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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Big insider confirm direct: "F*kc off I don't believe in that"
4chan leak confirm random character in Smash: "So true!!!"

Not to sound rude but I don't get why sudennly everyone is so pessimistic. Last time every big insider was talking about a direct we did get one.
Because if we act pessimistic we can't be disappointed in the end result


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I think a full summer of constant leak/Direct speculation, 5 months since a mini direct, nearly a year since a general one, and the last confirmed presentation being aggressively underwhelming outside SMT has left a lot of jaded feelings. Not just pessimism about a major presentation coming but I suspect skepticism about its possible quality if/when it does happen. Anxiousness about a lack of Direct is getting slowly joined by anxiousness about one possibly not being worth the long wait.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
Big insider confirm direct: "F*kc off I don't believe in that"
4chan leak confirm random character in Smash: "So true!!!"

Not to sound rude but I don't get why sudennly everyone is so pessimistic. Last time every big insider was talking about a direct we did get one.
This thread has a peculiar habit of doubting people who have a verifiable and recent track record but reposting blatant scammers like that porn twitter "girl" dozens of times no matter how many times they get things wrong


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
This thread has a peculiar habit of doubting people who have a verifiable and recent track record but reposting blatant scammers like that porn twitter "girl" dozens of times no matter how many times they get things wrong
Eeyup, we operate on only the most sound of logic. Random 4chan dudes are leagues more trustworthy than leakers who have developed a long, credible track record.
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Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
I don’t think anyone in this thread takes 4chan “leaks” seriously tbh. Though they can provide fun topics to talk about.

I’m starting to feel optimistic about Friday but I don’t want to get my hopes up too high. Honestly, I just want the next Smash character. I’m writing Switch games off until next year rn.
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Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
If we do get a direct with first party news in friday then a Smash reveal is very likely. It doesn't matter if the direct is a mini or a general, we previously had a mini direct with a smash reveal before so even if the friday direct is a mini we can still get Smash news. Not to mention it has been quite a long time since we've had any Smash reveals and Sakurai expressed a while back that he wishes to reveal stuff faster.

We know from Sakurai that the team usually works on characters in packs of 2/3 at a time. Work on Pass 2 started back in January/February and Min Min released 2 months ago. This isn't a conspiracy, FP7 probably is already finished/very close to being finished and the team might be working on FP8 right about now. If the dev team had enough free time to release something like Small Battlefield then perhaps the development of the game is going better than we might have initially thought prior.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
My expectations are "I hope we get something cool, but I'm not expecting it due to a huge multitude of circumstances."

More likely than not something is happening this week. I'm just not convinced it's this huge General when every other Direct that leaked this year was touted as a General and wound up something completely different.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I'm waiting to see when it's just another partner mini direct. That's what I suspect if we're getting something this week.

Deleted member

Big insider confirm direct: "F*kc off I don't believe in that"
4chan leak confirm random character in Smash: "So true!!!"

Not to sound rude but I don't get why sudennly everyone is so pessimistic. Last time every big insider was talking about a direct we did get one.
I think its a bit of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' effect going on. Insiders drummed up word of a direct coming, but it was small directs twice now. Not to mention Min Min came out to mediocre applause and then there was the whole fiasco with Byleth where companies were being 'deconfirmed' left and right only for the Insider to say its not First Party and go "Whoops, didn't know Fire Emblem was First Party".

So, people are hesitant to give high hopes to the word of a leaker and would much rather simply give in to fantasy and the word of a 4chan leaker because let's face it, we all know 4Chan is almost never right so when they lie to us, it doesn't hurt as much.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I think its a bit of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' effect going on. Insiders drummed up word of a direct coming, but it was small directs twice now. Not to mention Min Min came out to mediocre applause and then there was the whole fiasco with Byleth where companies were being 'deconfirmed' left and right only for the Insider to say its not First Party and go "Whoops, didn't know Fire Emblem was First Party".

So, people are hesitant to give high hopes to the word of a leaker and would much rather simply give in to fantasy and the word of a 4chan leaker because let's face it, we all know 4Chan is almost never right so when they lie to us, it doesn't hurt as much.
I dunno, man. Min Min's overview has a whopping 104K likes at the moment. Seems pretty positive to me.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I think its a bit of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' effect going on. Insiders drummed up word of a direct coming, but it was small directs twice now. Not to mention Min Min came out to mediocre applause and then there was the whole fiasco with Byleth where companies were being 'deconfirmed' left and right only for the Insider to say its not First Party and go "Whoops, didn't know Fire Emblem was First Party".

So, people are hesitant to give high hopes to the word of a leaker and would much rather simply give in to fantasy and the word of a 4chan leaker because let's face it, we all know 4Chan is almost never right so when they lie to us, it doesn't hurt as much.
The whole fiasco with Byleth is Sabi and Vergeben's fault, if you want to trash anyone it's definitely those two. No other insider participated in that trash heap, especially not the ones who claim there's an upcoming direct. In the case of the previous two directs the actual insiders said we would get directs at those dates but never specifically claimed they're general directs, in both cases they were right. Right now they (and by they I mean Nate and Zell) are directly claiming it's a general direct which is a first. If they're wrong here about a general direct then that would be the first time their statements contradicted with what they claimed.
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Deleted member

The whole fiasco with Byleth is Sabi and Vergeben's fault, if you want to trash anyone it's definitely those two. No other insider participated in that trash heap, especially not the ones who claim there's an upcoming direct. In the case of the previous two directs the actual insiders said we would get directs at those dates but never specifically claimed they're general directs, in both cases they were right. Right now they (and by they I mean Nate and Zell) are directly claiming it's a general direct which is a first. If they're wrong here about a general direct then that would be the first time their statements contradicted with what they claimed.
Not trashing anyone; I'm just saying I think that's why people are hesitant to trust leakers to the extent of this direct. When one fails, they all fail (not in my eyes, but to those who look to them and are starved for info). People kind of lumpt hem all together as one big conglomerate; like they all go to conventions to discuss which info to leak or something lol.

I dunno, man. Min Min's overview has a whopping 104K likes at the moment. Seems pretty positive to me.
Yeah, but the hype just isnt there, you know? Whereas we had a month or so of breather from DLC hype after previous releases like Joker, Terry, Banjo, and Hero; here, Min Min was released and people were almost immediately hungry for the next. She's liked, but many don't really feel anything either way (neither positive nor negative) because she just feels like a character that should have been in base roster lol.
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sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Y'all can keep stressin' but I'll just be here chilling and waiting to enjoy my brand new Nintendo Direct this week

View attachment 283421
Ayyyyyy someone else on Team Vibin'.

Come what may, I'm just excited that there may at least be something coming. A presentation is a presentation, I'm cool with any of the outcomes.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I’m hopeful for a Friday Direct, despite the fact that I’ll be out of town and potentially without internet at some point (I hope it isn’t while the Direct is airing, should one be announced). Even if it’s a Mini, it seems like there’s a good chance of Smash news. I’m hyped, even if it isn’t somebody that I really want. That said, I’m pretty skeptical considering the way rumors have gone this entire summer.

Anyway, back to the backlog!


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
:0 will there be a direct soon?
A presentation of some kind is probably coming, yeah. Insiders are claiming there will be a General Direct on Friday, but nothing's set in stone until Nintendo says anything.

I'm personally doubtful of anything too crazy happening, but I just like watching Nintendo stuff so even if it's another Partner Showcase I'm excited to see what they have to show.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Call me the US commercial for Fire Emblem 7, because I'm trusting nobody!

On a serious note, I'm definitely not opposed to a Friday Direct (in fact, I'm actively hoping it will happen) and it's certainly possible that it's coming, I just feel somewhat burned by almost a year of constant Direct rumours, all of which panned out to nothing or something much more underwhelming than what was advertised. As such, I'm a little hesitant to start singing the glories of the wonderful 28th Direct. That's not to knock Nate Drake or Jeff Grubb or anyone who is trying to give us information, I just need to see this with my own two eyes before I can believe it personally.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Lengthy post but here is my thought right now regarding potential newcomers. This is speculation and not a leak. It may also be totally wrong knowing Sakurai but I am going off trends based on Fighter Pass 1. It also does not represent my "desires or wants."

First Party Situation:

I see three major first party IP in the running and all three seem likely to take 3 spots. They are the following:

1. New Pokemon Representative
2. Breath of the Wild 2 Representative
3. Xenoblade 2 Representative

I do think that if we get a first party in this second fighter pass, it will be from a game universe (not necessarily series itself) that is not represented already in Smash. This was the case with Byleth (Fire Emblem Four Houses is different world from other FE games) and Min Min. Therefore both for first party and third party, I don't see characters from represented existing series being let in. Nintendo is also going to want to promote new titles so the three above all fit that criteria similar to Arms and 3 Houses. Metroid 4 could also be a possibility but I see that as less likely.

Third Party Situation:

I definitely don't see a third party from an existing Franchise making it in. Based on trend from the first Fighter Pass, I think we will get a single third-party that is highly popular in Japan and another one that is highly popular in the West. I think the West gets only one character just like FP#1 with Banjo.

Here are the options that are popular in the West:

Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, Doomguy, Masterchief, and Geno

Out of all of those, Rayman to me appears to be the most likely. If Nintendo has less than the three first parties listed above, there could be a shot at a second one from the list but it would probably be more likely someone that is known both in the East and West. From that list, I don't think any of them are that popular in Japan. Maybe Crash and Doomguy but I would be (pleasantly) surprised if more than one makes the cut. I hate to write this as the list above represents some of the best additions to the game.

Sora - Sora is the elephant in the room and no brainer to be in Smash. He is iconic across the globe. However, I believe the rumors that Nintendo tried to get Sora for FP#1 and was shot down, likely by Disney.

Dante - I think Dante is highly likely, especially if we get at least 3 spots for third-party.

Japan third-party representative - It is going to happen. Let's face it. We are going to get a character that is probably not that popular in the West but will be popular in the East. I am not sure who that is because I haven't kept up with Japanese gaming as well. This website has a list of characters that I don't consider that bad: http://cvxfreak.com/home/2018/12/17...y-representation-in-super-smash-bros-ultimate

The main Japanese character for FP#1 was Hero and I love that character. However, Joker also fit that bill and I wasn't a fan. So I was batting 50% there.

If I had to guess the roster, here is the best that I can come up with:

1. Pokemon character - I don't play the series but I can see one from the new title making it in. It will be probably a unique one from the current roster and will be a fun character

2. Xenoblade 2 - I think Rex is highly likely

3. Legend of Zelda BOTW2 - This is hard to predict as this game isn't out yet.

4. Rayman

5. Lloyd Irving or Dante

Overall, this wouldn't be a bad roster. If there isn't a BOTW2 character, I would say Lloyd and Dante both make it in. Both, although more popular in Japan, have a Western Audience so they would likely be popular adds across the board.

Crash and Doomguy also seem likely to take Rayman's spot but I am going to give the nod to Rayman for now.

If I could remove any character, it would be Rex lol but I think Xenoblade 2 is very likely to get a rep.

Edit: Geno is also a curve ball to me. He doesn't fit right now with the current setup but you get this feeling he is going to be in the game. I keep thinking he will be a bonus character... perhaps the last one. It is weird that his Mii Costume hasn't appeared yet. I stated Crash and Doomguy as likely to take Raymans spot but Geno could fit that bill as well. He does seem like the Banjo of this pass.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
First Party Situation:

I see three major first party IP in the running and all three seem likely to take 3 spots. They are the following:

1. New Pokemon Representative
2. Breath of the Wild 2 Representative
3. Xenoblade 2 Representative

I do think that if we get a first party in this second fighter pass, it will be from a game universe (not necessarily series itself) that is not represented already in Smash. This was the case with Byleth (Fire Emblem Four Houses is different world from other FE games) and Min Min. Therefore both for first party and third party, I don't see characters from represented existing series being let in. Nintendo is also going to want to promote new titles so the three above all fit that criteria similar to Arms and 3 Houses. Metroid 4 could also be a possibility but I see that as less likely.
How are Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4 "new universes"?


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
We talking pipe dreams now?

I'm pretty sure the Waluigi fans are still deconfirming any leaks not mentioning him anyway :mybodyisreggie:

Now if I can have my unholy triangle of Crash, Sonic, and Mario together in just one game then I can die a happy man


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
How are Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4 "new universes"?
We really don't have a BOTW2 character in the game other than a re-skin of Link. Sure it is LOZ series but BOTW is a different world (in Sakurai's mind) versus Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, Twilight Princess, etc. Similar to how Five Houses is a different world from Radiant Dawn or Awakening.

Metroid Prime 4 seems like a stretch which is why I don't have it as a real option. I have no idea how they will spin the new Metroid game.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Don't think I see BotW being a new world when we already have a stage, multiple music tracks, and a healthy amount of Spirits.

Three Houses worked because there was already 0 TH content in Smash, and ARMS only had a few Spirits. BotW has a ton of stuff already in, it wouldn't really fit the trends DLC has currently been going with. I don't think it's all that likely.:drshrug:


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
BoTW isn’t exactly lacking for representation as it stands though, not anymore than any other Zelda game. Link is based on BoTW in quite a few aspects,, Great Plateau Tower is one of the few new stages, the music it has is mostly in and it already has its small main cast as Spirits and even the pre-order bonus for the Fighters Pass 2 was a Mii Costume from the game. If this is “a new world” then so is Modern Kirby for Bandana Dee or Tropical Freeze for Dixie.
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