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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Just gonna say we might not get an extra DLC pack but whose to say some of the remaining DLC fighters won't get some echos to round out 90 (92) playable fighters? For example Spring Man with Ribbon Girl.

Also a good way of Sakurai and Nintendo given us more characters that way.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Just gonna say we might not get an extra DLC pack but whose to say some of the remaining DLC fighters won't get some echos to round out 90 (92) playable fighters? For example Spring Man with Ribbon Girl.

Also a good way of Sakurai and Nintendo given us more characters that way.
That’s kinda my theory with the 4 remaining data mined slots after FPV2. Perhaps 4 of the 6 FPV2 characters will come with Echoes to fill all the slots in one go. No base game/FPV1 echoes as they said FPV2 is the last DLC.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Aside from pass 2 there’s also a possibility they could use the 4 remaining slots to pepper in some more Individual DLC like Piranha Plant during FPV2’s lifespan. No stage, may or may not have music. I wouldn’t really count on it though

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Aside from pass 2 there’s also a possibility they could use the 4 remaining slots to pepper in some more Individual DLC like Piranha Plant during FPV2’s lifespan. No stage, may or may not have music. I wouldn’t really count on it though
Geno and Waluigi definitely would fit this criteria for example.
This is the mentality that made people believe Grinch
True, that didn't occur to me until now. In that case don't want to set myself up for disappointment again.
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Deleted member

Just gonna say we might not get an extra DLC pack but whose to say some of the remaining DLC fighters won't get some echos to round out 90 (92) playable fighters? For example Spring Man with Ribbon Girl.

Also a good way of Sakurai and Nintendo given us more characters that way.
Echo fighters were introduced as a concept only because Sakurai was in crunch time for base game and didn't have time do make a lot of unique characters. Now that he has about two years to work on six unique fighters, I don't think he has any pressure to force the roster number to be higher than he plans it.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Echo fighters were introduced as a concept only because Sakurai was in crunch time for base game and didn't have time do make a lot of unique characters. Now that he has about two years to work on six unique fighters, I don't think he has any pressure to force the roster number to be higher than he plans it.
In that case it'd be more likely we'd either get another Season Pass or just individual DLC like Piranha Plant.

Then again Echos aren't as time consuming as full-fledged fighters what if making at least four more is an sake of fan service as unlikely it probably is.

Deleted member

Nintendo's a business and not your friend
That's a lie because my uncle works at Nintendo and he occasionally brings Gary from Nintendo PR to dinner.

In that case it'd be more likely we'd either get another Season Pass or just individual DLC like Piranha Plant.

Then again Echos aren't as time consuming as full-fledged fighters what if making at least four more is an sake of fan service as unlikely it probably is.
An extra bundle of Echo Fighter DLC would be harmless imo, but I'm more interested in unique fighters at the end of the day. None of the echo fighters in base game interested me besides maybe Ken, so I'm not rooting for it.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I was not expecting a response after all this time. Though I can hardly blame you - work has me swamped as well. :laugh:

You say that we need to show Nintendo that there is demand before they do anything for those franchises... but really, that's wishful thinking. Mother 3 basically became a meme in the Nintendo community because no matter how much fans ask for it, Nintendo just won't do it. Same for a new F-Zero. They either are unaware of fan demand because they aren't paying close enough attention to fans (K. Rool's pre-ballot popularity being an example) or they are aware and still won't do jack.

It's easy to say these games "blew it by not selling" when not all games are launched the same. Let's take a look at the three games supported by Operation Rainfall, for one. Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower. One of these was clearly better marketed and pushed compared to the others, so it's no wonder it was the one that had staying power - even though all three had demand and fan drive behind them.

And I don't think you're making a good comparison with the "old franchise vs new franchise" aspect. One look at the marketing campaign for Splatoon should tell you that while they did expect it to be a success, it was unprecedented even by their standards - an exception to their expectations, if you will. Believing that every new IP will do just as well is flat out bad management. Not every series needs to be the new Mario, so why would you expect a similar return from old series? Chibi-Robo never needed Mario's budget, but it needed some degree of push and have its future depend on a game that was actually close to what its fans wanted rather than just a spinoff that plays in a different manner.

Heck, you say it yourself: pre-Awakening FE survived mostly on the good graces of Nintendo execs... even though it was heavily underperforming and was pretty much lined up for the same fate as other IPs. So why can't they do the same for other franchises, then? In fact, I think FE is a great example in this situation - it wasn't underperforming at the time for being outright bad, just for not being pushed enough. The same can be applied to quite a few other Nintendo series out there.

I'm not saying Smash would suddenly make Golden Sun sell like Zelda, because that's just flat out absurd. But any bump in an otherwise inactive series is better than nothing. Sure, you can say that there isn't "evidence of tangible effects"... but isn't that also because we don't see it happening enough? I think it's weird when people say that "we can't risk backing this franchise" because their possible success is hypothetical when the very thought behind these franchises supposedly not selling is also based entirely on hypotheticals, if online support is anything to go by in some cases.

And yes, there are many other actions Nintendo could take to revitalize old IPs besides Smash... but this is a Newcomer thread in a Smash based forum and this whole discussion spawned because of the first party Brawl newcomers, so of course I'm gonna focus on that aspect during this conversation.

...All that said, I think we should take this on private, just because it's pretty much off-topic by this point. Good convos like this have become a rare sight, sadly.
I don't think the conversation we're having is really all that off topic. It's a genuine discussion about the possibilities for newcomers and how Nintendo is going to approach that process for potential newcomers in Ultimate and in general at this point. If it's a genuine problem, I think someone will tell us that.

To be clear, I'm not saying that Nintendo is a perfect entity by any means or that franchises will necessarily get a second chance even if fans are somewhat vocal about them. Mother 3 is an odd situation that most people at this point attribute to a darker subject matter in the game that keeps it from being re-released less so than I think Nintendo actively choosing to screw over fans (and I do think it was intended for a release before having the plug pulled to be honest in North America and Europe). But F-Zero is a considerably larger investment because it's not just a port or an emulator, it's building a brand new game from the ground up and while F-Zero fans may be vocal in some areas online, that's never been a terribly compelling way to do things and those voices who can be the loudest and most vocal are not always indicative of the true reality behind situations (hence frequent criticisms of online fan polling on my part for example). But they do frankly ignore fan demand sometimes and they do have blind spots, as will any corporation the size of Nintendo that generally prioritizes business above all else.

My point is that any game existing, let alone something as crazy as a revival of a franchise that struggled previously just requires a perfect storm of things. It requires the right people with the right appetite for development at the right time with the right amount of resources for a smaller IP or lesser known IP to breakthrough and become bigger. It's not something that happens overnight, and it's not something that is guaranteed to happen even if franchises have additional potential that could be realized. And furthermore, any product with the right circumstances is going to have an additional chance at making it bigger and becoming more successful.

But the issue becomes, again, you're operating from a place of idealized hypothetical situations and not the reality we currently have. Let's take Golden Sun because it's a fantastic example to work with all around for a myriad of reasons. Is there an appetite for a new Golden Sun? Sure. Is there an appetite for Isaac in Smash? Sure. But the question becomes, how do we get to those realities as say fans of those series. The issue with Golden Sun comes down to two major things. Number one, Golden Sun had a big chance at a revival with Dark Dawn and failed spectacularly to make an impact. There's a lot of individual criticisms you can level at Nintendo for their handling of Dark Dawn and its surrounding advertisements, but none of those change the reality that when fans were presented with an opportunity to put their money where their mouth for Golden Sun, they just didn't show up and there was not enough of a community to overcome the additional issues that title faced. The second issue is this, Camelot makes Nintendo a ton of money through Mario Sports titles that eclipses what Golden Sun ever managed to do in its prime. Mario Tennis Aces has sold around 3 million units on Switch and helped them fill out a portion of the Switch catalogue that has been lacking in terms of Sports titles (compared to JRPGs which the Switch has an abundance of). And Camelot will likely work on something like Mario Golf next too, because it achieves the same goals that Aces has been able to achieve.

There are people at Camelot willing and very interested in more Golden Sun, but they can't necessarily make that decision of their own accord since its not their IP and there is seemingly not anyone of a high enough status to push Golden Sun back as a priority. Nintendo sees the sales of Golden Sun as an issue and recognizes the opportunity cost if they were to put them back on Golden Sun compared to other titles in the Mario Sports series. Therefore, Golden Sun does not get made. That directly has an impact on Smash too. No new Golden Sun and no interest in promoting the brand makes Isaac or someone else from the game in Smash less of a priority outright. There isn't that Nintendo element exerting pressure on Sakurai for the brand and it's just not as much in the consciousness moving forward of Sakurai either. You traditionally overcome that issue via one of two ways, fan demand or Sakurai's investment. Isaac doesn't seem to be particularly favored by Sakurai from what we've seen to be kind of brutally honest, so that's out, and that leaves us with fan demand. Now fan demand is tricky in the sense that it does present its own challenges as well, and there's a lot of fan favorites vying for a similar position. If you include someone like Isaac, he requires additional work such as a new stage and a further proper integration of Golden Sun the franchise into Smash versus someone like Ridley who could mostly just be added as a single additional fighter to Metroid. And that's how you see things play out for Golden Sun in Smash as it doesn't quite make the cut for a variety of factors.

Now, could Nintendo push Golden Sun very hard and develop an excellent game with a 90+ on Metacritic all of the marketing in the world and an inclusion of Isaac in Smash to make one big push for the brand and have it be a success? Absolutely and I'd love to see it personally! But again, that's the idealized hypothetical and not the reality as it stands. Something has to change with Nintendo and their interests to decide to come back to Golden Sun as an IP, and my point about Smash inclusion has been that I don't think we have any evidence of an IP really making a huge comeback with Smash involved. I agree that all exposure is good exposure for a brand, and Smash absolutely does allow for a variety of IPs, new and old, to shine wonderfully. But that doesn't translate to a successful revival, and further successes of franchises has pretty much always come from additional factors beyond Smash (Fire Emblem having everything go in its favor for Awakening after 12 years of struggling even post Smash and Sakurai becoming so invested in a new Kid Icarus).

But I think we need to stop talking about getting characters in Smash as the supposed savior of their respective franchises. An inclusion in Smash is a wonderful tribute to that character and to fans of that franchise... but beyond that I don't see a ton of evidence for the "Smash savior complex" of reviving dead franchises I see thrown around so often. And hypotheticals can certainly be fun to entertain and work with, or maybe even lament a failure like Dark Dawn, but in terms of Smash speculation, it's important to use the realities we have and not the ideal hypothetical situations that would benefit a particular character's inclusion in the game and even a more latent desired reality of bringing a favorite or beloved franchise back.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Just gonna say we might not get an extra DLC pack but whose to say some of the remaining DLC fighters won't get some echos to round out 90 (92) playable fighters? For example Spring Man with Ribbon Girl.

Also a good way of Sakurai and Nintendo given us more characters that way.
We don't need more Echo Fighters.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I don't think the conversation we're having is really all that off topic. It's a genuine discussion about the possibilities for newcomers and how Nintendo is going to approach that process for potential newcomers in Ultimate and in general at this point. If it's a genuine problem, I think someone will tell us that.

To be clear, I'm not saying that Nintendo is a perfect entity by any means or that franchises will necessarily get a second chance even if fans are somewhat vocal about them. Mother 3 is an odd situation that most people at this point attribute to a darker subject matter in the game that keeps it from being re-released less so than I think Nintendo actively choosing to screw over fans (and I do think it was intended for a release before having the plug pulled to be honest in North America and Europe). But F-Zero is a considerably larger investment because it's not just a port or an emulator, it's building a brand new game from the ground up and while F-Zero fans may be vocal in some areas online, that's never been a terribly compelling way to do things and those voices who can be the loudest and most vocal are not always indicative of the true reality behind situations (hence frequent criticisms of online fan polling on my part for example). But they do frankly ignore fan demand sometimes and they do have blind spots, as will any corporation the size of Nintendo that generally prioritizes business above all else.

My point is that any game existing, let alone something as crazy as a revival of a franchise that struggled previously just requires a perfect storm of things. It requires the right people with the right appetite for development at the right time with the right amount of resources for a smaller IP or lesser known IP to breakthrough and become bigger. It's not something that happens overnight, and it's not something that is guaranteed to happen even if franchises have additional potential that could be realized. And furthermore, any product with the right circumstances is going to have an additional chance at making it bigger and becoming more successful.

But the issue becomes, again, you're operating from a place of idealized hypothetical situations and not the reality we currently have. Let's take Golden Sun because it's a fantastic example to work with all around for a myriad of reasons. Is there an appetite for a new Golden Sun? Sure. Is there an appetite for Isaac in Smash? Sure. But the question becomes, how do we get to those realities as say fans of those series. The issue with Golden Sun comes down to two major things. Number one, Golden Sun had a big chance at a revival with Dark Dawn and failed spectacularly to make an impact. There's a lot of individual criticisms you can level at Nintendo for their handling of Dark Dawn and its surrounding advertisements, but none of those change the reality that when fans were presented with an opportunity to put their money where their mouth for Golden Sun, they just didn't show up and there was not enough of a community to overcome the additional issues that title faced. The second issue is this, Camelot makes Nintendo a ton of money through Mario Sports titles that eclipses what Golden Sun ever managed to do in its prime. Mario Tennis Aces has sold around 3 million units on Switch and helped them fill out a portion of the Switch catalogue that has been lacking in terms of Sports titles (compared to JRPGs which the Switch has an abundance of). And Camelot will likely work on something like Mario Golf next too, because it achieves the same goals that Aces has been able to achieve.

There are people at Camelot willing and very interested in more Golden Sun, but they can't necessarily make that decision of their own accord since its not their IP and there is seemingly not anyone of a high enough status to push Golden Sun back as a priority. Nintendo sees the sales of Golden Sun as an issue and recognizes the opportunity cost if they were to put them back on Golden Sun compared to other titles in the Mario Sports series. Therefore, Golden Sun does not get made. That directly has an impact on Smash too. No new Golden Sun and no interest in promoting the brand makes Isaac or someone else from the game in Smash less of a priority outright. There isn't that Nintendo element exerting pressure on Sakurai for the brand and it's just not as much in the consciousness moving forward of Sakurai either. You traditionally overcome that issue via one of two ways, fan demand or Sakurai's investment. Isaac doesn't seem to be particularly favored by Sakurai from what we've seen to be kind of brutally honest, so that's out, and that leaves us with fan demand. Now fan demand is tricky in the sense that it does present its own challenges as well, and there's a lot of fan favorites vying for a similar position. If you include someone like Isaac, he requires additional work such as a new stage and a further proper integration of Golden Sun the franchise into Smash versus someone like Ridley who could mostly just be added as a single additional fighter to Metroid. And that's how you see things play out for Golden Sun in Smash as it doesn't quite make the cut for a variety of factors.

Now, could Nintendo push Golden Sun very hard and develop an excellent game with a 90+ on Metacritic all of the marketing in the world and an inclusion of Isaac in Smash to make one big push for the brand and have it be a success? Absolutely and I'd love to see it personally! But again, that's the idealized hypothetical and not the reality as it stands. Something has to change with Nintendo and their interests to decide to come back to Golden Sun as an IP, and my point about Smash inclusion has been that I don't think we have any evidence of an IP really making a huge comeback with Smash involved. I agree that all exposure is good exposure for a brand, and Smash absolutely does allow for a variety of IPs, new and old, to shine wonderfully. But that doesn't translate to a successful revival, and further successes of franchises has pretty much always come from additional factors beyond Smash (Fire Emblem having everything go in its favor for Awakening after 12 years of struggling even post Smash and Sakurai becoming so invested in a new Kid Icarus).

But I think we need to stop talking about getting characters in Smash as the supposed savior of their respective franchises. An inclusion in Smash is a wonderful tribute to that character and to fans of that franchise... but beyond that I don't see a ton of evidence for the "Smash savior complex" of reviving dead franchises I see thrown around so often. And hypotheticals can certainly be fun to entertain and work with, or maybe even lament a failure like Dark Dawn, but in terms of Smash speculation, it's important to use the realities we have and not the ideal hypothetical situations that would benefit a particular character's inclusion in the game and even a more latent desired reality of bringing a favorite or beloved franchise back.
Fair enough, but I don't think you're dealing with the full reality here either, but you're approaching this from a rather pessimistic "didn't sell, doesn't matter", instead of going through why it didn't sell. It's easy to say that the only reason Dark Dawn failed was because fans "didn't show up", when there's a lot more to it than that - same as with Chibi-Robo (which we already talked about) and Advance Wars (which considering the FE revival, is not IS' bigger priority right now). So really, it seems more like the devs don't want to do it for reasons other than a case of "too risky, wouldn't sell". And again - the reason you don't see more evidence of Smash helping franchises is because they stopped doing it post-Brawl. The only two first parties newcomers after it without a game in "current" or "past" gens were :ultduckhunt: and :ultkrool:. That's it.

My original point is that there used to be more exceptions being made per game. Does that mean every old franchise will get revitalized solely on the fact they are now in Smash? Absolutely not (where's my R.O.B. MK II, Sakurai). Do they need additional facts besides Smash to truly shine? Certainly! But the idea here is that there used to be a space for less conventional choices, but now all the element of risk is entirely focused on third parties - not a bad thing per se, but when even your so-called "unorthodox" picks need to either be a relative big hitter in its generation (:ultwiifittrainer:) or yet another pick from Nintendo's biggest franchise (:ultpiranha:)... it does make me think we're missing out.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Fair enough, but I don't think you're dealing with the full reality here either, but you're approaching this from a rather pessimistic "didn't sell, doesn't matter", instead of going through why it didn't sell. It's easy to say that the only reason Dark Dawn failed was because fans "didn't show up", when there's a lot more to it than that - same as with Chibi-Robo (which we already talked about) and Advance Wars (which considering the FE revival, is not IS' bigger priority right now). So really, it seems more like the devs don't want to do it for reasons other than a case of "too risky, wouldn't sell". And again - the reason you don't see more evidence of Smash helping franchises is because they stopped doing it post-Brawl. The only two first parties newcomers after it without a game in "current" or "past" gens were :ultduckhunt: and :ultkrool:. That's it.

My original point is that there used to be more exceptions being made per game. Does that mean every old franchise will get revitalized solely on the fact they are now in Smash? Absolutely not (where's my R.O.B. MK II, Sakurai). Do they need additional facts besides Smash to truly shine? Certainly! But the idea here is that there used to be a space for less conventional choices, but now all the element of risk is entirely focused on third parties - not a bad thing per se, but when even your so-called "unorthodox" picks need to either be a relative big hitter in its generation (:ultwiifittrainer:) or yet another pick from Nintendo's biggest franchise (:ultpiranha:)... it does make me think we're missing out.
What was so different about Dark Dawn? AW tried to do a drastically different tone whereas Chibi Robo failed to be consistent for the Western audience and ended up appealing to none of it's pre-existing fans

EDIT: I know DD had the kids instead of the usual crew but a new cast in a franchise which had the second installments protag be one of the minor villains of the first game seems waaaaay too petty of a complaint
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I doubt we're getting Echoes. Even if they don't require a whole lot of time to make, they're not straightforward, copy-and-paste projects like alts. Sakurai and his team would have to set aside additional time to create different animations and possibly different attacks as well. That's a decent amount of time they could've invested elsewhere.

We speculate about content beyond what was promised to us all the time, and it never happens. Should we somehow actually get Echoes, we're getting charged extra for them. They're not gonna be tossed in for free like Megalovania or Floral Fury.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
That's a weird thing to say.

We don't need more fighters, period. Ultimate was more than complete at launch in terms of the roster, DLC is just fanservice.
Yes we do and we're getting them.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
What if they're trying to surprise us though?
That is a constant excuse people use when they try to make something they want to happen seen likely TBH. Yeah sure we have surprises but when something is confirmed to NOT happen, it usually means it won't happen. People were using the surprise excuse when Terry's video was announced despite how they explicitly said it had no new characters and said it couldn't be that long without a new character reveal. It is fairly obvious why it's such a common excuse as when you try to pick a reason out of a hat, surprise is kind of obligatory and one of the first to come out


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2018
Switch FC
I just had a dream last night where FP7 was announced to be Baby Yoshi (or some other Yoshi, I don't quite remember). I was like "Are you kidding me?"
Funnily enough I had a dream where I was searching through shops for amiibo of Chibi Isaac and Aisha Clan-Clan (or was it Shantae?)


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Funnily enough I had a dream where I was searching through shops for amiibo of Chibi Isaac and Aisha Clan-Clan (or was it Shantae?)
Would I be correct in assuming Chibi Isaac is Golden Sun Isaac but based on his in game sprite/model?


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Mother 3 is an odd situation that most people at this point attribute to a darker subject matter in the game that keeps it from being re-released less so than I think Nintendo actively choosing to screw over fans...
This and the licensing costs required to use quite a few songs like Mr. Batty Twist and Rock 'n Roll (Mild)/Rock 'n Roll (Spicy).

But I think we need to stop talking about getting characters in Smash as the supposed savior of their respective franchises. An inclusion in Smash is a wonderful tribute to that character and to fans of that franchise... but beyond that I don't see a ton of evidence for the "Smash savior complex" of reviving dead franchises I see thrown around so often. And hypotheticals can certainly be fun to entertain and work with, or maybe even lament a failure like Dark Dawn, but in terms of Smash speculation, it's important to use the realities we have and not the ideal hypothetical situations that would benefit a particular character's inclusion in the game and even a more latent desired reality of bringing a favorite or beloved franchise back.
This is a good point. Adding a character pulls them and their series out of obscurity, but it's never saved their series so far considering the Fire Emblem series still nearly died, and the Kid Icarus series's fate seems to be dictated by whether or not another developer wants to continue it. If not, it will die. Even the notoriety of the original 12 doesn't stop the series's involved from dying (:ness64::falcon64:), or becoming a zombie (:fox64::samus64:).
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Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
I highly doubt there will be another pass after Vol. 2. Would be nice but it doesn't seem realistic at this point.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Smash can't save franchises. But it has shown to occasionally get Japanese only series localized in the West. That can't hurt.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
I just had a dream last night where FP7 was announced to be Baby Yoshi (or some other Yoshi, I don't quite remember). I was like "Are you kidding me?"
I had one where there was a Fighters Pass Vol. 3 with 12 characters. (The 100th fighter was the last one.)
89: Bandana Dee (Kirby)

90: Poochy (Yoshi)

91: Shake King (Wario)

92: Toxtricity (Pokemon)

93: Helix (ARMS)

94: Amaterasu (Okami)

95: Crash (Crash Bandicoot)

96: Heavy (Team Fortress)

97: Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim)

98: Octane (Rocket League)

99: Lincoln Loud (The Loud House)

100: Godzilla (Godzilla)
Funnily enough, every of them are my most wanted for Smash.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I highly doubt there will be another pass after Vol. 2. Would be nice but it doesn't seem realistic at this point.
Worth noting that the only thing said was there is nothing planned at this point.

Just like was said with Pass 1.

Things could change again. An Echo Pass does sound a lot more realistic than a full unique pass, though. And I do agree overall that it doesn't feel that likely, just we don't really have much of a reason to believe it's off the table.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Worth noting that the only thing said was there is nothing planned at this point.

Just like was said with Pass 1.

Things could change again. An Echo Pass does sound a lot more realistic than a full unique pass, though. And I do agree overall that it doesn't feel that likely, just we don't really have much of a reason to believe it's off the table.
Let’s not forget the individual DLC section - seems like a waste to have it for Piranha Plant only

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Let’s not forget the individual DLC section - seems like a waste to have it for Piranha Plant only
To be fair, we have even less of a hint of another individual character again. After told there was no DLC plans, we got another pass.

I would certainly hope so, but I could see PP filling out that section alone. That'd be a great way to handle some extra Echoes too. That way they don't have to focus on music/stages/spirit boards.

...That said, it's odd they didn't tell us spirit boards would be done again for the next pass(though most likely it's happening).

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
To be fair, we have even less of a hint of another individual character again. After told there was no DLC plans, we got another pass.

I would certainly hope so, but I could see PP filling out that section alone. That'd be a great way to handle some extra Echoes too. That way they don't have to focus on music/stages/spirit boards.

...That said, it's odd they didn't tell us spirit boards would be done again for the next pass(though most likely it's happening).
Maybe it’s because not every fighter is getting a spirit board! :troll:

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Maybe it’s because not every fighter is getting a spirit board! :troll:
I mean, that could be the case. If they can't think of new stuff, they don't need one. ARMS has enough extra characters, sure. Most franchises do that they could add. But some might have less options, whether it's cause it could be, say, a Final Fantasy(VII) character, or someone from a franchise that has no feasible spirits they could think of(I can't think of a good example).


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
...That said, it's odd they didn't tell us spirit boards would be done again for the next pass(though most likely it's happening).
I thought they said the new fighters would get the whole shebang. Was it just that each one would get a stage & music?

Blazing Blade, the game that came out in the west was the one with localization plans
Huh. I could've sworn Roy's game was localized. The more you know.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2018
Switch FC
Would I be correct in assuming Chibi Isaac is Golden Sun Isaac but based on his in game sprite/model?

And for some reason all of the amiibo were located on the bottom shelf.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I thought they said the new fighters would get the whole shebang. Was it just that each one would get a stage & music?
I'm pretty sure they said they were getting certain items, but I'm probably remembering wrong. I don't remember the link to the interview.
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