@Kuzi. I'm going to have to do a readthrough as well, but I probably won't be able to do it tonight. Without it though... I'm not sure. When he came in I did think he was pretty towny-esque but he hasn't given much. His previous player, Pheonix, did some pretty weird things, and with his recent flip to lynch Panta instead of Werekill... I'm not sure.
*10 mins after ^^^^ part*
Just did a read of Seikend's posts and... They look like they have content but, after he did a read-through, you'd think they have more... meat than just superficial things. It's not enough but I'd say null slightly leaning mafia.
@Werekill. Meh. Just the entire argument both of you were being slightly defensive, but you both were also being offensive as well.
@Mod (and everyone else playing the game). I apologize for this but I'm going to be extremely busy tomorrow and I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on. Also, calling V/LA for Friday through Sunday.
That being said, I will try to get on, but I doubt it will happen. I'm going to a convention and staying with friends, so, even if I can get on before Sunday night, I'll probably be exhausted. This way, we don't have a mixup like we did with Panta for being "inactive".