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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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I can't wait for Vergeben to use 13 clones of himself, open up Kingdom Hearts and reveal that FP5 is Sora.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'm really hyped for Resident Evil 3, Jill looks amazing, I love her redesign. I guess the official reveal will take place at the Game Awards, if that's the case it's a shame it leaked before the official announcement
I'm so hyped right now that I don't even care if Verge decides deconfirm today all my remaining favorites please don't
It might be revealed at that event on the 21st in Japan, though the fact the leaked images were English does mean we may see it next week


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
But Ultimate is a fighting game, and people are bound to want the full roster, so I imagine even the most casual of casuals still look up how to unlock everyone, there are some very easy and quick ways.
Assuming that they don’t get bored and go play something else... like any game in any genre, some players will realize that they just aren’t interested in the game after a few matches and just go play something else.

It happens to me personally whenever I try to play something like Street Fighter... I know that there’s a lot of depth in the game and there’s lots of characters to try out, but, since I’m the most casual of scrubs when it comes to traditional fighting games, it doesn’t really hold my attention long enough to find that depth. After all, I could be playing more Smash, which I’m already decent-ish at. You can imagine a similar process for people playing Smash and switching to something else.

There's always been this bizarre notion that Smash should stick to the recognizable video game characters without consideration of whether or not they'd also mesh well and play fun. We definitely have people who advocate for characters because of personal tastes, but we also have the business-orientated sub-group of the Smash bubble who don't really care much on the fun prospect as long as big names drive sales, AKA "POPULAR GOOD; NICHE BAD".
What I’m saying is that, for base game characters, regardless of if a character is niche or not, if they’re at the back end of that character unlock queue, a lot fewer people will ever get to play as them and experience their fun movesets.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
the only question is how we fill out a stage song list with skyrim tracks that aren't overly ambient or unnamed battle theme no. 2

or a spirit board

once you get past alduin and mudcrabs what even are skyrim spirits
Just add a Dagoth Ur spirit battle with Ganondorf. Yeah I'm using Elder Scroll games besides Skyrim as material.

No seriously Sakurai please reference Morrowind if Dragonborn gets in


Smash Journeyman
Jun 9, 2019
United States
the only question is how we fill out a stage song list with skyrim tracks that aren't overly ambient or unnamed battle theme no. 2

or a spirit board

once you get past alduin and mudcrabs what even are skyrim spirits
Could expand to the entire Elder Scroll series. For example:

Cliff Racer
Spirit Type: Support
Novice Class
Fighter: :ultridley: (x ∞ )
Stage: Gerudo Valley
  • Defeat an army of fighters
  • Infinite reinforcements will appear
  • The enemy loves to taunt
Anyone who has played Morrowind might know what I'm talking about.
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Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
The fifth fighter can literally be anyone, niche or mainstream. However, people are forgetting that the Fighters Pass was decided a year ago so whoever we're getting as FP5 was decided to be the final fighter added to Ultimate before any extra DLC was approved, with that in mind it would make sense to end things on a high note if the DLC was planned with these characters being the last. Call me crazy but the fact that none of the DLC characters have been truly worldwide mainstream characters makes me think the next fighter will be one. My prediction is that the next fighter gonna be Dragonborn.
Did we ever get an official source on when exactly Nintendo decided to do more than five characters?

Deleted member

the only question is how we fill out a stage song list with skyrim tracks that aren't overly ambient or unnamed battle theme no. 2

or a spirit board

once you get past alduin and mudcrabs what even are skyrim spirits
Todd Howard?

I know almost nothing about Elder Scrolls, so this lame joke is all I can contribute.

Deleted member

I've heard he's found dead in Miami.
suspects consist of a golden haired anime boy with a giant magic hand and a redhead who insists her name is jane yet her driver's licence says kasumi


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
What I’m saying is that, for base game characters, regardless of if a character is niche or not, if they’re at the back end of that character unlock queue, a lot fewer people will ever get to play as them and experience their fun movesets.
Smash Ultimate was a special case. Everyone else was unlocked at random to try and recapture that element of "this is where it all began" with the original 8. Loud and vocal naysayers of potential newcomers don't realize the magic of the series and the futility of trying to appease to the lowest-common denominator, so I'm in favor of including a character if that character has proven their legacy, be it mainstream or niche.

Deleted member

the only question is how we fill out a stage song list with skyrim tracks that aren't overly ambient or unnamed battle theme no. 2

or a spirit board

once you get past alduin and mudcrabs what even are skyrim spirits
Giant spirit battle. :ultganondorf:

If they hit you once, you suffer 999 damage.
Prefers forward smashes

Night Gale

Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2019
By the by, I strongly welcome recognizable Japanese characters that are virtually unknown overseas because putting them in Super Smash makes too much goddamn sense. For instance, negotiating them would be simpler because of the lack of communition barriers. We should also factor in the developers that Masahiro Sakura are surrounded by and the games that he is exposed to that inspire him. Finally, ****ing Marth and Roy. Putting them in Smash put their series on the map outside of Japan. I want to experience that magic once more. The people who would complain if we got a relevant foreign character like Sakura Wars protagonist were going to complain anyway because it wasn't who they wanted. Hell, some of those poor souls complain when their wishes are fulfilled. Meanwhile everyone else will be excited because the accession of Super Smash Bros's roster is inherently exhilarating. At this point they could add a giant paper airplane and we would eat that s*** right up.

Thanks for coming to my Gale talk.
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Deleted member

The fifth fighter can literally be anyone, niche or mainstream. However, people are forgetting that the Fighters Pass was decided a year ago so whoever we're getting as FP5 was decided to be the final fighter added to Ultimate before any extra DLC was approved, with that in mind it would make sense to end things on a high note if the DLC was planned with these characters being the last. Call me crazy but the fact that none of the DLC characters have been truly worldwide mainstream characters makes me think the next fighter will be one. My prediction is that the next fighter gonna be Dragonborn.
Missed opportunity if paarthurnax’s spirit battle doesn't include Mario


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2008
Could expand to the entire Elder Scroll series. For example:

Cliff Racer
Spirit Type: Support
Novice Class
Fighter: :ultridley: (x ∞ )
Stage: Gerudo Valley
  • Defeat an army of fighters
  • Infinite reinforcements will appear
  • The enemy loves to taunt
Anyone who has played Morrowind might know what I'm talking about.
Welcome to Morrowind.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Smash Ultimate was a special case. Everyone else was unlocked at random to try and recapture that element of "this is where it all began" with the original 8. Loud and vocal naysayers of potential newcomers don't realize the magic of the series and the futility of trying to appease to the lowest-common denominator, so I'm in favor of including a character if that character has proven their legacy, be it mainstream or niche.
Ultimately, though, this means that new characters can’t even try to appeal to the lowest common denominator since the lowest common denominator won’t be able to play as these characters in the first place. Which is a shame, since it would ideally allow them to better experience characters at all levels of mainstream and niche.

So, yeah, this basically does mean that whether a character is niche or not doesn’t matter as much. So, why not include more niche characters, then?

Character unlocks in Ultimate aren’t random, by the way. If you unlock characters only via versus matches, there’s a fixed order in which they will be unlocked. If you unlock characters via Classic mode, the unlocks are seemingly random, but still have a fixed order of unlocks for each character, depending on what characters are already unlocked. For example, beating it as Mario unlocks Sonic, unless Sonic is already unlocked, so it goes to the next fixed character on the Mario queue. Palutena is last on the versus match unlock queue by the way, if you were wondering.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
country roads

take me home

to the place

i belong

By the by, I strongly welcome recognizable Japanese characters that are virtually unknown overseas because putting them in Super Smash makes too much goddamn sense. For instance, negotiating them would be simpler because of the lack of communition barriers. We should also factor in the developers that Masahiro Sakura are surrounded by and the games that he is exposed to that inspire him. Finally, ****ing Marth and Roy. Putting them in Smash put their series on the map outside of Japan. I want to experience that magic again. The people who would complain if we got a relevant foreign character like Sakura Wars protagonist were going to complain anyway because it wasn't who they wanted. Hell, some of those poor souls complain when their wishes are fulfilled. Meanwhile everyone else will be excited because the accession of Super Smash Bros's roster is inherently exhilarating. At this point they could add a giant paper airplane and we would eat that s*** right up.

Thanks for coming to my Gale talk.
Underrated post. Have my like, Madam Gale of the Night.

Character unlocks in Ultimate aren’t random, by the way. If you unlock characters only via versus matches, there’s a fixed order in which they will be unlocked. If you unlock characters via Classic mode, the unlocks are seemingly random, but still have a fixed order of unlocks for each character, depending on what characters are already unlocked. For example, beating it as Mario unlocks Sonic, unless Sonic is already unlocked, so it goes to the next fixed character on the Mario queue. Palutena is last on the versus match unlock queue by the way, if you were wondering.
Huh... I actually had no idea. Thanks for the heads up! I didn't notice any specific pattern when I went through the unlocking process.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If our super-popular, huge western appeal characters are supposed to be Banjo and Joker, I don't think we can write-off too many characters for being niche.
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Deleted member

By the by, I strongly welcome recognizable Japanese characters that are virtually unknown overseas because putting them in Super Smash makes too much goddamn sense. For instance, negotiating them would be simpler because of the lack of communition barriers. We should also factor in the developers that Masahiro Sakura are surrounded by and the games that he is exposed to that inspire him. Finally, ****ing Marth and Roy. Putting them in Smash put their series on the map outside of Japan. I want to experience that magic again. The people who would complain if we got a relevant foreign character like Sakura Wars protagonist were going to complain anyway because it wasn't who they wanted. Hell, some of those poor souls complain when their wishes are fulfilled. Meanwhile everyone else will be excited because the accession of Super Smash Bros's roster is inherently exhilarating. At this point they could add a giant paper airplane and we would eat that s*** right up.

Thanks for coming to my Gale talk.
Well yeah but there’s also somthing you need to keep in mind that sakurai would have not included Lucas in brawl if mother 3 wasn't planned getting localized
It may be old but I’ve haven’t seen the team put in an Japan exclusive character in smash

as for sakura wars it got localized in the west with its one game on the Wii and ps2 before its hiatus and project x zone. Even it’s newest game is coming to the west next year


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
If our super-popular, huge western appeal characters are supposed to be Banjo and Joker, I don't think we can write-off too many characters for being niche.
None of the Fighter's Pass characters are what I'd call "Huge western appeal characters" in the first place, so I'm kind of confused where the narrative that the pack is focusing on westerners started, lol. Especially with Terry and Hero being in.

Banjo is not exactly a superstar over here, either. He's popular with 90's kids who owned N64s and that seems to be about it, he isn't quite the giant gaming icon some make him out to be IMHO, and this is coming from someone who likes Banjo.
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Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
None of the Fighter's Pass characters are what I'd call "Huge western appeal characters" in the first place, so I'm kind of confused where the narrative that the pack is focusing on westerners started, lol. Especially with Terry and Hero being in.

Banjo is not exactly a superstar over here, either. He's popular with 90's kids who owned N64s and that seems to be about it, he isn't quite the giant gaming icon some make him out to be IMHO, and this is coming from someone who likes Banjo.
A lot of it comes down to the following three things:
- Nostalgia
- Levels of "American"
- "If I don't know this character, then they don't exist" crowd

For the record, this is toward the US portion of the fan community. You have characters that people like from all over the world, but most of the bombastic complaints about niche characters come from the "stinky gaijin" bubble.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
the only question is how we fill out a stage song list with skyrim tracks that aren't overly ambient or unnamed battle theme no. 2

or a spirit board

once you get past alduin and mudcrabs what even are skyrim spirits

The Greybeards
General Tullius
Ulfric Stormcloak
Lord Harkon
and more....

and we could go even deeper if we want to include spirits from Morrowind and Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls is a rich series with a lot of great characters, it isn't just bugs and Todd Howards memes.

Gonna repost this image I made since it's more relevant than ever now:



Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I just wish people would stop thinking of the Game Awards as this hugely important event.
In terms of game announcements in NA, it's basically #2 behind E3. So that's KINDA big.

People acting like Nintendo cares about what western fans think about niche titles when DQXI S was getting top billing level of support from all their Directs and E3 events.
DQ is 100x less niche than something like Touhou.
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Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
In light of recent news, I just want to say that Phoenix Wright and Morrigan may be two of my most wanted Capcom characters, and just most wanted characters in general for Smash...

... but if they don't get in, I would also accept Nemesis.

Deleted member

In terms of game announcements in NA, it's basically #2 behind E3. So that's KINDA big.
This is true, I just despise awards shows in general, and the Game Awards is pretty much the lowest of the low in that regard. Like, cool stuff gets announced, but I just can't sit through it, and I can just watch all the trailers later.
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