is revealed in his own presentation, just like Byleth and Min Min, I'm starting to think that FP7 could be first party.
As I said maybe I'm being weird about this, but I have a hard time seeing a third party character, specially if it's a popular or a big one, being revealed outside of a General Direct. Or a Mini, I guess.

I mean not everyone who watches Directs is interested in Smash, that's obvious, and everyone who will check a Smash Direct are at least interested in the content. But announcing Smash characters is still a big part of Directs, and third party characters can and will draw attention from fans of said character, even if they're not into Smash.

Probably not the best reasoning but I don't know, if the next fighter is revealed the very same day as the presentation, he/she being first party feels likely for me.

Also I guess Arle is now FP7 because of Puyo Puyo 2.

At best I'm expecting a Direct or maybe a Sakurai's Presents announcement for next week. Min Min's presentation was announced in a Friday, remember.

Let's see what Thursday brings, I guess. I can see a General soon, but not 2 days after a Partner Showcase.
The Robin/Lucina thing from July 14, 2014 (the day I joined btw!) was also announced on a Friday iirc

though to be fair... didn’t one of these insiders say something about lightning striking twice?


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
When you realize that you’re not actually waiting for a Direct anymore, the anxiety of waiting for one at least decreases- there’s no reason to worry about when one will happen if there isn’t going to be one.

It sucks to come to the realization, because there always was something about a Direct revealing new stuff. But then again, Directs are just a compilation of commercials. It’s commercials folks get invested in, but that’s what it is.
Problem is there is definitely going to be a Nintendo Direct. It's just not going to be until like...next year...I think. It is somewhat possible that we'll see one in a month or two, and casting pessimism aside, there's no real way to say how long they will be put on hold.

Really, if there's not going to be a Nintendo Direct until next year then they need to tell us. But of course, they're not gonna do that, so we wait.

EDIT: Though I suppose that if Mario doesn't get anything for his 35th anniversary, it's safe to assume there isn't anything, and there won't be anything for the rest of the year, and probably a bit into the spring.
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