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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, Im a FF fan, but I'm not creepy now am I? :laugh:

Well in any case I doubt we'll see anything FF related in Smash, unless we get Slime+Chocobo, but realistically I can only see Slime making it in.



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Hmm..pretty comprehensive list.

The music choices, or the old stuff?

Realistically, I see Chocobo having more of a chance than Slime.
Both of them would be interesting to play tho, so any links to a moveset?

Well thanks for not flamming. :laugh:

Anyway, I know the FF series is good, but overall I'm not the biggest fan of RPG's, plus the fanboys still creep me out a bit. :p
lol You're welcome. What games do you like then? Fighting I would think


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
The music choices, or the old stuff?

Realistically, I see Chocobo having more of a chance than Slime.
Both of them would be interesting to play tho, so any links to a moveset?
I'd flip that around buddy boy. lol


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
this is how i see it.
Black Mage>Slime>Chocobo

i still have preference for those with hands but apparently, slime has his whole body as his hand. i still find it hard to believe.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
The music choices, or the old stuff?

Realistically, I see Chocobo having more of a chance than Slime.
Both of them would be interesting to play tho, so any links to a moveset?
No, you have it backwards, Slime has more of a chance actually. He's had more involment with Mario than Chocobo himself has.

Black Mage? Eh...I don't think he's had much involvement with Nintendo games such as Mario's as of late, besides the Japanese favor him more according to Chrono.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
this is how i see it.
Black Mage>Slime>Chocobo

i still have preference for those with hands but apparently, slime has his whole body as his hand. i still find it hard to believe.
Play some Mario Sports Mix and Rocket Slime.

Also, I just learned Cecil is an alien!!! What the heck? And Golbez is his brother and was being controlled himself! Dang that is just nuts.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Hm, well I was basing them off popularity wise for Square and FF comes to mind but I guess Slime has more involvement (never played DQ). I looked into it and Slime appears 2 years before Chocobo and 1 before the FF series. It's also just my bias to see Chocobo if it was between the two :p


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I have not made a Final Fantasy stage... Yet...

Here is my latest stage concept though. It is a little less well put together as I did this late at night.

Hey guys, here is another stage idea I've had a little while, but have never been sure how to work it. I may refine this later tomorrow once I am not so tired. Hopefully it is interesting enough on it's own?

But wait?! Don't we already have this stage already? Well, yes... And no... You know how you have one city, and sometimes they reuse the name but add "new" in front of it? Well this would be New Smashville, the "Pokémon Stadium 2" to the original Smashville. "Didn't you say you believe the original Smashville would return?" Why yes I did. "Is two Animal Crossing stages really necessary?" That question is subjective to each persons opinion, personally I do not see things through that lens. I see it through what a stage can bring while adequately representing it's series. This stage does that.

How this stage is different than it's counterpart is unlike Smashville, you will actually fight within the town itself. Not on a floating platform above the city. The sky will curve and slowly pass above you just like in City Folk and the upcoming Animal Crossing 3DS 9probably with the stage taking more cues from that title).

Your fight will take place on the "second floor", you will fight on two opposite cliffs. Behind you will be the river and it's corresponding lake/bridge. You will also see the many houses of villagers and the staple buildings such as the Museum, Nook's Cranny, The Mayor's House and Sable and Mable's. Below you will see the beach, the waterfall and the houses along the beach side. Trees will be budding fruit and flowers will blossom with small insects crawling throughout. Villagers will walk around the back, interacting each other and occasionally stopping to watch the players. Their interactions (along with the characters) will change depending upon some of the various circumstances that will be listed ahead. Occasionally Kapp'n will make a cameo, driving hiw bus to the but stop to collect some passengers and head off to the city.

What makes this stage special is it will be completely affected by the console's clock and forecast channel/app! What this means is a more accurate day/night cycle that will literally imitate that of Animal Crossing. If it is forecasted for you to have rain, the game's background will rain. If it is forecasted to be windy, the trees will sway under a strong breeze. The stage can also be affected by seasons. Meaning during each season you can fight on four different terrain reflective of the present season. Select holidays (and days) will also bring about special background events and characters from Animal Crossing.

One other amazing detail is My Music will not function on this stage similar to Hanenbow. Why is this? Because each hour will have it's own song taken from the Animal Crossing series. If you happen to be playing a match and the hours changes, the track will change to the next hours track. With a bell chime in between ringing a number of times according to the hour.

Stage Example:


Stage Name: New Smashville
Stage Icon: Nook Leaf

Animal Crossing: City Folk - 12:00 AM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 1:00 AM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 2:00 AM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 3:00 AM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 4:00 AM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 5:00 AM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 6:00 AM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 7:00 AM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 8:00 AM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 9:00 AM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 10:00 AM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 11:00 AM

Animal Crossing: City Folk - 12:00 PM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 1:00 PM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 2:00 PM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 3:00 PM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 4:00 PM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 5:00 PM ♥
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 6:00 PM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 7:00 PM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 8:00 PM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 9:00 PM
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 10:00 PM
Animal Crossing (GC) - 11:00 PM
Jun 8, 2009
Play some Mario Sports Mix and Rocket Slime.

Also, I just learned Cecil is an alien!!! What the heck? And Golbez is his brother and was being controlled himself! Dang that is just nuts.
He's half alien. Not alien!

He has some lunarian blood in him

I should have put that objection GIF


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@Star: Well, I might as well do one since you're obviously not going to do it.

I like the transition time, any storms with it?



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
@Star: Well, I might as well do one since you're obviously not going to do it.

I like the transition time, any storms with it?

When did I say I wasn't? Despite what it may seem like I don't mass produce these things you know?

Unless your system shows it as raining, nope.

Star do you have a Chocobo&Slime moveset? I wanna take a look at it
I'll VM it to you.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Sakurai feels that it's important to have old and young representation of Link, so a younger version of Link in general isn't going anywhere, I'd say.

As for getting replaced with Young Link... eh, I doubt it, Toon Link represents the cel-shaded Zelda series along with younger version of Link, and he is more recent/relevant. I'm not sure what Young Link would represent other that being a Young Link, plus aesthetically, Toon Link brings more to the table than Young Link ever could.
My opinion on this: All 3 versions should return. Young Link is OoT, Adult Link is TP, Toon Link is WW.

Also, my Square reps are final. Sorry.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Whatever Goomba, just be quiet.

Here Toonlink, here is the C&S moveset.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

10:12 AM


Weight: 2/5

Strength: 2/5

Speed: 4/5

Shield: about 2.5: average.

Attack speed: 4/5

Jump: 4/5

Fly: No

Crawl: No

Continuous attack: Yes


A- Peck

AA- Double peck

AAA- Double peck, followed by Chocobo turning around and bashing the enemy with his side.

Forward tilt: Chocobo swipes his wing in front of him.

Downward tilt: Chocobo crouches down and sweeps his wings along the ground in front of him, damaging slightly and having a chance of tripping the enemy.

Upward tilt: Chocobo does a tiny upward jump, aiming his beak at the sky.

Neutral air: Option A: Chocobo does a small forward spin, with his head (and his beak) slightly stuck out.

Option B: Chocobo does the same forward spin, while Slime struggles to stay on! Slime runs around Chocobo while Chocobo spins.

Forward air: Chocobo does a hard peck mid-air.

Backward air: Chocobo kicks/stabs with his talons.

Upward air: Chocobo gets slime to stand on his outstretched head, with slime dealing damage to those he touches.

Downward air: Chocobo stabs multiple times with his talons downwards.

Running attack: Chocobo runs and does a jumping head-butt forward.

Continuous attack: Chocobo continuously pecks at the enemy.


Forward smash: Chocobo sticks his head out to the side, and then swings his head from the left to the right, causing fair knockback and decent damage.

Upward smash: Chocobo jumps in the air, and the momentum of it carries Slime up and off his back to deal damage to the opponent and send them flying vertically.

Downward smash: Chocobo crouches down and sticks his wings out to either side, doing almost no knockback and very little damage, but having a high chance of tripping the opponents.


Initial grab: Chocobo grabs a very surprised looking Slime and uses him as a long range grabber. If Slime touches an enemy he will wrap around them and bring them back to Chocobo.

Attack while grabbing: Chocobo leans his head back, and then pulls it forward to deliver a sharp peck to the enemy.

Downward throw: Chocobo would throw the enemy under him, jump on top, scratch the enemy several times, and releases them, knocking them back along the ground.

Forward throw: Chocobo (who actually carries a lot of strength in his beak) throws the enemy around and around and lets go, sending the enemy flying diagonally upward.

Backward throw: Slime jumps off Chocobo's back while Chocobo puts the foe on to his back. Then, slime proceeds to slam down on to the enemy, sending them flying horizontally backwards.

Upward throw: Chocobo throws the enemy upwards (slightly) and hen pecks hard. At the same time, Slime jumps up off Chocobo's back to do an upward strike.

Just after being attacked: Slime’s eyes bulge and Chocobo shuts his eyes, hoping for the best.
Lying on ground: Chocobo lies on his side. Slime slowly slides down, and every so often will quickly climb back up again before sliding down again.
Being grabbed: Chocobo turns his head, eyes shut, and Slime flattens himself as much as possible on Chocobo’s back.
Ledge grab: Chocobo has the tip of his wings on stage.(If Chocobo uses Slime as a tether then it will show a very stretched Slime with Chocobo’s wings around him.)

Getting up from ground (below 100%): Chocobo, displaying considerable strength in his wings, pushes out the wing that he is lying on. This catapults him up, and as he does so, he twists around to the screen and sticks out his wings.
Getting up from ground (above 100%): Slime stays on the ground. Chocobo turns around and, getting his talons on the ground, jumps up, bounces on Slime, and spins around 360 degrees, with both wings out.
Getting up from ledge (below 100%): Chocobo pulls himself up and stretches his neck along the floor of the stage, pecking the feet of any foes near and possibly tripping them.
Getting up from Ledge(above 100%): Chocobo swings inward(toward the stage), to gain momentum, and then swings backward forcefully, catapulting Slime on stage, and carrying Chocobo up to land on stage on his back, to quickly turn over and have Slime jump on his back.

Neutral special (Frizz): Slime charges up, a bit like fox’s up spec before he moves. During this phase you can aim the attack, and when he’s ready, Slime will unleash an explosive fireball attack in the direction you chose. He cannot move it like Zelda’s, once it’s gone, it’s gone and he can’t control it. It sets players on fire for a few seconds and can also set areas of the stage on fire for a few seconds, dealing damage to anyone who wanders into the flames.

Side special (Slime Stretch): Slime jumps over Chocobo’s head and on to the ground in front of Chocobo. Chocobo then grabs slime with his beak and begins to stretch him, longer and longer, until the attack is fully charged and Chocobo lets go, catapulting slime across the stage. Slime acts like a strong projectile when being catapulted. This attack is a charge-up and can be used before it is fully charged, much like Ike’s Side special.

Up special (Balloon wings): Slime inflates himself, causing both him and Chocobo to rise. At the same time, Chocobo desperately flaps his wings to try and help keep them both up. A slightly awkward special, but an effective one.

Down special(Back Up!): Slime summons a random member of the Slime family (She-Slime, Heal Slime, Bubble Slime, King Slime, etc...) for different effects:

She Slime: Lunges itself at opponent, weak damage
Bubble Slime: Will run away on the battle field, in the process running under characters and causing them to trip.
Slime Knight: A Slime Knight will hop onto the stage and deliver one large slash in front of him, 7%
Jewel Slime: A rare slime to appear, he will spin on his point like a top back and forth, and will cut up opponents that get in his way, dealing damage in the same way that Jill does in brawl.
Slime Stack: Several slimes will appear and hop on top of one another and will fall forward attacking all within their line, 4% per slime.
Heal Slime: Rare, when one appears he will heal Slime about 10%.

FINAL SMASH (Giant call-up!): Slime and Chocobo summon up their gargantuan counter-parts! To put it simply, when Slime and Chocobo (or rather the player) has found where they want Fat Chocobo to fall, the player will activate the final smash, sending Fat Chocobo coming down from the sky! Fat Chocobo will be a similar size to Snorlax, and does massive damage, and massive knock-back. But the final smash isn’t done. Now Slime and Chocobo get to wander around the screen again, as if they’d never used the Final Smash, however they still carry its power! Now when the person activates the Final Smash, who will come along but King Slime! This has the potential to be deadly, for you see, since Fat Chocobo crossed the screen vertically, King Slime now gets to cross the screen horizontally. Again, a similar size to Snorlax, with much the same effect as Fat Chocobo, this is indeed hard to dodge. The niche to this Final Smash is that you can use it as quickly, or make it as prolonged as you want. Be aware that if your smash power is hit out of you in between using F.C. and K.S. the smash ball disintegrates, and can no longer be used by any other player until a new smash ball appears on screen. You can make it intense by two major objects coming at close time to each other, or keep the players on their toes and wait till they let their guard down. And since you’re controlling the attack, this even has the potential to destroy on large screens.

Taunt 1: Slime jumps on to Chocobo’s head and spins around clockwise. At the same time, Chocobo spins around anti-clockwise. When they have done a few turns, Chocobo does a pose and Slime stretches upward, making a big smile.

Taunt 2: Slime inflates and floats off Chocobo’s back, while Chocobo frantically tries to get him back, thinking he’ll float away, before Slime deflates and lands safely on Chocobo’s back.

Taunt 3: Slime hops off Chocobo’s back and Chocobo proceeds to chase him around in circles until Slime eventually hops back on to his back.


Victory Theme: A unique concept, instead of any one victory theme, instead there are two, because since one is taking characters from two different series it would be incomplete to have only one theme. Each theme has a 50% chance of playing after battle.



Victory pose 1: Slime spins and does a pose. As he does the pose, Slime does backflips on his back and smiles.

Victory pose 2: Slime jumps off Chocobo’s back. After a second of Chocobo staring at him, Chocobo begins to wander around him in circles, tilting his head this way and that. Protective, but dreamy.

Victory pose 3: Both Slime and Chocobo close their eyes in peace, resting after a long battle, smiling. Slime still rests on Chocobo’s back, but Chocobo lies on the ground, just slightly tilted so Slime has to slightly re-adjust himself every so often.

Kirby Hat: His hat will take after Slime since he will be using "Frizz" as his new special.


Snake codec:

Snake: That piece of goo keep's looking at me funny. And what is with the bird?
Otacon: That is Slime and Chocobo Snake. They are both from very popular characters from SquareEnix. They're games are known all over the world!
Otacon: Although it is strange to see the two co-operating with each other?
Snake: So technically it is two against one huh?
Otacon: Looks like it. But I wouldn't underestimate them, Slime has very formidable magic and Chocobo is a formidable physical fighter.
Snake: Considering I've fought psycopaths with machines that could destroy the earth, Feathers and Goo don't scare me.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
@Swayne: lol Cloud in Smash. That's gotta be a joke if you don't think Ridley will end up playable.

Thanks Star, I have it bookmarked so I'll take a look at it later


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
So.. What are the chances that Cloud will happen over Ridley in Smash 4?


*insert Phoenix Wright pic here*

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