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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Did K. Rool gain significant momentum during the Ballot? Yes. But for him to gain such momentum entails having a significant fanbase that could be rallied once the time came.

K. Rool has always been popular. I was here during Sm4sh speculation, and he was popular throughout the entire cycle. Stop trying to revise history.
Okay, but when did I ever say K. Rool wasn't popular? Literally the first thing I pointed out in my post is that K. Rool was one of the most highly requested characters in 2013.

Even if K. Rool was a really popular character, believe it or not, there was actually a point in time when he wasn't the undeniable most frequently requested character for Smash. Mewtwo and Ridley were definitely a bigger topic leading up to Smash 4's release. Anyone who takes offense to that are the real people who are trying to rewrite history, probably so that they can convince themselves and others that K. Rool has been #1 since Diddy got in Brawl.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
What do you think Crash's general playstyle will be? I know he should have something involving breaking boxes and Aku Aku (Wonder Wing 2.0?) but the only playstyle pitch I've seen is "make him spin the character" and I don't think that's a good design.
I personally imagine him having one of those wacky and crazy playstyles.

I also imagine his Aku Aku being his Final Smash where he puts him on his face and becomes invincible running around the stage, anyone Crash touches gets thrown off the stage.

I could see his Up B him jumping off an crate. Neutral B being his Fruit Bazooka and his Down B being doing his spin attack. Not too certain what his Side B could be though.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Funky Kong is the most relevant, popular, and likely of the yet-unplayable DKC characters

Change my mind

hint: you can't
dude i support funky and that sounds kinda wack. funky had to be a selling point in a tropical freeze port to be the "most relevant, popular, and likely".

im pretty sure dixie stans got us beat bro
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Phoenix Douchebag

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2020
Agreed. I honestly thought K. Rool has been requested since the Melee days. The more you know apparently.
Im pretty sure that's also revisionist history. In Smash speculation, the Sidekick always comes first before the Villain, and because of that it was Diddy who was far, far more requested.

The only time the villain and sidekick were requested at the same time was in Melee with Falco and Wolf, and that was ONLY because Wolf showed up in Melee's intro, which made people believe he was playable alongside Ridley and Samurai Goroh. Hell i think if F-Zero wasn't dead, it's possible he would have become a common contender for Smash in a similar fashion to Ridley and Wolf, maybe even became playable, but F-Zero died so an Assist is all he gets.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Funky Kong is the most relevant, popular, and likely of the yet-unplayable DKC characters

Change my mind

hint: you can't
Well he's not the most popular (that easily goes to Dixie Kong), and he's probably the same in terms of relevance with Dixie and Kranky Kong. I would agree that he's the most likely since he can be an Echo Fighter, but that only applies to the next game.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
You know, I wonder if Steve is being slept on. I mean I'm not the collective minds of Nintendo corporate, but I'm pretty curious about him. I still stand by him not being able to work as a Mii costume, his limbs literally cannot bend.

Banjo VS Steve wars are over, and I'm not seeing no Master Chief or Fulgore I JUST WANT FULGORE GOD DAMMIT so maybe he's still viable.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2018
Bochum, Germany
You know, I wonder if Steve is being slept on. I mean I'm not the collective minds of Nintendo corporate, but I'm pretty curious about him. I still stand by him not being able to work as a Mii costume, his limbs literally cannot bend.

Banjo VS Steve wars are over, and I'm not seeing no Master Chief or Fulgore I JUST WANT FULGORE GOD DAMMIT so maybe he's still viable.
Phil Spencer basically deconfirmed all Microsoft characters, so I think they're all screwed.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
1. Waluigi
2. Sora
3. Crash Bandicoot
4. Geno
5. Isaac
6. Lloyd Irving
7. Dixie Kong
8. Bandana Dee
9. Steve
10. Dante

Would you guys say these are the current most requested characters not yet in Smash?


Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
You know, I wonder if Steve is being slept on. I mean I'm not the collective minds of Nintendo corporate, but I'm pretty curious about him. I still stand by him not being able to work as a Mii costume, his limbs literally cannot bend.

Banjo VS Steve wars are over, and I'm not seeing no Master Chief or Fulgore I JUST WANT FULGORE GOD DAMMIT so maybe he's still viable.
I don’t think he’d work as a Mii either. Like you said, too stiff for mii. Imagine the challenger pack though. We get Steve, a ton of music, and a stage which switched between the overworld, nether and end. Then to add injury to Master Chief’s insult, we get a Master Chief Mii outfit. But, it’s incredibly unlikely for even any of that to happen. T’is a sad day.


Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
1. Waluigi
2. Sora
3. Crash Bandicoot
4. Geno
5. Isaac
6. Lloyd Irving
7. Dixie Kong
8. Bandana Dee
9. Steve
10. Dante

Would you guys say these are the current most requested characters not yet in Smash?
Sora is way above Waluigi, and swap Bandana Dee and Dante.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Im pretty sure that's also revisionist history. In Smash speculation, the Sidekick always comes first before the Villain, and because of that it was Diddy who was far, far more requested.

The only time the villain and sidekick were requested at the same time was in Melee with Falco and Wolf, and that was ONLY because Wolf showed up in Melee's intro, which made people believe he was playable alongside Ridley and Samurai Goroh. Hell i think if F-Zero wasn't dead, it's possible he would have become a common contender for Smash in a similar fashion to Ridley and Wolf, maybe even became playable, but F-Zero died so an Assist is all he gets.
Goroh and Wolf are rivals, not full on villains. For that you’d want Black Shadow and Andross. Andross is an AT, but Black Shadow isn’t sooooo...

yes I know he’s a Spirit let me dream


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
1. Waluigi
2. Sora
3. Crash Bandicoot
4. Geno
5. Isaac
6. Lloyd Irving
7. Dixie Kong
8. Bandana Dee
9. Steve
10. Dante

Would you guys say these are the current most requested characters not yet in Smash?
Most? Eh, I don't know, Sora is a little higher up than Waluigi honestly because Waluigi is a lot more ****ing likely than Sora right now lmao.

I haven't really seen much of a Dante surge until FP5 rumors were going about, what about Phoenix Wright?

I don’t think he’d work as a Mii either. Like you said, too stiff for mii. Imagine the challenger pack though. We get Steve, a ton of music, and a stage which switched between the overworld, nether and end. Then to add injury to Master Chief’s insult, we get a Master Chief Mii outfit. But, it’s incredibly unlikely for even any of that to happen. T’is a sad day.
It's okay bro, the Chief will come in one day, just not today.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Im pretty sure that's also revisionist history. In Smash speculation, the Sidekick always comes first before the Villain, and because of that it was Diddy who was far, far more requested.

The only time the villain and sidekick were requested at the same time was in Melee with Falco and Wolf, and that was ONLY because Wolf showed up in Melee's intro, which made people believe he was playable alongside Ridley and Samurai Goroh. Hell i think if F-Zero wasn't dead, it's possible he would have become a common contender for Smash in a similar fashion to Ridley and Wolf, maybe even became playable, but F-Zero died so an Assist is all he gets.
Goroh is a really sad case honestly because he was pretty popular in the early days of Smash 4 speculation. But he got AT'd pretty quickly and time has been...less than kind...to F-Zero.

I actually owned the Smash 4 Goroh thread.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Goroh is a really sad case honestly because he was pretty popular in the early days of Smash 4 speculation. But he got AT'd pretty quickly and time has been...less than kind...to F-Zero.

I actually owned the Smash 4 Goroh thread.
I would go for Goroh if I wasn't such a sucker for villains. They make him so dorky in the games, but he's a legitimate badass in the anime. But Black Shadow tops him in badassery so I really just prefer him. :nifty:

I remember when Goroh sliced a ****ing missile in half to flex on people.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Phil Spencer basically deconfirmed all Microsoft characters, so I think they're all screwed.
What did he say?

If this is about what he said regarding Nintendo in his recent interview, nothing he said disconfirms another Microsoft character, especially not Minecraft which is already on every system imaginable and is pretty much 100% ran by Mojang since Microsoft lets them do their own thing.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
What did he say?

If this is about what he said regarding Nintendo in his recent interview, nothing he said disconfirms another Microsoft character, especially not Minecraft which is already on every system imaginable and is pretty much 100% ran by Mojang since Microsoft lets them do their own thing.
Hm, if that's the case...


Guess I'm back on the Steve team.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I always thought that since Diddy Kong can't really be Dixie Kong's other half anymore since he's his own character, it would be a cool idea to have Dixie Kong be swappable with Kiddy Kong. That way you don't have to uproot Diddy Kong and could still represent the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy's unique mechanics.

Goroh is a really sad case honestly because he was pretty popular in the early days of Smash 4 speculation. But he got AT'd pretty quickly and time has been...less than kind...to F-Zero.

I actually owned the Smash 4 Goroh thread.
Oh yeah. I remember people really loved the idea of him as a fighter alongside Little Mac and Isaac. Considering his moveset would pretty much be a Smash original I'd like to see what the result would be.

EDIT: Considering that he seems to be a cross between a weeb and a hippie and his current portrayal in Smash gives him sloppy sword strikes, he certainly wouldn't be boring.

I remember when Goroh sliced a ****ing missile in half to flex on people.
He did what now?

off topic but what if the ARMS character is Hedlok and it functions like Pokémon Trainer
That...would be quite odd. I'd prefer it as a stage hazard to be honest. Also, if two stretchy ARMS are hard to balance then six of them would be impossible.
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Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2016
I didn't make this, i found it online and thought that it could be interesting to post here.

View attachment 268539

Any thoughts ? Personally i could see it work but the adjustments would have to be phenomenal for some characters just to not look jarring in action.
I think we should keep that in mind in our speculation on our Arms rep in everyday!!!!


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
K. Rool was popular in 2013, and while he easily qualified as one of the most requested characters, most of the attention was on Mewtwo and Ridley.

The Smash Wii U presentation in October 2014 confirmed Mewtwo and deconfirmed Ridley, and that's when K. Rool started gaining momentum. Once the ballot was announced he really took off, and that's around the same time Banjo and Geno were getting more support as well.
You do realize a bunch of people got their start during the Smash 4 days on this forum and with Smash speculation period, and thus usually have a pretty good memory as to what was happening back then because it really wasn't that long ago, right? The easiest way to look at things is just look at where people were disappointed with Smash 3DS' ESRB leak, and those were overwhelmingly Mewtwo, Ridley, and King K. Rool being absolutely absent. The best I can say to your point is that there was a general sentiment of no new DK content being a bad thing and the DK fandom was more split between Dixie and King K. Rool (though Dixie Kong was often, and to some degree still is, thought of as the compromise candidate if people couldn't get King K. Rool and the two camps largely overlapped with heavy support). People had been talking about DK content in Smash 4 for months because they wanted new stuff and DKC Returns had just returned the series to mainstream attention and people hadn't seen much of it (they would leave very disappointed from that game unfortunately). King K. Rool gained steady momentum from the point that Diddy Kong was announced to his eventual reveal in August 2018, with the only waning period being after he got hit with the Mii Costume in Smash 4, which was largely created in response to the early ballot presence King K. Rool had.

That costume released in July 2015 and had to have been in development at least a month before hand it's safe to assume, so I think that's actually quite indicative of his popularity being before the ballot had actually really started. But more importantly, if you go back to the mid-2014 period of Smash speculation and check the K. Rool thread, you'll see pages filled with this video:

This video was what the K. Rool thread use to post every time we got a new member to the thread. It was the standard introduction for new supporters to King K. Rool and he was absolutely started to dominate discourse as Ridley's discourse had either become too toxic or people knew he was disconfirmed at that point (thus the entire shadow debacle that largely contributed to Ridley being a miserable topic of conversation post April 2014). K. Rool was already gaining momentum rapidly well before that October 2014 Direct, and even then, it was a sour time in the community with a lot of uncertainty to how Nintendo was going to handle post launch content and if they would really listen to the "core fans" at all. I would argue that basically no fan base was really gaining momentum between Smash for Wii U's release and the April 2015 Direct that confirmed additional DLC, or at least not in particularly meaningful ways as fans struggled with the awkward post release period of that game. The only real thing I saw from people in that period was more of anger and frustration with the lack of new DK and Metroid content, and I wouldn't really call those reactions as much of a foundation for an explosion in popularity. People had been expecting that content throughout the hype cycle leading up to Smash 4's release, and it largely wasn't there upon release, so the momentum had been there for quite some time. King K. Rool and Ridley absolutely we're considered dual titans of speculation by mid-2014 with Mewtwo always being present as well (though anxiety and anticipation was somewhat lessened for him because he wasn't carrying the weight of a beloved series on him like Ridley and King K. Rool did for Metroid and Donkey Kong respectively).

Banjo & Kazooie got more support instantly because of Phil Spencer's Tweet and is largely the only instance I've ever seen in Smash history of a character's popularity popping up that aggressively overnight. Geno's a weird one because during Smash 4's era, his support had largely cratered and he was left with a comparatively small support base as people didn't think we were getting Square Enix to the table ever, and well, he was Geno, so he was always a tough sell. He only revived more seriously once we saw Cloud and specifically his Mii Costume showed people he hadn't been completely forgotten and Sakurai even backed him up as option. He didn't really hit the peak of his popularity until after Ultimate had been revealed, and his strongest stretch outside of the Brawl era came post King K. Rool when it seemed like the planets were aligning for his inclusion (and most fan favorites were in a similar state that hadn't been shown as ATs at that point). And I'd argue that was the biggest Geno ever really got though his Brawl showing was certainly somewhat impressive too.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2014
On this Planet
All this discussion about the Smash 4 speculation days brings me back to the chaos that ensued with the ESRB leak.

Also, K. Rool has been popular on here since I found this site like 7 years ago. Saying he's only been popular in recent years is straight up incorrect. In fact, K. Rool is who I voted for on the ballot.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
And it doesn't even make sense in Daisy's moveset.
Tell me about it.

I'll give Peach a free ride since she's...ya know, their ruler, but jesus christ Daisy is seventeen years old as a character and doesn't even have a basic characterization like who she actually rules set in stone.

Peach has the Toads, Bowser has the Koopa Troopas(amongst others), Rosalina has the Lumas, Pauline(though not member of royalty) has the New Donkers...even Wart had Shy Guys.

All the many years of fans talking about how different Daisy could be and how she deserves to be more than just a Peach recolour and that's essentially all she ended up as in Smash. She's Alph level with a tweaked taunt animation.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
You do realize a bunch of people got their start during the Smash 4 days on this forum and with Smash speculation period, and thus usually have a pretty good memory as to what was happening back then because it really wasn't that long ago, right? The easiest way to look at things is just look at where people were disappointed with Smash 3DS' ESRB leak, and those were overwhelmingly Mewtwo, Ridley, and King K. Rool being absolutely absent. The best I can say to your point is that there was a general sentiment of no new DK content being a bad thing and the DK fandom was more split between Dixie and King K. Rool (though Dixie Kong was often, and to some degree still is, thought of as the compromise candidate if people couldn't get King K. Rool and the two camps largely overlapped with heavy support). People had been talking about DK content in Smash 4 for months because they wanted new stuff and DKC Returns had just returned the series to mainstream attention and people hadn't seen much of it (they would leave very disappointed from that game unfortunately). King K. Rool gained steady momentum from the point that Diddy Kong was announced to his eventual reveal in August 2018, with the only waning period being after he got hit with the Mii Costume in Smash 4, which was largely created in response to the early ballot presence King K. Rool had.

That costume released in July 2015 and had to have been in development at least a month before hand it's safe to assume, so I think that's actually quite indicative of his popularity being before the ballot had actually really started. But more importantly, if you go back to the mid-2014 period of Smash speculation and check the K. Rool thread, you'll see pages filled with this video:

This video was what the K. Rool thread use to post every time we got a new member to the thread. It was the standard introduction for new supporters to King K. Rool and he was absolutely started to dominate discourse as Ridley's discourse had either become too toxic or people knew he was disconfirmed at that point (thus the entire shadow debacle that largely contributed to Ridley being a miserable topic of conversation post April 2014). K. Rool was already gaining momentum rapidly well before that October 2014 Direct, and even then, it was a sour time in the community with a lot of uncertainty to how Nintendo was going to handle post launch content and if they would really listen to the "core fans" at all. I would argue that basically no fan base was really gaining momentum between Smash for Wii U's release and the April 2015 Direct that confirmed additional DLC, or at least not in particularly meaningful ways as fans struggled with the awkward post release period of that game. The only real thing I saw from people in that period was more of anger and frustration with the lack of new DK and Metroid content, and I wouldn't really call those reactions as much of a foundation for an explosion in popularity. People had been expecting that content throughout the hype cycle leading up to Smash 4's release, and it largely wasn't there upon release, so the momentum had been there for quite some time. King K. Rool and Ridley absolutely we're considered dual titans of speculation by mid-2014 with Mewtwo always being present as well (though anxiety and anticipation was somewhat lessened for him because he wasn't carrying the weight of a beloved series on him like Ridley and King K. Rool did for Metroid and Donkey Kong respectively).

Banjo & Kazooie got more support instantly because of Phil Spencer's Tweet and is largely the only instance I've ever seen in Smash history of a character's popularity popping up that aggressively overnight. Geno's a weird one because during Smash 4's era, his support had largely cratered and he was left with a comparatively small support base as people didn't think we were getting Square Enix to the table ever, and well, he was Geno, so he was always a tough sell. He only revived more seriously once we saw Cloud and specifically his Mii Costume showed people he hadn't been completely forgotten and Sakurai even backed him up as option. He didn't really hit the peak of his popularity until after Ultimate had been revealed, and his strongest stretch outside of the Brawl era came post King K. Rool when it seemed like the planets were aligning for his inclusion (and most fan favorites were in a similar state that hadn't been shown as ATs at that point). And I'd argue that was the biggest Geno ever really got though his Brawl showing was certainly somewhat impressive too.
All I was trying to point out is that between Mewtwo, Ridley, and K. Rool, the former two got brought up more frequently in the time leading up to Smash 3DS's release. Either people disagree and remember K. Rool being more popular, or people are extremely sensitive to anything that claims K. Rool's popularity wasn't the same before and after Smash 3DS was released.

I'm not questioning K. Rool being popular, and despite me joining Smashboards after Smash 4 speculation, I've been following Smash speculation since Brawl. I remember everything that happened too, and if we go back to 2013 and early 2014, I remember more Bigley memes and jokes about Mewtwo and Greninja than stuff involving K. Rool.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
1. Waluigi
2. Sora
3. Crash Bandicoot
4. Geno
5. Isaac
6. Lloyd Irving
7. Dixie Kong
8. Bandana Dee
9. Steve
10. Dante

Would you guys say these are the current most requested characters not yet in Smash?
You forgot Phoenix Wright.

Also, there's probably a lot more than 10 singular characters you can group into "most requested". Probably more of a group of 20 or even 50.
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Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
You know, I wonder if Steve is being slept on. I mean I'm not the collective minds of Nintendo corporate, but I'm pretty curious about him. I still stand by him not being able to work as a Mii costume, his limbs literally cannot bend.

Banjo VS Steve wars are over, and I'm not seeing no Master Chief or Fulgore I JUST WANT FULGORE GOD DAMMIT so maybe he's still viable.
I still think Steve has very high chance of being in. It's still in the top 5 eshop sales of last month, he have a game coming in May, and honestly Minecraft is just too big to be ignored. Sakurai said that Smash ultimate is basically the video game crossover now, and you can't pretend to be the video game crossover and ignoring Minecraft.

As for Chief, honestly I think his chance are pretty low because Halo was never that big in Japan and he have no presence on Switch. People start supporting it a lot because of that rumor about Master chief collection on Switch, but we haven't heard anything new about it so it might be fake.
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