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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
It could, but I honestly can't think of any way that it could be implemented without being either unnecessarily complicated or hated by everyone (and certainly not viable for anything resembling competitive play).

I would much prefer a simple observatory or starship mario level that has a vibrant background. The stage can even shift in gravity by turning the background upside-down.
Well I'm guessing you want something similar to Norfair?

Well, pretty background would be nice and all, I just want some extra kick for a stage, I guess hazards, just as long as they aren't annoying though.



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
No, actually, I meant stages that are always moving. Big Blue had all the F-Zero machines, Poke Floats had the different pokemon, Mushroomy Kingdom and DK's Jungle Climb were constantly moving.

Brinstar Depths, even though the platform itself moved, was overall stationary.

Stages like Mute City, Port Town, Lylat Cruise, and even Final Destination are ones I like. The environments change, but the main platform stays.
Yeah, I never liked the scrolling stages either. Although I've always preferred horizontal scrolling to vertical scrolling. As long as it's slower than the slowest character, no one is forced into a bad situation by it.

Icicle Mountain and Rumble Falls (and to an extent Rainbow Cruise) often force you to use your recovery move to stay alive. That is something I don't like.

Mushroomy Kingdom is just a pretty bad stage.

Big Blue and Poke Floats are alright though.

@Omega: Yeah, some wacky stages with hazards and gimmicks are always fun, but they shouldn't completely take over. I actually don't like Norfair much.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Well upside-down gravity physics do get complicated. For instance. You walk around a circle pressing right. You get to the bottom and you are now moving toward the left side of the screen, yet you are still holding right? What happens when you stop at the bottom. Do you press right again to continue moving... left?

I understand that in an adventure game, it's not that big of a deal because there isn't nearly as much of a consequence for moving in the wrong direction for a split second. But in a game like SSB.... it's complicated.

Also, there would be no ledge grabbing. Would there be a radius at which gravity affects players near the planets?

I think people automatically assume it would work just as easily as it is to play a Galaxy game, but people don't actually stop and think about how difficult it is to even make the Galaxy games work.
Exactly, it comes to the point where you spend the match trying to figure out the controls more than actually fighting. A simple Starship Mario or Rosalina's Observatory stage can offer all of the grandeur of the Galaxy series without being terribly uncolmflortable.

It is for that reason I dislke Spear Pillar so vehemently. That stage breaks the flow of combat terribly.

Later SW. :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Yeah, I never liked the scrolling stages either. Although I've always preferred horizontal scrolling to vertical scrolling. As long as it's slower than the slowest character, no one is forced into a bad situation by it.

Icicle Mountain and Rumble Falls (and to an extent Rainbow Cruise) often force you to use your recovery move to stay alive. That is something I don't like.

Mushroomy Kingdom is just a pretty bad stage.

Big Blue and Poke Floats are alright though.

Yeah, like I said, it adds to the challenge, but at the same time, it takes out some of the fighting.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Since Sakurai is such a big fan of Star Fox 64 (APPARENTLY), I think it'd be cool if he sort of combined Lylat Cruise with the Great Fox. Play on top of the Great Fox as usual, BUT the background changes to very locations from Star Fox 64. During transitions the Great Fox does that WARP SPEED thing from the bonus stages.

Some of the planets may change up the stage a little bit too. Solar could have a burning sea of lava (or technically plasma I guess, lol), Aquas could have a non-burning sea of water. Sector Z could have you dodging missle explosions (like Peach's Castle). IT'D BE GREAT.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I mean, I think it's fine that certain stages are absolutely zany. I disagree with the notion that every single stage needs to be suitable for competitive play. I actually enjoy being unexpectedly killed by hazards when I'm playing with friends. Perhaps that's because I wouldn't lose otherwise. =P


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I mean, I think it's fine that certain stages are absolutely zany. I disagree with the notion that every single stage needs to be suitable for competitive play. I actually enjoy being unexpectedly killed by hazards when I'm playing with friends. Perhaps that's because I wouldn't lose otherwise. =P
Oh I can agree with that, I happen to love Big Blue, Mushroomy Kingdom, Pirate Ship, Norfair, and Pictochat. But I think there is a balance that can be maintained better in places.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I mean, I think it's fine that certain stages are absolutely zany. I disagree with the notion that every single stage needs to be suitable for competitive play. I actually enjoy being unexpectedly killed by hazards when I'm playing with friends. Perhaps that's because I wouldn't lose otherwise. =P
Of course I don't expect all of the stages to be competitively viable, it would be ridiculous to ask that of a party game like Super Smash Brothers. As long as there are some stages that support tournament play, that's enough for me.

I just want to see more dynamic stages in general that use more than just hazards and primary stage elements to differentiate themselves.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yes, I'm pretty neutral when it comes to viable type stages for tourney play, just as long as there are good ol' stage hazards in some of them than that's all I would need, also am option to turn them off would be nice IMO for such purposes.



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah I liked Picto. I also like Halberd and Delfino-esque stages.

An option to turn off stage hazards would be difficult to implement and would also create a bit of a slippery slope. I'd prefer it if they just let stages be stages. If there are hazards there are hazards, if there aren't there aren't.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
After doing some research, I'm pretty much positive that Pokefloats is the result of laziness/rushing.

The models used are literally models from the Pokemon Stadium games. Add a generic ocean of clouds as a background and some scripting for the float movements, and you've got yourself one uninspired stage.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Oh I can agree with that, I happen to love Big Blue, Mushroomy Kingdom, Pirate Ship, Norfair, and Pictochat. But I think there is a balance that can be maintained better in places.
I love those stages with exception of Bog Blue, I found it way to difficult to survive when it came to competative play.

Question, is this stage tourney viable? Counterpicked? I haven't been keeping up with BBR rules lol...



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
What I want is a better spread of atmosphere im the next game. I want to be able to go to Sunset Shore and see the giant orange moon casting shadows over the stage and the players. Visit Skytown Elysia and be saturated in an ethereal, alien world that is both desolate and hostile. The Ruinous City of Sin and Punishment with it's post-apocalyptic, grunge/punk themes. Flying through space on the Starship Mario, traipsing from galaxy to galaxy. Fighting in the colorful and wonderful Fountain Gardens from Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Those are the things I want. My three favorite stages in Brawl are Yoshi's Island, Battlefield, and Distant Planet. All three of those are because of the sens of atmosphere they bring with them, which includes their tracks (apart from Ai No Uta).

After doing some research, I'm pretty much positive that Pokefloats is the result of laziness/rushing.

The models used are literally models from the Pokemon Stadium games. Add a generic ocean of clouds as a background and some scripting for the float movements, and you've got yourself one uninspired stage.
And yet it is one of the most loved stages in the series. XD

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I just want more coherence in the game as a whole. But I'm sure that sentiment is clear by now. XP


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yeah I liked Picto. I also like Halberd and Delfino-esque stages.

An option to turn off stage hazards would be difficult to implement and would also create a bit of a slippery slope. I'd prefer it if they just let stages be stages. If there are hazards there are hazards, if there aren't there aren't.

Well, I was actually referring to stage hazards that are on stage, like Chimera from New Pork City for example, since it isn't part of the stage itself, rather it just pops up, others like The Halberd would indeed be a problem, but you get what I'm saying.


Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
And yet it is one of the most loved stages in the series. XD
Meh, I'm not a big fan of it. Maybe because I'm bitter about how aesthetically unpleasing it looks, and therefore, I simply can't enjoy it.

For me, it's like taking an iPhone and covering it in vomit. It may arguably be the best smart phone on the market, but I still don't wanna touch it. Gross.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Since Pokéfloats is getting some attention, I did a stage concept that took the premise of Pokéfloats and tweaked it.

[COLLAPSE="Nintendo"]So my last stage idea was pretty fun. After playing through Sin and Punishment it left me with a great deal of inspiration. But now it is time for probably the craziest stage idea I have ever had. It is going to take an old stage mechanics, tweak it, and triple the insanity. In a way this will be the home of a particular returning character, since it will be very applicable to him. So, are you ready for this?

What is this madness?! Why it is the ultimate stage, Nintendo! That is right, this stage takes place on Nintendo consoles! You will begin at the NES and end with the Wii U. All the while dodging the various hazards each consoles brings with it... The consoles will cycle much like Pokéfloats, there will be things that will carry you to the next console. The entire background is a blank TV screen with static. And yes, this is R.O.B's home stage.

The stage begins on a giant NES, it is long and flat. Much like Pictochat orFinal Destination. Suddenly the light flashes and the power button sinks into the console and the image of Super Mario Bros title screen flashes on the backround. Suddenly the background is nothing but a playthrough of World 1-1! While fighting atop an NES no less! But be careful, there is a strange gun above you. It's a NES Zapper, tired of the blood of fowl it is now hunting you! Dodge the crosshairs to survive to the next evolution of entertainment! The NES starts to pan to the left of the screen and the SNES emerges from the right, jump onto the SNES before you get pulled offscreen by the receding NES.

Now it is time for the 16bit era! With the NES gone the screen is blank once more, the stage is now a little more awkward as the design for the SNES is not smooth like the NES. Plus there is a floating controller to the right of the console acting as a secondary platform. Something looks off, what is it? No cartridge in the system? Until now, falling from the sky is a spinning SNES game cartridge. Move out of the middle of the stage before it lands or you will receive massive damage! Now the stage is even more awkward to fight on with the extra level. But the better question is, what game is it? The poser button slides up, the buttons on the the controller/platform start bobbing up and down (which means a hazard for characters on the platform BTW). The screen flashes, A Link to the Past! Our Link begins his adventure in the Dark World, making his way around the strange world. Now the system is off, the controller platform is unplugged from the SNES and begins to lower away, but the stage isn't moving? That is because this time we are going up! Hop onto the Zelda cartridge before you are left behind.

As it rises the cartridge will be your platform and other cartridges (NES, SNES, GB) will rise with you, allowing you to hop platforms to make up for the lack of space. Yes, you will be able to see their cover art and it will cameo many different series and titles.

Finally you make your way to the N64, this time you aren't fighting on the console, but the controller. Super Mario 64 is in the background on this one. As you hop on the control stick and buttons it will cause Mario to change directions or jump on the screen in the background. The controller itself will move around in the air, finally detaching from the system when that section is complete. Below it will emerge our favorite purple lunchbox!

But the Gamecube is sideways, so your view is from the side. The console itself is flat with the controller, again, acting as a platfrom to the lower left. Although this time the cable itself is a platform too and extends from the controller to the console. Giving the most space out of all the consoles to battle on. Be careful standing on the Gamecube, because when the top pops up you will be flung off the stage. Just like in Pirate Ship! Then it will close and our next game will appear in the background and its... Super Smash Bros. Melee!!! You will watch a match between Fox and Marth on Final Destination, no items. The disc will eject and it will fly offscreen to the left. The stage will begin panning to the right, only to unveil a certain white, rectangular box.

Ahh, a flat surface again! There is one Wiimote floating above the stage acting as an additional platform. It will float up and down and moving in accordance to the action of the game behind it. What game is that? Wii Sports of course. The blue light will flash on the Wii and the games will begin. If it's baseball the Wiimote will swipe across the stage, damaging players. If it's boxing it'll jab back and forth. Golf, a wide sweep below onto the stage. Bowling, will begin at the end of the stage and slowly move halfway until making a large skyward swipe. Tennis, simple easy swing. Tired after so much movement, it is now time to take a break. Wiimote lights flash and the system is off. Whew, time to move on. Our last stop, Wii U.

Wii U:
The Wii U tablet will arrive to the side of the stage just like an elavator. Hop aboard, there is plenty of room. So it will descend, no obstacles of gimmicks just a straight out static platform. But what will play in the bacgkround this time? The very match going on. Just like Pokémon Stadium it will be your characters. Except at point the stage will go blank and below you you will see the tablet screen light up. So down you go and go and go, until you begin at the very beginning. The NES...

You my friends just took the ultimate tour. The Nintendo tour, an experience unlike any other.

Stage Examples:

NES: ________
Snes: -...-.-

N64: -_-



Wii U: -_______-

Stage Name: Nintendo
Icon: Gyromite symbol

Nintendo - Nintendo (This song will be an original like Pictochat. It will be composed by Hirokazu Tanaka, and will make use of the many "sounds" of Nintendo. Such as the Gameboy boot up jingle, Gamecube jingle, Wii menu theme, cartridges clicking and scratching. Some of the most random sounds that only "Hip" Tanaka could turn into some musical masterpiece!)
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Quest
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Mii Plaza
Nintendo 3DS EShop - EShop
Gameboy Camera - Credits
Wii Photo Channel - Bright
Check Mii Out Channel - Select a Mii
Wii Shop Channel - Wii Shop Channel (Brawl)
Gyromite - Gyromite (Brawl)
Famicom - Famicom Medley (Brawl)
Meteos - Lastar
Pictobits - End Credits
So many games - Totaka's Song (also here and here)

So what do you think? Was it worth the read? Crazy enough? This is probably a pro-player's worst nightmare but who cares. It's fun and that is what matters! Hopefully everyone enjoyed this as it is probably my craziest.[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
WOULD giving an option to turn off stage hazards be hard to implement? Haven't hackers done that? If they have, I'd imagine it's just a matter of changing a variable or something? Surely it wouldn't be too hard to implement if that's the case. Matter of TOGGLING.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
WOULD giving an option to turn off stage hazards be hard to implement? Haven't hackers done that? If they have, I'd imagine it's just a matter of changing a variable or something? Surely it wouldn't be too hard to implement if that's the case. Matter of TOGGLING.
Well it depends on how integrated the hazard is. Stuff like the Chimera or arwings can be assigned a variable. But a stage like Picto Chat, which is practically one giant hazard, can't really be helped. =P


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Oasis, the problem would be where to draw the line of what falls into that toggle and what doesn't. Would Bridge of Eldin become static? How about Norfair? Would the Klap Trap go away in Jungle Japes? What constitutes as a 'hazard' and what is a 'stage feature'?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
WOULD giving an option to turn off stage hazards be hard to implement? Haven't hackers done that? If they have, I'd imagine it's just a matter of changing a variable or something? Surely it wouldn't be too hard to implement if that's the case. Matter of TOGGLING.
There is an option for it? Oh then it's definetly possible, I wasn't aware of this.



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Goodness Omega. READ.

Still, for things like the Bridge of Eldin, just take away the bomb/King Bulbin's damage and knockback and it should be fine? Prevent the damaging Picto Chat.. THINGS from appearing? Or again just take away their damage/knockback. Yeah, I guess that makes things a bit more challenging, but still there should be a way around it IF they wanted to go that route.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, I DID read what hex had to say, not a big deal, I'd say it would be good to leave them as is, simple yet exciting backgrounds.


Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
If they wanted to go that route, they would have to restrict level design to accomodate "toggleable" hazards. So it would have to be the plan from the beginning.

....which, in my opinion, would make for relatively boring stages.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Also, I'll give a cookie to whomever can guess the game and level I derived my Nintendo stage concept from :p


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yes, I agree with Hex's point, I don't thing stages should be complicated but also not simplistic enough like taking existing models and putting them in a stage.

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