Basically all of the third parties in Smash have such a wealth of characters that passes dedicated to them would be awesome.
Konami: Bomberman, Alucard, Raiden, Goemon, Bill Rizer. Possibly even Frogger, too.
SEGA: Arle, Kiryu, Tails/Eggman, Demi-fiend/Yu Narukami, and Sakura Shinguji.
Capcom: Dante, RE Survivor/Wesker, Amaterasu, Phoenix Wright, and Morrigan.
Bamco: Haruka Amami, Agumon, KOS-MOS, Heihachi Mishima, Lloyd Irving (and I could sub out one of these for the Prince)
Square Enix: Lara Croft, Crono, Classic FF character, Slime, and 2B. Or maybe even Gex.
Microsoft: Steve, Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Conker, and Joanna Dark.
SNK: Kyo Kusanagi, Geese Howard, Nakoruru, Iori Yagami, and Athena Asamiya. You could sub out a few of those for a Metal Slug rep, or other characters.
Alright, one last game before the reveal tomorrow...
Let's say that, after this current Fighters Pass, we get an announcement that the next DLC character will be a

-style "bonus" character that comes completely by itself and isn't connected to any Passes. This character also has to follow the following two rules/guidelines...
- The character has to have some reusable assets from Ultimate or the previous Smash games. Assist Trophies, Mii Fighter costumes, regular trophies, in-game model cameos... basically anything that can be used to help the development process go faster than just starting from scratch.
- The character will not come with a stage, music, or spirits in order to lessen the workload, so it will likely be a character from a series that already has plenty of those in Smash already.
With those in mind, who would you pick for a hypothetical "bonus" character?
Alucard and I don't look back. I'd say Shovel Knight but under condition 2, he's not a pick I'd want. Alucard? Would be amazing. But I'd probably actually do Waluigi for the people.