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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2019
Just stay positive about the staff fixing it for the awaited day!

And if not... there’s always the next day to share all the memes!
We need a “evil Nintendo“ meme. With all of the talk about evil cooperations, it needs to be a thing.
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Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
This thread moves several pages per day and I tend to only visit every other day. What's this TGA leak that's got some life to it?
This one:

So far it has some "maybes" going for it. The Re: Mind trailer leaked and is coming out in Jan (on PS4), HZD may be coming to PC based on a rumor, and there are rumblings of SMT V news coming. The one on here that likely couldn't be guessed is the Clock Tower remake, so if that gets leaked then you can assume at least some of the info is correct.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
Why the hell are people even believing Cat Leak, like, at all? Its literally a random 4chan post piggybacking off of a real leak from E3, and hell, all the original leaker knew were the codenames his friend told him, why would the same guy suddenly know the next 3 DLC characters 4 months later? Use your brains people.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Geralt appearing in DxM is really odd to me, why not Travis?
Marvelous owns the character and he's associated with mecha as well. Are they holding him back for something else?
(Probably not, Terry appeared in Fighting EX Layer so this obviously isn't a rule, just a bit odd.)


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Why the hell are people even believing Cat Leak, like, at all? Its literally a random 4chan post piggybacking off of a real leak from E3, and hell, all the original leaker knew were the codenames his friend told him, why would the same guy suddenly know the next 3 DLC characters 4 months later? Use your brains people.
If the Grinch Leak is any evidence, the fanbase is willing to believe anything they see.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Have to say, I’m rather unsure of how to view this all myself.

I do find it odd that Namco can be shot down, but KOS-MOS can’t be. That doesn’t make much sense for obvious reasons. I would assume Verge would seek clarification based on that inconsistency, but otherwise the suspicion is that KOS-MOS is the pick, and Verge is laying the groundwork to be “correct” without fully committing.

I mean, that’s just a thought.

Drunk cat leak shouldn’t be given any sort of time at least for now. Even if a text leak is correct about something, it’s usually because it’s a lucky guess. If the question is, “How many texts leaks actually have information?” The answer would be “About 1%”.

After all, there was a text leak for Terry being on the 6th saying Phoenix Wright was fighter 5. He got that right, therefore Phoenix is Fighter 5...right?

It should also be noted that several rumors with characters like Reimu came up and then completely disappeared. This happens with particular characters every time the conversation centers around them...people use them in leaks to get more attention, and it usually works.

Reimu could be in, but it’s best not to base the assumption that she IS in on a text leak.
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2019
This one:

So far it has some "maybes" going for it. The Re: Mind trailer leaked and is coming out in Jan (on PS4), HZD may be coming to PC based on a rumor, and there are rumblings of SMT V news coming. The one on here that likely couldn't be guessed is the Clock Tower remake, so if that gets leaked then you can assume at list some of the info is correct.
Kosmos is seemingly cornered at this point. Some people are going to come here for the things in the post.
Why the hell are people even believing Cat Leak, like, at all? Its literally a random 4chan post piggybacking off of a real leak from E3, and hell, all the original leaker knew were the codenames his friend told him, why would the same guy suddenly know the next 3 DLC characters 4 months later? Use your brains people.
because the old characters are done at that point.
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Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Dang it the image uploaded is messing up again, I really hope they get it fixed by Thursday or else all the memes I’ve stockpiled will go to waste!
Perhaps it would help if you finally did as your name implies. . .
And clean everyone's clocks.

I've been looking for ages for an opportunity to make this reference to you so I'll take this chance even if it's not the best


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
PapaGenos made a video about the original cat leak a week before the second post, it's obviously piggybacking.

Deleted member

This one:

So far it has some "maybes" going for it. The Re: Mind trailer leaked and is coming out in Jan (on PS4), HZD may be coming to PC based on a rumor, and there are rumblings of SMT V news coming. The one on here that likely couldn't be guessed is the Clock Tower remake, so if that gets leaked then you can assume at list some of the info is correct.
Hm. That would be cool. KOS-MOS would be nice. I liked the original trilogy of games. It was super ambitious, but it didn't sell well so they couldn't get the whole series out. It was supposed to span 6 games but only made it to 3. I've been playing the series since its original incarnation back on PS1.

Deleted member

Have to say, I’m rather unsure of how to view this all myself.

I do find it odd that Namco can be shot down, but KOS-MOS can’t be. That doesn’t make much sense for obvious reasons. I would assume Verge would seem clarification based on that inconsistency, but otherwise the suspicion is that KOS-MOS is the pick, and Verge is laying the groundwork to be “correct” without fully committing.

I mean, that’s just a thought.

Drunk cat leak shouldn’t be given any sort of time at least for now. Even if a text leak is correct about something, it’s usually because it’s a lucky guess. If the question is, “How many texts leaks actually have information?” The answer would be “About 1%”.

After all, there was a text leak for Terry being on the 6th saying Phoenix Wright was fighter 5. He got that right, therefore Phoenix is Fighter 5...right?

It should also be noted that several rumors with characters like Reimu came up and then completely disappeared. This happens with particular characters every time the conversation centers around them...people use them in leaks to get more attention, and it usually works.

Reimu could be in, but it’s best not to base the assumption that she IS in on a text leak.
Yeah, I honestly believe that we shouldn’t be trying to take leaks as facts, and instead just be open minded about what is to come without getting worried about what one insider or alledged leak has said or not.

It is a lesson I feel we could have taken from Grinch and Google Theory.

The best thing right now is to just open our minds, wait and see what ends up happening.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Maybe Vergeben's source has heard something about how FP5 might be a character from Monolith Soft, but isn't sure who it is? That'd make the uncertainty with KOS-MOS understable.
'Course, if it were someone from Monolith Soft, that wouldn't guarantee KOS-MOS, either.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2019
PapaGenos made a video about the original cat leak a week before the second post, it's obviously piggybacking.
That’s interesting.
Maybe Vergeben's source has heard something about how FP5 might be a character from Monolith Soft, but isn't sure who it is? That'd make the uncertainty with KOS-MOS understable.
'Course, if it were someone from Monolith Soft, that wouldn't guarantee KOS-MOS, either.
They’re just (badly) avoiding breaking the terms and services.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Hopefully the Chinese market enjoys the Switch a lot!

It probably has been tough to get the console on sale over there, but hopefully all the efforts pay up in the end!
Yes - the first mention I could find is dated November 2018 (around the time Sakurai announced the FP lock) and they announced the partnership officially in April. This is after the Chinese government tightened its noose on video game laws (partly due to a massive scandal involving Tencent's own mobile LoL) and restructured its approval department - freezing approvals of new games and monetization (the first freeze was from March to December 2018, and the second February to April 2019).

This freeze caught Tencent completely off guard, and they literally couldn't earn money from PUBG nor Fortnite. By the end, Tencent had lost an estimated $230-250 Billion just by the freeze alone and been knocked out of the top ten biggest companies. That's about the same amount of money as the State of Oregon or smaller countries like Romania makes in yearly GDP, completely and utterly wiped out. Nintendo of course was largely unaffected (any Switch consoles in China up to this point are imported grey market consoles), so that's the main reason why I'm not worried about the Big N. If anything, Nintendo's the partner in a much stronger position; Tencent are still visibly limping after that.

Re: Gray market. While one estimate suggests that there are about half a million Switches or more imported into China already, at least some of those owners could wind up buying official Switches. Some to hack into the official ones and allow the global eShop and servers (online services have been region locked for the Chinese Switch because it's handled by Tencent's server clusters - the cartridge slot is still region-free), and others perhaps to give it to family and friends who don't want to risk wading into the muddy and sometimes dangerous grey market.

By the way, what makes me suspect that Tencent had a hand in :ult_terry:'s inclusion is not just the talks of launching the Switch in there, but also that both Nintendo and Tencent have been friendly and helpful towards SNK. Making Terry perhaps easier to acquire than Sakurai might have expected.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
That’s not even..
Fatman called Sabi out on Blackmailing and making people lose their jobs, Idk what page it happened but it didn’t have anything to do with the previous drama
I highly doubt that for multiple reasons
1: Discord DMs are laughably easy to fake, you don't even need inspect element and Fatman's been caught lying before to save his ass as seen with how he pretended he willingly retired instead of being kicked out
2: Let's assume it's all true. Highly convinient that Fatman just so happened to reveal it after he got kicked out and not before. He's only doing it to get back at Sabi at that point instead of actually caring about the people who were blackmailed or whatnot


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2019
Kitchen Island
"Another anime character"

If, IF, it does turn out to be Kos-Mos that would mean that this is the first female of the Pass, the first android in Smash, the first character to use laser canons, and the first 3rd part character to be canonical to a first party game to ever get in. She's got a lot of things going for her besides "anime" but like it's a Japanese game. You don't have lots of them but this? This is a bruh moment.
K. Rool and Diddy were created by a 3rd party for Donkey Kong Country, ROB uses a laser cannon and Megaman is an Android.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Maybe Vergeben's source has heard something about how FP5 might be a character from Monolith Soft, but isn't sure who it is? That'd make the uncertainty with KOS-MOS understable.
'Course, if it were someone from Monolith Soft, that wouldn't guarantee KOS-MOS, either.
But that doesn’t explain why the source was able to disconfirm Namco-Bandai entirely nearly a week ago.

Deleted member

I highly doubt that for multiple reasons
1: Discord DMs are laughably easy to fake, you don't even need inspect element and Fatman's been caught lying before to save his ass as seen with how he pretended he willingly retired instead of being kicked out
2: Let's assume it's all true. Highly convinient that Fatman just so happened to reveal it after he got kicked out and not before. He's only doing it to get back at Sabi at that point instead of actually caring about the people who were blackmailed or whatnot
I talked with Paragon on PMs...

...what Fatman said was real.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2019
Have to say, I’m rather unsure of how to view this all myself.

I do find it odd that Namco can be shot down, but KOS-MOS can’t be. That doesn’t make much sense for obvious reasons. I would assume Verge would seek clarification based on that inconsistency, but otherwise the suspicion is that KOS-MOS is the pick, and Verge is laying the groundwork to be “correct” without fully committing.

I mean, that’s just a thought.

Drunk cat leak shouldn’t be given any sort of time at least for now. Even if a text leak is correct about something, it’s usually because it’s a lucky guess. If the question is, “How many texts leaks actually have information?” The answer would be “About 1%”.

After all, there was a text leak for Terry being on the 6th saying Phoenix Wright was fighter 5. He got that right, therefore Phoenix is Fighter 5...right?

It should also be noted that several rumors with characters like Reimu came up and then completely disappeared. This happens with particular characters every time the conversation centers around them...people use them in leaks to get more attention, and it usually works.

Reimu could be in, but it’s best not to base the assumption that she IS in on a text leak.
My thoughts surrounding verge exactly. He says that Kosmos is in a weird spot when she isn’t at all. Fully owned by Bamco. Seems to me that Verge has caught wind of some semi legit leak and thinks it’s probably real so he is saying his source said Kosmos maybe just so he thinks he can be right either way


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I said this in the Phoenix thread but as someone who loves Xenosaga and whose best friend has has KOS-MOS as her most wanted since the early 2000s, this sudden upswing in support and perceived likelihood is genuinely so weird to me. Obviously I'd be incredibly excited if she got in (preferably using her classic designs) but...it doesn't make a lot of sense. Xenosaga has great music, tons of spirit potential, and amazing and memorable locations. It also has an awesome sci-fi aesthetic unlike anything else we have in Smash. And yet, it's still super weird that she's the character people are jumping towards. So she's in a lot of crossovers...okay? Harada has said multiple times that he wants to do a Xenosaga HD trilogy but that the demand was never there to make it happen. If Bamco doesn't have faith in the actual games she's from, would they have faith in putting her in Smash? I just don't know.

Anyway, I'm switching my prediction to Game Guy based on the dream I had last night:

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Deleted member

K. Rool and Diddy were created by a 3rd party for Donkey Kong Country, ROB uses a laser cannon and Megaman is an Android.
Pretty sure Megaman is an Android, not a Cyborg. Cyborgs are still part biological while Androids are full robot. Megaman was always a complete robot; he was never partially human at any point.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
I think it's pretty obvious the Jon twitter rant from yesterday against him and sabi, confidently proclaiming that they know nothing about fighter 5, followed by him "predicting" kos-mos out of nowhere have shook vergeben. Wouldn't be surprised if he was in full paranoia mode trying to find out if it's really kos-mos, Jon bluffing or honest innocent speculation, and the appropiate course of action in each scenario. For now he has defaulted to "I don't know".


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2019
Kitchen Island
Pretty sure Megaman is an Android, not a Cyborg. Cyborgs are still part biological while Androids are full robot. Megaman was always a complete robot; he was never partially human at any point.
Yeah you’re right, I’m thinking I got my robohuman terms mixed up. Fixed it right after I posted. Good catch


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2019
I said this in the Phoenix thread but as someone who loves Xenosaga and whose best friend has has KOS-MOS as her most wanted since the early 2000s, this sudden upswing in support and perceived likelihood is genuinely so weird to me. Obviously I'd be incredibly excited if she got in (preferably using her classic designs) but...it doesn't make a lot of sense. Xenosaga has great music, tons of spirit potential, and amazing and memorable locations. It also has an awesome sci-fi aesthetic unlike anything else we have in Smash. And yet, it's still super weird that she's the character people are jumping towards. So she's in a lot of crossovers...okay? Harada has said multiple times that he wants to do a Xenosaga HD trilogy but that the demand was never there to make it happen. If Bamco doesn't have faith in the actual games she's from, would they have faith in putting her in Smash? I just don't know.

Anyway, I'm switching my prediction to Game Guy based on the dream I had last night:

There was a problem fetching the tweet
Trust me, I’m the “conspiracy” theorist and Kosmos weirds me the **** up, unlike any other character. I guess Sakurai wanted more than a constellation mii, he wanted a constellation rep.
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Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
I hope we can put this Sabi/Vergeben/Fatman saga to rest soon. It has been getting stale. FP5 speculation would have been much better if it wasn't for them. I miss the days when speculation was about the actual characters and exploring franchises, instead of determining which e-celeb has the most clout.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Pretty sure Megaman is an Android, not a Cyborg. Cyborgs are still part biological while Androids are full robot. Megaman was always a complete robot; he was never partially human at any point.
In this case, Fiora from Xenoblade would be a Cyborg, as she was once a Human (Hom). Ziggy from Xenosaga also fits this criteria (especially considering he was literally dead and brought back to life as a cyborg against his will)


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
Trust me, I’m the “conspiracy” theorist and Kosmos weirds me the **** up, unlike any other character. I guess Sakurai wanted more than a constellation mii, he wanted a constellation rep.
Oh boy FP5 is the Big Dipper!


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
So who are the front runners now???

I've seen more characters deconfirmed.
Anyone. Seriously, no matter which character is currently popular in this thread, it doesn't mean that they are any more likely than another character. The idea of frontrunners is just silly IMO.

Deleted member

Have to say, I’m rather unsure of how to view this all myself.

I do find it odd that Namco can be shot down, but KOS-MOS can’t be. That doesn’t make much sense for obvious reasons. I would assume Verge would seek clarification based on that inconsistency, but otherwise the suspicion is that KOS-MOS is the pick, and Verge is laying the groundwork to be “correct” without fully committing.

I mean, that’s just a thought.

Drunk cat leak shouldn’t be given any sort of time at least for now. Even if a text leak is correct about something, it’s usually because it’s a lucky guess. If the question is, “How many texts leaks actually have information?” The answer would be “About 1%”.

After all, there was a text leak for Terry being on the 6th saying Phoenix Wright was fighter 5. He got that right, therefore Phoenix is Fighter 5...right?

It should also be noted that several rumors with characters like Reimu came up and then completely disappeared. This happens with particular characters every time the conversation centers around them...people use them in leaks to get more attention, and it usually works.

Reimu could be in, but it’s best not to base the assumption that she IS in on a text leak.
I get the feeling that the whole KOS-MOS situation for Verge might be a suspicion based on her resurgence due to the text leaks, Verge might have heard about one or two of TGAs announcements rumors that line up with them and wants to double check on her.

Situation is weird for sure, but this happened with PW a few days ago as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2018
Anyone. Seriously, no matter which character is currently popular in this thread, it doesn't mean that they are any more likely than another character. The idea of frontrunners is just silly IMO.
Well, certain characters are percieved as likely for a reason. Right now, that seems to be KOS-MOS.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
I think it's pretty obvious the Jon twitter rant from yesterday against him and sabi, confidently proclaiming that they know nothing about fighter 5, followed by him "predicting" kos-mos out of nowhere have shook vergeben. Wouldn't be surprised if he was in full paranoia mode trying to find out if it's really kos-mos, Jon bluffing or honest innocent speculation, and the appropiate course of action in each scenario. For now he has defaulted to "I don't know".
I wouldn’t be surprised if Jon is pushing KOS-MOS just to BTFO Verge for not actually knowing anything, as Jon’s been extremely vocal about his disdain towards these leaker personas.

Deleted member

Anyone. Seriously, no matter which character is currently popular in this thread, it doesn't mean that they are any more likely than another character. The idea of frontrunners is just silly IMO.
Yeah, I agree with that statement.

We should not give up on our most wanted picks just over who is seemed as a frontrunner at specific points.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Anyone. Seriously, no matter which character is currently popular in this thread, it doesn't mean that they are any more likely than another character. The idea of frontrunners is just silly IMO.
I think I used the context wrong. I'm meaning well known. Looking at it I think it is KOS-MOS or Travis now.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
So who are the front runners now???

I've seen more characters deconfirmed.
Currently it seems like KOS-MOS but in antother 7 hours or so some crazy crap will go down and (Struggles to think of a character we haven't considered yet) Fantasy World Dizzy is the new hotness.

Deleted member

Can I just say that I'm completely shocked that people who would lie or willingly break NDAs for 5 seconds of internet fame are horrible people. Shocked.
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