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Newbie 18: Rosario Vampire Mafia ~Game Over, Town Wins!~ BadWolf Foiled!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Uh, you didn't even focus on any content of my posting or my reasoning, you just looked at my 'conflicting reads.'

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Uh, you didn't even focus on any content of my posting or my reasoning, you just looked at my 'conflicting reads.'
Why did we lynch Rake then? Because if it wasn't of his conflicting reads then he should be alive and killing right now.

Oh right you're Soup, we have to ignore your mistakes.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
It's a different manner, Rake was playing cautious and carefully and trying to stay relevant by quoting **** without actually having reasoning to, I'm actually doing things that have reasoning and back up my logic, this is a completely different scenario.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm not going to, I decided that condensing it all would just cause me to repeat myself and it was an inherent waste of time, I'm going to try and fight this but I'm not gonna go out of my way to do something like this. Call me ignorant for it but you haven't explained to me why my logic is wrong and have focused on the fact I had conflicting reads.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
That wasn't the reason.

Vote: Rake

I'm not going to get what I want today, I can't get Bardull to crack and I really hate that he's just ignoring my points as a tunnel, I can't do anything with it right now and I have to say i've been somewhat hesitant on my Bardull scum-read. I'm okay with going here, I feel like Rake's play has been one of trying to gain attention while still not doing anything, he points out a lot of questions for everyone and drops a ton of rhetorical statements, I have yet to hear a solid thought from hear that didn't consist of "everyone, what do you think of this?" or an idle comment without any substantial evidence. Too careful.

Sheep me Zen.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
What do you think? I changed based on what I was re-reading, literally all my logic is all right there if you look. *sigh*

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.

Sorry bashing forehead on keyboard... I said WHO not WHY you..... very special person. Now can you tell me WHO please?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright, as inherently promised I said I would read Rake again.

Starting off with #241.

I read this post again and I can already tell you with how the way Rake was acting and based on everything that Vinyl. is a big prospect based on it. I also feel like the points made regarding Bardull are more or less intriguing. What it really seems like is that Rake tries to cover every aspect of play, he tries to talk about common things but cannot back up his own logic. He does this twice, saying that Bardull is leaning scum but that I could possibly be scum too, not even completely looking at the argument at hand. I'm going to look into this further.
What mostly bothers me about his #421 is that he votes Vinyl. based on RVS reasons but completely hops off afterwards. We were way past RVS at that time. Anyways, here's something I got out of it:
This is a response made by Vinyl. instantly after Rake's post. Doubtful that scum would instantly respond to their partner like this? Would like to hear more about this, I'm not gonna lose this game and Zen will stop tunneling me eventually and realize he's wrong.
There seems to be a slight focus on Vinyl. at some points, I feel like it's hot or cold, I'm not sure what to think exactly and honestly I think that he's just trying to cover every relevant topic. Another trend i've noticed is that he tends to mostly agree with badwolf's sentiments and that he has a selective style of play.
I saved a you a re-read.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Zen, answer this:

- Why did I hardbus?
- What did I gain from it?
For the credibility of course. "Soup voted Rake. There's no way he's scum with him!!!" You probably didn't even think I'd go with lynching him.

- What exactly incriminates me here?
Your reasoning does not fit together. Your reason for voting Vinyl at the beginning of the game. Your reason for me and Bardull being town when really it should have been a null tell. Your attempts to look protown by posting random analysis that don't even lead to the conclusions you should be making.
- Why do you disagree on my JDietz logic? What about any other logic i've put forth? You've ignored it all as far as i'm concerned.
You jumped on him so randomly. You claimed that you thought he could be scum, but you didn't even have him as scum before Vinyl's claim. Jdeitz could be scum, but as it stands now he is more townie to me and you are more scummy to me. What other logic?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
I'm sorry Soup but are you just trying to be ******** right now? Or do you just want me to get an stroke from pure stupidity? ANSWER THE ****ING QUESTION.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Holy **** badwolf

i'm voting jdietz

that's who i'm going after today


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
For the credibility of course. "Soup voted Rake. There's no way he's scum with him!!!" You probably didn't even think I'd go with lynching him.

Your reasoning does not fit together. Your reason for voting Vinyl at the beginning of the game. Your reason for me and Bardull being town when really it should have been a null tell. Your attempts to look protown by posting random analysis that don't even lead to the conclusions you should be making.
You jumped on him so randomly. You claimed that you thought he could be scum, but you didn't even have him as scum before Vinyl's claim. Jdeitz could be scum, but as it stands now he is more townie to me and you are more scummy to me. What other logic?
I didn't? I asked you to sheep me. and you did.

I explained all this.

Yeah, I did. It clicked, bite me when I explained it afterwards.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Finally thank the freaking lord, Soup was actually clear for once. Dearest Jesus I can feel my brain bleeding.

@BarDulL: If you're here now please end this madness.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Bring out something to refute besides statements that don't have anything but a subjective opinon, show me fact and I'll gladly tear it apart.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Finally thank the freaking lord, Soup was actually clear for once. Dearest Jesus I can feel my brain bleeding.

@BarDulL: If you're here now please end this madness.
How was it not obvious? You really didn't read anything I said, did you.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Like I thought you were talking about my Vinyl. read as you exclaimed specifically that I was going after Vinyl. before, And I said 'reads changed.' I then showed you why it changed.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Vinyl, jail Zen tonight as Zen suggested. I'll track JD. If I die, Zen is CLEAR. If I don't die, Zen is still open for debate.
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