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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I doubt Nintendo will think of something like that. They are basing their systems for home or personal use. It's not design for large scale tournaments. In Smash they could improve the online and have more online tournaments. Then your records can be recorded on your 3DS which you can take to smaller live tournaments.
Yes, but I think 3rd party developers or modders will figure something out, that's if Nintendondoeant do anything about it.

Like you say, if the online were to be good I'd say there's a good chance that an online tournament community would grow and present itself, like leaderboards and score tracker for example could decide who would win tourneys and whatnot, I'm hoping Sora thinks more expansively when it does come to online.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Remember that fan requests are just that. So, don't take Japanese fan talk as anything more than what it is. It isn't crystal ball that's going to tell the future. The picks for characters has a lot more than just us as fans involved in it. I thought MvC3 would have made that clear by now.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
It's to early to decide since development hasn't even started yet, it might take a turn in a couple of months as we know it, honestly I don't look at anything too seriously and won't until we get some official news concerning character inclusions and such.

@m_&_s_guy: Ah, nice Zoroark color palette scheme



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
That picture isn't of Zoroark. That was the artist's interp of what the silhouette of Zoroark could have looked like. If you look at their faces, they look very different. Honestly, his interp was much cooler than the real thing.

Has it ever been publicly released why Nintendo sold Rare?

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
That picture isn't of Zoroark. That was the artist's interp of what the silhouette of Zoroark could have looked like. If you look at their faces, they look very different. Honestly, his interp was much cooler than the real thing.

Has it ever been publicly released why Nintendo sold Rare?
I said it was fan-made, and I only mentioned it as a recolor. Not once was I referring to it as an alternate outfit.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I said it was fan-made, and I only mentioned it as a recolor. Not once was I referring to it as an alternate outfit.
Well it isn't even Nintendo property, and while it's cool. It's only happening via hacks. Besides, I never said it should be an alt. costume. Don't know where you pulled that one out of.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
I see, glad I never had that problem when I went to the only Brawl tourney I've been to :)
Do 360's or PS3's have that problem when they hold tourneys tho? 360 controllers don't use blutooth so maybe if there was wireless USB connectivity it could be based on the 360 controller. I'm guessing PS3's have the same problem.
That said, the Wii U is starting to be even more similar to the 360 xD

Somebody answer this:
What really defines a unique moveset? It's obvious that clones/Luigi-fied hold nothing different in the appearance of the attack, but they differ in effect (knockback/damage) right? The effect should be what we're really looking for in terms of "unique". Creativity is nice to see of course, but that doesn't mean that some characters should be cut because they lack a unique "presentation" of an attack. How many characters share a sex kick, roll or spin as a Nair? A flash kick, screw kick or some kind of flip as a Upair? A sweep as a Dtilt?
In other words, don't cut Toon Link :(

Did you catch the VMA's? They had a tribute to Amy (btw sorry about the other day, didn't know that she'd passed)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

I agree with SSBFan, let's see now:

K.Rool definetly has a chance at the roster; seeing as he's been the most requested DK rep for a while, I'm not entirely sure if Dixie Kong were to overthrow his chances since Sakurai already had data for Dixie in Brawl, which means he might show interest in Dixie once more, also the fact that K.Rool didn't appear in Donkey Kong Returns makes me believe that his chances might not be as high as we thought, I don't exactly know but I will say that Dixie Kong has a slight higher chance due to her already being acknowledged by Sakurai, unless of course demand for K.Rool is high then I can see it happening.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

@y.toonlink: Okay, to answer your question about the 360 and PS3 is that while the 360 doesn't have as many issues like a WiiMote it has been reported that some occasional syncronizing errors will occur, obviously not as much.

As for the PS3 itself, it does, but it less of an issue than the WiiMote itself, since tbe signal is much more grounded than that of the Wii, I forgot the frequency of signal but it's there.


Deleted member

Remember that fan requests are just that. So, don't take Japanese fan talk as anything more than what it is. It isn't crystal ball that's going to tell the future. The picks for characters has a lot more than just us as fans involved in it. I thought MvC3 would have made that clear by now.
This I understand; which I is why I think it only makes a slight difference in how likely a character is.
I ran into the following image recently...

It's fan-made, but it would make a neat Zoroark recolor.
That would have looked great and I prefer it over his fuzzball appearance he has today. Not that it's bad or anything.

I agree with SSBFan, let's see now:

K.Rool definetly has a chance at the roster; seeing as he's been the most requested DK rep for a while, I'm not entirely sure if Dixie Kong were to overthrow his chances since Sakurai already had data for Dixie in Brawl, which means he might show interest in Dixie once more, also the fact that K.Rool didn't appear in Donkey Kong Returns makes me believe that his chances might not be as high as we thought, I don't exactly know but I will say that Dixie Kong has a slight higher chance due to her already being acknowledged by Sakurai, unless of course demand for K.Rool is high then I can see it happening.

From what I've seen, King K. Rool seems to be the most wanted newcomer worldwide with very high requests here and a decent amount of request in Japan as well.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, here's to hope that he does have enough popularity in Japan, I don't think having worldwide popularity helps since Sakurai will most likely look at Japan only, this of course is not to say that it won't happen, it's just that he's done it in the past so....



Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
He's like mario... friggin PERFECT middle stats... so boring.
Lol can you imagine RYU vs. Kirby? What a joke.

he really shouldn't have plain stats imo. His projectile game would atleast be a 9 and hes been known to be one of the more heavy hitters in his own game.
Ryu would be a pain in the *** to fight in brawl man. X-x

I think his campy playstyle would transfer over really well. Seriously. I can just picture him chucking plasma at from across the stage to bait his opponents approach. :<


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Somebody answer this:
What really defines a unique moveset? It's obvious that clones/Luigi-fied hold nothing different in the appearance of the attack, but they differ in effect (knockback/damage) right? The effect should be what we're really looking for in terms of "unique". Creativity is nice to see of course, but that doesn't mean that some characters should be cut because they lack a unique "presentation" of an attack. How many characters share a sex kick, roll or spin as a Nair? A flash kick, screw kick or some kind of flip as a Upair? A sweep as a Dtilt?
In other words, don't cut Toon Link :(
Hmm, I'm not quite sure how to answer that. But I do think we overreact to clones a little bit. I mean look at SF, there are 3 different versions of Ryu, but each have they're own small differences and over time they've become their own character.

Ex. Ryu and Ken in SF2 were clones. But aren't in later SF games.
Mario and Luigi in 64 were clones. But are very different by the time Brawl came out.

This is the evolution of clones.

As for Toon Link, I don't think anyone wants him cut, or at the most fused with Normal Link to make a buffed Link. ;)


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado

I honestly want Ryu a liiiil more then megaman. Its hard to say who will get in. Ryu is basically the most iconic symbol of fighting games and appears in most fighting games capcom has a part of and his moveset is made for them.

Buuuut on the otherhand megaman would fit brawls cartoony style a lil more, and his moveset has infinite potential.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
I'm totally betting on Ryu getting in. The dood gets into soooo many fighting game cross-overs. Besides, if snake leaves he'd kinda fill the void as a realistic, serious male character. Did sakurai ever mention 3rd party characters appearing in SSB4?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Hmm, I'm not quite sure how to answer that. But I do think we overreact to clones a little bit. I mean look at SF, there are 3 different versions of Ryu, but each have they're own small differences and over time they've become their own character.

Ex. Ryu and Ken in SF2 were clones. But aren't in later SF games.
Mario and Luigi in 64 were clones. But are very different by the time Brawl came out.

This is the evolution of clones.

As for Toon Link, I don't think anyone wants him cut, or at the most fused with Normal Link to make a buffed Link. ;)
I've been seeing that people can see him being cut, because he lacks a "unique moveset", which is kind of unfair in terms of Luigi, Falco, Wolf, Lucas and to an extent Jiggs.

And that's exactly my point: clones become their own character. It would be nice to see a creative moveset, but I don't think that's what they should be initially based off of. It should be the characters stats and a moveset to help those stats flow.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Hmm..so then, this raises another question, who would you see likely as a 3rd party rep? Do you thing Sakurai would just scrap the idea and go just with Nintendo All-Stars?
Well it's possible I suppose. There is definite reasons as to why Snake and Sonic would stay. But at the end of the day, they aren't needed. They're guests, and we have yet to find out how Sakurai treats guests.

Here are the three realistic options:

All third parties go.

Sonic and(or) Snake stay, no new third parties.

A new third party joins the fray, either WITH Sonic and(or) Snake, or alone.

I would bet on the second option as being most likely. I would prefer the first one though, or a new third party who shows up solo.

Deleted member

In terms of likeliness, I think Mega Man has the upper hand due to his extensive history with Nintendo, being by far the most requested 3rd-party character (and among the five most popular requests for SSB4), and being important to Capcom's and Nintendo's history, but Ryu is a definite possibility due to being more relevant to gaming then Mega Man, star of a revolutionary fighting franchise, and also being very important to Capcom's history. However, there's also the chance that no Capcom rep shows up for SSB4.
OmegaXVII said:
Hmm..so then, this raises another question, who would you see likely as a 3rd party rep? Do you thing Sakurai would just scrap the idea and go just with Nintendo All-Stars?
At this rate, even though I think Mega Man has the best shot, no one really.

As for the second question, even thought I don't see any likely options for new ones, I think we'll see third-party characters returning due to potential candidates I can count on more then one hand. That said, there's always that slim chance Sakurai will do away with third-party characters; which I expect to happen since third-party characters; even Sonic and Snake, will never be shoe-ins, so yeah. But I honestly don't see third-party characters happening if no new one shows up. I'd actually argue that just keeping the ones we have and adding no one would be the least likely.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Well it's possible I suppose. There is definite reasons as to why Snake and Sonic would stay. But at the end of the day, they aren't needed. They're guests, and we have yet to find out how Sakurai treats guests.

Here are the three realistic options:

All third parties go.

Sonic and(or) Snake stay, no new third parties.

A new third party joins the fray, either WITH Sonic and(or) Snake, or alone.

I would bet on the second option as being most likely. I would prefer the first one though, or a new third party who shows up solo.
I think your take on guests being treated like SC is a very possible choice. It would be nice to see a buffed Sonic and a nerfed Snake tho. (and Megaman)

btw I don't if you saw this already:
Did you catch the VMA's? They had a tribute to Amy (btw sorry about the other day, didn't know that she'd passed)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
In terms of likeliness, I think Mega Man has the upper hand due to his extensive history with Nintendo, being by far the most requested 3rd-party character (and among the five most popular requests for SSB4), and being important to Capcom's and Nintendo's history. However, Ryu is a definite possibility due to being more relevant to gaming then Mega Man, star of a revolutionary fighting franchise, and also being very important to Capcom's history. However, there's also the chance that no Capcom rep shows up for SSB4.At this rate, even though I think Mega Man has the best shot, no one really.
Well, I'm assuming you said Megaman as the new 3rd party right?

I guess Ryu will act as a "backup" just in case Megaman doesn't get considered, I agree on your other points though.


Deleted member

OmegaXVII said:
Well, I'm assuming you said Megaman as the new 3rd party right?
I was assuming that Mega Man has the upper hand in terms of likeliness with third-party characters, but specifically Capcom.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I'd actually argue that just keeping the ones we have and adding no one would be the least likely.
Why? Give me your reasoning if you would.

I figure it's much easier than adding a BRAND new character and going through the difficult process of adding them into Smash. And you still get the bang for your buck because there are those idiots who will buy Smash JUST because Sonic/Snake is in it. Although I seriously doubt that the number of people who do that is very high.

It's pretty much a smart move. Not what I want mind you, but smart.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well it's possible I suppose. There is definite reasons as to why Snake and Sonic would stay. But at the end of the day, they aren't needed. They're guests, and we have yet to find out how Sakurai treats guests.

Here are the three realistic options:

All third parties go.

Sonic and(or) Snake stay, no new third parties.

A new third party joins the fray, either WITH Sonic and(or) Snake, or alone.

I would bet on the second option as being most likely. I would prefer the first one though, or a new third party who shows up solo.
I like the 3rd option the best, personally I'd love it, but more realistically I'd go with the second option.



Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Why? Give me your reasoning if you would.

I figure it's much easier than adding a BRAND new character and going through the difficult process of adding them into Smash. And you still get the bang for your buck because there are those idiots who will buy Smash JUST because Sonic/Snake is in it. Although I seriously doubt that the number of people who do that is very high.

It's pretty much a smart move. Not what I want mind you, but smart.

Smart move, yea...
But I doubt it. Thats not the mentality sakurai has.

He legitly cares for the fanbase when it comes to picking the cast. (Even if he may not go about it the right way...) I don't think he would bone us like that and try to minimize what we get.

And yea it will take a lil effort to get a 3rd party on board but this game has aloooooot of time before its made. Right now the WiiU isn't even finished. They're probably taking this time brainstorming who gets it. I think sakurais gonna get it right this time. Like, everything right. Lots of characters (hes always got that part right imo) better wifi, and balance. I remember him saying hes leaving the balancing completely to someone else. Thank god.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Roy would be nice, I'd prefer Black Knight though because he'd bring something new as would Caeda... I think the Black Knight would be better though because we have yet to have a F.E Antagonist in Smash by the way do the Japanese care about Black Knight at all?

Deleted member

Why? Give me your reasoning if you would.

I figure it's much easier than adding a BRAND new character and going through the difficult process of adding them into Smash. And you still get the bang for your buck because there are those idiots who will buy Smash JUST because Sonic/Snake is in it. Although I seriously doubt that the number of people who do that is very high.

It's pretty much a smart move. Not what I want mind you, but smart.
Like you said, keeping out third-party characters entirely would not affect sales. The only reason why they may have made a slight adjustment to Brawl's sales is because they were newcomers at the time. The "idiots" who bought the game just for Snake or Sonic won't skip SSB4 because they leave. Sure some of them will rage over it (or at least the "fanboys" will), but if they enjoy the game play, that alone won't stop them from getting the game. Most people who wanted to play as Snake or Sonic in a Smash game probably has already done so in Brawl, so regardless of whenever or not Snake and/or Sonic returns, almost all of the fans will likely carry over to SSB4. Even if it did affect sales, it won't be enough to where Sakurai notices.

Also, most (not all) fans are expecting at least one new guest to arrive as a playable character, especially if third-party characters return. Almost every fighting game has at least one new guest arrive in as a playable character and if guests return, I don't think Smash Bros. should be an exception to that rule. Having the same guests arrive over and over again with no new blood would get very stale to see.
army man said:
would you want roy in the next sb?
If he is unique, then sure.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Roy would be nice, I'd prefer Black Knight though because he'd bring something new as would Caeda... I think the Black Knight would be better though because we have yet to have a F.E Antagonist in Smash by the way do the Japanese care about Black Knight at all?
Sadly not as much, although I do heavily agree with you, we need an FE antagonist rather than a boring sword lord like Roy once more.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
OK, I don't have an image of how my roster would look, so I'm resorting to show you all via a list. If anyone here is good at making character select screen images, please feel free to try.

OK, here's my roster wishlist:

Mario series:
- Mario
- Luigi
- Peach
- Bowser
- Dr. Mario

DK series:
- Donkey Kong
- Diddy Kong
- Dixie Kong

LoZ series:
- Link
- Zelda/Sheik
- Ganondorf
- Midna
- Young Link
- Toon Link
- Toon Zelda/Tetra

Metroid series:
- Samus/Zero Suit Samus
- Adam Malkovich
- Dark Samus

Kirby series:
- Kirby
- Meta Knight
- King Dedede

Star Fox series:
- Fox
- Falco
- Wolf
- Krystal

Pokemon series:
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- Mewtwo
- Pichu
- Pokemon Trainer
- Lucario
- Meowth
- Plusle & Minun

F-Zero series:
- Captain Falcon
- Black Shadow

WarioWare series:
- Wario
- Ashley

Fire Emblem series:
- Marth
- Roy
- Ike

Earthbound series:
- Ness
- Lucas

- Yoshi
- R.O.B.
- Ice Climbers
- Pit
- Mr. Game & Watch
- Olimar
- Snake
- Sonic
- Cloud Strife
- Sephiroth
- Megaman
- Shantae
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