Whoever Fighter 5 ends up being, how do you think their reveal trailer is gonna be handled?
- A brand new elaborate CG trailer, like Hero
- A CG trailer that's a sequel to a previous one, like Banjo
- A trailer that uses other stuff like spritework, like Terry
"It depends".
For an FFXIV character, I'd half-expect them to get the studio that makes SE's trailers involved and have it transition from an FF trailer to a Smash trailer.
For Sketch Turner, I'd expect something using an animated comic format.
Likewise, a film motif would likely be used for Joe.
For most properties, I'd expect a new CG trailer in the typical Smash style.
For most horror characters, I'd expect a sequel to Simon's trailer.
For Kevin Keene, I'd actually want a live-action trailer that segues into CG.
For Segata Sanshiro, I mentioned it before, but recreate the Smash 64 commercial in its cheesy, mascot-costume, glory, then have Segata show up at the end to lay everyone low and deliver his message.
For River City Ransom, it has to be sprite-work.
In general, I like to see new high-quality CG trailers, so it's kind of a shame if a new character doesn't bring one. But for certain characters, there's enough novelty that I can look past it.