Well, well, well. If I may interrupt. Got another China update: this time Tencent updated Nintendo Switch's Weibo (Chinese Twitter) for the first time in three months. The account said (translation by the Twitter account
Chinese Nintendo): "Hi Everyone! It's been 3 months since ChinaJoy, and we miss you a lot. Currently, work for the Chinese edition of Nintendo Switch is now actively underway.":
ChinaJoy is Shanghai's E3 pretty much. Yea, the place where Nintendo and Tencent had that press conference and presentation
three months ago*. A couple of important points:
* The last presentation was announced ca. a week before it took place. Whether it takes place tomorrow or next week, this time will likely be on short notice.
* NSMBU was approved last week, the Switch Lite's been recently (preliminarily)
approved and Tencent's hiring left and right for the Switch. They also showed off BOTW, Odyssey and Lets Go three months ago. Nintendo and Tencent will go for broke one way or the other, that's for sure. Aside from announcing the launch day, I'm personally also expecting further details on those games, them spotlighting games like Smash etc. One thing worth looking out for is whether the Chinese Switch will be region locked or not: A popular streamer who claims close ties with Tencent claimed that the Chinese Switch would
not be region locked. Speculating here, I could see that. Steam's not affected by censorship at all, and with some fine-tuning and finagling Nintendo could actually pull off a similar stunt. Their games being mostly family friendly helps a lot.
* Smash is very likely to be advertised there IMHO. Ultimate's the biggest fighter ever and Nintendo's characters (alongside SNK's) are very well known there. I find it likely that Terry will feature in ads alongside Mario and Pikachu, and that's one of the reasons why I think FP will be bundled with Chinese Smash. Also, I strongly doubt FP5 will be shown here, but the off chance should be kept in mind.
Yes, Tencent is, as
said when NSMBU was approved, ****ing scary. No doubt. And Tencent's not popular with Chinese hardcore people either to say the least. However, interest in the Switch is high in China, and depending on how it goes the Switch (and Smash) might see a major boost from the Chinese release. As far as Tencent goes, their choices are likely either LoL (100 % owned) or Jonesy (40 %). Not superlikely (not with Sakurai's recent comments in mind), but I'm personally calling them contenders for Post-FP DLC. I strongly doubt anyone from CoD Mobile (yea, really), nor any characters from their indie studio NEXT Studios (Bladed Fury, Death Coming).
(*Sidenote: The penguin is the WeChat Penguin, Tencent's mascot. The Verge link does also have an interesting related article:
How WeChat came to rule China).