Are we going down this route of categorizing characters by their "soul" now?
I guess that means Bayonetta isn't a SEGA character anymore because it's a Platinum Games brainchild, or maybe Joker isn't a SEGA character anymore because Atlus was independent before being bought by SEGA, oh or maybe we're going to go as far as to say that Snake isn't even a Konami character because his primary creator has left the company taking the soul with him.
This line of logic is ridiculous, and it's not something anyone sane would even consider when deciding characters, much less Nintendo or Capcom.
Matt Walker has also disconfirmed him for DLC on October saying that "we" being him and Capcom/Itsuno haven't been approached for Smash. That is one month after Sakurai had tweeted that all DLC characters had already been chosen by this point in time.
You already know I'm the biggest Dante supporter there is, but this is pretty damning to his chances.