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Newbie 18: Rosario Vampire Mafia ~Game Over, Town Wins!~ BadWolf Foiled!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Zen / Ramen King: Town all the way lol. Those gambits were really good though , especially the last one I was like : "Aww heck no, what's Badwulf gonna do " XD. Great town play Zen, I can see why people call you a mafia legend. You and Soup read me like a book. At least I was able to gain one extra night by smoke screening up some Hipster bussing. And maybe cause some confusion too. GG

Badwulf: So close man, if you would have had Vinyl as NK. who knows what could have happened. Excellent Scum play right until the end. Proud to call you scum buddy. GG

Soup: Dang you got tunnelled hard-body, My honest opinion on you was i thought you had a PR and that your whole thing with Bardull and some of your , what did Zen call it ? Lack of drive I think , was you deciding who to use it on. If Zen wasn't so locked into Hipster I prolly would hardbussed you. Great read on my slot too, I am so newbie mafia lol. Couldn't keep anything straight. GG

Bardull: Holy **** that's were the PR was. And your play worked too lol. If i made it to N1 I was going to lynch Vinyl. mainly because I was sold on him having a PR as well. Gotta say you played it pretty town after you and Soup's thing. And now I have town and scum meta :). GG hopefully see you in other games

JD: Thanks for the reminder on Vinyl. once you said that I was like : Vinyl must have some sort of PR, cuz he's playing like he was last game. Town play was good. I really liked how you prodded Zen on his play. Especially from a scum standpoint. GG

Vinyl. : Nice play with PR man. That jailing N1 was unlucky but you and Zen's play today was baws hog town awesome. When you outed your PR I was like "aw crap" lol. You played your PR very well. GG

Shotty: Once you got posting it was interesting to see your thought process. Too bad you were NK'd so early , your were posting good questions. GG

Hipster : Sorry to hard smokescreen / semi bus you into the ground , but it was what people expected scum to do and Zen was locked on scum so I figured a lil' gambit and maybe a quicklynch could buy my scum buddy some time. Did you enjoy this game ? You kept it pretty open I would say in regards to your thoughts and answered people's questioning of your reads and such. You were careful to read the Bardull v. Soup situation and i think had you made it into D2 , things may have been different. Really liked you getting on Bardull and Zen for their pressure vote and your ability to defend what they were saying.

If I could offer you one piece of friendly newbie advice it's : If you have suspicions on a slot as a townie : Bring em right out, Especially if it's little stuff, because then you can build on it / ask questions and gain better reads because of it. GG and I hope to see you in more games


Smash Rookie
May 9, 2012
El Swaggador
Yeahhh, go town. :D

My shoutouts will be shorter because I don't have a whole lot of time, sorry!

Rake: Maybe it's just me being new but I don't know if I would have caught on to your conflicting reads/unnecessary questioning until much later if someone else hadn't posted about it... You seemed town to me at first!

Badwolf: Auughh, you were seriously the only person I was sure wasn't scum in the beginning there. Great job. You know how surprised I was to find out who you were. xD

Zen: Sorry for kind of getting on your case about the pressure votes, I see what you were trying to do now. I loved your false claim move at the end there, haha.

Soup: I feel like both of us got lynched because we posted our thoughts openly and it seemed like filler to everyone else... Whyyy

Bardull: I honestly didn't get the jerk attitude you had going on because I doubt scum would be so obvious about avoiding questions, but wow in hindsight that was a great strategy for not getting NK'd.

Vinyl: How could you vote for me after you jailed me, come onnn man... :c

Shotty: Post more! I like the way your look at things and think it would go further if you were more active.

JD: I like the way you question things. I think you did a good job as town.

J, why did you give me the male character... People kept calling me a he after I died, now everyone's gender-confused about me again. D:

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Dang, this was actually a good a** skim. Lynching Soup is always the coolest route of action. I can't wait to play with Badwolf (that means no more newbies).


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Thanks Hipsis/Wolf/Rake. That kind of style worked for my role, but I don't recommend using it under any circumstances. It's not the most likable style in existence for a reason >_> granted it's pretty effective. I would have been lynched for it if not for Zen understanding what I was doing.
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