Oh I meant as far as "droughts" were concerned, lol. Like, Terry just came out last month. We're not in a drought.
In Smash 4 we had the month and a half after Diddy Kong and Little Mac go by until the April Direct when we usually had two characters per month, the six months between newcomers reveals for Wii Fit Trainer and Rosalina, and the radio silence up until Mewtwo's release and after Ryu's release.
And then in Brawl the initial E3 2006 trailer was all there was for an entire year, more or less, outside of a random update that showed off Fox after six months.
This isn't a drought at all and people going stir crazy over it is...kinda sad, lol.
Honestly, I'd say Brawl and Smash 4's hype season were better. Smash 4 updated viewers every weekday, and once Brawl got off the ground with the Dojo, it was nonstop fun. You got to learn about assist trophies, pokemon, stages, music, game modes, little details Sakurai pointed out, final smashes, or just funny photos.
Meanwhile... a majority of Ultimate's speculation has been on this one Fighters Pass with barely any daily news from Sakurai, with a majority of everything being reserved for directs. Plus most of Ultimate's basegame roster was already revealed thanks to EVERYBODY IS HERE removing veteran speculation, pushing Ultimate's speculation primarily on, "Who's are the newcomers?"
That's just my experience, though. I didn't join Smashboards until after Joker's reveal.