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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I think the reality is that Smash Bros Speculation is going through a minor identity crisis: is Smash a general gaming crossover, or is it a Nintendo crossover?

Prior Smash for Wii U/3DS' DLC, there really wasn't a debate that Smash wasn't a Nintendo crossover. Yeah, there were a few non-Nintendo characters, but they were so vastly outnumbered by the Nintendo cast that the theme of "Nintendo meets Nintendo plus a couple of guests" was pretty unambiguous.

I think the foundations of this debate started to emerge during Smash for Wii U/3DS' DLC and Ultimate's base roster. Here, we got third parties in a greater quantity than ever before, with each set of newcomers having three third parties each (:ultryu:, :ultcloud:, and :ultbayonetta: for Wii U/3DS DLC and :ultsimon:, :ultrichter:, and :ultken: for Ultimate). However, most people still saw Smash primarily as a Nintendo game. The number of Nintendo newcomers still outnumbering the non-Nintendo newcomers, third parties often having first party characters revealed in between them, and Richter/Ken being echoes helped send the message "Yeah, non-Nintendo is the exception, not the rule".

However, starting with the Fighter's Pass, this is when the "Smash is now a general gaming crossover" camp emerged from basically one reveal: :ultjoker:. Now, Joker is awesome, but he's also the biggest hard-left we've ever seen occur in Smash speculation. Dude broke a lot of conceptions over who is and is not eligible for Smash. Not only was he far newer than every other third party in Smash, he was almost far more obscure than the other (non-echo) third parties. The only character who matched Joker in being a relatively recent, more obscure non-Nintendo character is Bayonetta, who was largely seen as an exception due to having Bayonetta 2 funded and published by the Big N itself.

Thanks to Joker, the floodgates seemed to be open. You no longer had to be a Sonic or Ryu to be a non-Nintendo character in Smash, anyone from a reasonably popular game was a viable candidate. Compound this with an ambiguous "the other fighters will be like Joker" comment from Reggie, it really seemed like the sky was the limit. The Smash community has a bad habit on bunkering down on a handful of faces that are deemed likely, the expectation of Smash now being focused on more than just Nintendo self-perpetuated itself. With Joker being followed by three other characters from non-Nintendo companies, it really seemed like Smash was undoubtedly a general gaming crossover...

However, looking at who we got, we didn't really get any hard curveballs like Joker. :ulthero: was probably the most conventional third party we saw in the pack. While Hero is technically a very new character due to Eleven's recency, having alts based on other characters from the NES and PS2 situated Hero as a legacy character. Likewise, Dragon Quest is a massive franchise with a strong tie to Nintendo, making Hero far closer to Mega Man than Joker. :ultbanjokazooie: came from a smaller franchise like Joker, but they were also far older and has extremely heavy ties to Nintendo, reducing a lot of the surprise that came with the bear and the bird. :ult_terry: was another character from a more lowkey franchise, but his legacy and fame within his own genre divorced him from the curveball factor of Joker. Now,:ultbyleth: and ARMS are giving us back to back Nintendo characters. It's impossible to know where FP #7 and beyond will go, but the wild west of possible character choices that many thought would come after Joker seems to be less and less with each choice.

So, is Smash a gaming crossover or a Nintendo crossover? Honestly, like with many things, the truth is somewhere in the middle. There is no doubt the restrictions on third parties in Smash have loosened as time has gone. However, beyond Joker, we still aren't seeing the wild "anyone goes" picks that folks in the "Smash is a gaming crossover" suggest we should be seeing. As such, I always get surprised when people are perplexed that there's still a call for Nintendo characters. It's great that we're seeing more and more diverse characters join Smash, but the series isn't going to completely abandon its foundation overnight. Even after Ultimate's DLC, the focus on Nintendo first and foremost is still present.
If Smash is now supposed to be a a general gaming crossover, it's a piss poor one. The vast majority of fighters are from Nintendo. A true gaming crossover would be a little more balanced. All the different companies would have way more reps than they do right now. And don't give me that "but most of the best video game characters are from Nintendo anyway" excuse when we have characters like Ice Climbers in the game, who would never be a part of any general gaming crossover. This is still mostly a Nintendo crossover with some 3rd Parties thrown in.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Hatboy? I thought the Hat Kid was a girl.

...Uuunless that's not who you're talking about...
You are correct. I am a gay male who lives in a male-assumptive world and changed the name without intention. My bad.

Rate this Fighter Pass.

76: Minmin (1st party)
77: Crash Bandicoot (Fan Favorite)
78: Paper Mario (1st Party)
79: Neku (Wild Card)
80: Travis Touchdown (Middle Ground)
81: Ryu Hayabusa (Middle Ground)
I think you are on a good path.
Minmin, I think, will be the character (along with either an echo, or alternative characters. The way they introduced ARMS is either CLEARLY to promote the game, all the characters, or because something odd is going on with the fighters pass- either from a delay, or from how the character will function.

Crash seems like a great call. Paper Mario I can see getting in, with a Geno Mii costume upgrade. I legitimately think this would not only count as a new series (with a Star icon), but would actually give the people what they want (even if they don't think it is what they want).

I am unfamiliar with Neku. Travis Touchdown would irritate me a bit- so it is bound to happen.
And Hayabusa could easily get in. It would be cool if his icon changed between a stance change of which game he was playing as himself from. That's the way I think he could be cool, and not just more Ninja element.
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
I mean, I'll put it this way. I meant it when I said character prospects should be treated individually in terms of why they get into Smash. It's worthless to try and force the square shape into the triangle hole when it just isn't going to fit. Joker was added in a different situation from Hero, from Banjo, from Terry, from Byleth. There wasn't a pattern aside from 4 of them being 3rd party.
While I definitely agree that characters should be viewed on their individual merits, I also think there's often clear themes in the new additions of various Smash games, which can in turn be seen by looking at their rosters. Brawl focused heavily on filling out the series already in the game, Smash for Wii U/3DS's base game focused on adding characters from Nintendo series not in Smash and rising stars to Nintendo's legacy series, and Ultimate's base game focused on adding long-requested fan favourites. As such, the switching of Smash from a (primarily) Nintendo crossover to a general gaming crossover is a theme many have said is present in Ultimate's DLC. A theme which is categorized by:
  1. The inclusion of more and more third parties.
  2. The bar being lowered for which third parties have been included. Namely, you don't have to be a legacy character from a large, influential franchise or have a major tie to Nintendo to get in the game.
As such, when I argue that the second premise hasn't manifested itself in the roster beyond Joker, I don't think I'm trying to put square blocks into a triangle hole. Instead, I'm noting that the hole many thought is triangular may not actually be, because we're seeing squares go in instead of triangles. As such, we may need to rethink the "anything goes" approach to speculation, as there's very little precedent to base it upon.

Could I have egg on my face when all's said and done? Of course. The remaining 5 characters of the pass could all be Joker-style choices that follow the lower bar for entry mentioned in the second post. However, as of April 2020, we just aren't seeing those characters emerge in the DLC choices yet (beyond one exception).


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Hatboy? I thought the Hat Kid was a girl.

...Uuunless that's not who you're talking about...
While I definitely agree that characters should be viewed on their individual merits, I also think there's often clear themes in the new additions of various Smash games, which can in turn be seen by looking at their rosters. Brawl focused heavily on filling out the series already in the game, Smash for Wii U/3DS's base game focused on adding characters from Nintendo series not in Smash and rising stars to Nintendo's legacy series, and Ultimate's base game focused on adding long-requested fan favourites. As such, the switching of Smash from a (primarily) Nintendo crossover to a general gaming crossover is a theme many have said is present in Ultimate's DLC. A theme which is categorized by:
  1. The inclusion of more and more third parties.
  2. The bar being lowered for which third parties have been included. Namely, you don't have to be a legacy character from a large, influential franchise or have a major tie to Nintendo to get in the game.
As such, when I argue that the second premise hasn't manifested itself in the roster beyond Joker, I don't think I'm trying to put square blocks into a triangle hole. Instead, I'm noting that the hole many thought is triangular may not actually be, because we're seeing squares go in instead of triangles. As such, we may need to rethink the "anything goes" approach to speculation, as there's very little precedent to base it upon.

Could I have egg on my face when all's said and done? Of course. The remaining 5 characters of the pass could all be Joker-style choices that follow the lower bar for entry mentioned in the second post. However, as of April 2020, we just aren't seeing those characters emerge in the DLC choices yet (beyond one exception).
Joker was not an out of the box choice, for the same reason Terry was not an out of the box choice.
Sakurai has gone on record to state that Persona and KoF both influenced Smash quite a lot.
With Persona, it's the layout of the UI. (And we should greatly thank Persona for this- Sm4sh was a mess in UI, and quite honestly made no sense- to the point that Sakurai may have just scrapped many modes all together for Ultimate if he couldnt make the UI more simple to navigate).
With KoF, it was the taunts, interactions, and other gameplay mechanics of the fighters.

That said- did i predict them? Absolutely not.
Should we perhaps consider what other games significantly inspired Sakurai and SSB? For sure.
This actually makes me wonder how much Nintendo actually chose the characters.
I cannot imagine a world where Nintendo came up with those dream picks for Sakurai.
I think we have to consider that perhaps Sakurai started with the list of many characters he wanted, then gave it to Nintendo, and finally it came back to Sakurai. It would be quite coincidental for Nintendo to have started with Persona and KoF as picks that just magically gave Sakurai characters about which he has talked so highly.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
That's ok. She is a kid in gender neutral clothing. It is a bit harder to tell the gender of such characters at a glance.
Honestly, I don't think very much about gender. While I do identify as gay, Im more than open to other possibilities, and have found more than once that this is a spectrum to which I can slide pretty easily.

I work extensively in the LGBTQ community with my job, and a lot of that is as an activist. While LGB have many rights (though a long way beyond marriage to go- legal protections from work, and this is only discussing the USA, with a lot of global work to do), Trans rights are continually bludgeoned, and around the world are being revoked on a frightening basis in the past few years.

If anyone is interested, I am a news anchor on the world's most popular LIVE LGBTQ evening news.

(mods, I apologize for the double post, but this couldnt be merged with the one above).


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2019
Here is another game I came up with....

Fuse two of your most wanted newcomers.

For me....

Master Chief + Agumon = Master Agumon

He would be mostly Agumon with Moljnir armor attached here and there.
He would definitely have energy shield mechanic which will get stronger with each evolution. Evolution mechanic would be like Joker's Arsen.

1st form: Plasma Breath. Combining Plasma Pistol and Pepper Breath. Each of his claws will be knife that Chief uses.
2nd form: Mega Shot. Combination of Wraith's mortar and Mega Flame.
3nd form: Giga Rocket: Giga Destroyer + M41 SPNKR. Design should be mix of the two. And his claws are now made of Energy Swords.

Final Smash: Evolve to Master Wargreymon.
Spartan Tornado: He gets additonal booster on his back for more speed and power.
Spartan Force: Like Gaia Force, but when this explodes, it releases bunch of lasers in all direction.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Sakurai said he wants to make this the "greatest gaming crossover game in the world". He did not say it's solely a gaming crossover and has no Nintendo roots either.

He's moving towards gaming as a whole as a key part of Smash Bros. Where did he say "Nintendo isn't important"? Cause that's the thing. He's doing an amazing job overall. There's content from tons of 3rd party stuff. It's not just "playable". We see Mana and Bomberman now in the series. That adds to the gaming crossover bit.

Licensing stuff is not easy and costs a lot of money. He can't just throw in every cool 3rd party he wants in any position he wants. He can only make so many playable. Even AT's take a while to program. Spirits are far easier in itself, but the spirit battles require more work. All of this stuff is actually a time-consuming and money-guzzling thing.

Smash will always have a Nintendo focus. That's part of its identity. But it also has a gaming crossover focus. Brawl had few 3rd party stuff. So did 4. Come Ultimate, and 3rd party content is off the charts. How doesn't it fit a rather good gaming crossover? Because it's not only that? It can have more than one thing it's about. Especially when people remember that "playable isn't the only kind of representation". I mean, I won't deny it's the most important in the end, but the rest is vastly important too. Smash Bros. was literally finalized where it's a clash of video game characters. The frontrunning representation is the playable bit. The rest still massively make Smash what it is. The items, the stages, the music, the mini-games, the announcer, the hazards, the unique simplistic gameplay, and anything else I forgot.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Sakurai's colomn's coming out, it's about the pandemic again, Sakurai also pretty much states he's confident the game's not going to leak


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Sakurai's colomn's coming out, it's about the pandemic again, Sakurai also pretty much states he's confident the game's not going to leak

Also seems like development is still going smoothly, maybe even a touch better in some areas.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
No chance of leaks eh? Them ninjas doing their job fine then.

Makes things more exciting then not knowing who to expect otherwise given I'm sure we'll be also seeing FP7 in June or at least an tease.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
No chance of leaks eh? Them ninjas doing their job fine then.

Makes things more exciting then not knowing who to expect otherwise given I'm sure we'll be also seeing FP7 in June or at least an tease.
I much prefer the news not leaking. It makes the game exciting.
But--- my favorite part of Smash is the speculation.
This worked out well when we had the Smash Dojo, with different daily updates. While the internet scene was highly different twelve years ago, I think that the daily updates discouraged leaks as well, because the community always had a good amount to talk about.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Sakurai's colomn's coming out, it's about the pandemic again, Sakurai also pretty much states he's confident the game's not going to leak
Damn, Sakurai's be like "you'll wish Nintendo Ninjas to find you if you leak my game again."

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

Also seems like development is still going smoothly, maybe even a touch better in some areas.
Development's getting even better and done quicker while Sakurai gets to eat more and the devs don't all sweat to death, godbless

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So uh...




Hell’s Worst Nightmare
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
So uh...


Well it ain’t June so...

Vergeben or his source also usually takes their time checking in on stuff

Edit: also also he probably won’t get anything back anyways since the developers are quarantined and outside talk is more limited than ever before.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
While I definitely agree that characters should be viewed on their individual merits, I also think there's often clear themes in the new additions of various Smash games, which can in turn be seen by looking at their rosters. Brawl focused heavily on filling out the series already in the game, Smash for Wii U/3DS's base game focused on adding characters from Nintendo series not in Smash and rising stars to Nintendo's legacy series, and Ultimate's base game focused on adding long-requested fan favourites. As such, the switching of Smash from a (primarily) Nintendo crossover to a general gaming crossover is a theme many have said is present in Ultimate's DLC. A theme which is categorized by:
  1. The inclusion of more and more third parties.
  2. The bar being lowered for which third parties have been included. Namely, you don't have to be a legacy character from a large, influential franchise or have a major tie to Nintendo to get in the game.
As such, when I argue that the second premise hasn't manifested itself in the roster beyond Joker, I don't think I'm trying to put square blocks into a triangle hole. Instead, I'm noting that the hole many thought is triangular may not actually be, because we're seeing squares go in instead of triangles. As such, we may need to rethink the "anything goes" approach to speculation, as there's very little precedent to base it upon.

Could I have egg on my face when all's said and done? Of course. The remaining 5 characters of the pass could all be Joker-style choices that follow the lower bar for entry mentioned in the second post. However, as of April 2020, we just aren't seeing those characters emerge in the DLC choices yet (beyond one exception).
I think we may have two different ideas of what we’re talking about here.

Regardless of the connection that some of these characters and series have to Nintendo, they are inherently expanding the crossover by virtue of them being from a game or series that doesn’t have a playable character. There wasn’t any Persona 5, Dragon Quest XIS, Banjo-Kazooie, it Fatal Fury/KoF content, and each brought in something rather new to the gameplay component of Smash. Byleth could count toward this idea as well by semantics, as we frankly didn’t have Three Houses content, they were simply first party.

What I meant by the “square shape in the triangle spot” was that often, fans try to come up with criterion that take the selection process down to a science, and then try to use that to predict further fighters. There was fundamentally no way to use any criteria like that for Fighter Pass 1 because of how different the choices were:

Joker- had little connection at all to Nintendo, but has been cited by Sakurai as having relevance to the menu for Smash Ultimate, and there’s the fact that Persona 5 was a mainstream hit and basically brought Persona closer to the mainstream. It’s an achievement, no doubt.

Hero- while obviously there were discussions of how to get DQ into Smash, it was clearly used in a marketing effort to develop interest in DQXIS on Switch. The setup of the E3 2019 stream seems to make that clear, as Hero was followed by a DQXIS segment. This can also be backed by Square Enix deliberately wanting to push DQ in the West, a region which the series did not do well in.

Banjo-Kazooie- longtime classic loved by many gaming fans who grew up with the N64, or perhaps first played it on Xbox. Had fan demand for quite sometime from many regions around the world.

Terry- a company not yet in Smash that few folks actually considered around these parts, had no new game coming, but is another game that was cited as having influence on Smash as a series.

Byleth- marketing push by Nintendo. Was considered an exception to the “all 3rd party” idea by some, completely ruled out by others.

The only things that these picks have in common are that they are inherently “new” to Smash and provide new gameplay ideas not present elsewhere within the roster. That is what binds them, and Sakurai did mention something along those lines by the end of the Byleth presentation when he reflected in picks 1-5.

As we look toward Fighter Pass 2, ARMS continues the trend. It’s already got content in Ultimate, but it hasn’t had a playable debut. There will no doubt be a new gameplay mechanic brought in with whoever it is, it certainly could prove itself to be another marketing push.

But that’s why I don’t think ideas such as “upgrades” should be considered entirely “back on the table” because we don’t have context to why ARMS was picked yet. If the reasoning isn’t applicable to somebody like Waluigi, then ARMS doesn’t actually mark a point in his favor. That doesn’t Waluigi could be be “upgraded” because of demand or something, however.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
This is kinda off-topic but I still keep seeing "Nintendo would be idiots if Spirits disconfirm" argument getting thrown around and really?

"Rejecting 1000+ characters because art files" sounds bad on paper but realistically there are only five newcomer reveals left. Smash Spirits aren't so encompassing that there aren't 5 good characters picks left in the entire video game industry when you exclude them.

Mind you, I don't think Spirits can't be playable characters (I think at least one will be as an ARMS character). I just don't get this why some people act like there are no good picks left aside from Spirit characters.
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Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
Sakurai's words of FP2 being a secret project is what makes me doubted of any "leaker" or famous insiders, including some journalists. My only hope is that Nintendo comments something at their fiscal years earnings presentation, that will be at may 7th.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
This is kinda off-topic but I still keep seeing "Nintendo would be idiots if Spirits disconfirm" argument getting thrown around and really?

"Rejecting 1000+ characters because art files" sounds bad on paper but realistically there are only five newcomer reveals left. Smash Spirits aren't so encompassing that there aren't 5 good characters picks in the entire video game industry when you exclude them.

Mind you, I don't think Spirits can't be playable characters (I think at least one will be as an ARMS character). I just don't get this why some people act like there are no good picks left aside from Spirit characters.
I suppose it depends on if we're talking about first party picks, or the video game industry as a whole.

If it's the game industry as a whole, there's definitely more than six good picks out there. However, if we're just going by first party characters (including ARMS), there aren't a ton of options that aren't already spirits. (Porky, Sylux, a Gen. 8 Pokemon, Adeline and Ribbon from Kirby, Mike Jones from Star Tropics, Todd from Pokémon Snap - there might be others, but they aren't coming to mind at the moment, unless there's a ton of demand for Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness)

For ARMS specifically, it would be weird to rule out every single popular character (by my limited understanding), and most of the important ones, because a single PNG file of them exists in the game. (it seems like, aside from the characters who are already spirits, the main choices would be Dr. Coyle or Max Brass - anyone else seems like a fairly random pick to represent the whole game)
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Sakurai's words of FP2 being a secret project is what makes me doubted of any "leaker" or famous insiders, including some journalists. My only hope is that Nintendo comments something at their fiscal years earnings presentation, that will be at may 7th.
Hey, that's three days after my birthday!

Now put Danganronpa in Smash for me, alright Nintendo?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Sakurai's words of FP2 being a secret project is what makes me doubted of any "leaker" or famous insiders, including some journalists. My only hope is that Nintendo comments something at their fiscal years earnings presentation, that will be at may 7th.
Yeah, most people falsely claiming to have info have just flatout stopped, probably because they realized the futility of it all, one dude who went absolutely mental about it seems to be doing better too so that's good.

Also what would Nintendo comment on?


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Just curious? Because he'd break the assist trophy fanrule or do you actually like him?
I just really like the dude, and out of my favorite ARMS characters I think he'd the best character to represent ARMS (if we only get one).
Sakurai's colomn's coming out, it's about the pandemic again, Sakurai also pretty much states he's confident the game's not going to leak
That sounds like a challenge.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
This is kinda off-topic but I still keep seeing "Nintendo would be idiots if Spirits disconfirm" argument getting thrown around and really?

"Rejecting 1000+ characters because art files" sounds bad on paper but realistically there are only five newcomer reveals left. Smash Spirits aren't so encompassing that there aren't 5 good characters picks in the entire video game industry when you exclude them.

Mind you, I don't think Spirits can't be playable characters (I think at least one will be as an ARMS character). I just don't get this why some people act like there are no good picks left aside from Spirit characters.
I can see what you mean. Franchises like Tekken and Soul Calibur are pretty huge and don't have Spirits, nor does Metal Slug, Final Fight(barely anyways), Streets of Rage, Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Chrono Trigger, Doom, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider, Crash, and so on. While the characters who only get to be cameos is large (perhaps disappointingly so for some), the scope of characters extends beyond even that.

Hell, Final Fantasy has so much to offer outside of Cloud too. I think it has to do with so many popular characters that ARE recognizable are Spirits, so that leaves an impression on people.

Cause quite a few icons or popular characters like Chun-Li, Tails, Knuckles, Jill Valentine, Bomberman, Mega Man X, Zero, Alucard, Shovel Knight and Rayman could arguably make for good characters, and since they seem so close, yet so far it's easier to think of them. Outside of huge icons, I'm sure plenty of people would be okay seeing Advance Wars or Excitebike on Nintendo's end of things. Or popular characters like Dixie Kong.
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Apr 7, 2017
Damn, Sakurai's be like "you'll wish Nintendo Ninjas to find you if you leak my game again."
Leaker breaks Sakurai's window, sneaks into his coputer room, and turns on Sakurai's computer. He hooks his SD card in the machine and finds some incriminating files titled "Fighter models". Then he feels a object jammed in the back of his head. The guy turns around, and sees Mr. Sakurai, holding a Super Scope at his head.

Sakurai: Hello. Wanna try and leak my game?

Leaker: O_O N-no, I.. I was just checking the... the desktop background... ehh.. damn it looks good, is it a new one... I-I'll be on my way now.

Leaker jumps out the broken window.

Sakurai: I thought so.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I can only imagine how devastating it is for certain leakers now that no one can seem to provide them with genuine info on upcoming characters."

"Egad!! My leaks are ruined!! Hmm...what if I were to steal information from other reliable sources and pass them off as my own leaks? Ho ho ho! Delightfully devilish, Sabi!"


Hell’s Worst Nightmare
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I’ve been talking about Rayman a lot recently but another thing that I see brought up is that Japanese fans have no idea who he is.

Even if his games aren’t that popular over there, Japanese Smash fans have still had exposure to Rayman through Smash itself for 3(?) games now.

(Was there Rayman content in 3DS? I can’t remember.)


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
All we need is a disgruntled employee who didn't get paid and get revenge. Of course since Nintendo's work environment isn't as bad as ND's, Konami, Actvision Blizzard etc so it wouldn't happen. It's a good thing Nintendo is hardly near those companies for the sake of the employees's health.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I’ve been talking about Rayman a lot recently but another thing that I see brought up is that Japanese fans have no idea who he is.

Even if his games aren’t that popular over there, Japanese Smash fans have still had exposure to Rayman through Smash itself for 3(?) games now.

(Was there Rayman content in 3DS? I can’t remember.)
I think the Rayman trophy was only in the Wii U version

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I’ve been talking about Rayman a lot recently but another thing that I see brought up is that Japanese fans have no idea who he is.

Even if his games aren’t that popular over there, Japanese Smash fans have still had exposure to Rayman through Smash itself for 3(?) games now.

(Was there Rayman content in 3DS? I can’t remember.)
Trophy in Wii U version, and Spirit in Ultimate are his total roles.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2015
All we need is a disgruntled employee who didn't get paid and get revenge. Of course since Nintendo's work environment isn't as bad as ND's, Konami, Actvision Blizzard etc so it wouldn't happen. It's a good thing Nintendo is hardly near those companies for the sake of the employees's health.
Remember when we thought the Grinch leaker was a disgruntled employee?

It doesn't even necessarily have tro be a developer being mistreated.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I’ve been talking about Rayman a lot recently but another thing that I see brought up is that Japanese fans have no idea who he is.

Even if his games aren’t that popular over there, Japanese Smash fans have still had exposure to Rayman through Smash itself for 3(?) games now.

(Was there Rayman content in 3DS? I can’t remember.)
I don't think the 3DS version had Rayman.


Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
This is kinda off-topic but I still keep seeing "Nintendo would be idiots if Spirits disconfirm" argument getting thrown around and really?

"Rejecting 1000+ characters because art files" sounds bad on paper but realistically there are only five newcomer reveals left. Smash Spirits aren't so encompassing that there aren't 5 good characters picks in the entire video game industry when you exclude them.

Mind you, I don't think Spirits can't be playable characters (I think at least one will be as an ARMS character). I just don't get this why some people act like there are no good picks left aside from Spirit characters.
I've only seen this comment pop up in the Geno Thread, which doesn't suprise me much considering how overly cynical some folks in that support group can be.
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