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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
You shouldn't bet on any third party character, but if you're foolish enough to do so, let it be Megaman. Talks of a Capcom character and Megaman's Nintendo Heritage, as well as his significance in gaming history in general make him a plausible choice.
Jun 8, 2009
As I corrected, it wasn't the zig zag. for some reason my controller won't recognize me pressing all 3 hit buttons at the same time or something.
Err... Take this for example:


686 + ATK

Like that.
So... question...

A few of people are suggesting that Jiro from The Rolling Western should be playable... I find it a bit odd, seeing that it's just an eShop game.. Who's actually developing the game? Is it Nintendo themselves? Or some third party? Either way, I find it odd that so many people are convinced that he's relevant enough to be put in SSB...
People want him in. That's all. They know that he's not likely at all but that doesn't stop you from wanting him in the game.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I have my doubts about a new third party, let alone someone who lacks enough star power. Sorry Layton. Although I would be happy if he proved me wrong.
Again, they were my personal choices for an E3 trailer for SSB4. Professor Layton may not be as "big" as Megaman or Slime, but he would certainly be surprise among the E3 crowd, and he's known at least among those who play frequently on Nintendo systems.

I wouldn't mind seeing third-parties go. It'd be nice to return to the concept of "Nintendo All-Stars".


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007

You mean this


The SRK motion is 623+ATK


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I've been off and on, luckily I don't have too much schoolwork at the moment. So I wanted to do something fun with the time I had. What is more fun than another stage concept? Perhaps eating ice cream while I'm on a date with my girlfriend. Since I don't have one I'll stick with the stages... Now I'm feeling very sad... :'(

*runs away crying*

Although it may be hard to see with those pictures, an Advance Wars stage would likely focus on the one common thread throughout the entire series.

The base headquarters, or in this case Orange Star Headquarters. This stage would take many of the common Famicom Wars/Advance Wars elements and wrap them into one neat little package of a stage.

The background would be that of a literal war! Military planes would be engaging in aerial combat, with bombers dropping bombs into the ocean. Tanks would be rolling across the background, occasionally firing off a shot into that of the hostile army. Infantrymen would be scaling cliffs and hills as they march forward onto the enemy army. Jeeps and other vehicles would also follow the line of tanks and infantrymen. From the ocean large battleships would fire from the distance onto land. You would occasionaly see one of those battleships suffer a massive hit from an unseen submarine, sinking it into the ocean. Cities would abound with different lighting, changing depending upon which army is in control of the city.

As you could no doubt imagine you would be fighting in front of the large Orange Star headquarters, with the giant Orange Star flag waving as it is draped along the headquarters. A large speaker and satellite dish alongside makeshift tents and gates.

You fight on the run path of an aircraft hangar. To the right is a tank, immobile as it defends the run path, while on the right is an inactive aircraft. The tanks cannon is elevated to the right, acting as a ramp. Which you can use, along with the jet to the top of the hangar. Acting as a second level; which is important as occasionally a plane will use the path to take off or land, causing any character under the craft as it descends to be damaged. Don't worry, a signal will be given similarly to Onett. On the roof is also a helipad, which will occasionally attract the damaged helicopter. Once it takes off it a player can hold the rail of the copter, just as a fun little extra.

Stage Example:




Stage Name: Orange Star Headquarters
Stage Icon: A wrench

Famicom Wars - Title
Super Famicom Wars - BGM 2
Game Boy Wars 3 - White Moon ~ White Moon Winning
Advance Wars - Andy's Theme
Advance Wars - Sturm's Theme
Advance Wars 2 - Super Power
Advance Wars: Dual Strike - Sami's Theme
Advance Wars: Dual Strike - Jake's Theme
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - Proud Soldier (CO Gage)
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - We Will Prevail (CO Will)
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - Supreme Logician (CO Lin)
Battalion Wars - Titans of Tundra

So that would be another addition to my stage concept. Hope you all enjoy. :)
Jun 8, 2009
Hey Star.

Err... I can't believe I actually went to smash boards for a while even though I had exams to worry about. In the end, it was too easy.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
People want him in. That's all. They know that he's not likely at all but that doesn't stop you from wanting him in the game.
Which is perfectly fine.

I find that a lot of people can get so wrapped up in a character for whatever reason and actually forget where they really stand. Now I'm not talking Bowser Jr./Toad/Tingle/Krystal status. I'm talking small franchised characters, or third parties that aren't larger than life. (Basically any third party who has a massive fanbase that doesn’t fluctuate )

I would argue that Megaman, and Black Mage/Some FF character are one of the few. Even the gaming icon Bomberman isn't up to snuff as he once was. His lack of good games is the problem. During the 64 days, I would say he had just as good a chance as Megaman, and a better one than Sonic.

Again, they were my personal choices for an E3 trailer for SSB4. Professor Layton may not be as "big" as Megaman or Slime, but he would certainly be surprise among the E3 crowd, and he's known at least among those who play frequently on Nintendo systems.
Yeahhhhh. Slimes a good character, from a franchise I like. . . but he isn't really the best choice out of all the SE characters. When it comes to third parties, sheer fan numbers really says something. Which FF characters have over Slime, IMO.

Although third parties are definitely not disappearing, what with Sakurai stating he'd consider Capcom characters in that IGN article, if Snake and Sonic got cut, would new characters take their movesets, and who?

I could see Snake's moveset playable on an Advance Wars rep, while Sonic's became transferred over to Jiro the Armadillo, although these similarities are why I don't think either newcomer will get in if Snake and Sonic return.
I would hope they die off with their characters. Kind of silly to take one moveset and plop it onto another character.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Quick question...

Although third parties are definitely not disappearing, what with Sakurai stating he'd consider Capcom characters in that IGN article, if Snake and Sonic got cut, would new characters take their movesets, and who?

I could see Snake's moveset playable on an Advance Wars rep, while Sonic's became transferred over to Jiro the Armadillo, although these similarities are why I don't think either newcomer will get in if Snake and Sonic return.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I'd say Jiro is about as similar to Sonic as he is to Jigglypuff. He can roll around. The similarity ends there. XP

Sure, give him a rolling attack, but the rest of Sonic's moveset is totally non-applicable.
Jun 8, 2009
I'm unsure about Snake and Sonic's return to be honest. They're 3rd parties and it seems weird to keep them.

However, I'm not against their inclusion. It just feels weird


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Quick question...

Although third parties are definitely not disappearing, what with Sakurai stating he'd consider Capcom characters in that IGN article, if Snake and Sonic got cut, would new characters take their movesets, and who?

I could see Snake's moveset playable on an Advance Wars rep, while Sonic's became transferred over to Jiro the Armadillo, although these similarities are why I don't think either newcomer will get in if Snake and Sonic return.
I don't think just sharing some similarities with Snake and Sonic would really prevent an Advance Wars rep or Jiro from ever appearing, although neither's chances are good.

The Advance Wars character could be a general who commands in the background like Pokemon Trainer, but instead of switching between movesets, he uses B to summon soldiers controlled by A attacks and grabs while the rest of his B moves involve summoning planes or tanks or whatever.

Jiro can be a heavier, slower, but more powerful take on the "spin-dasher" concept, and he's got more beyond rolling around anyways.

But I agree with Shortie's statement regarding character replacements:
I would hope they die off with their characters. Kind of silly to take one moveset and plop it onto another character.
BTW, I'm looking over your stage right now, Star, so hold on for comments.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I'm unsure about Snake and Sonic's return to be honest. They're 3rd parties and it seems weird to keep them.

However, I'm not against their inclusion. It just feels weird
But Sakurai has already talked about other third party characters getting in. So exclusion for the reason of them being third party characters is pretty much invalid at this point.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
The stage concept in good, Star. Nice and simple.

Maybe the headquarter's speakers can comment on the action below as a gimmick? Especially if we get an Advance Wars rep, they could use it in a similar manner to Snake's Codec or the Star Fox characters' conversations.

If we don't get a Nintendo Wars rep, then it can just comment on who is winning the battle.

Other than that, I don't have any particular suggestions.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
But Sakurai has already talked about other third party characters getting in. So exclusion for the reason of them being third party characters is pretty much invalid at this point.
Meh. He said it was possible. That's not saying much.

I think Midna and Wolf Link is possible.

They could be excluded if he decided to just go "Nintendo All-Star" once more. Or if he sees Sonic/Snake as guests who don't return. Similar to SC.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
the wars stage could have a submarine shoot a torpedo to the bottom of the stage or something and make the screen shake.
or, there could be a battleship fire at the stage. a yellow light would indicate where rockets will land.
Jun 8, 2009


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
The stage concept in good, Star. Nice and simple.

Maybe the headquarter's speakers can comment on the action below as a gimmick? Especially if we get an Advance Wars rep, they could use it in a similar manner to Snake's Codec or the Star Fox characters' conversations.

If we don't get a Nintendo Wars rep, then it can just comment on who is winning the battle.

Other than that, I don't have any particular suggestions.
Thanks. Like I said I like my stages having most of the dynamism in the background. Which it would be since it would be a war. lol

But Sakurai has already talked about other third party characters getting in. So exclusion for the reason of them being third party characters is pretty much invalid at this point.

All I have heard was the Capcom question?

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I didn't say anything about specific third party characters. But Sakurai has addressed the possibility of new third party character(s) getting in, so saying that Snake and Sonic would be removed because they're third party characters doesn't make much sense.

Either way, many people would be upset at their removal, and I don't think Sakurai wants to deal with that. It's not like cutting any other character like Mewtwo or Roy. It's a bigger deal if somebody like Sonic gets taken out, when there was such pressure, fan support, and fanfare involved with his inclusion in the first place.

Like, the industry as a whole was displaying massive support for Sonic. There's nothing like that for even Nintendo's own characters.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
If Sakurai removed Snake... It's not the fans he would have to answer to...

It's his buddy Kojima.


Bet that won't go so well.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
The reason why I would remove the SnakesN'Sonics would be because, simply... they are guests, plain and simple, no?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Either way, many people would be upset at their removal, and I don't think Sakurai wants to deal with that. It's not like cutting any other character like Mewtwo or Roy. It's a bigger deal if somebody like Sonic gets taken out, when there was such pressure, fan support, and fanfare involved with his inclusion in the first place.
I really don't see a big upset, maybe a small shout saying "Hey! That's not cool!". Casual players won't bat an eyelash at it. And most Harcore players are going to buy the game regaurdless of who gets in.

Like, the industry as a whole was displaying massive support for Sonic. There's nothing like that for even Nintendo's own characters
It was more like (from what I can remember) a bunch of idiots/fanboys spamming WE WANT SONIX FOR BRAWLZ.

Which is the only way I see Megaman getting in btw. That, or someone asks Sakurai personally.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Re-posting this:

DId Nintendo approach Konami about Snake in SSBB or vice versa? [1]

Sakurai: What brought about the Snake character, when I was developing SSBM for GC Hideo Kojima contacted me and practically begged me to put him in there, but at that time we were deep in dev and it was too late. I just kind of gave up on the idea, but now that we had time, I remembered he asked me that and we decided to put him in. This is not so much a corporate level discussion, but a personal discussion, between Mr. Kojima and I. We're looking at other possibilities for 3rd party characters. At a corporate level, there may be discussion going on right now. Snake is the only 3rd party character that has been confirmed. But that might open up other opportunities to have other characters available. Its more about having a character thats fun to be in there.

What 3rd party character would you like to see in the next version of SSB?

Sakurai: If there was such a character I would just put them in this version. Its difficult finding the right balance between these characters. I'm sure that everyone has their own opinions about what they'd like to see, so thats while I'll be gathering as much feedback from everyone. Theres a SSB web site that I've been operating in Japanese, but it will be updated in japanese and english as Smash Bros. Dojo, with the movie you've just seen, as well as the main theme.
IGN: You debuted two crossover characters -- Sonic and Solid Snake -- in Brawl. Awesome additions! But we have to be honest, with all the music from different famed composers in the game, we were expecting even more character crossovers from the likes of Square and perhaps even Capcom. Any reason Brawl doesn't feature even more? (And we know -- Nintendo fans are never happy!) [2]

Masahiro Sakurai: Adding characters from other series and from other worlds, really, outside the Nintendo universe, is an incredibly difficult process. In some ways it's more difficult from just building a game from the ground up because you're really trying to make everything match and in some ways that creates limitations. I hope that people can understand that's the reason we can't include more characters from outside the Nintendo universe. And, of course, I believe that when you increase the number of worlds, you're also increasing the number of people who could potentially enjoy that videogame and the series that you're putting in there. But there are also problems because having these non-traditional characters in there -- even with just Snake and Sonic -- has resulted in a number of people who do dissent in seeing these characters put into the Smash series. It's not a simple matter of adding as many worlds and characters from other games as possible -- you can't be careless in doing that sort of thing, you have to be careful. Internally and externally, there have been people who have raised objections to it.
During IGN's interview with Masahiro Sakurai, the legendary designer behind the Super Smash Bros. titles and the inventor of Kirby, we asked him about the possibility of a Capcom character crossing over into the next Super Smash Bros., which is coming to both 3DS and Wii U. Here's what he had to say: [3]

"I can't say that it's entirely out of the realm of possibility that some Capcom character could appear in the next Smash Bros. The big problem, though, comes from the idea of trying to get characters from a completely different universe to fit with the style that has been dictated by Nintendo's characters in a fighting game.

"In fact, I actually think it's a miracle that we got Smash Bros. and all the Nintendo characters to work together in the first place. Especially when you bring Pokemon into the mix and a lot of the complications that are caused by that being an almost completely different entity on its own, it's really something. So this is something that obviously will come up more as we get started on the new Smash Bros. development, but keeping those things in mind I think is important."
@SmashChu: What I infer is that he isn't opposed to adding third party characters, but wants to refrain from over-saturating the game with such characters. Additionally it is difficult to try and compress an entire series into just one character, stage, twelve music tracks and so many trophies. Realizing this allows me to understand where his comments about difficulty stem.

Until the subject of Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog is posed to Sakurai I don't believe we can emphatically say what will happen. Judging by the latest interview it leaves the door open to that possibility. It is known among Capcom fans that Capcom USA (Svennson Christanson) contacted their Japanese corporate offices to get in touch with Nintendo and Project Sora, something might happen.

Since I enjoy presenting evidence to support facts, listen for yourselves: http://youtu.be/NdSffezZJD0?t=29m17s

1: http://kotaku.com/173071/e306-super-smash-bros-brawl-qa
2: http://wii.ign.com/articles/853/853748p2.html
3: http://wii.ign.com/articles/117/1174797p1.html
What it is, and this is what is stated in his interviews. It's not a matter that there is a personal problem incorporating them, the problem lies in they are a lot of work to implement. Which is precisely what he says in the latter two interviews.

"adding characters from other series and from other worlds, really, outside the Nintendo universe, is an incredibly difficult process. In some ways it's more difficult from just building a game from the ground up because you're really trying to make everything match and in some ways that creates limitations."

It isn't as easy as saying, "just throw him/her in there". You have to represent massive series into a small package and fit it alongside other Nintendo series. As I've stated, if he truly had a problem with both characters whatever deals they have never would have been processed to begin with. If you look towards the last paragraph of the third interview he also states how difficult it is just to make the Nintendo characters to work cohesively together. Which indicates that the point he is trying to get across is how difficult a game Smash Bros is to make. Tying into why third party characters are difficult to implement. You have legal requirements, yes, but there is a lot more involved than simple monetary output. There is also the possibility of advertisement and creating revenue that way, which would allow a company to "deal a better hand".

On another note, you put a lot of emphasis on the word "guest". In it's most fundamental form "guest" simply means a distinguished visitor to whom hospitality is given. In other mediums guests can appear more than once. If you look at television if a guest character is part of an episode that is extraordinarily well received that guest can return. Returning guests can have as much of an impact as their first appearance. This raises the question though, how well received are Super Smash Bros.' guests? At this point in time I think on average they are better received, the climate is not nearly as vitriol as I remember it being. For the most part the party that object to them are probably in the minority. It is important to listen to them and be conscious of that segment (which Sakurai was and will be), but I don't feel Sakurai should feel pressured to remove them either.

Personally I do not expect to see third party characters return. If any do I only expect Sonic the Hedgehog and a select two characters to even have legitimate potential (Megaman and Slime).
Now I'm gone. L8R.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
the wars stage could have a submarine shoot a torpedo to the bottom of the stage or something and make the screen shake.
or, there could be a battleship fire at the stage. a yellow light would indicate where rockets will land.
Sooo, illegal in tournaments?

Very nice stage concept! The war in the background reminds me of Castle Siege, but modern warfare (:awesome:) used.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
everything... and nothing.

umm... smash isn't made so we can have our tourneys. we, the fans, justify what is and what isn't. i am simply offering what could happen on a wars stage, besides, screen shakes? really? banned stage?

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
It was more than fanboys. The possibility of Sonic's inclusion got a lot of headlines in gaming media in general. Especially in light of the recent Mario & Sonic Olympics.

One thing led to another. Sonic was totally out of the question, but people still wanted him. Then Snake got in because Kojima himself wanted it. That opened the floodgates. If SNAKE of all people can get in, why not Sonic? Sonic was a bigger contender than Snake was in terms of fan demand. If any guest had support, it was Sonic. Far more so than snake.

Kojima's actions led to people dropping the notion that third party characters were out of the question. After that, Sonic's inclusion was arguably inevitable, because there was already so much fan desire that was being stifled by that now-shattered notion, and fueled by all sorts of hoaxes and rumors.

People are GOING to be rallying behind some new third party character. And I suspect it'll be Megaman, given how the gaming industry is in dismay over his being neglected by Capcom as of late. Megaman is almost on equal plane with Sonic in terms of the size of his fanbase and his relevance in gaming history. And Megaman's fanbase is a dedicated bunch. Megaman is one of the few other characters in the industry who has worldwide appeal beyond the gaming industry. He's parodied by everybody. He's an icon.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
everything... and nothing.

umm... smash isn't made so we can have our tourneys. we, the fans, justify what is and what isn't. i am simply offering what could happen on a wars stage, besides, screen shakes? really? banned stage?
All I said was that it would be banned in a tourney, I didn't say it was a bad stage, in fact I even said I liked it.
And no, rockets and jets exploding I think would get it banned, but then I guess there's Halberd.

Deleted member

I thought the SSE was pretty fun at the time, but yeah, it needs tons of improvement if something like that comes back.

For getting rid of third-party characters, I can definitely put up with that, even thought I would be very sadden by Sonic's and Snake's removal. At least it's a billion times better then the game going third-party crazy (which would cause me to not buy the game). Thankfully, we won't be getting more then six third-party characters.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
Thankfully, that's the only thing we agree on. We aren't too similar when it comes to character wants/expectations/speculation.
I think almost everyone agrees on wanting King K. Rool, Little Mac, Isaac, and Ridley on here. There also seems to be a general agreement on Saki Amamiya, Mewtwo, and (to third-party supporters) Mega Man getting in.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
I would then spend the next few weeks discussing with my staff, and other Nintendo big wigs on some "Quick Newcomers". Newcomers that I can start on ASAP for the reveal at 2012.
I would consider these to be the "Quick Newcomers". Ones that I would consider to be the best choices for an E3 2012:
* Ridley
* King K. Rool
* Little Mac
* Isaac
* Mega Man

I don't bet on any of these characters due to not being shoe-ins, but these are the ones that would generate the most hype.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
I really don't see a big upset, maybe a small shout saying "Hey! That's not cool!". Casual players won't bat an eyelash at it. And most Harcore players are going to buy the game regaurdless of who gets in.
The Sonic fan base are one of the absolute worst video game fan base in existence. I personally won't be throwing a tantrum about it, as I can understand the reason, but there are a ton of Sonic fan boys, and they will rage over this.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
It was more like (from what I can remember) a bunch of idiots/fanboys spamming WE WANT SONIX FOR BRAWLZ.

Which is the only way I see Megaman getting in btw. That, or someone asks Sakurai personally.
This has been done with Mega Man, although not nearly as crazy since the support had time to build up a lot.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I don't see it. I just don't see SSB4's sales dwindling za whole lot because of the lack of Sonic or Snake. Really, I don't. SSB is a powerhouse series, who doesn't need Sonic for revenue. This is NINTENDO'S GREATEST BATTLING ALL AT ONCE OMG!!! Fanboy mania. everyone who has ever picked up a Mario/Loz/Pokemon game is going to be a little bit excited about the release of a new SSB. The series will do well without Sonic, or any third parties for that matter.

Third parties may be wanted by fans, and they may be cool, but they aren't detrimental by any means.

Deleted member

HextupleyooDOT said:
People are GOING to be rallying behind some new third party character. And I suspect it'll be Megaman, given how the gaming industry is in dismay over his being neglected by Capcom as of late. Megaman is almost on equal plane with Sonic in terms of the size of his fanbase and his relevance in gaming history. And Megaman's fanbase is a dedicated bunch. Megaman is one of the few other characters in the industry who has worldwide appeal beyond the gaming industry. He's parodied by everybody. He's an icon.
Mega Man is definitely the most wanted third-party newcomer, but I think that he'll face a larger competition this time around then Sonic did. This time, Slime and Professor Layton are popular choices in Japan, so if E3 2012 comes around, no Mega Man is shown, and Slime and/or Professor Layton becomes popular choices worldwide, it is very possible that Sakurai may pick one of those two over Mega Man, especially since both are still pumping out games on a regular basis whereas Mega Man looks to be in a halt.

My point being, Mega Man has the blessing of being able to develop his fan base for SSB4 for over three years which has helped his chances tremendously. The problem being, I don't see it going up much further as it has all but reached its peak. If Mega Man is not revealed at E3 2012/2013 (when the trailer is revealed), he is in some serious trouble with the Layton and Slilme fan base rapidly increasing.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Mega Man is definitely the most wanted third-party newcomer, but I think that he'll face a larger competition this time around then Sonic did. This time, Slime and Professor Layton are popular choices in Japan, so if E3 2012 comes around, no Mega Man is shown, and Slime and/or Professor Layton becomes popular choices worldwide, it is very possible that Sakurai may pick one of those two over Mega Man, especially since both are still pumping out games on a regular basis whereas Mega Man looks to be in a halt.
I think you guys are crazy if you truely by into the Slime/Layton as serious possibilities. Good characters, yes. Good choices, kinda. Was Sonic the only "Good character choice" during Brawl's development. Heck. NO. Yet, he only got in via massive fan hype. Something Layton and Slime just do not have. They have a definate fanbase. For sure. But it's not comparable to Megaman or Sonic and they'll be drowned out by Megaman's hype.

Also, DQ's got nothing on FF in terms of worldwide appeal.

am i the only one who is heartless enough to remove more than 5 characters from brawl?
No. I would. But all I want to do is:

Remove: Sonic, Snake, Lucario, and switch out PT. Wolf is cutty material as well. Possibly Toon Link. Lucas maybe?


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
am i the only one who is heartless enough to remove more than 5 characters from brawl?
Jun 8, 2009
Mega Man is definitely the most wanted third-party newcomer, but I think that he'll face a larger competition this time around then Sonic did. This time, Slime and Professor Layton are popular choices in Japan, so if E3 2012 comes around, no Mega Man is shown, and Slime and/or Professor Layton becomes popular choices worldwide, it is very possible that Sakurai may pick one of those two over Mega Man, especially since both are still pumping out games on a regular basis whereas Mega Man looks to be in a halt.
It's just (Yes... just) Japan SSBF.

Plus, Sakurai obviously knows the Mega Man is wanted. The only problem is... Will he put him in? That's pretty much every character's problem anyway.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I never said anything about sales. But what developer wants angry fans? Angry fans are detrimental in the long run.

Super Smash Bros is one of the very few Nintendo games where there's ANY sort of dialogue with the fanbase. At all. Sakurai values his fans and wants them to be happy. He actually went out of his way to include Sonic in the first place. That says a lot, if you ask me. My question is, why would he take them out? Is there any good reason to? >_>

I'm actually expecting there to be 1 more third party character. For a total of 3. I don't think there will be more than that, honestly. But I really expect that Sakurai will feel pressured to include one more by popular demand.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I think you guys are crazy if you truely by into the Slime/Layton as serious possibilities. Good characters, yes. Good choices, kinda. Was Sonic the only "Good character choice" during Brawl's development. Heck. NO. Yet, he only got in via massive fan hype. Something Layton and Slime just do not have. They have a definate fanbase. For sure. But it's not comparable to Megaman or Sonic and they'll be drowned out by Megaman's hype.
Good point. We would have only got Snake if it weren't for how vocal Sonic fans are.

There's still the possibility of either, probably Layton more in this case since Sakurai is at least aware of him as a potential SSB4 character (albeit the person who suggested it was probably joking), but after Megaman, a fourth third-party rep isn't very likely, and Megaman is nowhere near a shoe-in.
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