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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Jun 8, 2009
Hmm .. So you admit that loses Toon Link of Meta Knight!:reverse:

Now do not care anymore, In your opinion, which character is more likely to apaecer in Sm4sh! In my opinion the most likely is K. Rool!



We were talking about stand alone attacks weren't we? Not the match up between them.

I got nothing against you poke. I'm just informing you that in terms of attacks, Toon Link's attacks are stronger and it deals good knockback. Even mathematical frame and knockback data agree with me. Now, I'll stop.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil



We were talking about stand alone attacks weren't we? Not the match up between them.
Well, in attacks alone I have to admit that toon link is a small victory, but anyway, I still think he was unnecessary in Brawl, I actually like to see young link back ... he was great, and much better compared to T. Link, and has more potential to luigifiction, or decloning.

We reached a consensus?:)


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Wouldn't Ridley be the most likely newcomer. Unless you wanted to say something a bit vague like "A 5th Gen Pokemon is the most likely."
Jun 8, 2009
Yarn Kirby posted here:

Yarn Kirby

Kirby's yarn form joins the fray! Oh and avoid the old woman who likes sowing. She might tie you up! Err... that wasn't funny wasn't it? Oh well damn. He's not likely but he has great potential to have an interesting and unique movesets.​


Kirby relies on two things. Combos and his long range. His yarn whip attacks and his special (Yarn catch) is extremely useful for Kirby. He does well against rushdown and zoning characters thanks to his long ranged attacks. Unfortunately, his weight (As light as Jigglypuff's) and falling speed makes him easy to kill.

STR: ---
SPEED: -------
ATK SPD: ------
SHIELD: -----
SIZE: ---
JUMP: --------
RANGE: ---------
AIR MOBILITY: ---------


Neutral Special : Yarn grab

Kirby catches the enemy with his yarn whip. He can pull the enemy towards him or away from him. It deals 6% damage. The whip can be aimed.

Against those characters to try to run, try to zone and try to camp, this move is the one of the most handy and useful tools in the game. The range is SUPER long and the the priority is extremely high. It can even put Meta Knight out of his mach tornado. This isn't really only useful for zoning but its great for continuing combos.

Forward Special : Yarn Train

Kirby transforms into a train and rams the opponent. Kirby follows the train tracks which are drawn by the analog stick. It deals 9% damage.

In train form, Kirby gains Super Armor that can resist attacks dealing below 10%. Unfortunately, it travels slowly (As fast as Snake's dash speed). It can help Kirby in recovering. Usually, you'll end up using this as a rushdown and recovery. After all, you can resist some attacks with super armor despite the train form having slow speed.

Downward Special : Yarn Snake

Kirby transforms into a Snake. In his Snake form, he's 5 times quicker. Clicking A will make Kirby stretch himself to the enemy and strangles him/her using his (Kirby's) own yarn body dealing 5% damage each hit until the enemy successfully struggles to break away..

This isn't really similar to his yarn whip. He goes towards the enemy instead of the enemy going towards him. It also functions as a rush down move since Kirby is extremely hard to hit plus he's faster than his normal speed. There are some cautions to take in this form. Kirby is lighter than even jigglypuff during this form. He is capable of being killed at low percents such as 70% or worse.

Upward Special : Pendulum

Kirby throws a pendulum, grapples it and swings. The thrown pendulum deals only 4% damage. You can aim where you want to throw pendulum.

Kirby's main recovery but it's not like the usual tether recoveries. It disappears after 5 seconds. Using a whip-like move or pressing up B aiming at the pendulum will make Kirby grapple it. Other characters with long ranged grapples or tether recoveries can using the pendulum too.

Standard attacks

Neutral combo : Whip flurry
Kirby whips endlessly. It's like Meta Knight's neutral a except it faces one direction and it has long range. It deals 2% per damage.

Great attack unlike the other rapid attacks. Most rapid attacks have a big cool down. This one does not. It has less cool down enough to follow it up to another attack. Think of it like Chun Li's rapid kicks.

Forward attack : Whip punch
Kirby whips the enemy. It deals 9% damage.

One of Kirby's best attacks. It has the range and priority. Unlike yarn whip, it does not catch the enemy. It hits them. It deals less damage and it has weak knockback. The range and priority can be taken advantage of against rushdown and zoning situations.

Upward attack : Whip up!
Kirby whips upwards. It deals 6% damage.

Are you facing aerial masters like Wario and Jigglypuff? This move works well against them. This move serves as an anti-air attack. Take advantage of the weak knockback and damage by chaining it repeatedly.

Downward attack : Twirling the whip!
Kirby twirls the whip downwards. It deals 4% damage per hit.

It isn't like the neutral a where in it has minimal recovery. In fact, it's unsafe as a stand alone attack. It's best if you do this from a safe range since this attack has good range.

Smash attacks

Forward Smash : Whip SMASH
Kirby smashes the enemy with his whip. It deals from 11 - 18% damage.

Whip smash is Kirby's best smash. It covers a huge area plus it deals good knockback. Not as much as most smashes but its still good for Kirby. This is suitable for finishing combos and countering rush downs and zoners. The start up is fast but the ending is quite noticeable but its not slow. It has some cool down so fast characters like Toad and Meta Knight may react quickly.

Upward Smash : Mega whip frenzy
Kirby repeatedly whips insanely upwards. He whips upwards 7 times. The speed is extremely fast and it deals from 18 - 33% damage (No charge: 3% - 2% - 2% - 2% - 3% - 2% - 4% damage).

Kirby's most powerful move. Once you miss with this attack, your open for a huge punishment even though the whip movement is fast. This can be followed up by u-tilt but it's also good against aerial attacks. However, characters such as Jigglypuff and Wario can use their aerial mobility to evade the attack easily so be wary of the enemy's aerial mobility.

Downward Smash : Bidirectional whip
Kirby whips in a Lemniscate motion (Infinity sign). It deals from 15 - 24% damage (No charge: 2% - 3% - 5% - 5% damage) The direction of the knockback is as follows: 1st - None, 2nd - Back, 3rd - None, 4th - Front (Strong).

Kirby's jack of all trades smash. It has good range both horizontal and vertical. Nothing much to say. The range says it all.

Aerial attacks

Neutral aerial : Round whip
Kirby whips around (Remember Zero's heavy attack in TvC?). It deals 10% damage in total (2% - 3% - 5%)

How do I say this? Err..... Its one of Kirby's most versatile attacks attacks. You can use it for both ground and aerial combos. It doesn't really deal much knockback which means it's not a suitable combo finisher. Maybe in the air I guess but there are always better options. On the ground, it has many uses as a combo starter if fast fell or short hopped and a follow up.

Forward aerial : Whip spike
Kirby spikes the enemy with his whip. It's a weak meteor smash. It damages 9%.

Just because it's a weak meteor smash, doesn't mean it's useless. For one, it's a long ranged attack and the start up and cool down is quick. That means it can be used as a combo starter and finisher. Finisher because it can meteor smash. It is weak but that doesn't make the meteor smash effect useless. At high percents such as 150% up, the meteor smash effect is stronger than usual.

Downward aerial : Weight

Kirby morphs into a weight and smashes his enemy! It deals 16% damage.

A stall - then - fall attack. It's EXTREMELY predictable so if you miss then your gonna die. In trade for the predictability and the terrible speed, it's ridiculously powerful but there's always the u-smash. I only put this because every character needs a useless move. Yes. All characters in brawl has some useless moves.

Upward aerial : Again....... Whip up!
Kirby whips upwards. It deals 6% damage.

Same as the whip up (Up tilt) except with more uses----- Wait a minute. It's just the same attack except it's the aerial version. Lol.

Backward aerial : Back slap (Suppose to be whip but that word was starting to get repetitive)
Kirby whips backwards. It deals 9% damage.

No. It's not like the f-tilt. In fact, it's nothing like it. Maybe the concept is like the f-tilt but not the hitbox. It has good horizontal range and BOTTOM (Not vertical) range. YES. It SLIGHTLY extends to the bottom. All around great move.


Grab : Yarn grab
Kirby grabs the enemy with his yarn. No. It's not like the yarn catch. There's a huge difference. In this one, he grabs the enemy. In the other one, it just pulls the enemy towards him.

Pummel : Top

Kirby morphs into a top and twirls the enemy around. Each spin or hit damages 4%.

Up, Down, Forward, Backward throw : Throw
Kirby throws the enemy. It deals 9% damage.


Kirby grabs the smashball! A metamortex appears in front of him and transforms him into a tank bot! Here are the controls in this form (Lol.... I keep using this sentence)

A - Rocket
B - Spinning punch
X/Y - Fly


Yarn Kirby's attacks are long ranged. All of them have good priority. He's known to being an adaptive character. He can adapt to being a zoner or a rush down. Most or even all of them can be used in both ways. He does well against characters with short range and characters with shorter range than him. He has a glaring problem though. His attacks aren't powerful so he'll have a hard time killing. Most of his killing attacks are unsafe. Even if it's followed up, it can be possibly DI'd so expect to kill enemies at around over 150%. Another bad thing is that he's the lightest character in the game along with Jigglypuff so he's gonna be really easy to kill. He's like ghost rider except he's cute and weak.

His yarn catch mixes well with all his standard attacks. You can follow up any attack once you pull the enemy towards him. His train is a decent rush down but it travels slow so it's gonna be easy to react to. His Snake form moves fast on ground. Use the speed to your advantage to retreat or rush down the enemy. His pendulum is his main recovery so there's nothing much to say about this.

Overall, Yarn Kirby relies on his long range in the end. If you like long ranged characters that can adapt to both styles such as zoning and rush down, then Yarn Kirby is the character for you!
Jun 8, 2009
Ryu's moveset is posted here:

"The answer lies in the heart of battle."
Ryu from the Street Fighter series joins the fray! Shoryuken! Hadoken! Tatsume Sepan--- er... wait... Uhhh... Sepanyakyaku? Something? Don't know. Spinning Kick thing. SHORUKEN! JOUDAN! Yeah. That's awesome. Anyway, he--- uh... He's generic. Lol. I have no introduction for this guy--- oh wait. Never mind :urg:


Ryu is one of the most basic characters in the game. He has a regular projectiles, a standard recovery and whatever. In other words, he's a great character for beginners.

STR: 5/10
WEIGHT: 5/10
SPEED: 5/10
ATK SPD: 5/10
SHIELD: 5/10
SIZE: 5/10
JUMP: 5/10
RANGE: 5/10


Neutral Special : Hadoken

Ryu shoots out a fire ball (Hadoken). It damages 7%.

Standard projectie. Nothing spectacular.

Forward Special : Joudan

Ryu does a high blade kick (Joudan). It has good knockback and it deals 11% damage.

Hard hitting kick with huge knockback. Yeah. Good for wall combos. Too bad most counterpick or starter stages in tourneys have no walls. Lol.

Upward Special : Shoryuken

Ryu delivers an uppercut of epic proportions. SHORYUKEN! It deals 14% damage.

Super jump punch except it's better but it has poor horizontal distance. Can be used in combos

Downward Special : Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

Ryu does a spin kick. It deals 4% damage per hit (12%).

It can help Ryu recovery since it makes him errr... "Hover" for a while or whatever word. Can be used in combos too.

Standard attacks

Neutral combo : Punch Punch Kick again!
Ryu does the usual basic punch punch kick. It deals 9% in total (3% - 2% - 4%)

Basic combo. Easy to jab cancel... Blah blah :awesome:

Forward attack : Punch
Ryu punches the enemy. It deals 10% damage.

Deals good damage and has somewhat good knockback. It's not one of Ryu's faster attacks though.

Upward attack : Upward kick
Ryu kicks upwards. It deals 8% damage.

Quick attack. Juggles. Short range. Great attack to follow up or to start combos and whatever.

Upward attack : Sweep
Ryu sweeps the ground using his leg. It deals 12% damage.

Somewhat slow but powerful attack. Can trip enemies.


Forward smash : Super punch
SUPER PUNCH. Ryu does a super strong punch. It deals from 12- 20% damage.

Quick but not as powerful as other smashes if uncharged. If charged then its powerful.

Upward smash : Uppercut
Ryu delivers an uppercut. It deals from 13 - 22% damage

Short ranged but great for starting combos. It also can be used as a killing move if fully charged.

Downward smash : Left and right kick
Ryu kicks at both directions. It deals from 11 - 18%.

Quick attack with long range. Not strong though.

Aerial attacks

Neutral aerial : "Sex" kick
Ryu kicks the enemy. The hitbox stays for... quite a while. The sweetspot damage is 13% while the sourspot is 6%.

Sourspot combos and sweet spot ends combos. Yeah. Simple as that.

Forward aerial : Forward kick
Ryu kicks forward. It deals 11% damage

Combo starter or follow up attack. Whatever

Backward aerial : Backward kick
Ryu kicks backward. It deals 11% damage

Same with the forward aerial attack except it's aimed backwards.

Downward aerial : Down punch
Ryu punches downwards which has meteor smash properties. It deals 14% damage.

Actually, it's quick compared to most meteor smashes plus it has quite decent knockback.

Upward aerial : Flip kick
Ryu does a flip kick. It does 9% damage.

Can be chained repeatedly. Also a follow up attack.


Pummel : Punch (Again LOL)
Ryu punches the guy. It deals 2% damage.

Throws : Throw
Ryu throws the guy. It deals 9% damage


Ryu grabs the smash ball and...... SHIN - Sho - RYU - KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!
It damages 55% (10% - 10% - 10% - 20%).​


Ryu is a balanced character............................ Enough said​


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Wasn't able to post lately because Irene ***** our power but now that powers back on so everything's all good, I agree Ridley is the most likely and deserving but what would you guys do if the roster leaks a few days before it comes out in Japan and every character you want in the game is in except for Ridley?
Jun 8, 2009
I'm still doing my Waddle Dee moveset at the same time, I'm making a Ryu moveset for the lulz since it's too easy and another moveset of a character from nintendo

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Wasn't able to post lately because Irene ***** our power but now that powers back on so everything's all good, I agree Ridley is the most likely and deserving but what would you guys do if the roster leaks a few days before it comes out in Japan and every character you want in the game is in except for Ridley?
I'd still be pissed. IMHO, we shouldn't be speculating for the 4th installment on whether he's a likely newcomer or not; Ridley should have been in since Melee.

Jun 8, 2009
Probably cause Sakurai was making a big fuss out of Ridley's size but then again, he admitted that he can develop the character. It's just that it could take quite a while.

So yeah, I think Ridley is getting in but WHO KNOWS

Le vieux lapin

Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2010
Nourrir la pluie
Ryu's moveset is posted here:

"The answer lies in the heart of battle."
Ryu from the Street Fighter series joins the fray! Shoryuken! Hadoken! Tatsume Sepan--- er... wait... Uhhh... Sepanyakyaku? Something? Don't know. Spinning Kick thing. SHORUKEN! JOUDAN! Yeah. That's awesome. Anyway, he--- uh... He's generic. Lol. I have no introduction for this guy--- oh wait. Never mind :urg:


Ryu is one of the most basic characters in the game. He has a regular projectiles, a standard recovery and whatever. In other words, he's a great character for beginners.

STR: 5/10
WEIGHT: 5/10
SPEED: 5/10
ATK SPD: 5/10
SHIELD: 5/10
SIZE: 5/10
JUMP: 5/10
RANGE: 5/10


Neutral Special : Hadoken

Ryu shoots out a fire ball (Hadoken). It damages 7%.

Forward Special : Joudan

Ryu does a high blade kick (Joudan). It has good knockback and it deals 11% damage.

Upward Special : Shoryuken

Ryu delivers an uppercut of epic proportions. SHORYUKEN! It deals 14% damage.

Downward Special : Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

Ryu does a spin kick. It deals 4% damage per hit (12%).

Standard attacks



Ryu grabs the smash ball and...... SHIN - Sho - RYU - KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!
It damages 55% (10% - 10% - 10% - 20%).​
He's like mario... friggin PERFECT middle stats... so boring.
Lol can you imagine RYU vs. Kirby? What a joke.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Probably cause Sakurai was making a big fuss out of Ridley's size but then again, he admitted that he can develop the character. It's just that it could take quite a while.

So yeah, I think Ridley is getting in but WHO KNOWS
That means if/when he gets in he'll most likely one of the very first newcomers they start work on, if not the first.

One of Sakurai's quotes on Smash 4 makes me somewhat confident in Ridley's inclusion: "it's painful to work on something new, it's fun to figure out how." That could easily be applied to Ridley, and if he indeed does so, then that means, IMO, he'll at least be seriously considered this time around, even moreso than he might've been in Brawl.

Jun 8, 2009
We can't predict who'll be developed first. It's best to wait. I'm gonna start making REAL assumptions once they release the trailer


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
I know you guys were discussing Boxart a few pages back but I guess I'll just post my ideas.... The top would read SUPER SMASH BROS STRIFE or SUPER SMASH BROS CLASH whatever the game is called. The case would pretty much be a giant Smash Ball... it sounds pretty stupid I know but whatever the case would be kind of holographic/ shiny.

In the top right corner of the Smash Ball it would have Mario, Link, Pikachu, Kirby, and Samus the top left corner would have Ridley,Starfy, Issac, and Little Mac, the bottom right would have... Peach,Fox,Wario, and Pit, the bottom left would have Zelda, Bowser, Captain Falcon and Slime and Chocobo or Megaman. Yeah I know it doesn't sound that good I was just throwing ideas out

On another note I have an awesome Assist Trophy idea...

Computer Virus- From Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra
Here's a video on how it would attack

Whenever it would be summoned it would attack the enemy... it can take three different forms when it's summoned the form it takes is random


Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
We can't predict who'll be developed first. It's best to wait. I'm gonna start making REAL assumptions once they release the trailer
I'm just using common sense here. Naturally, if Sora wants to include Ridley and know it'll be uphill battle making him, they'll probably want to get him out of the way first so they'll have time to work on other stuff. That would go for any other fighting game, not just Smash. But anywho, Opelucid, I doubt they'd show Mega Man on the front of the cover. I still don't think I'll like any name for the Wii U version...


Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Well, they showed Sonic and snake on the brawl cover...
wolf was the biggest suprise to me
I know that. I said the front of the box. They only showed Sonic and Snake on the back of the box, so they'll probably do the same with Mega Man and *insert other third-party character here*.



Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2011
Queens, New York
Nintendo is facing dire straits right now. They were forced to drop the price of the 3DS, and stock holders are pissed. THey may be reconsidering the Wii-U as we speak


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Nintendo is facing dire straits right now. They were forced to drop the price of the 3DS, and stock holders are pissed. THey may be reconsidering the Wii-U as we speak
I think this may cause smash to be the most corporate version we've seen so far.

Smash may not be as wild with the characters and Nintendo might have Sakurai add ones that would increase sales in certain areas.

Super Smash Bros. Advertisement Scheme is the next game


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
They should rerelease Brawl with a different cover art and see if anyone notices

Sneak Nintendo


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
I think this may cause smash to be the most corporate version we've seen so far.

Smash may not be as wild with the characters and Nintendo might have Sakurai add ones that would increase sales in certain areas.

Super Smash Bros. Advertisement Scheme is the next game

The 3DS version would come out first right? Possibly with all the single player modes done, then we would have to wait for "Arena" with its multi player and possibly exclusive characters. That'd be pretty good advertising, it'd bring up 3DS sales (if I don't have one by then I'd definitely get it) and cause Arena to be sold out instantly :awesome:

So what else been goin on here?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Like I said, the 3DS is likely to come out first due to sales, pushing the 3DS's sales would help tremendously since the Wii-U version is likely to sell more anyway, that's what I believe in case the 3DS doesn't sell as many copies, I guess.



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
But to increase excitement, the time span between the release dates could be pretty wide. And after SSB4 comes out, it could promote Melee online :D (I really wanna play someone right now :()


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yeah, maybe sometime in between Melee Online might get considered only if fans seems to want it, it worked with MvC2, even though it was nearly a decade year old game, I'm hoping it won't be a straight up port from the GNC, but as of now I don't think is going to happen, we'll ha e to wait a good while for it.



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Well I know there are a good amount of people who prefer Melee>Brawl, since it was a really different play style so I think the HD online DLC thing that we talked about is sure to have some talk other than here.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Well, a Melee port with online and maybe HD would be awesome to have. But I'm not sure just yet if Nintendo would consider doing that, seeing as they didn't for 64 on the VC. :(

Plus I still don't know the controller situation on the Wii U, so a port might not even matter at all if the controller is awkward or bad.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, a Melee port with online and maybe HD would be awesome to have. But I'm not sure just yet if Nintendo would consider doing that, seeing as they didn't for 64 on the VC. :(

Plus I still don't know the controller situation on the Wii U, so a port might not even matter at all if the controller is awkward or bad.
Well, the only reason I can think of as to why a 64 version of Smash wasn't made into a remake is simply because it wasn't requested as much and wasn't as big a hit as Melee, I'd say Melee is bound to het a remake only if fans seem to want it, I doubt Nintendo will do this on it's own, therefore a possible straight port from the GNC to Wii-U is likely to occur.

As for the controller situation, don't worry so much, I'm sure a 3rd developer will think of something, if Nintendo doesn't, if not there's always the Classic Controller Pro which shouldn't be that big of an issue, if we don't ever get an adapter or redesigned controller; there always modding. :p



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Maybe do both? No offense, but how big is the 64 community? I have no preference and I always thought Melee was more popular (at least competitive wise).
Unless SSB4 has the same physics engine as Melee, then I don't think a Melee or 64 remake would be necessary (though I'd really love to play YLink and Doc online).
They gotta make a GCC controller. I remember someone saying that tourneys have trouble using the blue tooth, is that true?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yes, that is very true, allow me to explain why:

See, when tourney venues are set up and Wirelees controller such as the Wiimote and wavebird are used it causes syncronizing errors, due to the radio frequency waves of all the wireless signals going around it causes lantency issues, therefore lagginess presents itself and causes problems at tourneys if people intend to use them, that's why alot of TO's despise them and are usually banned for that reason, that why (I believe) that the Smash community always prefer the GNC controller because it's traditional and doesn't cause such problems, if we indeed get a redisined controller for the Wii-U I'm hoping it's a corded USB one, that way no issues would potentially present itself.


Deleted member

I think DK is more likely to get a newcomer then Super Mario Bros.

Having thought about popularity, while it doesn't decide by itself who gets in and who doesn't, it does help a character's chances. And I honestly think that Donkey Kong has a slightly better chance of getting a third slot then Mario does of getting a fifth one based off being more popular in one specific country Sakurai will look at for popularity.

Which is of course Japan. Donkey Kong seems to be requested a decent amount of time on it; namely King K. Rool and Dixie Kong. It also seems as King K. Rool is the newcomer that most people are okay with; which also leads me to the opinion that King K. Rool is the most popular choice for a newcomer worldwide (yes even more popular then Ridley, which only gets a few requests in Japan; he'll have to mostly ride on his Western popularity). Dixie Kong isn't as requested, but is among the more requested newcomers out there.

As for Super Mario Bros., it is not so lucky. Very few requests have been made for a fifth Mario rep, which indicates that while Japan may want to see a DK rep (although not to the scale of Mewtwo or Roy returning, but is still regularly mentioned), they have little interest in a Mario rep. So there's a chance that we may miss out on a fifth rep this time around if Sakurai's main focus is in Japan.

This isn't me saying that a Super Mario Bros. rep is unlikely at all. As a matter of fact, I think we have a very strong chance of getting a fifth rep and I would love tor Paper Mario or Toad to join in (Bowser Jr. depends on if he's unique, which I'm worried he won't be if playable). What I am saying is that in likeliness, Japanese popularity gives DK a slight edge and I would be sincerely shocked if DK did not get a third rep.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
Yes, that is very true, allow me to explain why:

See, when tourney venues are set up and Wirelees controller such as the Wiimote and wavebird are used it causes syncronizing errors, due to the radio frequency waves of all the wireless signals going around it causes lantency issues, therefore lagginess presents itself and causes problems at tourneys if people intend to use them, that's why alot of TO's despise them and are usually banned for that reason, that why (I believe) that the Smash community always prefer the GNC controller because it's traditional and doesn't cause such problems, if we indeed get a redisined controller for the Wii-U I'm hoping it's a corded USB one, that way no issues would potentially present itself.

I doubt Nintendo will think of something like that. They are basing their systems for home or personal use. It's not design for large scale tournaments. In Smash they could improve the online and have more online tournaments. Then your records can be recorded on your 3DS which you can take to smaller live tournaments.
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