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Newbie 18: Rosario Vampire Mafia ~Game Over, Town Wins!~ BadWolf Foiled!

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Oh I see. But the thing is I'm asking you to unvote, not to vote. Unvoting when someone asks is playing cautiously where as voting just because someone said to is playing recklessly.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Badwolf, I am actually a watcher and not Vanilla. I watched you visit Dietz' the other night. So you can't be Vanilla. Why did you lie about being vanilla?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Vinyl why did you vote hipster sister if you jailed her yet a kill still went through?
I was an idiot. I didn't even think about Mafia goons doing night kills until day 3. I thought it was town cop.
I asked you a question about mafia goons, remember?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Vinyl why would you think that mafia cannot kill? Rake was the one that flipped goon didn't he? So why would you think the other mafia was a goon as well? You have played quite a few games now. I am certain that you know the basic concept of mafia being able to kill people. Why do you assume the last scum is a goon anyway?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Fine I'm cop. I don't know whether JD is scum or not because he was jailed. I didn't want to out it because of my possible NK. I just don't want to be wrong right now.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Ah good. Glad to see you are pretty smart after all Vinyl.

Welp Badwolf I gotta say you are a pretty good scum player. Like I seriously had a town read on you all game.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Well for one I'm actually not Watcher. You are right. I was bluffing. There is no way you would have lied about your claim in the first place had you been town. Secondly, you claimed to have investigated me n1, but you were calling me scum D2. Thirdly, had you investigated JD, the jail on him wouldn't have kept you from getting your results. He would have just not been able to do anything or be harmed by anyone. You could still investigate him though. Lastly, had you been cop you would have tried to investigate him again last night, not bardull. You would have also investigated Bardull night 1 as he was your biggest scum pick. Yet you seemed to drop him all the sudden. Not to mention there wouldn't be a cop in this set up with a tracker already and only 9 players. But the other stuff is what's important.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I was an idiot. I didn't even think about Mafia goons doing night kills until day 3. I thought it was town cop.
I asked you a question about mafia goons, remember?
At first, I thought a town cop was the one responsible for the NK.
Fine I'm cop. I don't know whether JD is scum or not because he was jailed. I didn't want to out it because of my possible NK. I just don't want to be wrong right now.
I forget often, but aren't three special town roles enough?

Zen, you're town doctor or something right? Idk if I'm right, lol.
Bardull is tracker
And I'm jailer

So cop isn't needed, right?

Also, the bolded could've meant that you saw those words and you used them just to play tricks. But then what messed me up is that I think it's town cop who shoots, but it's goon. Idk wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu---

Honestly, there

You, BarDulL, and JD. You and BarDulL went fine.

You seriously wanted him gone because of his aggressive play, so I wouldn't reconsider that you change your Mind like that.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Nice play man for real though. I'm just wondering what you planned to do about tomorrow. Had we lynched dietz today, Vinyl would jail you so you wouldn't be able to get a kill in. So it would be me, you, and him alive tomorrow and you would have to convince one of us the other was scum. Did you have a plan, out of curiosity?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Congrats townies. I really enjoyed the game.

I'm just wondering what you planned to do about tomorrow.
pfffttt haha yeah just take a look at my convo with J on skype...
Tiger = Me
[12:40:54 AM] StripedTiger28738: I just realized I screwed myself over
[12:41:07 AM] J: How?
[12:41:39 AM] StripedTiger28738: We'll kill JD then I still have to kill one more right? Well Vinyl will jail me and I won't be able to kill.
[12:41:48 AM] StripedTiger28738: then tomorrow I'll die
[12:42:00 AM] J: *shrug* I can't let ya know that.
[12:42:20 AM] StripedTiger28738: Just putting in my thoughts... At least that's what I would do.
[12:43:00 AM] StripedTiger28738: If they're halfway intelligent that's what they're going to do.
[12:45:08 AM] StripedTiger28738: If I kill Vinyl while he's jailing me does that count?
[1:20:47 AM] StripedTiger28738: Did you seriously put in two watchers? That's just not fair
[1:21:12 AM] J: I cannot say anything.
[1:21:41 AM] StripedTiger28738: Sorry more of me just saying things right now. This is all going downhill....
[1:22:01 AM] J: Welp keep fighting for your faction!
[1:22:32 AM] StripedTiger28738: I'm trying... It's just that if he isn't lying then I'm pretty ****ed
[1:22:46 AM] J: *shruggers*
[1:22:57 AM] StripedTiger28738: I'm kinda going nuts right now....
[1:37:01 AM] StripedTiger28738: I just took the biggest risk of the entire game.
[1:44:10 AM] StripedTiger28738: ****KKKKKKKK
[1:48:38 AM] StripedTiger28738: **** **** DAMN
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