Resident Evil, known as Biohazard in Japan, was at one point my most wanted series to be added to Smash. The characters are great, the potential risk & reward gameplay based on item management, as well as the potential stage and hazard was vividly apparent to me within my imagination, and because it is the best selling Capcom IP, there was no way it wasn't going to get a playable character.
Alas, my dream was meant to be crushed; written in the stars so to speak. No Jonespost would ever allow me to recover. Dreams shattered. Dread, existential. Four .png files that would leave me as nothing more than a pile of sadness and words.
The only thing that remains is a meme; a collection of the very style of writing that willed Resident Evil Smash hype into being. The Jonespost as a concept, that which many read and shake their heads at the length of, still thrives based on the sheer fact that I, Scoliosis Jones, so often wrote essay after essay about the inevitability of the pinnacle of survivor horror gameplay crossing over with Smash.
Leon? Chris "Boulder Killer" Redfield? Jill? Never. I was a fool. No longer could I be known by the tag of Scoliosis Jones. No, my credibility sank to a low that left me as more of a Broken Back Billiam, a nobody, a fraud. This was the beginning of a dramatic downturn in my Jonesposting career; a shift that led me to find a better career as an epic ****poster.
I have long come to grips with it, and to be honest I'm fine with it. I have been for some time. Some series just aren't going to be playable in Smash. There's nothing wrong with that, and I likely got caught up in the hype of playing so many Resident Evil games back to back and seeing it as an underrated, under-discussed pick. I cry myself to sleep sometimes, but only after feasting upon copious amounts of basic-***** cheese and pepperoni frozen pizza and self-loathing.
Uh, w-wait, I mean, Resident Evil known as Biohazard in Japan sustains the greatest example of survival horror gameplay in the gaming industry. As the grandfather of the genre, much of the modern gaming interpretation owes the series a great deal of credit. It is based on this fact that Resident Evil has earned a place in Smash, considering it all. Claire Redfield, a character who is not a spirit, is one of the single most likely characters for Volume 2 of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC.