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Newbie 18: Rosario Vampire Mafia ~Game Over, Town Wins!~ BadWolf Foiled!


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Remember, I just said that if we lynch one, then we'll who the other is scum.

So If I lynched jdietz, I would jail Badwolf. And if Badwolf is jailed, he has nothing to do but give up.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Well I think I played decently throughout the game except for the last day. I should have let it go until RL morning and made my decision when I could think easier.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Hold on though, even if you would kill me, bardull would still..........


Well, if he would've probably think like I did, ge would vote you and win the game.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Thanks although you almost had me yesterDay. I was kinda scared whenever anyone came close to scum on me. oh and btw I really didn't mean to lynch my scum buddy. I didn't see Hipster's post until after I hammered it probably would have happened anyway tho.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
It did but it didn't help me in the long run. I was really hoping that both of us could have survived throughout the game. Eh, I probably set my sights waaayyy too high.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
You know what's funny though?

I think I won games because people got too confident (bardull on 3p Mafia), aggressive (bardull on newbie 17), and etc.

What's really funny is that that one 3p mafia ended at the beginning of the game.
I was like, "hmmmmmmmmmm, Xonar may be right that omni is scum" *vote*

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Well I did get confident in the middle. Then I noticed that I had to survive 3 days, lol not a good thing to do when you're scum. It really sucks that I wasn't able to NK any of the power roles during the first days... That would have helped sooo much.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Yeah you might have been able to win by killing Vinyl. Bardull would have tracked Jdietz so he would know that he wasn't scum. So he would be going for me. And I would have to try and convince him it was you. If you pulled the lynch off there it would have been game.

This was a really fun game.

Totally my bad on the quick lynch HipSis. I think I get your play style now. It reminds me of someone else that used to play. It's more observant than aggressive.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Shouldn't be posting before flip but this is pretty much confirmed. GJ. Dunno why I went back on Bardull.

Why'd you shoot JDietz? That was my biggest tells, I just felt like gunning for JDietz was unlikely and he hadn't done much to be an NK target.

I'm a bit salty but we won so I'm cool with this.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Yeah you might have been able to win by killing Vinyl. Bardull would have tracked Jdietz so he would know that he wasn't scum. So he would be going for me. And I would have to try and convince him it was you. If you pulled the lynch off there it would have been game.

This was a really fun game.

Totally my bad on the quick lynch HipSis. I think I get your play style now. It reminds me of someone else that used to play. It's more observant than aggressive.
Upon a Vinyl flip, I would have put faith in Vinyl that he did infact jail you, and since jailers have priority over mafia night kills, you would have been clear. The only obstacle would have been confirming Badwolf scum if JD had any suspicions, but I would have done what you did in those circumstances and gambited Badwolf's slot into a confession.

I still can't believe that very late watcher gambit worked, but I'm glad it did; Badwolf accidentally hammering Rake the way he did was such a powerful scumplay that it completely threw me off.

Vinyl, remind me to murder you for voting Hipster on Day 2.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh yeah, and my bad on the doubts Zen. You were playing so well as Town that I was like..."what if he's pulling some Kira ****." I was visibly irritated when I found out that scum was between Badwolf/Vinyl because it was...well...you probably already know why.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC

And I was even thinking of doing an Unvote.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
~Final Game Vote-Count~

1.) Vinyl. {0} -
2.) Jdietz43 {0} -
3.) Badwolf28738 {3 -

4.) Ramen King {0} -

Not Voting - {1 -
} Jdietz43

Wow this episode ended quickly...and totally not how I expected. I guess people love those surprise turns and the like. Whatever, let's just let this story play out and then I am flying the bat out of here so I can finally catch up on some snoozing.

A little girl popped out from around the corner of the corridor and started giggling.

"Tee-hee, those silly girls will never suspect me. I am too cute and adorable to be truly evil and I also am so much smarter than any of them. I'm gonna wiiiiiin~ I'm gonna wiiiiin~ Lalalala~ This is so much fun, I can't beli-......" she suddenly turns around at the sound of someone coughing and tapping their foot.

"Uhm....what was that again?" Moka asked with a worried face after hearing the entire story. "Yukari...you aren't telling me you are actually....?"

Yukari tensed up and then took a deep breathe and calmly said:

"You are so silly Moka-chan! Of course I'm not one of the bad guys, I've been using my wand to help us out this entire time. Remember? I bonked that Mizore on the head extra hard on the first day of this entire dilemna!"

Moka sighed and picked up Yukari by back of her cape and began dragging her to the other girls as she was squealing to not be treated like a child.

"Hey, uhm, I found out who the last member was finally." she said tossing Yukari in the middle of a triangle of the three females.

"I knew it! Well I think I knew it! Actually, I had no idea! I just remember keeping everyone else locked up and then her being the last one to check later on but yaaay for winning. Now where's the free fish we were promised if we won?!" Nekonome said

"....there was never any free fish Nekonome-Sensei..." Moka sheepishly said.

"Meow? Then what am I doing in here?" she said as she walked over to the closet where all the people who had been clobbered by the town members of the females and unlocked the door to the closet and the door to the exit. "I was promised free fish if I locked the doors and kept the kids safe from the bad guys."


Everyone in the room just stared at Nekonome in silence and decided to deal with that lost cause later....

Then your local Nozu decided his time of watching was done with so I flew into the door (amazingly as per usual) and landed on my master's shoulder.

"There you are Nozu. I thought you would have aided us but it seems you were locked out this entire time. It's nice that you stood gaurd outside and watched over your master." Kokoa said sarcastically annoyed at the bat but couldn't prove if her suspicions were true that he was just being useless the entire time.

Nozu just gulped and laughed nervously.

Kokoa turned her attention from Nozu(thank bat!) and leaned down at the now sobbing Yukari. "I call dibs on beating the blood right out of this one." and with those words Yukari only cried louder and Moka's maternal instinct just led her to kneel next to her.

"Alright Yukari, no more game's tell us why you did what you did."

"I was sick and tired of everyone passing over me and so was Mizore! I was sick of being treated like a child and weak so I tried to get prove to you guys that I can actually do things well when I want to. Plus no one got majorly hurt...well more than normal. Also look who I got rid of during the night! I got rid of Gin and that's because he is such a perv! After Mizore got knocked out, I caught him taking pictures of her while she was being tied up! Ewwww! Then later on I tried to get rid of Kokoa because she is always trying to kill you and my Tsukune! She is literally a villain but we keep her around....why?! And finally I had to get rid of that dumb bat-girl. All she does is annoy everyone by not taking a clue and leaving. All she does is flounce around with her fake plushy *censored* and then she *censored censored censored!* and I was just tired of it. Though that one was for personal laughs. I was just wanting you girls to think me and Mizore were actually a threat..."

She then calmed down and then with a hushed voice, "We almost won too....I just messed up there....stupid Yukari." afterwards, she waved her wand and Gin/Kurumu popped out of thin air and landed *rather hard* onto the floor. "See, they weren't anywhere bad. Just pummeled to a light degree and sent to a room where I could only let them out."

Everyone was then untied and Mizore/Yukari were sectioned off for a bit with them both clinging to each other and trying to not look anyone in the eye.

"Well it seems we all learned a lesson here. You girls learned not to turn evil just for the sake of hurting your friends to prove a point and we learned not to belittle our friends that much." Moka said with a cheery smile.

And with that everyone left the room to relax......yeah right! They had a lot of cleaning to do but who cares, that's not important to this storyline.

I am done and need some sleep. So later and till next time~

Now where did I leave that pillow....

Moka Akashiya(Ramen King), Town Vanilla, has figured out the baddies!

Kokoa Shuzen(Jdietz43), Town Vanilla, has figured out the baddies!

Shizuka Nekonome(Vinyl.), Town Jailer, has figured out the baddies!

Yukari Sendo(Badwolf28738), Mafia Goon, has been foiled!​

Town Wins!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
MvP: Ragnarock/Ramen King


yo i got rake that first time and you finshed up for me

no really though

No MvP

Or maybe Vinyl., because that jail was pretty damn crucial in a sense. No idea why badwolf decided to claim cop, that was silly.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006

i...am so proud of soup and zen for teaching the youth of today how to play dayphase mafia


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Set-up *This was used as Newbie 4's set-up iirc*:

5x Vanillas
1x Tracker
1x Jailer

2x Goons

Role PMs:


Hello BadWolf28738! You are Yukari Sendo, Mafia Goon! You are a tricky little witch and einsteinette. You are incredibly smart but you have grown so tired of all your friends picking on you for being too young, or too small or being “underdeveloped”. You wish to wreak havoc now and will do anything to get what you want. You will use your power of magic to just settle things once and for all that you have what it takes to be strong just like the others! Your partner in crime to help aid you is the quiet Mizore Shirayuki (Anomandaris_Rake)!


Mafia Talk: You can use this quicktopic to talk to your mafia partner during whenever you want to in the game! http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/v43UjqwHGcB4Z

Kill: During the Night Phase of the game, one of yourself or Rake can send me(the mod) a PM with the command, Kill: Player Name and that player will be removed from the game! However, only one of you can send me this command and whoever does send the PM will be the one doing the kill.

You are Mafia aligned and win when all threats to your reign are eliminated or you control the majority![/collapse]


Hello, Anomandaris_Rake! You are Mizore Shirayuki, Mafia Goon! You are the quiet stalker ice princess of the school. You hide in the background, but are actually insanely pretty and powerful, but you are tired of being glossed over by the other girls as not being a threat to them acquiring Tsukune. You feel your love for Tsukune is much more powerful and will last forever because he was able to melt your frozen heart. You will use your prowess of stalking and your power over Ice to help you defeat the others who get in your way of showing your true power. Your partner in crime to help aid you is the tricky Yukari Sendo (BadWolf28738)!


Mafia Talk: You can use this quicktopic to talk to your mafia partner during whenever you want to in the game! http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/v43UjqwHGcB4Z

Kill: During the Night Phase of the game, one of yourself or BadWolf can send me(the mod) a PM with the command, Kill: Player Name and that player will be removed from the game! However, only one of you can send me this command and whoever does send the PM will be the one doing the kill.

You are Mafia aligned and win when all threats to your reign are eliminated or you control the majority!


Hello, BarDulL! You are Kurumu Kurono, Town Tracker! You are the first nemesis of the main love interest and also a Succubus! You use your lovely “charms” and “assests” to aid you throughout your plans of trying to lock Tsukune in as your main man. You are enivied by many girls for what you have been graced with and also wanted by many guys because of your looks. You are somewhat of a….uhm….how to put this nicely….”floosy” in terms of how you use your “abilities” to try and snag Tsukune. You have wings which help you fly around and fight off anyone who tries to hurt your Tsukune!


During the Night Phase of the game, you can send me(the mod) a PM with the command, Track: Player Name and you will find out if they visited anyone during the night. This is pretty straight forward for figuring things out! Hey look, you even have wings to help you!

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!


Hello, Vinyl.! You are Shizuka Nekonome, Town Jailer! You are a ditz. No one knows how in the world you are actually a teacher, but at the same time, no one really questions it. The other teachers can bully your free willed nature and anyone can bribe you through giving you fish. After all, you are a neko which explains most of it with you having cat ears and a tail. You are the club sponsor of the newspaper club and help the group out sometimes with your teacherly duties but you also look after the group more than any other group of kids. Sometimes, by accident you even help them…or get in there way. So sometimes you think it'd be best to just lock the kids in your room for their "safety".


Jailing: During the Night Phase of the game, you can send me(the mod) a PM with the command, Jail: Player Name and they will be protected for any Night Kill action that night phase! However, if they have an ability, they will not be able to use it either. This ability stops all actions and protects the person at the same time!

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!


Hello, Shottymaster! You are Ginei “Gin” Morioka, Town Vanilla! You are a pervert. There is barely much else to say about you. You are a werewolf that looooooooves the ladies to such a degree that you “survey” the grounds of the school for stories just to take pictures of girls in *ahem* provocative situations. You like Tsukune, but at first you did not because you felt he wast snagging all the prettiest girls from you so you tried framing him as a perv but in the end got outted for the perv you really are. However, after you got outted, you embraced your pervy self and still continue to stalk the grounds as a disgusting (yet hilarious) werewolf.

You are a Town Vanilla so you have no other powers besides your voice and vote! Use them wisely.

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!


Hello, Jdietz43! You are Kokoa Shuzen, Town Vanilla! You are somewhat of a bad guy but at the same time you are not bad at all. You have this ulterior motive to get rid of the Pink Moka because you love the White Haired Moka much more. The reason why is because you love being abused by the real Moka…you little masochist, you. With your feisty nature, you are insanely powerful and also the fact of you being a vampire plays into your favour as well. You still kind of hang out with the group but at the same time trying to kill some of them….yet you are good. I don't know anymore, just go on with your bad self, fighting to rid town of the bad guys.

You are a Town Vanilla so you have no other powers besides your voice and vote! Use them wisely.

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!


Hello, Soup~! You are Ruby Tojo, Town Vanilla! You have a various amounts of roles in this story. You are a witch, a personal assistance, and sometimes just another one of the various girls whose heart is set on Tsukune. You have vowed to become a nice witch and have some friends after they saved you from almost becoming evil and attaching yourself to destroying all humans. However, you can sometimes be the weirdest one of the fangirls of Tsukune and you actually don’t hang around too much with the gang because you are too busy doing some back work. Interesting stories though.

You are a Town Vanilla so you have no other powers besides your voice and vote! Use them wisely.

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!

[collapse=Ramen King]

Hello, Ramen King! You are Moka Akashiya, Town Vanilla! You are the main love interest of the series and the one Tsukune has his heart set on. Secretly, you really like him as well…but you like his blood more. You just love to nibble on his neck whenever the chance arises. However, the normal ditzy pink-haired Moka is only half the story. Inside her body, lives the true Moka which is a demonic vampire who is not so nice. She is a complete bad girl and has her own qualities, however, she somewhat hates Tsukune but at the same time likes him….odd chemistry.

You are a Town Vanilla so you have no other powers besides your voice and vote! Use them wisely.

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!


Hello, HipsterSister! You are Tsukune Aono, Town Vanilla! You are the protagonist of the entire story! How exciting! You are the luckiest guy in the entire world because you literally get to live in a harem and you did absolutely nothing to get it. You basically just acted like a nice guy and attracted the schools hottest monsters as your close friend group. You have no monster abilities because you are the only human who goes to this school! Kind of sucks being you in a school full of monsters.

You are a Town Vanilla so you have no other powers besides your voice and vote! Use them wisely.

You are Town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'll do notes tomorrow evening when I get back from Kings Dominion with Sang and others. But yeah shout-outs are welcome.

I have my notes on the players and also my thoughts on a few things.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Regarding my earlier play:

I tried to use a Ryker-esque style (a.k.a. be a blatant douchebag) to avoid being night killed so I could get results without having to worry much. It worked, but there was a lot of emotional fire that started as a result. Presumably there were better ways I could have gone about avoiding night kills, but I felt it worked out very well regardless.

Anywho, sorry Soup. I realized towards the end of it all you were Town. I had a good feeling you were Town before I hammered you as well on the day before the final day, but Zen was my strong town read and I felt confident that it was auto regardless. Turns out it wasn't auto, but thank god Zen cleaned up the mess anyway. Sheesh.


Apr 3, 2008
Lol... so it was Badwolf eh? Now I feel bad for not really acting on my D1 suspicions of him at all... but there were just so many others clamoring for attention after Rake died lol. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. :stupidleek:

Really awesome game J. You were prompt like I love mods to be (and try to be myself), and your flavor was good.

Treats for Nozu!

(then probably beatings later when I find out how useless he was really being during all thsi)

Sidenote: Soup what were you going on about, for real. I don't think anyone in town actually knew, I certainly didn't and I actually was reading your "argument". You just jumped on me and claimed it was your plan all along... it didn't look good :(

(but you have Sakamoto-san as an avy now, therefore I forgive you :3)


Apr 3, 2008
Zen you def. played best this game. (though giving you MVP as an IC in a newbie won't happen... because yeah lol)

EDIT: Actually, anyone have any tips *coughZen/Soup* for being a more productive town? Scum is easy for me, Town kind of so-so. So far Zen is always in the game and also town and it mostly turns into "follow Zen" if I don't know what I'm doing at a particular moment.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
So, I was skimming/watching this game in case I had to replace in, and I thought it was great!

There were a few bits where I got very confused as to what was happening (Vinyl... you're awesome), but it looked super-fun.

Totally thought Badwolf was scum Day 1 though :D (you played great, though)

And J is a super-great mod.

I think that's everything? :pika:

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Gorf darnit Badwulf lol.

Hammering me was balls to the walll salty , even if it was by accident

I'll do shout outs in a wee bit.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
No idea why badwolf decided to claim cop, that was silly.
Ahhh, I know, I didn't think there was any other option. I could have said Vinyl was lying but that would have gotten ugly very quickly.

i...am so proud of soup and zen for teaching the youth of today how to play dayphase mafia
...Sarcasm? I'm really not sure. I thought quicklynching was a very bad thing...

I tried to use a Ryker-esque style (a.k.a. be a blatant douchebag) to avoid being night killed so I could get results without having to worry much
This is one of the things that I was smacking myself for... I should have NKed you N1. It would have helped to get tracker out of the way.

Now I feel bad for not really acting on my D1 suspicions of him at all...
Lol no worries I had you all fooled for a little while.

Totally thought Badwolf was scum Day 1 though :D (you played great, though)

Hammering me was balls to the walll salty , even if it was by accident
Oh so very accidental. I was pissed when I realized I just hammered my scum buddy.

Also, is it bad if I read all of BadWolf's posts in Rainbow Dash's voice? Is it worse if they sound adorable? LOL.
>.< this made me laugh.

So my entire plan was to let the core of people who were fighting and arguing with each other to just keep going. It was working for a little as they quicklynched Hipster. Unfortunately for me all the ones fighting were PR's so I never got them.

So Shoutouts:

Rake: *sigh* I'm really sorry for hammering you. I think you were all right really I just voted you to look town. Sorry.

BarDulL: You played really well through this. I didn't realize you were formulating and getting good reads until it was too late.

Vinyl: To tell you the truth, you WERE kinda the reason I lost this. Everyone was going against you and I was so very happy but then you pulled out your PR.... And everything died. lol.

Shottymaster: You had a total of 19 posts. Probably my fault as I was the one to NK you. Right now I would have rather killed BarDulL.

JD: You really had me worried on D1 when you had a scum on me AND rake. I was kinda going crazy. Good job on playing town, you actually did really well.

Zen: Curse you and your logic >.< Ugh, I really should have kept up my bluff call. Just wondering, why? You had me down as town for all the game. Good plays.

Hipster: You were my scapegoat... And it was wonderful. I was literally cheering in my room D2 when the quicklynch went through. Eh, I think you would be better suited as a PR but you did fairly well.


Would have given Zen but IC and all that.
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